The Children's Place in Philadelphia, PA
9:30 AM, Date 1/31/07, Location: The Children's Place at 18th & Walnut Sts, Center City Philadelphia. I was shopping for my kids when I heard a woman yelling at a child in the stroller to stop fussing while she was shopping. Didn't think much of it since I often have to do the same when I am out with my kids. However, I walked past the woman and realized that she was nanny. She was an African-American heavy-set woman with short curly hair. She had a caucasian baby girl, who looked like she was around 12 months old in a Maclaren gray-colored stroller. The nanny was clearly shopping for a school-aged girl and continued to shush the infant in the stroller. She was not abusive but it seemed a bit inappropriate to be shopping while you are working and being paid to watch and entertain another a clearly alert and bored child. I am a mom of a 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 year old and have recently given up on nannies. Many of them demand alot of money to work for you and yet you see many of them not really working.
Scam Alert
something. -HB
If you are looking for a nanny job and place an ad on a message board, beware of a wire fraud going around. Please make sure all the nannies know this is fake. -RK
I recently placed on ad on Craigs list looking for a weekend nanny and I received a response from a man in Nigeria. He stated he was relocating to the States and offered ME any salary I wanted to care for his children for 6 weeks. He says he is in the movie business. Have you heard of this scam? -M
This is a popular scam being used to extract money from Nannies. If you have placed an ad in the childcare section, you have likely gotten one of these strange emails:
Greetings! Thanks to the internet access that made me locate you, My Name is Jimmy Johnson.... and my Wife name is leanna both of us are living here in Iceland. We have 2 kids ages of 3,1.we are relocating permanently to The United States based on our family business that is really booming out there in the US and our arrival date is febuary 22. After a serious discussion with my wife concerning a proper care for our children and we’ve finally decided to search for a good and responsible nanny/babysitter.Below you see our offers.We will be offering this duty weekly,
1) Monday to Friday, from 9:30am in themorning to 5:00pm .—–And the weekly pay: $1150.00 We will be responsible for your transportation which in exclusive ofyour weekly salary regardless of the distance. Please calculate the totaltransportation cost per week from your place to our residence if you preferto live out and furnish me with the cost so we can add it to your basicweekly salary.We strongly searching for someone of well mannered attitudes, neatnessand good sense of relationship.If you are interested in this offer, please answer all the questions below so i can have a brief idea of yourpersonality:
1) What academic qualifications do you possess?
2) Do you have any relevant certificate to back up your babysitting/Nannycareer?
3) How old are you?
4) Are you married?
5) Do you have any special attitude?
6) Do you have any crime records?
7) Do you have a valid driver's license?
8) Tell us more about your temperament.
9) Can we have one or two reference(s) from you?
10)Can you handle money if you are given an assignment to carry out?
11) Is your husband/boyfriend/parent in support of you doing this job?
Let me know if you will available for the work offer.If you have any questions as regards this offer, feel free to get in touch and also pls do reply to my parsonal E-MAIL >, I await a response at your earliest convenience. Jimmy and family
An "employer" contacts a nanny (or anyone at all who advertises on a message board) and offer a generous salary for a minimal amount of work. The "employer" seems eager to secure the nanny's services and therefore offers to mail the nanny payment in advance. The nanny's mailing address is solicited and a personal check is mailed to her exceeding the amount due. The nanny is then requested to return the overpayment to the "employer" by wire or money order. But there is no job and the "employer's" check is invalid. It is hard to imagine that people fall for such scams; but unfortunately they have. For more information, click here.
South Camden & Charles Blvd. in Beverly Hills, CA
Did you send your nanny shopping with your son?
Your son-brown buzz cut hair, blue shell raincoat, 5-8.
Your nanny-brown curly hair, wide flat face, fair skin, broad nose, eyebrows with semi circle arch. Grey jacket with blue stripes on sleeves. Medium height, medium-to large build, 25-35.
Carrying bags I passed these two on South Camden & Charles Blvd. on South Camden Drive. Nanny was arguing with the child about going back to school tomorrow. She was complaining that because she had to wait for his antibiotics to work she was stuck out shopping with him. Nanny was telling child that when she was a child "being home sick from school mean being in bed not out shopping for video games and ball caps". The nanny carries a very large tassled leather bag. She was struggling with her bag and the shopping bags. She screeched, "if your okay enough to be out shopping, you can carry some bags". She then handed child two bags which he managed uncomfortably.
Boy's face was red. Would hate to think some Mom sent her nanny out to let son pick out video games to play because he was sick. The nanny treated him with disreguard. Like gum on her shoe. When I met eyes with her, she dared to roll her eyes at me. As if I would sympathize with her and not the child!
Brooklyn Bound 2 Train in New York
What I saw was totally ridiculous. I saw a nanny of spanish descent, middle aged. She had long black/brown hair and she was wearing all black with a tiny broach on her sweater. It was a small cross on her right breast. Your child was wearing a beige jacket, with khaki corduroy pants, with also a beige nitted hat. Her shoes were dark navy leather boots, NATURIO or something like that was the name of the boots. It was a little girl with blonde hair and a neon pink ipod mini. I got on the train at Chambers Street in Manhattan and they got off at Hoyt Street in Brooklyn. The nanny was asleep/snozzing on herslef the entire way to Brooklyn. Not once did she open her eyes to check the little girl. The little girl was maybe 7-9 years old. I was wondering why would she sleep on a crowded train with her young charge unsupervised. Imagine if someone were to take the poor little girl. It's such a shame when some of us choose to hire CHEAP nannies to care for our children.This occurence was maybe between the time frame of 4:30pm and 5:30pm.
The Q train in Brooklyn, New York
I saw this individual yesterday, 01-29-07. I am not sure if it was the nanny/aupair or mother. This was the Manhattan bound Q train. I entered the train on Church Ave and the pair was already on the train. They got off at Atlantic Ave. What I saw was not some much abuse but the manner in which the nanny/aupair or mother behaved was unsuitable. The baby, a boy maybe 3 Year old was very tired and wanted to nap in his stroller. But the nanny refused to allow him to get to sleep. She grabbed him out of the stroller and made him sit next to her on the train seats. Poor thing was so tired that he began to fuss. She was mad. She didn't want him to even touch her. She could of been an aupair. I assume that she was taking him to meet his mother/father at work for lunch. He was wearing a brown jacket with a hood, with a pair of blue jeans and blue sneakers. The aupair was wearing tight jeans and a pair of rocket dog sneakers, black. The stroller was grey with black and the seating of the stroller was green. I couldn't find the brand name on it. Don't know how much more I can warn my friends about these aupairs. They are cheap, but the care they give to our children is the worst. These aupairs are young girls who just want to come to America and LIVE. They only take these jobs because they are given a place to live and few bucks to survive. many of them, the only thing they really want is a man to marry so they can stay in America.
McDonalds at Broadway & 70th. in NYC
1) Your Nanny at McDonalds at Broadway & 70th at approximately 9:30 AM today with your 20-28 month old boy. Curly, reddish hair, big brown eyes. Denim Jacket and Blue Fleece. The Nanny has a two toned Brown Thigh Length Coat with Wool Collar. African American, very short, straight hair, big eyes, Mascara, attractive but strong features.
2) The Nanny spoke by cell phone a number of times to people using street slang and referencing inappropriate topics. I do believe most went over the toddler's head, but not all. I have chosen not to recall what I heard here for fear that I by merely recounting such I could offend someone.
3) The Nanny took a phone call from her employer. During this call the Nanny seemed to suggest to employer that they were at the library. That the child would look at some books and she would read to him there but they wouldn't be checking out anything.
To be clear-, without a doubt Nanny spoke as if she was at the library.
4) Child did not seem to have any problem either being at McDonalds or with the Nanny. He seems happy throughout.
CCC's Works on Paper Benefit
6th Annual Benefit Preview for
Citizens' Committee for Children of New York
Cocktail Buffet and Silent Auction
March 1, 2007
6:30-9:30 PM*
Click here to purchase tickets online.
Click here to read about Securing Every Child’s Birthright (SECB), a communication and action campaign of Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York (CCC).
Homesick Nanny Needs Advice...
I should start this story by explaining that I've been a childcare giver since I was a teenager. I love my job; I've tried other occupations but always find my way back to caring for children. I even had my own daycare taking care of 3-5 children on a daily basis for two years.
