Tropicana and Pecos, in Las Vegas
The nanny had her own 3 year old and 5 year old blond children, the child she cares for is a 6 month old bald QT.
The caregiver is about 5'5", heavy set with shoulder length brownish hair. The nanny was holding the baby in a blue star cover sling, she had a black diaper bag and they got into a red minivan. What I saw was a loving mother. She was patient and kind with her own children, and while my grandsons were playing with her children and we chatted, I was shocked to learn that the baby wasn't also hers. She cuddled him, fed him the last bits of his bottle, calmly told him, "No sweetie, be gentle." when he pulled her hair, she seemed cautious not to yell out "ouch" as not to startle the infant. She rocked him to sleep while her kids played, and mediated bickering all the while. That baby's parents found a gem!
I don't know how easy it is to edit a post, but perhaps we should mention that it was at the Burger King playground? I apologize, I just fear that it reads like the kids were playing in the intersection! ;-) I should have re-read it before sending it in. -OP 1/21/07 5:40 PM EST
I love it! Mothers make the best nannies!
Not always.....
As a mother who employs a nanny full time, I think it is funny that you should grasp on to the "mother's make the best nannies" thing. It is kind of the opposite of what you are saying in every other post about mothers that dare to go to work.
Stop being a hypocrite. A nanny who gets to bring her children to work is one lucky SOB. That was never a possibility for me in my office or the courtroom. That doesn't make me a bad mother!
You are NOT a bad mother if you work. And nannies who get to bring their children to work are the luckiest of them all! And they usually know that, too. In return they are the kind of people you would want spending time around your own children because they're doing it for so much more than a paycheck.
Geez, defensive much "Your Honor"???
307 have you ever stopped to think that some of us "lucky SOB's" as you put it might not be lucky..but perhaps smarter than you when we chose a career that would allow us to be a mommy too? You chose a career that would make you feel important..we chose a career that would make our children feel important!! Stop bashing us and stop bashing nannies! You made your own choices with it! Signed a very happy mommy & nanny !!! one said anything about "bad mothers" but you!?!
Why did you choose your career instead of being a nanny so you couls be with your children all day? There are other jobs as well such as home daycares and online office jobs..selling items online?? What gives..why are you complaining? Did you choose your job because of the money and lifestyle it would allow you? Perhaps that was your priority..nmot all of us feel that way..some of us are happy paying our bills,owning our small homes and having a savings account of 5-8,000..our children don't need our money..they need our love! I know your career allows you alot more money than mine but I'll take the trade-off gkladly!! You keep your $..I'll keep my kids!!
307 whats the deal..why are you bashing nannies? Souunds like you are very jealous that your nanny gets to spend all day with your children!
It is ridiculous to argue the point why someone who went to law school wouldn't skip at the chance to work as a nanny. Why do you hate succesful women so much?
if you are working as a nanny, you are definitely not smarter. You're lucky. Pat yourself on the back all you want. You lucked out. And if it weren't for women like me who went to work and made enormous salaries, who would pay your inflated salaries and bestow your child the only non walmart clothing items she owns?
I would never hire a nanny who brought her children as part of the package. Never in a million years! And I don't know anyone that would. I suppose if you have the same nanny for a decade and she gets married and has children, that is a different story. But a nanny with child in tow is not hirable! Unless you are shopping the Bargain Basements of Nannies.
In the right circumstance, with the right person I could see myself hiring a nanny with a child-even if it meant she brought her child to work. It isn't ideal-but no one is perfect. No nanny is perfect and no mother is perfect. Having said that, I really don't understand how anyone who has the fortune to work as a nanny and bring their child to work -working for a mother who works out of the home- How dare you pass judgement. Many of my friends earn as much or more as their husbands and not at jobs either-in their professions. Professions they have dreamed of since little girls and worked a lifetime to get where they are!
