
Sydney's Playground in Tribeca, NY

Received Saturday, January 27, 2007
Thursday January 24th at Sydney's Playground in Tribeca (downtown Manhattan)

The Nanny: Medium length brown hair in a pony tail, average body type, Caucasian probably in her early to mid twenties, dressed in jeans and a green hooded sweater.

The Child: A boy, two or three years old, very cute, wearing a blue t-shirt with a dog on it over a lighter blue long sleeve shirt, sandy brown hair, big smile.

What I saw: I didn't see the nanny & child arrive, but I observed the nanny for more than an hour sitting up in the cafe area drinking coffee and watching what looked like a DVD TV show on her laptop computer. She only very rarely glanced at the playground floor and seemed totally unconcerned about the child that she was supposed to be giving her full attention. I know that Sydney's is an indoor playground and it SEEMS safer than having the kids outside where all manner of people have access to them--but you still can't just let a two year old run around with no supervision while you play on your computer! Maybe no one could abduct him, but he could most certainly hurt himself.

I did see the girl and child playing a while later and she seemed very affectionate and caring with him, he was climbing on her and she was tickling him. It was sweet and the child clearly loves this girl--but I really don't think that excuses her complete neglect and if I was the mother I would definitely want to know!

Click here to read the Nanny's Response (01/27/07).


Anonymous said...

What is going on with all of these anti nanny sightings. If the young lady was in her mid 20's and the child was 2-3 she could have easily been mommy. mommies who take their children to the playground or library or wherever usually bring a long a magazine or laptop to busy themselves while Jr is having fun. And unless you had your eyes glued to this truly don't know how often she was glancing up to look at her child! Obviously the child was fine!! Dear OP..not sure where you live but here in the U>S> cannot arrest someone for something you think they MIGHT do. The child was obviously loved enough to not only be taken to the playgroung but later to be rolled around and played with by this caregiver!! Give it a rest and stop making these absurd posts!!! PLEASE

(you are giving New Yorkers a bad rap as most if the ludacrist postings seem to originate there!)

Anonymous said...

The only person giving New Yorkers a bad rap is the ignoramus who asked, "what are all these anti-nanny sightings about?. Um, it's called "I saw your nanny". So basically I could submit a sighting saying I saw your nanny trip on bleeker street. Also, who is saying anything about arresting people? No one is arresting people. Nannies for the most part work unsupervised. Parents rely on other nannies, bystanders and parents to let them know if something is off or troublesome. If it bothered this person as a parent, that is all it matters. Hypothetically it could bother this child's parent.

New Yorkers are the smartest and saviest people around. That is just a fact of life.

Anonymous said...

If the posting is the mom and not the nanny, then I think the mother will KNOW that it was her ownself!
Most of the time I can tell a nanny from a mother because the nannies are over the top conscientious, fun and loving. Yes, the nannies.

Anonymous said...

I'm a mother here. I go to places just like this one with magazines in tow so I can have a break. But my child is 31/2. You don't see 2 year olds that are unattended. Two years old is also too young to feel like you are out there on your own. Do your child research. A child of that age needs to be able to look up and make eye contact with you from time to time.

Anonymous said...

323..yes,I can see from the Nanny'reply(new post above) that New Yorkers are the smartest and saviest people! Once again a New Yorker get's it wrong!! Making accusations that just don't apply!

Anonymous said...

Making Accusations that just don't apply. I don't believe this crap. There are some angry nannies out there! That's what I see. After reading the nanny reponse above, this looks like concocted crap!

Anonymous said...

Yes,because angry nanny bashers sitting at an indoor cafe all day long,poking their noses into evertone else's business have nothing better to do ! I agree..this is concocted crap!!But not by the nannies!!

Anonymous said...

1107 honey you need to chill! You are awfully defensive over a blog!! Would hate to see how you react to real problems in life!!

Anonymous said...

wake up. everyone's nose is in everyone's business. like it or not. I mean arguing about this is just MOOT.

The most forgivable time for a person to nose around in someone else's business is when a child is involved. Why are you defending nannies as if they are being wronged? They work with precious children and without supervision.

Do you work? Do you have a supervisor? I work with numbers all day and I still have someone I am accountable to on a moment's notice.
I don't think good nannies have anything to worry about. If anything they would be caught in a good sighting.

But someone obviously has an agenda!