That's my background, here's my current situation:
I just left a family I was working for for nearly six months. There was a boy, aged 4, and a girl, (aged 16 months when I left). I grew very attached to the children, and to the parents. I was a live in nanny, and it was the second live in position I'd had. (first full time live-in position)
This job was about 45 minutes from where I was comfortable; from where my friends, goddaughter, and family were living. I went through a pretty hard time of homesickness... And relied heavily on my internet nanny supports to get me through that time. But even still, 45 minutes wasn't a bad distance.. I would take the bus back 'home' on the weekends when I was missing them more than others.
I left that family due to unfortunate circumstances: their business got shut down. Everyone was equally sad about my having to leave; the departure day was very tough, especially for myself.
When I started looking for another position, I did not have much luck due to the limited amount of positions that were live in in that area (Delaware). Therefore, I was compelled to look elsewhere for an ideal position. I started looking in PA, wanting to remain as close to "home" as I could. I found a position caring for an 8 year old girl and a 17 month old boy in Wynnewood.
I knew that moving here would be tough... But I never imagined it would be THIS tough. I've tried to put myself in situations where I'd meet other nannies.... But it's turned out not so great. I've meet a couple of other people; but not anyone interested in hanging out, or who have the same interests.
The parents I work for are great. They are so accommodating and they try to make me feel as comfortable here as possible. When we had a conversation one night, they said that they hope that I feel comfortable because they are very pleased with my level of interaction/care of the children, and they'd be very pleased to keep me long-term. I felt very appreciated at that point, and continue to feel appreciated.... So that's not the issue, I guess it's just more that I miss my family/friends and most of all I miss driving down the street and seeing a Walmart, and dollar stores everywhere I look. (*laughing*).... I don't know WHAT exactly it is ... but I'm so homesick and with both kids being in school/daycare most of the day, I have so much time to think about how homesick I really am! But, when I'm specifically dealing with the kids, I'm ok. I'm working on babysigning with the baby, and it's actually gotten me so excited to see him learning new signs everyday... and to hear him talking equally. And to take part in seeing the 8 year old enjoy herself so much at "bingo night" at her school...
Like I said, I love my job.... I HATE the homesickness that comes along with it.
Any suggestions/ideas?
Thanks to Jane Doe for letting me get advice on this.
The (Probable) Nanny Responds to Sydney's Tribeca Posting
Obviously, I can't be positive, but I think this sighting was of me. I'm a Tribeca nanny for a two and a half year old boy whom I take to a class at Sydney's playground every week. Both the physical description of the nanny, the child, and the fact that I was watching a DVD on my laptop (I've never seen anyone else at Sydney's with a computer) match me.
Everything she wrote is accurate, except for one major detail: during the time I was drinking coffee and watching my computer (The West Wing on DVD--I'm quite addicted) my charge was in his class and 100% not my responsibility. He's in a closed classroom with his teachers and if I wanted to I could leave the building during the hour and a half he's in class--but I like sitting in the cafe and I like knowing that if there is a problem (or just a dirty diaper) I am easy to find. I also like watching the other kids playing in the play space, especially while I'm having my 'down time' and don't have to mitigate disputes over the slide or about sharing cars, etc.
I'm kind of surprised by this poster, it shouldn't have been so hard to tell that I wasn't caring for a child because during that time of day there are usually 3 or 4 other caregivers/moms in the cafe who are also without their kids. It's strange that she got all the details right, and yet missed the major part of me not having a kid to take care of at that time. My charge and I do frequently play in the playground when his class is over, but I would never sit up at the cafe (which is above the play space), work on my computer or even read a magazine while I'm actively watching him. Moreover, I don't think I could get away with it, because he's at the age where he really needs to know he has someone's undivided attention. He's constantly checking in, wanting me to look at him and watch what he's doing. There's no way he would ever let me get away with being so passive as to sit high above where he was playing and just glance down at him occasionally--and I wouldn't do it even if I thought he would let me. We're total buddies, I've been his family's full time nanny since before he was born, and I'm very glad that--for all she got wrong--the OP did note that he and I get along well and have a great deal of affection for each other, because that's the truth.
Click here to Read The Post Being Referenced.
Sydney's Playground in Tribeca, NY
Thursday January 24th at Sydney's Playground in Tribeca (downtown Manhattan)
The Nanny: Medium length brown hair in a pony tail, average body type, Caucasian probably in her early to mid twenties, dressed in jeans and a green hooded sweater.
The Child: A boy, two or three years old, very cute, wearing a blue t-shirt with a dog on it over a lighter blue long sleeve shirt, sandy brown hair, big smile.
What I saw: I didn't see the nanny & child arrive, but I observed the nanny for more than an hour sitting up in the cafe area drinking coffee and watching what looked like a DVD TV show on her laptop computer. She only very rarely glanced at the playground floor and seemed totally unconcerned about the child that she was supposed to be giving her full attention. I know that Sydney's is an indoor playground and it SEEMS safer than having the kids outside where all manner of people have access to them--but you still can't just let a two year old run around with no supervision while you play on your computer! Maybe no one could abduct him, but he could most certainly hurt himself.
I did see the girl and child playing a while later and she seemed very affectionate and caring with him, he was climbing on her and she was tickling him. It was sweet and the child clearly loves this girl--but I really don't think that excuses her complete neglect and if I was the mother I would definitely want to know!
Click here to read the Nanny's Response (01/27/07).
E. 66th & York Ave in NY, NY
Adult female/possibly a nanny spotted having some sort of tantrum. In all fairness she could have been suffering from a disorder. She was flailing her hands around. She had bags that she dropped. The little girl that was by her side was telling her, "It's okay", "It's okay". I stopped and asked the nanny if she needed some help. Her eyes were glazed and glassy looking. The second before I reached her she was flitting about and obviously agitated. But when she responded to me, she stopped and stared right at me and said "I do not". She did not let go of my gaze. This could have been a stepmother, babysitter, parent, aunt, I don't know. I do think something is or was wrong with this person. Here is the description:
Location: E.66th and York Ave in NYC, about twenty feet from the River View Restaurant.
Child: Between 4-6. Wearing a cream colored jacket that was very thick. Blonde hair that had beautiful ringlet curls. Light eyes. Fair skin. American Sounding accent.
Adult: Female. Dark, dark hair (dyed?) that fell to shoulders, fair skin, 5'4'5'6", 120=135 lbs. Wearing knee length navy coat. Camel colored boots worn outside of her denim jeans. Boots had some style of fur embellishment, almost like "pom poms". The woman had attractive features but was somewhat disheveled at this sighting. When I approached her, I observed what looked like a jaw tremor. (?) My gut feeling is that she was the child's nanny.
What happened: very young child was attempting to calm down adult who was either having a tantrum or some sort of seizure. No assumptions here, the child had a panic on her face. I was not the only one who noticed this. The adult female was flailing her arms about. Almost like she had a bug in her shirt. The child was trying to grab hold of her jacket and seemed to want to protect the adult. I was attracted to this sight by some sounds the adult was making. It sounded like a coughing/shout. I turned to look at her/them because I thought she was calling out to me or warning me. She was moving about in a strange way and dropped her bags. They fell right next to her, upright and then she kicked one of them away. I approached the woman and asked her if she was okay. I said, "Do you need help". As soon as I spoke to her, she stilled herself. Kept her entire body very still and slowly turned her head to glare at me. She said "I do not" in a very flat voice with a stormy look on her face. To be honest, I was caught off guard by the almost menacing response and I did not press her any further. I am in no way blaming the adult for doing something "wrong". I don't know what was going on. It was frightening for me to observe and it was most definitely frightening for the little girl who was dependant on that woman.
Natural History Museum in Providence, Rhode Island
What ever happened to Tessy?
I don't know. She was finishing Graduate School last we heard. But for anyone who missed this New York Nanny Saga, (from July 2005) it is an interesting read. Unfortunately, Tess has since deleted her infamous blog and all that remains are a thousand references to it's splendor. -JD
February's Rhode Island Monthly
Received Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I am the original poster who sent in this sighting. I just wanted to let you know that somehow it made into February's Rhode Island monthly. I was just reading the magazine and flipped a page, and WOW! there is my post from I just wanted you to be aware of what a great site this is, and now even more people know about it. Thank you for having this site available for both nannies and parents.
Thank you for writing- JD
Did I pay her enough?