Congrats to the lady who seen a nanny loving a child. There is hope in this world after all. With all the horrid stories that you here day in and day out about children being mistreated, it sometimes make what should seem like the ordainary (a child being care for) become exordainary. So Koudos to that mom and the nanny!
On the other hand, you people here that post all the time are sicken. You never stick to the post but wonder off in to "you are crazy as hell land!". I don't get why you are goingg back and forth at each others throats. I come here to see a great nanny post and discuss it or a suggestion on how to deal with the not so great nanny post. Mostly what I get is the same cut your throat crap. I don't get it. If you stay at home with your children great for you. If you work and send your kids to daycare, great for you and you have a nanny great for you. The bottom line is that it your life, your children and your decisions. Having a family, career, and making life decisions are all a balance act. the yen and the yang. make the most of it and stop arguing the silly non issues here.
I agree with the poster directly above but for the one comment regarding hiring a nanny with a child followed shortly thereafter with "no one is perfect". I assume that came out wrong and that you did not intend to insinuate that a nanny with a child would be flawed somehow. Also, I commend you for your broad-mindedness. Good nannies are very, very important to our society and likewise are good mothers, even those with careers.
As a nanny myself I have brought my daughter w/ me to my job. Infact before i went on interviews i would let the parent know. One of my last jobs i got hired because of my daughter. The lady had a 4 yr old and my daughter was also 4 so the little girl had someone to play w/ when i watched her. And heres the funny part, when my new employer called for a reference she said one of the things she loved was that i did bring my daughter w/ me.
okay..okay to all you bitter feminist who want to bash the women who have made choices that allow them to be with their children daily..just calm down!! You have all made your nasty little remarks and snide comments from "walmart clothing to bargain basement nannies"!! claim to be intelligent, confident high powered career women yet you act like injured, jealous 10th graders!! Why get so worked up over a women who chooses a career,and some very well paying I might add,thatallows her more time with her children? No one brought up the bad mommy thing but the women who needed to make sure everyone knew she had a big,fancy job! Some women,unlike many that have posted here, are not defined by their jobs or social status. Likewise we are not all threatened or insecure because other women make more money or drive bigger SUV'S.. some of us are secure enough to be who we are and not be what our job is! If you feel the need to job drop on a blog to make yourself seem more important than the rest of us..I would say you are one insecure and sad women!! You must be a ballbuster of an attorney/judge.
I too am a nanny who brings my child to work with me!~ I am a very sought after and well paid nanny in my community. I have had friends ( or so they call themselves) of my employers offer me more $ if I would come to work for them. I am very loyal and very good at my job because I love my charges! To the person making comments about nannies with children..well you go ahead and do what you do best..make judgment call about things you know nothing about!!
I don't understand why:
1) a woman who works must be a ballbuster.
2) A woman who works must be a feminist.
3) A woman who works must be a man hater.
4) A woman who choses to have a career doesn't love her children as much as some ninny who has no real career and stays at home because there is no reason for her to go flip burgers at White Castle.
5) Why you stay at home mothers who have no choice but to stay home because you never bothered to educate yourself dare bash mothers who work and somehow reference SUVS in your commentary.
6) How any nanny anywhere would ever act disgusted by a career woman who employs a nanny to care for her child.
I have a career. I have a family. I have the most amazing nanny and have had her for 4 years. There are many things she does that she does better than me. I run home to my children. I don't miss concerts and ballgames and I am tired of the bitter hatred SAHMS dare express against WOHMs and then act as if we spoke out of turn by discussing the merits of our career choices.
We have every right to be proud of our careers, just like I am know you wohms are so proud of your husband's!
PS Kudos to the good nanny mentioned in this blog. And to the family that obviously makes the caliber of care their child receives a priority.
"the yen and the yang"
Are you talking about the Japanese Yen (currency) or the constant struggle between good and bad (yin and yang)???
some nannies,such as myself,not only have a college career but make fabulous money! And shame on you for degrading anyone are a snob and a bitch..flipping bugers or running a court room.. a working man or women should not be made to feel bad by the likes of you!