Anonymous said...

Pipe Down.

Anonymous said...

1137 so glad to hear you work w/ numbers all day and not people!! You need to meditate or try decaf!! Poor baby! You are wound soooo tight! There is no agenda!! This was a fair sighting and you hate that the Probable nanny defended herself,proving the OP wrong!!(who BTW should post an apology)

Anonymous said...

I react to problems in real life by solving them. Call me crazy. And if I can't solve them, I call in the people I need to consult on how to solve them. And if I don't know how to contact the people I need to solve a problem, I post it on the internet. That's how I roll.

Anonymous said...

1140 are you the op..yes I think owe the nanny an New Yorkers know how to do that? It's real easy..I am sorry!!

Anonymous said...

mm..well keep on rolling baby!!

Anonymous said...

roll on over to another blog..would you?!!

Anonymous said...

am I wrong to think that this vague description does suggest nanny described herself?
The Nanny: Medium length brown hair in a pony tail, average body type, Caucasian probably in her early to mid twenties, dressed in jeans and a green hooded sweater.
Also, note how this child was described by the OP. It was the most rave review of a child I have yet to read. Something is rotten in Denmark.

Anonymous said...

The op was wrong..why is everyone attacking nannies here? Why do you all have to turn this around? It is a good thing..the OP was wrong...child was safe!! What is the beef??

Anonymous said...

why do you keep insulting New Yorkers? Alleged "nanny" is a New Yorker too. That is if they are not one in the same. I don't know what to think.

Anonymous said...

london mama..whats wrong..your nanny not only took great care of your kids but your hubby too now all nannies suck?? Bash on nanny basher!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was about to yell at you for blaming the nannies. But you make a valid point about the way she describes the child.

Anonymous said...

valid my ass! You people are sooo out of it!If this was apost about a mommy and the mommy defended herself you'd be as happy as flies on shit!! You are all sickening!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My nanny went to school on a dancing scholarship, she's a real head turner but my husband doesn't have a shot!

I call it like I see it.

Anonymous said...

1146 why yell..are you not capable of having an educated disscussion? Must be a nanny!

Anonymous said...

1149..well honey,maybe you need glasses!

Anonymous said...

Why Swear, Yell and Use Trashy Euphanisms. I wonder WHO that could be.

PS Aren't you trying to validate nannies? Then maybe you should keep your mouth shut and your fingers still.

Anonymous said...

Booooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!
You got caught!

The only thing scarier than a nanny who is out in public and lets an insult fly or shows a short fuse is a nanny who is sneaky and scheming. Bogus reports. Check your receipts parents.

Anonymous said...

and by bogus reports, i mean. Yes the nanny wrote this just so she could respond to it. Could it be more obvious????

Anonymous said...

yeah, i think you're right. now that i re read this, it seems that the OP of this post also dressed the child. (shirt over shirt)

Oh my, my!

Anonymous said...

What is the point of a nanny posting something false like this? Shouldn't a nanny care about the welfare of children? Why would a nanny want people to think all posts are bogus or wrong? Some are insanely silly but others illuminate troubling situations! I don't understand why someone would make it their goal to sabotage. What possible gain could you have?

Can't you envision your life beyond that as a nanny. What about when you have your own child. Are you so confident because of what you know about nannies that you won't have nannies that you won't have one?

We are human. We rely on other people to balance us out. We need our friends to help us see the snake oil salesman we mistake for Sir valentine. We need friends to keep an eye on our homes when we vacation and we need our community to look out for our children!

Anonymous said...

for whatever reason. there are some nannies i know that make it clear they don't answer to anyone, not even the parents they work for.

Anonymous said...

This bogus post and the bogus response does nothing but make nannies look bad. Like they have even more to hide. By planting a fake sighting and response, you are telling parents out there that the legitimacy of all posts should be called in to question. I don't care about nannies giving children soda, but I do think there are many posts on here that parents clearly need to be made aware of. They need not take them at their word, but they should at least "look closer" to find out for yourself. This poster has very sinister intentions I would think. Either that or she was just desperate to see herself sighted as a "good nanny" and found a roundabout (albeit destructive) way to do it.

Anonymous said...

I think this nanny should be fired. For all the reasons listed in the comment section. This nanny did nothing but make an argument for nanny cameras. People never are who you think they are. Sad.

Anonymous said...