I hired one of my regular babysitters (she's 21) to care for my 2 children while I was out of town for doctor appointments. She came the night before and slept over in our spare room. We left at about 4:00 am. At 4:30 am my daughter woke up and was sad we were gone. Our babysitter got up with her and stayed up to watch a movie with her since she couldn't get her to go back to sleep. She took my daughter to school and stayed home with my son the rest of the day. She took my son on a long bike ride (one of his favorite things to do), practiced "schoolwork" with him, and took both the kids to the library after school to get books and read. She then took them to McDonalds for dinner and came home and helped my daughter with her homework. She bathed them and had them in bed by 8 pm, their bedtime. We got home around 10 pm that night. I paid her $140. My question is, was this enough? Unfortunately, I anticipate having more appointments like this and would love to have her care for my children while I am gone. I don't want her to say no because she may have been underpaid. Please advise. Thank you!
OP resides in a small desert town in Southern California-JD
I want my job back....
I don't know if it is at all possible to get out of the mess I am. I have held three nanny positions since moving out to the Tri State NY area. I stayed with my first for a year and then returned home to California. I missed New York, so I called my agency and began interviewing for a second position. I found a great family with two children who were both in pre-school. They were the nicest family any person could hope to work for. I was with them for thirty months. During this time, I was really getting to know the area and more people. I no longer thought of returning home. Everything seemed perfect. Great job, great family, great kids. Etc. Then I allowed myself to be poached by another family. I gave the Good family 2 weeks notice and went to work two towns over for an absurdly wealthy family. I have been making $300 more per week. I have nicer accomodations and a great car, but I hate this job and I want my old job back. I know that the family I previously worked for hired a temporary nanny so they did not have to rush finding a permanent replacement for me. The temporary nanny is still there, so I hear through the grapevine. I rationalized my choice to leave that job by depersonalizing it. In any profession, isn't the goal to move on to bigger and better things? I made a huge mistake. The money, car, house; it doesn't compare. I want my old job back. Do I have any shot at getting back or does the employer feel to betrayed? We had a very friendly relationship that surpassed the nanny/employer work relationship and they know that I left their job to go and make more money. Do I let this go? Or do I think that maybe they haven't found a new candidate for a reason and we are meant to be for awhile longer? (I am avoiding saying anything negative about the new position, but I don't think I will last here much longer regardless. I don't like it!) Anyone have any ideas about how my previous employer would respond? Or how I would go about bringing up the subject? It has only been 7 weeks that I have been gone. I have been speaking to the children by phone 2-3x week and I had dinner with the family once since leaving.
At that time, it was going okay but even if it was great, I wouldn't have discussed that part with them anyway. Oh this is such a mess. Help.
No Nanny Sightings 1/25/07
San Diego Salary Question
I a not sure if this is the right section to post my question, but here's hoping. I would like to know what is a fair Nanny's full-time salary in San Diego? I will be interviewing for F-T time nanny for a toddler and I would like to pay the following (please tell me if it is fair): $400/week (net take home pay), 2 weeks paid vacation (to coincide with my family's vacation), paid holidays, reimbursement for gas, mileage and miscellaneous expenses.
Basically, the position is to take care of my toddler (i.e., doing crafts, reading, going to parks, play dates, etc..). All light house work as it pertains to my child. Examples are doing child's laundry only, cleaning up after child, preparing meals, bathing, washing and sterilizing bottles. I provide lunch and would even consider assisting with car insurance if my child's outside activities increases and driving would be necessary.
I am not sure if this is the right post, but it seems that there are lots of moms and nannies here and I would like their opinions. Thanks!
Foothills Mall in Tucson, Arizona
I was gathering my belongings from my car to head in to the Foothills Mall at approximately 415 PM in Tucson, Az. I observed a Hispanic women of approximately 50 years walking to her vehicle (Silver Late Model Jeep Cherokee 4x4). The woman was talking in a mean voice and told him to get his "ass" in the car. The boy was blonde, light eyes, wearing denim jeans and a long sleeved green pullover. The /woman/sitter/nanny was waiting for him to situate himself in the backseat, still holding bags from "Nike" and "Linens and Things". In a mean voice she said what sounded like "a-purro-tay, a-purro-tay". I could not hear the boy. The woman was reaching in to put her bags in the back compartment through the backseat door as I passed by. As I passed the next two cars in the lot, I heard a thud and I heard the little boy's voice say, 'you don't get to hit me'. Then the car door slammed. I cannot pretend to know what was going on here, but it did not seem quite right. The woman was wearing maroon slacks and a button up print shirt. Her hair was dark, short and curly.
Nannies and Parents in The Baltimore area
If you are a parent or nanny residing in the Baltimore area and would be interested in speaking on camera with ABC2 News regarding your personal experiences or the ISYN site, please email Susan Kirkwood.
Little Scoops in Pleasantville, New York
Friday 19th January. Little Scoops - Pleasantville, NY.
Larger nanny with dark hair, wearing jeans and black coat - speaks with English accent. At birthday party with 5 year old with dark hair and brown eyes - named Ethan. Saw this nanny storm over to little boy (not Ethan) and berate him for playing with Ethan. The boys were running around and playfully hitting each other as 5 year old boys do. The little blonde boy sat on the side of the party for the rest of the time that he was there and wouldn't join in any of the organised games. Shame on her for ruining the party for him!
Ethan's Nanny Responds....01/21/07 8:00 PM EST
I'd like to respond to the 3:10 post from Pleasantville, NY.
I am the nanny in question. This was a party at Little Scoops where most of the parents stayed. There were about 25 children. My charge - Ethan was playing with the other boys, unfortunately one child found it amusing to come up behind him and swat him on the behind and then run away - repeatedly. He asked the child to stop over and over. When the party games arranged by Little Scoops started, Ethan tried to participate, but was swatted on the behind again and again by the same little boy. He knows I have a strict rule about being physical and eventually gave up taking part in the party games and came to me and said that he couldn't play because of the other child. I then went to the little boy who was sitting next to his mother, knelt in front of him and said - IN THESE EXACT WORDS - "Ethan loves playing with you, but he doesn't enjoy it when you hit his behind and he can't take part in the party games, so could you please stop". His mother looked at me as if I had two heads for daring to admonish her child even though I had heard him run up to her and say "mom, I'm hitting Ethan's butt" - she didn't berate him or tell him to stop. I am ETHAN'S nanny and while I do not intend to traumatise any child ETHAN'S emotional and physical well being is my priority. This could have been avoided if the child's mother had been paying attention to her child's behaviour - unless of course this behaviour is something she condones. I have degrees in psychology and business, and I am not an uninformed, meek, underachieving person who is too scared to stand up for a little boy who understands what is and is not acceptable in terms of playing. If this was a post by the mother who feels that I slighted her in any way - SHAME ON YOU for not setting acceptable limits for your child. And if this is one of the other mothers that was at the party, I feel sorry for you that you have to involve yourself in something that was such a non-event. I mentioned this incident to Ethan's mother and father an hour after the party and believe that I handled the situation with tact and respect. BTW - I do not live in Pleasantville, but rather in Chappaqua, and if I had been the nanny at the Mount Pleasant library, I would have helped the child pick up and reshelve the books, not berate him.
Stay at Home Mother Asks.............
I am somewhat new to the New York City area. I relocated from San Fransisco 4 months ago with my husband and two small children. I have met nannies and other mothers and hosted playdates at my home as well as visited homes with my children for playdates. At 3 and under, the children still need to be accompanied by an adult. Why is it that no one ever stays to help clean up after their children? Is this the norm here and should I just deal with it? I could never accompany my child on a playdate and not stay and clean up after the child. And by clean up I mean put or help my child put away any toys the children played with.
Just curious!
97th between CPW & Columbus in NYC
Received Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Bad nanny sighting.
This happened on 97th between CPW & Columbus at around 9:30 am today. Nanny was wheeling child in one of those 3 wheeled strollers. she had the stroller full of bags, including a large garbage bag and had placed child on top of bags. Child was crying and scared. The nanny was telling her she wasn't sitting right on it. I just passed them so I didn't get that much more of a look, but having a little girl perched up like that on top of a bunch of stuff in the stroller looked dangerous to me and she was clearly scared. Child was a girl around 2 (give or take 3 months) wearing a light pink parka type coat. Nanny was AA, large, wearing a long down black coat with fur around the collar. Sounded like she had a Jamaican accent.