Do you mean college degree?
So does my nanny.
And you misunderstood what I said. I find myself so often judged by the SAHM who would make as a much as a nanny if she went back to work, so she stays home. SHe grows tired, angry and bitter. She spends her days trying to make succesful wohms feel guilty.
You must admit, someone who doesn't return to work after having a child because she cannot afford to is much different than someone who could afford to stay home but chooses her career. Before anyone apologizes, it should be the SAHM forced in to a life of domestic servitude-likely by her own inability to educate herself in her younger years.
how long are we going to keep pretending that the US is not a class based society. We need people who are upper class who will employ domestic help and we need people who are lower class who are willing to work for the upper class. Quit tap dancing around the obvious. Class isn't always pretty, but it always is.
1241 you can try and explain..I think you are a rotten person for making such a mean comment! You cannot hide your true colors! I would have much respect for you if you were simply truthful here and said what was on your mind instead of trying to back pedal! You made the remark,now own up to it! You look down on those who do not have a high powered career as you do."Hence the "flipping burgers remark".. I hope that your wonderful nanny has more of an influence on your children than you do!
tao of are so off it is not even funny! You are a sad little boy! Now go to's late!
I am sorry I am just angry that I meet mothers at soccer games and camps who boast of being SAHMS and look at me like I am a terrible person when the truth is, they don't have degrees. They don't have the potential to obtain gainful, professional employment and they are only envious!
class,$$ and nasty remarks..this blog is silly!
What is silly is that people come on here to argue but fail to acknowledge that we are a class based society. I am not saying that is right. But it is true!
1248 you made your point..I hope that when all is said and done you truly realize what you are saying and how it sounds coming out of your makes you sound very bitter,jealous and catty!! If you were truly that confident you would not give a shit what ANYONE else was thinking of you! Obviously..that is not the case. I am sorry that every one else's opions of you matter so much..I am sorry for you! I am also sorry that you feel a women without a degree is not as good as you are! I hope your children will learn differently.
That is not what I said. But arguing with an uneducated woman is a bit like saddling a cow. You work like hell, and what's the point?
So good night!
As we speak my mail domestic dressed only in an open back apron is making my lunch and coffee for tomorrows trip to the office!! Yummie..and for the right amount of dinero..he will put a smile on my face!! Goota go ladies!!
goodnight angry attorney lady with a degree!!!
you mean male, right?
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh! If you are going to try and sound high and mighty, you might want to spell check.
high and mighty no..I am a lowly nanny with no degree..but lots of fun!! See ya1!
1256 you need to lighten up!!!you are wound way to tight!! You don't even get it when someone is having fun with you!!
1256..what gives..why so tighly wound? The above poster was just trying to lighten the mood! You need help babe! Get laid or get some Zoloft!! Do something!!Quick!!
1256 put the keyboard away and get some sleep! You are very defensive over a silly blog!
1255 sounds like fun! Thanks for lightening the mood! goodnight!
College & life educated SAHM. Just stumbled across this blog....Wow.
Well, here's my take.
I'm a SAHM, b/k that's what I believe is best for me and mine. I am also a SAHTeacher as I homeschool my kids, b/k, again, that's what I think is best for me and mine.
Besides all the above, I also watch others children in a daycare at my home (after school part-time & summer). And I work nights cashiering which is probably the equivalent to the burger flipping I did a couple years ago around the holidays to get my kids a couple of extra nice things for Christmas.
Almost forgot...I also clean houses for WOHM's. It pays roughly $25 hr which I then turn over to my kids who add it to the 'field trip' account we have that they are the 'accountants' for.
So basically, I work very hard too, for my kids. The jobs may not be pretty, and they may 'tarnish' my resume, but it's all done, so they (my kids) won't be the ones standing in front of a judge themselves one day.
(And wouldn't actually being the judge, or the teacher, or the lawyer, or the truck driver, or the nurse, etc. help in that aspect also?).
Isn't that the one of the goals of all well meaning moms anyway?
