Monday, December 20, 2010
Bonus this year (2010): promisory note
Weekly Salary: $15 per hour, average of 38 hours. (about $570)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: let's see, my employers got a dog this year and then decided he was too dirty and too messy, so they dropped the dog off at the Humane society. They had the best intentions however, because they had loaded the dog up on leashes, collars, brushes and dog beds. My supplementary gift? She put all of the "leftover" dog stuff in a basket with a BLUE bow and said, "oh there's something else for you on the counter". The way she said it made me think it would be a flat screen television. Thank goodness, I do atleast, have a dog!
Length of time I have worked for the family: 9 months
City, State: Westchester County, NY
*The promisory note is based on the "fact" that my employer does not get her bonus until January. This is very offensive to me because, I don't imagine it's going to be generous, so they just have me waiting for the sake of waiting. Power and control, ladies. Bonus this year (2010): $1500 check
Weekly Salary: $500 per weekend. I only work 2-3 weekends per month on account of a custodial arrangement, but I get paid every weekend.
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: flip video camera and Macpro, $100 I tunes gift certificate and $300 Nordstroms gift certificate.
Length of time I have worked for the family: About a year and a half
City, State: East Coast
Bonus this year (2010): My holiday bonus is a gift worth $250-$300
Salary: My salary is about 300-350/week (from the family) and $175-225/week paid by an agency.
Length you have been with the family: I have been with the family for 2.5 years
City & State: Denver, CO
I get 3 bonuses a year, 2 are gifts (one around the holidays, described above and between $75-$100 for my birthday) and then I get another $200 every year on the date I started the job. They've been awesome and I feel totally appreciated! Especially coming from families that gave me no more than something really small or a card made by the kids. I was shocked the first year they gave me such a nice gift! Bonus this year (2010): A one hundred dollar bill stuffed in a "you graduated" money holder.
Your weekly salary: 674.29 after taxes
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Nothing!
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 11 months
City, State and Country: Harrison, NY
*I am the only nanny I know of in my area that didn't get atleast a week's pay as a bonus.Bonus this year (2010): $1000 cash
Your weekly salary: minimum $650/week but often with a few hours of overtime, usually around $700/week
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: a small gift to open from the kids
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 18 months
City, State and Country: Chicago IL
Bonus this year (2010): $500
Nanny's Weekly Salary: $800 for 42 hours
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Three extra days off
Length of Time you have employed the nanny: 3 months
City, State and Country: NY, NY
* The last two nannies I had were so good, many days I can hardly stand the site of this one. Her days are numbered. If I had my way, she would have gotten no bonus. She can thank my husband for going to bat for her. After all, we need her until we find someone better.
Bonus this year (2010): 1 weeks salary
Your Weekly Salary: $150 for a 15 hour work week
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: A silver necklace that momboss made for me (she designs jewelry)
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: almost 4 months
City, State and Country: Chattanooga, TN
I have only worked for this family for a short time but we have a great relationship. Their gift was so thoughtful and personal; the mom had to have decided to make it some time ago while I was still a new employee. I take care of their one 7 month old daughter part time and as both parents are self employed, I spend a lot of time with them. I got a gift for them and a few gifts for my charge as well. I'm thankful to have found such a great family to work for. Bonus this year (2010): one weeks pay: 600 dollars
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus:a bottle of very good wine, a gift bag of high end hand care items, scrub, lotion, nightcream, nail polish, 50 dollar gift card for movie theater, Pics of baby in a bound album and a beautiful card that expressed how much the loved me and were grateful I was there for their baby.
Location: Chicago, City Northside
Length of time with family: Been with the family 2 months
The card was the best gift!!Bonus this year (2010): $500
Weekly Salary: $680 for 40 hours
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: iPhone 4 and a case for it
Length of time I have worked for the family: 1 year and 4 months
City, State: Newton, Massachusetts
Bonus this year (2010): $1,000
Weekly Salary: $775 for 34 hours
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: I work for an artist. She gave me a painting. I think it was the painting that was rejected by one of her clients. She made a big tada of it. (Note to employers, your nanny knows what goes on in your house. We know what is new and not new and intended for someone else!). I don't like the artwork. I don't have a place for an eight foot painting and if a supplementary gift was supposed to be thoughtful, this wasn't.
Length of time I have worked for the family: 1 year and 10 months
City, State: Westchester County, NY
Bonus this year (2010): one week, $650
Weekly Salary: $650
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: a digital photo frame that I believe was a regift.
Location: Westchester, NY
Length of time with family: Been with the family3 years, 8 months!
* I used to make $750 a week. I took a paycut when my bosses cried economy about 18 months ago. I did not get an anual raise this year. I did not even get an appreciatable bonus. I am a good nanny. The fact that I have been here almost four years should shout that! Two years ago, my boss got me a very expensive jacket, ice skates, a GPS system for my car and a watch. They still make sure to mention their money woes, but when they travel, it's five stars all the way. I feel like I am being taken advantage of and treated like I am dumb.Bonus this year (2010): $200
Your weekly salary: $13/hour with no guaranteed hours.