Mole & Cherry Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nanny to Logan. Seen in the area of Mole Street and Cherry Street 1/22 at 4:15 PM. "Logan" may be a child at Friends Select School and is between 6 and 9. It is hard for me to tell. He is a light complexioned African American boy with cropped hair. Very pleasant and happy face. Thin/medium build. I can't recall any specifics except that I think I heard the nanny call him "Logan" or something that sounds very familiar. The nanny is an very short, petite Phillipino female between the ages of 40-60. She has good skin, a small face and very thin eyebrows. Her hair is brown, frizzy/curly and has some grey at the temples. The nanny was berating the child, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him off to the side of the sidewalk. While being pulled, he tripped. Then she screamed "get up, don't be stupid". She handled him very roughly. He looked very humiliated. She was a tiny woman but I don't think a nanny should speak to or grab on a child like that. And I should know. I'm a nanny.
Tropicana and Pecos in Las Vegas, Nevada
Tropicana and Pecos, in Las Vegas
The nanny had her own 3 year old and 5 year old blond children, the child she cares for is a 6 month old bald QT.
The caregiver is about 5'5", heavy set with shoulder length brownish hair. The nanny was holding the baby in a blue star cover sling, she had a black diaper bag and they got into a red minivan. What I saw was a loving mother. She was patient and kind with her own children, and while my grandsons were playing with her children and we chatted, I was shocked to learn that the baby wasn't also hers. She cuddled him, fed him the last bits of his bottle, calmly told him, "No sweetie, be gentle." when he pulled her hair, she seemed cautious not to yell out "ouch" as not to startle the infant. She rocked him to sleep while her kids played, and mediated bickering all the while. That baby's parents found a gem!
I don't know how easy it is to edit a post, but perhaps we should mention that it was at the Burger King playground? I apologize, I just fear that it reads like the kids were playing in the intersection! ;-) I should have re-read it before sending it in. -OP 1/21/07 5:40 PM EST
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I have had nannies for four years and have had fair to excellent experiences with each except the last. The nanny's references were verified and we ran a background check. The behavior the nanny exhibited out of our sight was shocking and nothing we would imagined as her demeanor in our presence was consistently demonstrative of someone who was both kind and patient. I am interested to know the experience of other mothers. How might I avoid a bad hire in the future? Is a nanny camera my only option? Quite frankly my feeling is that if you have to use a nanny camera with your nanny, than you should rethink trusting that nanny with your child. I would appreciate input from other mothers, fathers and childcare professionals.
Please do not use my name or location. Thank you.
Have an opinion or question to share with our readers? Contact us.
North 14 Movie Theatre in Chicago, Illinois
The 4:00 PM showing of Night at the Museum at the Kerasotes City North Theatre in Chicago on 1/18.
The nanny had red hair cut in a pixie like style in the front but shoulder length in back. She was wearing black. Black jacket with fur of faux fur trim. African American or Bi Racial. Medium height and weight.
The children- there were two. A girl of 7-9 and a boy of 4-6. The girl has long brown hair and on a pink sweater and a pink bubble like jacket. The boy had an old fashioned boy haircut, freckles on his nose, a grey puffy jacket with two oversized square pockets across the chest and a red bead at the end of the drawstring.
At the concession counter the nanny and girl were placing an order and the boy asked for something. I noticed straight away the nanny ignored him. Then she put her finger in his face to point stiffly at him. 2 minutes later the nanny and girl were going to the restroom and the had the boy outside of the restroom and the nanny was loading him up with things to hold while they went to the bathroom. It wasn't the easiest task for a kid of his age (two drinks and a popcorn). When the boy squirmed, the nanny again put her finger in his face. She also said "Do not move". Then the nanny and girl come out and the boy had used his mouth to eat some popcorn off the top. I am not saying that is right or sanitary but the nanny yanked it away from him, again put the finger in his face and said something to him I didn't hear. He said something back to her and she put her right hand on his jacket shoulder and said something that looked very scary. The jacket was puffy so I don't think she could have hurt him. The whole thing was unnecessary. Wouldn't a better nanny have organized a trip to the theatre better and treated both children equally? The boy never went to the restroom before, why didn't she think of that? I am sure he had to go during the movie and again got an angry finger from her for that. Parents, remind your children to look out for their siblings!
Rebounders in Timmonium, MD
Nanny/ Aupair/ cargiver looks foreign, maybe Latina. Young and in her 20s. Child looks between 9 and 12 years old. She takes the special needs gymnastics class that starts around 5:30 or 6pm on Thursdays. Caregiver doesn't look neglegent, just blah. While they sit and wait for class, the caregiver never says a word to the girl. Caregiver doesn't always even sit next to her. I see them every week as I wait for my charges to get out of their class. I hope that child doesn't spend her days with the caregiver like that.
Los Angeles, California (1/18/07)
Los Angeles- nanny to wonderful and adorable African American boy- 3 years old who is missing a front tooth from falling down. The nanny tells the parents he is attending school each day but keeps him out to go shopping. she has been spotted at Target and other stores around town during school hours and the parents think he is in school.
In The News.. Thursday, January 18, 2007
California Lawmaker Wants to Make Spanking a Misdemeanor.... (read more)
The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems.... (read more)
Jennifer Lopez Developing a Showtime Series About Latina Nannies .... (read more)
Kansas Babysitter Arrested in Child Abuse Case .... (read more)
Click here to send in your story or nanny sighting.
Baby Nurse on 85th Street & Park Avenue in NYC
Date: 1/16 approx 9 AM and two other times within the last week
Location: This day I was on 85th Street and Park Avenue. I recognized her as I have seen her twice in the past in the same general area.
The Child: Inside a seafoam colored stroller. 2 different shades of this unique color of green. Not a stroller color I have seen before.
The Nanny: A baby nurse. Wearing white nursing shoes, white nursing pants, a white nurse-scrubs type top and a blue, heavy button up cardigan. African American with very short, short hair and a large build and approx 50-60 yrs. old.
What happened: I have seen this person before walking in this area with the child. I recall the first time I saw her she was having a smoke away from the child. I thought that odd. This day I saw her strolling and smoking with the child. The child was crying. She extinguished her cigarette and picked up child to comfort him/her.
The parents cannot possibly know the baby nurse smokes around the child, right?
"Ashley update" Durham, NC
Nanny Ashley continues to create chaos in the Raleigh/Durham area. Despite some of the comments from the first postings from people who didn't believe she could do such things like lie to parents, and go through their personal things, she did, and was fired for it. She then took those parents to small claims court saying they owed her over $500 for days after she was fired. The judge awarded her nothing, and said she was too immature to be a nanny. In Jan. she worked for a different family for only 2 days. After being fired from that family she posted an email on Craigslist saying that the family owed her over $1000. The girl will do anything but work an honest job to get money. I think the reason she didn't contact the parents the day she took the child to the E.R. was because she wanted to be paid for the hours that she was in the E.R. The parents have phone records showing that she never tried to call them. Then, when the parents were upset that she took their child to the E.R. she responded that it was, "no different than taking him/her to the library."The girl is not only a mediocre nanny, at best, but she is a nightmare as an employee. She thinks that a contract is a license to do whatever she wants, and that she should get paid even if she is fired. Why would you want to hire someone like that?She is a CNA, the earlier post was a mistake. I have witnessed Ashley's crazy behavior firsthand. I am only trying to warn people in my area not to get involved with her. It is suspected that Ashley stole her references from her last employer's house before she was fired so they can not get in touch with them to let them know what is going on, and prevent her from getting a childcare job that way. This is the best way to warn people. Ashley is looking for a job all over Cary, Raleigh, Durham, Carrborro, and Chapel Hill. Good luck.
We welcome Ashley (or anyone referenced on this blog) the opportunity to correct or refute this or any posting on this blog.-JD
Received from "Ashley" on 1/18/07
I am Ashley, and here is an email from SXXXXX the last employer stating her son did something with the references sheet:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: Nanny Needed
I really enjoyed meeting you on Friday and I have called all of your references and spoken to all but 1. I have lost the sheet with the references and your cell phone number however, "C" did something with it. Anyway, I would love to work with you starting in January if you are still interested. I am working on getting someone to bring "C" home every M,W,Fr so you don't have to install and uninstall car seats every day. I will let you know the progress. I would be willing to pay the $10 an hour plus my side of the taxes, which is almost 8% so I would really be paying you 10.77 per hour. If you would like me to withold your taxes as well, I will be glad to, but it is entirely up to you. Looking forward to hearing from you and have a great Christmas.