May I take this opportunity to remind everone. It takes a village to raise a child. We women need eachother. We used to be tightly woven together but now we have lost sight of that. Why? B/k of 'the times'? May I give you a short example of reality.
The WOHM supports the decision of the SAHM to be at home with her child by financially helping her to do so. The SAHM supports the WOHM decision to provide for her child by physically helping her to do so. The SAHWM (stay at home working mother), runs the cash register for the AHANM (at home at night mother) who has to run out in the middle of the night for medicine for her sick child. And then maybe, as that AHANM, is out, she realizes that she missed dinner, either b/k she was sending pedophiles to prison or b/k there just wasn't enough, so she runs through the drive-thru of her local burger joint, for a midnight snack where a well meaning WANM (work at night mom) is there to help her.
Does that shed any light on the situation? Come on ladies. Life is too short. We need eachother.
So, THANK YOU Moms and nannies everywhere for your positive relation to my life.
stop commenting on your own posts. that's so UB.
1:51 You are a gem. We do all need each other! Nannies need their employers, and employers need their nannies. I love your comment: "I work very hard too, for my kids. The jobs may not be pretty, and they may 'tarnish' my resume, but it's all done, so they (my kids) won't be the ones standing in front of a judge themselves one day.
(And wouldn't actually being the judge, or the teacher, or the lawyer, or the truck driver, or the nurse, etc. help in that aspect also?)."
Anyway, as a nanny who brings her child to work I wish some parents wouldn't be so closed minded about nannies who have children. There are a lot of benefits to mothers caring for your children. Some of the comments on here about nannies with children are terribly offensive. I, too, have a college degree, I am bilingual, my husband is a Ph.D., and I could be a high powered career woman. But I love working with children, and I have chosen another path. And even with "a child in tow," I am one of the highest paid nannies in my area. That said, I have nanny friends who are just as wonderful as I, with only a h.s. diploma, or who are from other countries (and are teaching their charges a second language). All of the moms we work for do wonderful things for people because they are doctors, professors, etc. We are honored to help raise their children, and their children are very proud of them. Most of the children want to do the same thing mommy does when they grow up. It's a wonderful set up for all of us.
How wonderful to allow the nanny to bring her child to work and play amongst your charges. Perhaps your employer wishes to expose her own children to diverse backgrounds.
Standing in front of a Judge because if mothers don't give up their careers, their children will end up in the criminal justice system? This is hogwash. Why not just be grateful that you can trot your child around at your place of employment? Many of your comments slam the working women. You are ridiculous. You are lucky that you found a place to work and care for your child. Until corporate America recognizes that the world has changed,nothing will change. Google should be a model for all employers everywhere. Working at Google, they have topnotch daycare, you can have meals with your child, you can even bring your dog to work!
I stumbled upon this site, and you women make me sick... especially the working mothers.
What makes you think that because a woman chooses to stay home, or chooses to be a nanny makes her un/under-educated?
One might consider me a nanny; I tend to think of myself as a babysitter. I am a nurse, with a college degree (obviously) and had fantastic career as a nurse fractioned in an OB/GYN clinic. When I planned to have my children, I did not plan on the local economy going the way it did (in San Francisco, Ca). So, 5 years into my career as a fulltime mother, I opted to bring in an extra $2000 a month by watching my neighbors kid who are the same age as my own.
While you might want to ASSume that those of us that stay home with our children are less educated than you, but I think that we just have a better grasp of what's important than you.
I am not lucky. I am smart. I am a shrewd businesswoman; I worked hard to get through school. I worked hard to achieve my professional goals, save my money, and planned my family accordingly. are a racist and an idiot! Diverse backgrounds" Yes all people who employ nannieas are the white elitists and they employ black,asian and mexicans only..good thing they can expose their children early..huh? You are an idiot!