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: A picture frame with a picture of the kids (which I LOVED), A comfy sweatshirt (because I was complaining I only had a few to wear to work) and a comfy throw for the new home my fiance and I just bought. They also gave my fiance a nice bottle of red wine. They put my bonus in a Christmas card with the most sweet sentimental stuff in it, it made me cry!
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 1 year, 2 months.
City, State and Country: Dana Point, California
I am VERY happy with my gifts/bonus! My boss told me that her and her husband have a $100 limit for each other for Christmas gifts because both of them had to take a pay cut this year. The fact that they are doing without so that their kids and I can have an amazing Christmas means more to me than the actual gifts themselves! I have the most thoughtful employers and for the first time in my 9 year nanny career, I actually feel like a valued family member! I couldn't ask for anything better!Bonus this year (2010): $1700
Your Weekly Salary:$850
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: $640 worth of personal training through a special at my gym - NOT their idea, i told them i had signed up and they asked to reimburse me as my gift!
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 4 months - taught their oldest 1 year before nannying for them
City, State and Country: Wheaton, IL, USA
This family asked me to come nanny for them, leaving a job teaching at my local park district - I couldn't be happier with the situation! The parents are respectful, supportive, and kind, and I love the kids - 4 of them, with the oldest aged 6. I truly hit the jackpot with this job! Bonus this year (2010): $2500
Your Weekly Salary: $1200/wk
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: My boss helped me find an apartment near where she lives that I could afford and as a Christmas gift, she took me on the 15th to go shopping for furnishings. I didn't know what to expect. She bought me a sofa, dining room table set, queen sized bed, dresser, bed side table, two lamps, a chair for the living room, a chair for the bed room, a vacuum cleaner, a set of dishes, 2 sets of silverware, a set of expensive pots and pans and a desk! After all of this, I was not expecting ANY Christmas bonus.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 2 years, 2 months.
City, State and Country: NYC
Part Time Nanny
Bonus this year (2010): $150
Your Weekly Salary: $225 (15 hr/wk)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: their Christmas card with a very sweet note about how much they appreciate me, and some brownies. And- this isn't explicitly part of my bonus- but I'm a college student and they've been VERY flexible with how my schedule will be changing next semester.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: Since Sept '10
City, State and Country: Port Washington, NY, USA
Given that I am part time and have only been working for them since September, I was surprised at how generous their bonus was. I absolutely love this family though, and this is just another reason why!Bonus this year (2010): NOTHING!
Your weekly salary: 900 before taxes (for 50 hours a week)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: NONE!
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 6 Months
City, State and Country: Portland, Oregon
*Like I said above, I have worked for this family for only 6 months, but over these months we have developed a very close relationship. I even purchased expensive Christmas gifts for them, and expected at least a small token of appreciation in return. Well okay, let's be honest, what I really wanted was a weeks salary, which is pretty standard in the nanny industry. It has nothing to do with the economy, as they are rolling in the dough. I always go over and beyond the call of duty, often doing the families dishes, laundry and housekeeping, which is definitely not a part of my job description. I work very long hours, and spend more time with the baby when she is awake than the mother does. The fact of the matter is, I felt very under appreciated before,and this is just the straw that has broken the camels back. It's time to find a new job.Bonus this year (2010): $0
Your weekly salary: $400 per week
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Nothing
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 4 months
City, State and Country: Durham, NC USA
Received my final pay today. I didn't even get my full pay because of the snow they weren't going to pay me for the days they decided to stay home to be with their children. No severance. Just a check for less than the amount I should have been paid. Bonus this year (2010): 600
Your weekly salary: 400 for 30 hours a week monday - friday (8 hours monday - thursday and 4 hours on Friday)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: My work family has ornaments made and given out as gifts. Also got a 100 dollar Starbucks card and a Nook from Barnes and Noble. (That I can't open till Christmas day breakfast over at their house.)
Length of Time you have worked for the Family: 2 years and 2 months
City, State and Country: San Antonio, Texas USA
Bonus this year (2010): $500
Your weekly salary: $250 (Part-time nanny)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Clothing and a bunch of gifts and perks throughout the year-gift certificates, more clothing, and housewares.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 8 months
City, State and Country: Portland, OR, United States
The best bonus is that I love working for this family and they treat me like I am a part of their family.Bonus this year (2010): $700 (this amount has been given to me every year for about 3 years)
Your weekly salary:$700, working 55 hours a week as housemanager, nanny and personal assistant
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: none
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: almost 6 years
City, State and Country: Savannah, Ga
Comment: I must say, I am happy to have received a weeks worth of pay as my bonus, but I also expected a little more this year. I have been working for them for almost 6 years and I am pregnant with my first child (7months along). My husband has not had a job for several months now, so they know that we are having financial difficulties. We are very close (the dad even walked me down the aisle at my wedding), so I am just a little dissappointed that I got the same amount of bonus as every year and no supplementary gifts (something for the baby would have been very thoughtful). It was also my birthday about a month ago and mom told me she would get around buying me a giftcard to babiesrus (i choose between that and a spa giftcard she offered). Needless to say, I have not received the giftcard yet and was kinda expecting it to be given with the bonus.All in all, I am happy to have gotten a bonus at all, which will help pay some of the bills.Share your bonus by emailing Jane at with all the details.