Via Marina Park in Oxnard, CA
For your information, your babysitter was at the park today (1/15). She was with another sitter. They each had one child with them. Your babysitter had a little girl between 2 and 3. The friend's child was a bit older. Your child has dark brown hair, big blue eyes and wore red pants, black shoes and a white shirt with a red heart on the middle of it that said "sweet". The nanny was approximately 5'5", 130 lbs, medium/long brown hair, brown eyes and either Caucasian or Hispanic. Her friend had darker, straight hair and was definitely Hispanic. The two little girls played together for a bit but did not appear to know each other. Your sitter had retrieved your several envelopes of your trip photos from Long's Drugs and was sorting through them with her friend- the other sitter. Chasing my two year old around, I heard plenty of their not so nice commentary. While they mocked you and your "tangerine tankini", your little girl began to wander away slowly. She started chatting up a male who I think was a city employee. I was near them so I had my eye on her. Only after 2 minutes of conversation with this stranger did your nanny look up and see your child. She did then come over and retrieve her, but she didn't use a name that I heard. My point in posting this= 2 minutes is all it takes.
Umbrella Eye Injury on 59th Street & 3rd. Ave in Manhattan, NY
I would like to thank the self centered idiot who stabbed the child I was holding under his eye with the tip of his umbrella, heard him cry out in pain, looked at us, made eye contact and walked on. You were walking ahead of me carrying a black umbrella with a sharp black tip and cane colored handle. You were about six feet tall, with a large bald circle on the crown of your hair, dark straight hair around that. You were wearing a 3/4 length navy rain jacket, navy pants, brown wing tip shoes. You were walking ahead of me as I carried the 3 1/2 year old West on 59th Street at about 12:35 pm today as the sidewalks were packed. Your cell phone rang and for whatever reason you decided to stop abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk. I didn't react in time. Nor did the people behind me who bumped into me and the tip of your umbrella gashed the child in the eye. I know you heard him cry. When you turned to look at him, the look on your face seemed to say "oh it's just a child". What is wrong with you?If it had been one inch up, you could have done some serious damage! As a precaution, we took him to the doctor to make sure he didn't need stitches. He seems to be fine, but no thanks to you and the regard you showed him and every other pedestrian today! If I wasn't busy comforting a child in pain on a busy street, I would have snapped your picture and plastered it on every website that would take it! PS This man carried a large, bulky silver phone that had a ringtone that sounded like an office phone. After he looked at us with disregard, he continued across 3rd. Avenue west on 59th Street.
Parents Behaving Badly
'Please don't make us blog you'
Readers of Blogging Baby began complaining about the "negative and downer" stories of parents abusing their children that were more frequently making their way on to the Blogging Baby website. This is when Jay Andrew Allen decided to spin these often gruesome tales off into their own site.
While it's definitely not for the faint of heart, Parents Behaving Badly was born in January of 2005. "It became apparent to me that aggregating all of these stories of parental abuse was of value to people." explains Allen whose blog now sees as many as 1,000 visitors a day.
In the Mail (Sunday, January 14, 2007)
I was just wondering why is it that Martin L. King Day, the Celebration of a great black man Birthday, isn't an official holiday for all nannies. Am sure a lot of people get the day off. Most you nannies must have experienced this before where both parents are off on a holiday and yet they still want you to come in. Any holiday as a matter of fact whether it be MLK Day or Vetrans Day or even Memorial Day.
It really upsets me too see this type of situation. I have a nanny and the rule of the house is once am home she doesn't have to come. What's the big deal with giving your nanny some time off. Am sure in some cases, your nanny works very hard spending more than 9 hrs a day, 5 days a week taking care of your children. Be a little generous. Be nice to your nanny and who knows the rate of nanny negligance; lack of proper care and attention, may vanish.
Noelle From Philly
That's a great blog you have going. It's good to know that people are taking children's welfare and safety into account.
Anyway, in one of the October blogs apparently someone spotted a nanny in the Burger King on Frankford Avenue. I live here. I lived here my entire life. Unless that was a complete fluke, and the nanny was travelling there's no way a dang nanny would be there. We're lower middle class here. Anyone coming from here could not afford a nanny. Plus if the lady seemed gruff that's about how most people here are. There's always an edge to people in this part of Philly. Those kids probably did not even take notice that lady was "gruff".
Just wanted to share that with you guys. I actually started laughing when I saw that location. There are two BK's on Frankford Avenue and both are in declining neighborhoods. The people with careers high tailed it out of these parts. Good lookout though. I like this blog.
RS from New York
I have a problem with a nanny that I have been having play dates with since November. The nanny has been at her position for just under 3 months. I am a nanny and we have one child in a common classroom. The nanny in casual conversation finds ways to turn any complaint about her employer or her job into a anti-semetic rant. I'll be honest, I don't like this nanny. She just rubs me the wrong way. I deal with her as little as possible and when she makes comments, I do express my disgust but as that has done little to cessate her rants, I do wonder if her anti semetic feelings are in some way being felt by the two children in her care (both of whom are under 6). I think these remarks are born more of ignorance than they are of hate, but even so is there a way to bring these remarks to the attention of her employer without causing further controversy or conflict? Advice?
If you have an opinion, story or question to share with our readers, please email us!
(Perpective & Opinion)
My Favorite Muffin in Reno, Nevada
Seventh Avenue Donuts on 7th in Park Slope area of Brooklyn (NY)
Your nanny was in 7th Avenue Donuts today wearing a skin tight low cut black shirt. She was holding the hand of your little boy who was wearing a corduroy blue jacket and blue jeans. (Squinty eyes, very fair, blonde/brown hair, colorful bandage around one of his fingers). The nanny was in there picking up an order to go. During that time inside I saw her spend time with a very street looking man. She was flirting and handed him her cell phone and let him input his number in her phone. After he left, 30 seconds lapsed before she through the mack at some firefighter dude. The whole time the kid is hanging on her hand with a dazed look on his face. When the two of them did leave to go outside, I saw them across the street and she was writing her phone number down for yet another guy. While she was talking to the firefighter, I heard her say she was a live-in nanny and that the parents "are gone all of the time". Given the lack of interaction she had with the child, I have to wonder what life is like for this little guy with his parents "gone all of the time" and hoochie nanny prowling around Brooklyn looking for digits. He didn't look happy! The nanny may have been biracial, she had blonde like hair, medium skin and brown eyes. She wore a tight leather looking jacket unzipped with her chest hanging out. Extra tight black jeans, extra weight in her midsection and some kind of high heels. Maybe being a nanny is her day job. I don't know. It's not that she mistreated the boy, she just never acknowledged him.
Taney Playground (Schuykill River Park) in Philadelphia, PA
At 10:44am today, this is the sighting:
Caregiver is AA, tallish, wearing black, puffy jacket with bright orange crosshatch design on sleeve, large logo across back (in the cursive style of a letterman jacket) and orange piping. She wore rectangular-framed, tinted glasses. The boy in her care was wearing a grey and blue jacket, brown (suede?) laceup boots, red sweatpants, medium blue fleece cap with earflaps. The boy, who I guess to be a large toddler, spent most of his time stumbling in the dirt and tree roots. He fell once, but was okay, she dusted him off. Caregiver started playing with her phone and would not look up for at least five minutes. The boy wandered off toward an athletic field that is next to the playground and reached the gap in the fence. This was pretty far away from the caregiver. The boy was about to go on into the field, but the ground in front of him dipped so far I could not see the bottom. I had to call him back. Even my loud calling did not stir the caregiver into looking up from her phone. All she had to do was just look up a few times to keep an eye on him. He listened to me and came away from the fence. A few minutes later, she finally looked up and searched around for the child, who had picked up a jagged piece of loose concrete. Earlier she had been more attentative and put mittens on the boy because it was cold.
Nanny on Bread Line on W.82nd St in NYC
Received Friday, January 12, 2007
I have seen a nanny several times over the past few months waiting on a bread/soup line in front of Holy Trinity on W. 82nd between Amsterdam and Broadway in NY, NY. She is Hispanic or Asian, under 5 ft tall, wears glasses, and is caring for a white infant, a boy, probably around 6-8 months old, who is usually in a (Peg Perego?) navy pattern stroller. The line is for homeless people in need of a hot cup of coffee and a sandwich in the morning. She turns her back to the child in order to receive the sandwich and coffee. She seems like a gentle soul, and I have never seen her mistreat the child. But she should not be waiting in an often unruly line of homeless adults, many of whom have mental health problems and are on medication, and some of whom have been known to start altercations and even draw blood. I think this woman’s employer should know that for the cost of a cup of coffee and a few sandwiches, her nanny would (hopefully) not be there.