She did not say that if mother's don't give up their careers, their children will end up in the criminal justice system! She said that both the children of career women, and the children of nannies and stay at home mothers will turn out o.k. because they have good examples to follow! She said that we need BOTH to make things work. Why are you trying to criticize? Can't you just respect people's childcare choice? Your way is not the only way...or the only right way. Why do you feel the need to attack nannies who bring their children to work by saying things like, "trot your child around at your place of employment?" Google has a good idea in providing daycare for it's employees, and letting children have lunch with parents. A lot of working women aren't lucky enough to work at a place that provides that. Their best choice may be to hire a nanny...with or without a child, depending on her family. Other children thrive in daycare settings. Some moms thrive while working part time. Some women make better moms when they also work full time outside the home. Some moms don't have a choice, but work to pay the bills. Some moms feel that their work is to be with their children. ALL of these are GOOD THINGS!!! You have to do what makes you be the best woman and mom! Forget about what other people think, and do what is best for yourself and your family. And moms, stop criticizing each other! There are no RIGHT ways to do things! Life is much more complicated than right and wrong, black and white, stay at home vrs. career. We should be thankful that our children have so many different ways to give and receive love from adult caregivers. I'm grateful for every person who takes an interest in my son's life, and helps me raise him in big and small ways.
I'm worried that you misread what I said. I do what I do, to hopefully produce God fearing, law abiding, and happy adults one day. So that's what I means about keeping MINE out from the front of the judge. Just as the judge, teacher, etc. is also doing the same thing. It was not a hit on working moms. WE ARE ALL WORKING.
It seems like the problem is when we want to categorize or stereotype what a mother is. It's not even remotely possible. A mother is so many things. Home 24/7 or not. Still a mom. And still has to complete her responsibility. I know many a stay at home mom who wastes her day and I watch other working moms who do more in one day with their kid than a SAHM does in a week.
Let's worry about our own, b/k we are the only ones who truly are going to.
"shrewd businesswoman"
no I don't think so.
You provide home daycare.
That is all.
Whoever keeps writing "B/K" you are driving me nuts. It's "B/C" as in "BeCause"
Knock it off already.
12:34- yeah, shrewd businesswoman.
I was able to earn enough in 10 years to pay back my student loans, get ahead on my mortgage, and save enough money to allow me comfortably stay home with my children. When it was a little less comfortable, and my neighbor needed to go back to work, I took on her children.
The point of have a fab career isn't to work forever, but to create the funds that allow you to do what you want. I will be able to retire with ease and I am able to raise my own children. Doing that in 10 years, yeah, I am a shrewd businesswoman.
I do not provide home daycare. I babysit my neighbors kids. I am a stay at home mom. When my children are grown, I'll rejoin the OB/GYN that I helped start.
I have great respect for all you home daycare are businesswomen, healers, teachers, and many other things. You are why I can work as much as I do, and still know my children are being loved and cared for. The woman above is a bitch who is probably jealous because she surrendered her children to the very people she is badmouthing to raise while she sought out money and power. Thank you to all the nannies, stay at home moms, and daycare providers who help us raise our children. Your job is so important!
1243 you keep telling yourself that while you run off to the office leaving your children to be hugged a nd kissed by someone else all day long!!
anonymous 1058..Bravo!! I think you post was fabulous!! You are so right! I am not sure why working mommies feel that a woman who would choose to be a nanny is uneducated or lucky...why because we are smart enough to figure out a way to incorporate out jobs with raising our children?How does this make us any less educated than a mommy who is away from her children all day? Seems to me maybe we are just smarter when it comes to our choices and priorities?! Do you get it working mommies??? you made a choice just as we made a decision to leave your child in someone else's care while you go off to work..we made a choice to have a job where our child is welcome!! Deal with it!!
To the working mommies of the one twisted your arm to work in an office building or courtroom that does not welcome your child. Would you eat at a cafe that turned your child away? Would attend a church that did not welcome your child? Would shop at a store that said "no children"? Why then do you choose a profession that is not child friendly?