AS a nanny..I think all of you are rotten! Why make comments like"see your life beyond that of being a nanny"..What is it that you do that makes you so superior to a nanny? And for the record,as a nanny,I once made a comment on this blog about recognizing similiar writing and made an accusation that the post & repsonse were from the same person! Boy was I attacked!!"There is no way to know who is posting here" was the exact quote with other colorful vernacular mixed in..of course it was after a bad mommy comment! But Now that we have an attack on nannies(as usual) everyone knows exactley where this post came from and who is writing it!! No doubt the same people that like myself,check this site daily,no doubt the same people that told me I could not possibly know who a post was written from!! You are all a bunch of lemmings..i hope your fall from the cliff is all you hoped it would be!

PS I would never work for any of you!! You would never pass my interveiw !! You are all narrow minded and suspicious!! You live to see the negative sightings and can't stand the thought of a fabulous nannY All New Yorkers no doubt!!

Anonymous said...

1130 you are an ass! You need to be accussed of something falsely and then have your job threatened ..see how you like it!! Dumbass!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing pisses me off more than a domestic trying to insult my intelligence. False posting, my ass.

Deliberate effort to mislead parents in to thinking all posts on this site are wrong. The evil minion who posted these two blogs must not have any real love in her heart for children.

All about the Benjamins?
(as they say)

Anonymous said...

Nothing pisses me off more than dumb people trying to act like they have half a brain in their head and thinking they're better than someone else.

"these two blogs" So, this blog, and which other blog? Or do you mean this blog post? "Blog" is short for "Weblog." is a blog, is there another blog that you are referencing here?

Anonymous said...

This is an extremely odd post. The child is described with loving details. First time ever an undershirt is mentioned. Sounds like the person who dressed the child authored with the post, indeed. What I don't understand is that if the nanny wanted to salute herself, why she had to post all the other jargon?

Anonymous said...

Who is this random, anti New York poster? She can't spell and makes no sense. Should I be crying tears in to my pillow that I would not pass her interview? She would not be buzzed through the gates!

Anonymous said...

I bet you wish you could go back in time to when you though submitting a phony post and response would be a cool idea and have a 40 of St. Ides instead.


What blather. What are we supposed to hope for? That you apologize to yourself for having wrongly accused yourself?


Anonymous said...

Traditionally typewriters had only a single hyphen glyph so it is common to use two monospace hyphens strung together--like this--to serve as an em dash.

When an actual em dash is unavailable, a double hyphen-minus ("--"), a triple hyphen-minus ("---"), or a single hyphen-minus with space on either side (" - ") are used. In Unicode, the em dash is U+2014 (decimal 8212). In HTML, one may use the numeric forms — or —; there is also the HTML entity —. In TeX, the em dash may normally be input as a triple hyphen-minus (---).

This use of the em dash appears quite unlikely in both the supposed OP and respondent's post. I have not seen it used anywhere previously. If you can find example of it, I would not hesitate to guess that it again is the OP.

Sounds to me like a nanny with a LOT of time on her hands.
Passive Agressive People- I have no use for them!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
1130 you are an ass! You need to be accussed of something falsely and then have your job threatened ..see how you like it!! Dumbass!! "

Who threatened your job? Is the post and the follow up post about dirty retribution?

Maybe you should buy yourself or talk your employer into buying one of those nanny stroller licence plates and then stick it on your forehead. Walk around tickling the child and demonstrating what a great nanny you are and I am sure someone will send in a good report on you.

Anonymous said...

Before I click to read the nanny's response, I have to say it sounds a lot like someone is setting the stage for some sort of eloquent reply which will demonstrate to all what a tremendous catch as a nanny she is.

Anonymous said...

The double dashes are only the first indicator that both of these posts were written by the same person. I find the identical misuse of commas to also be suspect. If you read both posts aloud, you'll see what I mean.

The fact that the person doing the sighting KNEW it was "a DVD TV show" is also kind of telling. How would a person observing from afar know it was a TV show, instead of, say a movie that was being watched?

And before I'm called a nanny-basher, I'm a work at home mom who once WAS a nanny. I'm just pretty sure these were written by the same person. I can understand, maybe, why it was done, but it seems like a waste of time to me.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Written by the same person. For too many reasons to cite. So lame, I am lame for even commenting on this person's lame attempt to glorify herself.