Mervyns in Canoga Park, CA
At approximately 4:20 on 1/11, your nanny left your daughter unsupervised in the department store for a period of 5-7 minutes. The nanny was shopping in the undergarment department when I brought the child (who was in the handbag section) to her. I could have been anyone. Most frightening of all was the nanny was not looking for the child. She did thank me for returning the child and greeted the child with a warm hug.
The child: blonde, blue eyes, Caucasian, 3 feet tall, red long sleeved shirt, black jeans with decorative embellishments and brown suede boots.
The Nanny: brown, short, curly hair, brown eyes, ruddy complexion, brown eyes, Hispanic, green v neck sweater with white shirt beneath that. Brown "slacks style" trousers. Carrying a brown leather shoulder bag, that had hanging from it a brown leather keychain in the shape of a heart with metal 'divets' on it. The disposition of this nanny, despite allowing the child to roam out of her site for such a period-was very warm and kind.
63rd. Street Bus Stop in Park Slope, Brooklyn
This latest incident has occurred on Tuesday, January 9th, 2006 around 6pm. However, this treatment has been going on from about October 2006, until now I didn't know if I should say anything, however, I think
something should be said. This happens around 6pm at the 63 bus stop in Park Slope, Brooklyn; the bus stop is on 5th Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets. The nanny and child take the bus from that location and get off of the bus just before we cross Flatbush Avenue. I think the childs name is Jules or Julian. He is about 3-4 years old, blond hair, wears a yellow down jacket with a hood and this Tuesday had on navy blue nylon mittens. He has a black stroller which looks to be new. The nanny is African American with braids that are cornrowed back in a ponytail and has a disfigured upper lip (possibly a reconstructed cleft pallet) She is chunky and about 20-24 years old.
I have been watching these two like I said since October. At first what bothered me was the fact that the nanny never interacted with the child, she just spoke at him, and she also spent quite a bit of time on her phone. Then I noticed that she would hardly ever assist him with finding a seat or getting into a seat on the bus. On several occasions, as the bus was pulling off he would start to fall and strangers would help him. She doesn’t hold his hand or anything. On a few occasions I offered up a seat for the child. She also doesn’t help him off the bus, which is very dangerous given the gap between the street and the bus. This past Tuesday it was FREEZING and she didn’t have his hood on. His nose was running profusely. She turned her back on him and walked towards a store and when she was several feet away she asked him to come her, all of this while she is having a conversation on her phone. On her way out of the store, she doesn’t even hold the door properly for him to walk out and I was nervous that he would squeeze his finger given the way he exited the door. She then gets on the bus (mind you she is still on the phone) doesn’t secure a seat for him, someone else offered him a seat, she doesn’t help him with the seat and his nose is running. Another child mentioned this to their mother and that mother gave the boy a tissue for his nose. All while the nanny was STILL ON THE PHONE AND NOT PAYING ATTENTION!
That person could have given the child drugs or a food item that he was allergic to and she wouldn’t have even known. Then while still on the phone, she comes to her stop and doesn’t even help the boy off the bus.
She doesn’t seem abusive, just extremely NEGLIGENT. I wouldn’t want her watching my child.
Erika in Larchmont, New York
I know a nanny named Erika, she is brazilian. One of the girls that she takes cares of is Chloe. I think they are from Larchmont, NY. Please, parents take a close look at this nanny. I know that where she goes with the girls she let other people take care of them, so she car rest. Beware of that lady.
Chelsea Indoor Playhouse in Chelsea, Michigan
I was at the Chelsea Tree House in Chelsea, MI today at around 1-3 PM. I brought a magazine so I could sit and read and let my DB get his yayas out. This is a great and clean place for children if you haven't been there. At one time, I went towards the climbing structure to ask ds if he was hungry for lunch. I witnessed a nanny dressed in tight, white t-shirt, tight blue jeans, tennis shoes with big earrings and straightened hair involved in a conversation ten feet from the play structure. Away from other parents but in earshot of a handful of children. Her language was atrocious. I was disgusted and moved away. When DB came to join me for lunch at table, the nanny or sitter was no nearby on her cellphone again. The language she used was laced with obscenities and racial epitaphs. In short, she was a very "hard" looking caregiver and I really have to wonder how you the parent decided that she was a good bet? I am not even sure which children she was supervising. I did see a child approach her complaining of thirst while she was on the phone. The sitter sighed and made a big deal about taking the cap off of a water bottle and handing it to the child. The child was a girl, with brown hair in pony tails, 4ish wearing a light pink shirt on it with a 3D looking pink pig on it.
Blockbuster Video in Rye Brook, NY
I saw the sweetest nanny today. She was at Blockbuster in Rye Brook today with a little girl of between 5-7. The little girl was most definitely home sick and the nanny had just taken her to the doctor. They were looking through movies and video games together. The nanny was so caring and when she tried to prod the child to make her choice, she was very lighthearted and made reference to taking her home and making her hot chocolate. I am guessing the nanny had been with that child for many years as they had a very apparent and genuine bond. The little girl's name was Rachel. The nanny was African American and had an Island or Caribbean sounding however slight accent, short hair, about 5'6" and perhaps 160-170 lbs. She is a lucky girl! I wanted to stop and ask her if she had any friends looking for nanny positions because she looked like the kind of person that knew other good people.
Central Park in Santa Clarita, CA.
Second Sighting. The first time I saw this nanny she took the child she cares for to the park in a red/blue stroller. She was with a friend of hers and the friend didn't seem to have a child with her. The child she took care of was under 3 I would guess. He wasn't strapped in the stroller just in the stroller probably because they walked to the park. He was able to climb up the steps by himself and walk through the things. He was hesitant about going down the slide and asked his nanny to catch him. She said okay and stood in front of him at the end of the slide on the far left and as he pushed off the top, she moves on out of the way. He landed at the bottom with his legs in the air and was more scared I think then hurt, but I don't know if he was hurt. The nanny and her friend were laughing so hard at him that they had to hang on to each for support. It wasn't funny and it wasn't nice. They thought it was the funniest thing ever. I was at the swings facing them with my child when that happened. I tried to show her a mean look to let her know what I thought of that but she didn't really notice. That was about two weeks ago. This nanny is easy to be recognized because she wears very strong makeup. She lines her lips and wears lipstick and eyeliner and has long, dark hair. I don't really remember what she had on then. I saw her again on Monday. They were there when I got to the park and went to the swings. This time she was at the tables on the other side of the swings. She was buy herself. She had on black shoes or boots and brown jeans and a red, plaid button up shirt over a white shirt. She was sitting at the table spaced out. The boy was sitting at the table with her. No stroller. He was drinking a juice box and eating a sandwich or something. She had nothing in front of her but a pack of matches that she was holding. She went through the whole pack of matches lighting one after the other. Holding it and then letting it blow out and putting it on the table. She wasn't smoking. She wasn't even talking to the kid, but just staring in to the air in a daze. I thought this was strange especially because she is a role model to a child. Isn't the message to teach them NOT to play with matches? I don't know anything else about this chick but what I reported here. Today the little boy had on a white long sleeved t-shirt with some sort of car or cartoon on it and blue jeans. He also had that look to his head that was like he had just got his hair cut.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
There is a young man named Justin XXXXX, Justin XXXXX, or Guy XXXXX. He goes by all 3. He is posting on and other websites trying to find a nanny position. Be warned, he is a fraud! He is currently being sued by at least one family that he has scammed. His references are all fake. You can check them yourself.
ed. As always, we assume posts are submitted in good faith. We welcome any person described on this blog the opportunity to refute, correct or explain a claim or sighting. -JD
Sunday, January 7, 2006 -Response (rec'd 7:10 AM)
To The Women Who Continues to Post Attacks Against My Name ("Emma"):
I would like to start with three words: ...I ------ forgive ------- you.