There are plenty of mommy friendly jobs out there..but let's face it...this is really about the almighty dollar and those mommy frinedly jobs do not all offer you the lifestyle you are accustomed to. So let's be honest and stop using the "uneducated nanny line" .It is old and worn out!! Your priority is the money ours the children!!
1234 where are your children while you are at work?
to poster you work? Who watches your children?
"Almight Dollar" Poster. Your posts are so repetitive and dull. While it is true that some careers are lucratives, some of us dreamed to gain fame or make a difference in this world besides raising children. Sometimes, it leads to affording multiple high end cars and luxury vehicles. Not always.
MOST Jobs are NOT Mommy friendly.
Stop bashing women who have careers.
PS My children are cared for by a professional nanny who lives with us. You'll never meet another woman who so deeply values her nanny's position in my life, my children's life and our home. She is my partner and part of the reason for my (tremendous) success.
I am a divorced mother of three beautiful daughters who I hope will aspire to great things. I hope I am a role model to my children. I hope they are happy. My children's happiness means more to me than anything!
Anyone get the feeling that there is one stay at home Mom with a box of Hamburger Helper next to the stove who posts over and over on this blog? Bitter as Nevada butter.
Instead of arguing on and on about this or that, quite fugifying a nice post and go out there and spot a good nanny in action. You know- not one who is comitting a felony.
334 you are so full of yourself! You do not have 2 nannies and if you do are are a lazy ass!!
wohm w 2 nannies ..aka..the trailer park poster..funny sometimes you post anonymous and other times you post with different monikers..what always say the same thing and always post responses to your own postings! You give yourself away with your hatred for nannies & sahm's and men!! You always play the "you must be a poor,angry mommy sitting in a trailer park" card!! Get over yourself!! You are nobody!!And why anyone would claim the crap that you do is beyond is all obviously for show and to elicit a response!!! You are pathetic and boring as hell! Get a book or something..come up with some new material!!
It's truly unfortunate that any woman would attack another, especially concerning her family. Please take this as a humble suggestion against ignorance, not as an attack.
And, I never called myself a shrewd business woman, nor do I want to be considered that way.
Thank you to the one who gave home daycare workers such a nice compliment, it is much appreciated.
BTW, I write b/k, b/k I feel like it, not to drive you nuts.
(BTW means 'by the weigh' just incase you didn't know).
Oh yeah, and I know it's 'way',btw.
... Just trying to be funny. :-)
332 again..lets feel bad for you because you get picked on all the time! Take care of your damn kids and learn to be a women and then you will be a role model for your children!! BTW I am sure all that money makes them happy!I am sure your divorce will serve as role model material as well! feminist make me sick!! Do what you want as long as you are happy..who cares how a divorce and wohm will affect the kids!
Again, you assume that because there was a divorce, the female spouse was to blame?
I have three children. They go to three different schools so for driving purposes alone, it is not a job for one person.
I have never before posted on this board. I don't consider myself a feminist. But I am shocked by your outright hatred of feminists.
you are allowed to outraged by my hatred of feminist just as I am outraged at mommies who pop out kids,let someone else raise them then try to justify it by bad mouthing SAHM's and making references to education and flipping burgers!
to poster 458..why are you shocked that some women hate feminist? Do you know that some women actually are happy being an at home mommy,cooking dinner and changing diapers? Do you think that we all want to open our own doors? Despite how you feel about us(and you and several others have made that clear with your nasty remarks)unlike you..we do not feel the need to prove anything. We are not all like you..that does not mean we are idiots!! I do not beleive in affirmative action or feminism..I hope you got where you are because you are smart and not because there is a law in place that says you deserve it!! Feminism is actually the epitomy of mans way of controlling women and so many of you are so busy following the movement that you don't see it! Women are strong and capable of anything but being confident in yourself means being smart enogh to keep your mouth shut and not trying to prove your point all the time. Why is it that you care so much what the world thinks? Are trying to convince us or yourself?