The purpose of this posting is not an attack against your name, but rather a much-needed response to the false claims that you have continued to post in my name. At first, I saw deep pain and - in light of your painful attacks - I saw a situation where I might be able to really make a difference in someone's life. I sent you a private email (no response) still offering to work for you. I did not make this public because it was a sincere offer: I didn't want it to seem like I was just trying to look good. But at this point, I will have to publicly retract this offer because of the level of disparity that you have reached. Over the course of the passed two weeks, you have invested several hours posting ungrounded & provocative claims against me on several Internet-based childcare sites. I understand that you are also a mother of four children and a professional talent manager. To me, I see these as full-time obligations, yet you seem to take pride in sifting through every posting on craigslist to find the ones that are mine so that you can reply with a false offer & post a response or flag it down within the span of a few hours.I do not have the time to babysit the craigslist website, nor do I wish to compete with you: anger, vengeance and rage are qualities that I can never accept.While this posting is again directed at you (since you will not allow private communication) it is also to the craigslist community at large (see below) as well as to my fellow nannies & supporting parties! It was really nice to see so much in favor of me :)
click here to continue reading Justin's response
Flint Park in Larchmont, New York
I saw your nanny Thursday 1/4 with your son of about 2-3. The nanny carried a small backpack that was obviously the child's backpack (primary colors/basic design). The first time I saw the nanny she was on her cell phone. Ten minutes later, she was still on her cellphone and the little boy was trying to get at the backpack which she held from him while continuing in a conversation in Spanish. The boy was losing patience and kept asking for a toy. The nanny spun around to keep him from getting at the bag but kept ignoring him. This went on for another ten minutes. During which time the boy took a break from asking for his toy and sat on the ground and was poking the ground with a stick and swatting a rock around. (This was just a sad site). She is still blabbing on the phone paying the child no mind. He stands up again and reaches for his backpack and asks for a toy (something to do???? While she gabs on the phone). The nanny spins around again and said "ayyy" or something like that. The little boy now tries to reach the backpack and the nanny got really angry and grabbed his fingers off the bag and bent them backwards. This caused the boy to say "ow ow ow ow ow ow" and he released. The whole scene was angering me because somewhere a mom thinks her son is playing at the park with the nanny. I was now within ten feet of her and I gave her a very seriously disgusted look. She waved her hand at me and now spun around. But this time when she spun, she took the backpack off her shoulder and let it drop next to the boy. With that, he open up the bag and takes out an army guy and a blue and white ball. Why couldn't she do that 20 minutes ago? And then make her call? There was no reason for this! The nanny was medium weight, short height with rusty brown hair that seemed kind of matted. She didn't wear any make up and she had on black pants and a grey open sweater with a waist sash. The little boy had on a sweatshirt that had a red body, black long sleeves and two white stripes on the arms. He also had on black Nikes with a yellow swoosh. By the way I am a SAHM with one 2 year old and I am most often and on a regular basis amazed by the devoted and loving nannies I see here at this park. Just not this one woman.
In the News-January 4, 2007
Babysitter leaves window open to have a cigarette, child falls out window and is caught by passerby.... (read more).
The Brazen Careerist- Horror stories: Baby sitting and the opt-out revolution .... (read more)
Bail set for man accused of breaking into babysitter's home and abducting child.... (read more)
Scorned Woman hires sitter so she can go out and stab her boyfriend.... (read more)
Wisconsin Police Investigate Death of Two-Year-Old who died while in a babysitter's care.... (read more)
BBC bosses accused of putting Norfolk children at risk for the sake of entertainment on a controversial reality show "The Baby Borrowers".... (read more)Diamond Ring found on playground
Harry Chapin playground, Brooklyn Heights, NY
If you lost your diamond ring at the playground, a nanny found it yesterday (1/3/06). She asked the moms who were around if they had lost it, but no one claimed it. I'm not saying she won't try to find the owner; but thought I'd post to a couple of boards to get the word out. It was a nice ring, still shiny, didn't seem like it had been laying around for a long time. Hope this helps someone.
Starbucks at Horton Plaza (F Street) in San Diego, CA
Babysitter using a Starbucks gift card for a large coffee frappucino with a shot of espresso and whipcream. She was with a girlfriend who had a latte (hot coffee drink) and a four year old blonde headed boy. It was around 5PM. They sat at a table and she gave the boy some square cheese crackers from a baggy from her purse. The boy wanted to taste her caffeine drink and she let him have a sample three times. Three times! Her friend even commented about the caffeine having him bouncing off the walls and the babysitter said "I'm done at 6, they'll have to deal" and she laughed. I realize this is minor, but it just seemed like such a bitchy thing to do! The babysitter was attractive with long, dark, straight hair and very green eyes. The boy who was probably 4 was wearing a blue and yellow vertically striped polo shirt. This was Wednesday. As a mother of two children under 6, I had a problem with what I observed. If you do not share my concern, that is your perogative.
Additionally, I would like to add that it would be very obnoxious of an employee to send her employer the Nanny Bonus feature anonymously. And if someone did choose to do that hoping to affect a specific result, I think they will find they sorely miscalculated my tolerance for such antics.
Toys R Us in Paramus, New Jersey
This was on Friday, 12/29 at about 2 PM in the afternoon.
Toys R Us Store in Paramus, NJ. Became aware of child being yelled at by what I thought was a parent in the next aisle over. I tuned in and heard the child who was a boy of about 7 say "you cant be so mean always, this is a present" and "I'm telling my mom on you and she won't like it". Turns out this was the babysitter/nanny and she had to take the child to Toys R Us to spend his gift certificate from his grandparents. The child was-of course excited to be in the store. And wanted to look around. The babysitter was mad that she had to do this with the child and wanted him to just "pick something". The babysitter then said "I am not chasing you all over this place. Pick something from this aisle. Now.". Then the boy says he wants to look at the models in a different aisle. And again says "stop being mean this is my Christmas present". Then the sitter said something like "You done got enough presents anyway. No child needs that many presents." This sitter was just an angry faced person. She was an overweight, African American with short, curly light brown hair and a wide, moon face. She was wearing a green velvet style running suit with a cream scarf around her neck and no jacket. The boy had freckles across his nose, dark eyes, dark curly hair, medium skin and was on the scrawny side. I am now in the same aisle with them and I smile at the boy. I tell him "My son loves models, what kind of models are you looking at". The babysitter rolls her eyes at me and says "He has plenty of models at home". This further showed how angry the sitter was with the kid. Now the boy asks again if he can go two aisles over to look at the models. The sitter says, "Didn't I tell you I don't have all day? You have five minutes". Now I am thinking of this kid's grandparents and if they knew that there gift certificate would cause the child so much gloom and doom. I say to the babysitter, "My husband got me a gift certificate to Kitson and I am more excited to go there and browse everything then spend it". Then I laughed. She narrowed her eyes at me and said "You don't know nothing about this boy and he's none of your concern". She was sharp as a tack and got my point, I'll say that- but she was also the nastiest witch in Paramus. So make sure it isn't your son she is taking care of!
Holiday Bonuses Part II
Position: full time Nanny
Bonus: $1500
Weekly Salary: $800
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Tungsten Palm Pilot with cell phone, Bulgari watch, leather gloves
City, State and Country: Contra Costa County, CA
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 1 year, 1 month
"I work for the most amazing single mother. She is kind and generous and raising her children with all the right values. Life is good".
Position/Title: Full Time live in Nanny
Bonus: None.
Weekly Salary: Explanation below
Supplementary gifts: Projection Alarm Clock (alarm clock that projects time on ceiling at night)
Length of time Worked for family: August 2006-present
City, State and Country: Delaware
"I have been with this family as a live in nanny since August. The last week of October I sat the parents down and had a monthly review meeting and asked for a raise, because I was making less than 200/week. (after taxes) I was told then that they were shutting down the business that the mother ran, and therefore they were giving me their three weeks notice because they could no longer afford to keep me. I decided to stay with the family and work 'as needed' (about 4 hours a day, usually) for rent until I could secure another position. For Christmas, I bought them one of those moving/sound pictures... They loved it. In return, they gave me a gift that I saw them wrap and take to their parent's the night before as an "extra gift" just in case they'd forgotten someone. When I realized that that was the gift that they were giving me, I was a little offended at first. But, I realize that "regifting" has become quite normal these days, and even though I was a little offended, I still did appreciate it. Being able to be with the kids on Christmas day was probably one of the best times I've had in any past Christmas. I hope this helps at all. This family has been great to me in SO many ways... Can you please add that part in there too? I don't want people to think that these people are horrible"
Position: FT Live out Nanny
Bonus: $500
Weekly Salary: $500
Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: photos framed of me and the child I care for.
Length of time I've worked for family: 1 year
City, State and Country: Seattle, WA
Position: Full time nanny to a 20 month old
Bonus: $300
Your Weekly Salary: $475 for 53 hours a week. I also get paid for any weekend hours I work (they hourly rate is usually one dollar more than usual).
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: 4-5 checks for $50 and "Crocs" to match the child's shoes. They have taken my husband and I out to eat once.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: June 2006 to the present
City, State and Country: St. Louis, MO, USA
"The family I work for is a very loving family. They treat me as if I were part of the family and really value my opinion. I look forward to knowing them personally and professionally for a long time".
Position: Full Time nanny for mother who works from an office in her home.