2:03, to answer your question I stopped working when I gave birth to my first child. I worked for 10 years before that. I planned to stay home, so I scrimped, saved and made wise investment choices.
After I decided to stay home, and the bubble burst, we were left with less money than we'd planned. So was our neighbor. She went back to work, and sent her kids to my place. It was a decision that worked best for everyone involved.
FYI? My neighbor who has also made the choice to stay home? She has a graduate degree. So much for the theory that women with an education wouldn't/couldn't stay home.
Whoops! 1:50 and 10:58am here... I, for some dumb reason, thought that I was 12:34, because my response at 1:50 was addressing 12:34. Oopsey! Disregard!
mmmm hamburger helper yum!!
I get it. People who think smoking is okay, people who spank their children and people who hate succesful women are usually just ignorant, lower class bores.
I have plenty of SAHM friends. They all have college educations. And all but one of them has a nanny too.
I'm a SAHM. I was a teacher before I got married. I have a full time nanny now and a weekend nanny.
Deal with that.
Why would someone be proud of staying at homeand employing a full time (plus weekend) nanny? Do you think that this is in the best interest of your child? I'm not yet a mom; I am a Child Psychologist. I'm just trying to understand the reasoning behind this decision.
I'm a SAHM. I was a teacher before I got married. I have a full time nanny now and a weekend nanny.
That doesn't even make SENSE! You are a SAHM with two nannies?
All in all, it's the working moms here that have me ashamed of mom in general- and I'm working mom with two kids in school, and an after school babysitter!
IF you women think so poorly of your nannnies, why do you trust them with your BABIES?!?!
Where are you a child psychologist? Kansas? In NY and CT, it is common for stay at home mothers to have nannies. YOu may not agree with that choice. But who are you to Judge. Will you attack these mothers as vindictively as you attack those women who continue on with their professional careers after becoming mothers? Most of the Stay at home mothers I know that have nannies are HAPPY. They have help with their children and back up. Their children receive individual attention. The never have to scramble for a sittter or say no to their child. And please don't even suggest we should. We have every right to want to give our children everything!
"Why would someone be proud of staying at homeand employing a full time (plus weekend) nanny?"
Why would someone need to be either proud or embarassed? Perhaps they were just stating a fact of life that from your cornfielf of State Highways 77 just will NEVER grasp!
Do you never leave your children ever? Most Friday and Saturday nights, my husband and I have plans. We have a weekend nanny that arrives on Friday at 5 and leaves Sunday morning at 8 AM.
Not that I answer to you.
A friend of mine reads this blog religiously, she saw this posting and sent me an e-mail.
I'm the nanny from the post, or rather, the babysitter. Considering I work in my home, I don't think that makes me a nanny.
I have been a WOHM, a SAHM, and now a WAHM.
Considering that you WOHM *need* your nannies and caregivers, one would think that you would hold them somewhat higher regard. Perhaps you are higher educated than they, with better careers. However these are women that work hard, are denied their 10min breaks ever 2 hours, and don’t get a lunch break but they’re always their to wipe tears from your child’s cheeks and help them to the potty. If you put in a nine hour work day, they work eleven hours to cover your commute, and often times have a commute themselves. Yes, there are bad nannies out there as this blog has proven- but more often than not a nanny is giving from her hearts and soul to care for YOUR kids. At the end of the day, you get the credit for their efforts.
SAHMs… because they leave their babies in the care of other people doesn’t make them bad parents. Not everyone can stay home. I’ve loved my time as a stay at home mom, but when my husband’s company laid him off, I had no choice but to go to work. Not every mom is cut out to stay home. It’s better that someone find loving care for their children, and play to their strengths than to make a child feel like they kept their parent from doing what they wanted.
No matter what your feelings on the matter, slamming people on the internet while hiding behind the “anonymous” option doesn’t help your case, it just makes you sound like a jerk.
If your nanny is raising your child, why did you bother to give birth? You aren't giving your child everything, you are a selfish person who can't be bothered to raise your own baby.