Weekly Salary: $750 for 43 hour work week
Bonus: none
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Nothing, really. (See below)
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 8 months
City, State and Country: Boston, MA
"The mother was going to host Christmas Eve at her house so she went out and bought all of the ingredients for pies and cookies, baking chocolates, sugar, etc. As she always does, she got behind on her work project (Lord knows what she does all day on the computer-I think she is on a chat board). When she begged off on hosting and passed the buck to her brother and sister-in-law, that was one thing. I wasn't really thinking of a bonus or a gift from her because she is miserable and self centered. On December 22, my last day of work before vacation, she handed me three shopping bags full of flour, sugar and baking type things. She said 'this is for you and your family so you can have a Merry Christmas'. Does she think I didn't witness nearly every (loud) phone call she had that week with her sister in law? I graciously accepted her gift. I dropped it off at a Teen Recreation center that I am familiar with. No doubt she thinks she did me a huge favor. The nerve!
Her husband is really cool. I don't know how he puts up with her. She's neither nice nor attractive".
Position: Nanny
Your Weekly Salary: $300
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: a knife set
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 10 months
City, State and Country: Brooklyn, NY
"I work in Brooklyn, and the job is Mon-Friday 10-6. I am also allowed to use their phone and PC when the lil boy is sleeping. plus if I chose too I can have breakfast and lunch. The family also did buy my 3 girls something for Christmas".
Position: Nanny 3 days per week-18 hours per week caring for one infant and one toddler
Bonus: $100
Salary: Fair hourly salary for this area
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: None
Length of time with family: 4 months
Location: Upstate New York
"Before reading some of the entries regarding Christmas bonuses, I felt mine was fair. I now feel that the people I work for either don't know what is fair of haven't dealt with this issue before. I am treated very well and they are very nice and understanding young people. Most of all I love the kids and am happy working here."
Position: Nanny for two girls 10 & 5
Bonus: $1200
Weekly salary: $700 for 25/30 hours
Supplementary Gifts: Necklace from parents, homemade gifts & trinkets from kids.
Length of time with family: almost 6 years.
City, State: New York, NY
Your Position: Full Time (Part Time for 4 Months) Back to full time in January for 3 girls
Bonus: $1000
Your Weekly Salary: FT: $675 PT: $350
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: nothing
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 3 years
City , State and Country: Chicago, IL USA
"I've worked for this family for 3+ years, and go above and beyond my "duties", I'm flexible and consistently stay late, always arrive early and usually end up working more than my 45 hours. I stay for the girls, the parents are great with them but I don't always feel appreciated. Thank You's are few and far between....but I know that as a whole I work for a great family even if I am under appreciated. The girls make it all worth while!"
Your Position: Nanny/Household Manager
Bonus: $520
Your Weekly Salary: $520
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Foot Massager, Pie Plate, Pillow Shams (to go with a bedspread I got for my birthday) and a painting done by my employers mother (an artist). They also sent my husband some "Ove-Gloves" and an emergency radio.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 1.5 years
City, State and Country: Dublin, Ohio, USA
"I have worked for this family for 1.5 years and they have always been generous with gifts. For each occasion (wedding, bridal shower, birthdays) I have received many gifts that I like and need. The wife also picks me up things occasionally that she thinks I would like. The $520 bonus this covers the extra week off I take during the holiday season while the mother stays home from work with the kids (so it is like a third week of paid vacation a year). Overall the family I work for is extremely generous and willing to help me out whenever I need it. They also have compensated me more and more as I have taken on extra responsibilities in their household."
Position: Nanny
Bonus: $1000
Weekly salary: $500
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Alot: Champaign, candles, dairy, etc.
I got 1.5 weeks of with full pay.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: I have worked for the for 10 months.
City, State and Country: New York
"I absolutely love my job I work an average of 15 to 20 hours a week. and get paid $500 I do not cook, clean bathe the kIds, i do not even make the kids beds. The kid are awesome the LISTEN and they do not have ATTITUDE."
Position: Full Charge Nanny to 1 child, with a sibling due early 2007
Bonus: $150
Your Weekly Salary: $750 for 50 hour week
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: see below
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: nearly 2 years
City , State and Country: Metro Atlanta, GA
"While it would have been great to get a big bonus and lots of gifts, I feel that I am working for a terrific family. They purchased a brand new SUV for me in 2005, and have allowed me to use it outside of work as my own car. All I pay for is gas and the occasional car wash. They pay EVERYTHING else (car note, insurance, repairs/maintenance). They also provide a cell phone, and pay 1/2 of my health insurance premiums. In addition, one set of grandparents always remembers me with a small gift.
The thing to remember about bonuses in the nanny world is that EVERY job is different. You can't compare Nanny A to Nanny B the way you could compare Salesperson A to Salesperson B. So, some will get huge bonuses, some will get nothing. I think a more relevant survey might cover overall job satisfaction, whether there is mutual respect between nanny/parents/children, and whether a nanny would choose to work for the family again, knowing what she knows now. "
Position: Part Time Nanny
Weekly Salary: $400 for 16 hours of work.
Bonus: None
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: 1 carat diamond earrings!!
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: three months
City , State and Country: Boston, MA
Position: Nanny for 2 families (about 16 hours each job)
Bonus: $100 cash from one and $200 cash from the other
Your Weekly Salary: $500 total per week (tax free)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Received a very nice set of perfume from the more generous family. Also received 2 weeks paid vacation from both families during the holidays in which they did not need me due to family in town, kids out of school and out of town trips. I am also being paid to house-sit while the family is out of town (1 wk), and this is cheap vacation for me and hubby!!
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 12 months and 8 months (Jan '05 and April '05)
City , State and Country: Jupiter, FL (USA)
Position: nanny
Bonus: $50.00
Your Weekly Salary: $250.00
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: yes
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 1.5 months
City , State and Country: Blackwood, NJ USA
Position: I'm an Private Nanny, for 3 boys, including cooking/laundry, but no other cleaning.
Bonus $1600
Weekly salary: $470 net (approx $620 gross)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: a beautiful Sweater, Tank top, and a $20 gift card to Starbucks.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 4 yrs. 1 month.
City , State and Country: This position is a Live IN and located in Toronto Canada, so all dollar amounts are in Canadian Dollars
"I am very happy with my Bonus,(also considering my birthday was 2 weeks ago, areceivedieved a yoga voga suit.) but I also believe I deserve every sent of it, I will do almost anything for this family, including Christmas Shopping/ wrapping, Planning Birthday Parties/ volunteering at the kids Schools, and Caring for the Children for them to go to Europe for a week (with extra pay of course). I'm curiousrious to know what the nationalities of these nannies are, I find if you are an immigrant you allow these parents to take advantage of you."
Position: I work for two families actually because both are PT. I work 12 hrs a week for one fam and 15 for the other.
Bonus: None
Weekly salary: No response
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: I only received something from one family, BUT, both families advanced me a weeks pay to get holiday shopping done, are extremely nice, flexible with my schedule, AND allow me to bring my 1 year old son with me. =) As for the bonus, the one family gave me a $50 giftcard, a mug full of hot chocolate mixes, and toys for my son. I feel extremely lucky and am content with both my positions.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: I have been at both positions only a few weeks.
City , State and Country: I live in Illinois.
Position: Full Time Nanny
Bonus: See Below
Weekly Salary: See Below
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: None
City , State and Country: Mercer Island, WA
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: five and a half years. "While working full time I receivedeved a Christmas bonus every year of $500 until last year when I received $600. That was about a weeks salary. That job ended in July but I still work for them a couple nights a month for date nights. This year I worked (watching the kids) during their Christmas party. When I arrived they handed me an envelope with my pay for the evening and "a little extra and received $350. I was very surprised and more than satisfied."
......Read more after the Jump..........................
Click here to continue Reading Holiday Bonuses, Part II
I have been with my current family for 8 months and did NOT receive a Christmas bonus. I am very disheartened, not because I expected it, but because of the "extras" that I do for them. Now I don't do these "extras" because I want something in return, it's just in my nature as a person. I did receive a nice gift (valued at $200) from them and I don't dispute that, however, I am still pissed (can I say that?).
Salary: $500/wk, 1 child, 45hrs/wk, no gas mileage.
1. Should I bring this up and mention that we did discuss this during my interview, and that the salary was accepted based on expected bonuses throughout the year or should I just leave it alone?
2. Also, since they did not meet my expectations, should I discuss regotiating my salary since I didnt get a bonus?
I would really like your help regarding this. -M