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I don't understand why someone can soil a positive post about a good nanny by ranting against working women. Stop judging! Most people are motivated to do good if not great things for the children in their care. Whether they are the parents, Aunts, Grandparents, Teachers or Nannies. We need to come together!
"matter, slamming people on the internet while hiding behind the “anonymous” option doesn’t help your case, it just makes you sound like a jerk. "
So you are saying people shouldn't hide behind anonymous. Is that right, anonymous?
I think people who put down working class families for shopping at walmart and doing childcare are pathetic.
I am a preschool teacher and my husband works nights so he watches our baby during the day and I would love to care for a child in my home or another's instead so I could be with my daughter.
Nannies who bring their kids are indeed lucky but also loving that they care more about their kids than money.
I doubt the lawyer mom could handle chilcare duties: she would get fired within a week as a nanny or a preschool teacher! I consider her to be unlucky and elitist as well to put down walmart: if a child is warm and clean, does it really matter if his onesies are from nordstroms or walmart?
So you are saying people shouldn't hide behind anonymous. Is that right, anonymous?
I post above that, who I am. I am the babysitter that the post is about. I wrote than in bold. Since I don't have a blogger account, posting anon was my only option. Additionally? I didn't slam anyone, now did I?
I won't post my name, but I'm certainly not hiding. I blog over at LiveJournal
yes, you can click on "other" and use your real name, initials or moniker. You don't have to be anonymous.
are you the same childcare provider that took pictures of your employer's home and children and posted them on the internet for all to see?
Judging by the condition of that house, how much could she have possibly paid you for childcare?
This is the worst thing I have ever seen on the Internet Ever! Take those pictures of the children off the INTERNET NOW!
wow I just looked at those pics myself. and I thought the last people I nannied for were bad!
how could this woman afford a babysitter at all?
and was that a bong I saw in the bedroom?
1005 you are fabulous and I agree with you. The courtroom mommy is a snob!
The "courtroom mommy" is likely not a snob. She is probably one of the most generous and gentle people you would ever encounter. And I doubt she would say out loud some of the private thoughts she has shared here today. We are living in a PC world. It is somewhat refreshing to be able to say what you really think.
123 honesty can be refreshing yes... but making snide remarks about women flipping burgers and making fun of childrens clothing becuase it is not a brand name is downright rotten and not kind or generous what so ever! How dare she critisize because she feels they are not worthy of her! You are blind if you feel her comments above are kind and generous!
we know you are the lawyer mom posting about yourself. please.
and she most likely is a snob. if you have snobby thoughts privately you are still a snob. it doesn't really matter if you say them out loud or on a blog. you are still a snob.
Those weren't an employers home, I thought it was clear from the post, the comments on my post, and previous comments I've made here that I work in my own home.
Those were pictures of someone that had been a dear friend of mine. She invited us to stay with her when we moved to Las Vegas and were waiting for my house to be ready, but I hadn't BEEN to her house at that point.
I won't take the post down. I left my friend's home in disgust and stayed with my grandmother and in a hotel until we got into our home. I had to call CPS as my friend refused to admit or do anything about her problem. She decided to harrass and accuse me for my decision to report her. I leave that post up (which you should note was posted in November) because friends of hers still search for me on the internet to cause me trouble now and then, and they should know the whole story.
that was pretty ballsy of you.
I have 3 snobby thoughts every 2 hours but I never convey them to the people in my life. My children never hear them. I keep harsh judgemnts to myself. I pretend evertything is status quo.
(It isn't)
My former friend didn't have a babysitter, save for when I would pick her kids up and take them to my house, before it dawned on her that I had called CPS.... She put her sons in a wee little room with a baby gate over the door and a TV on, where she'd leave them for hours and hours and hours. She would sit in the next room over smoking and messing around on her computer, always.
I'd known this girl since kindergarten, and a year ago she wasn't like this. She kept a tidy house, didn't smoke, and played more with her kids than her computer. She's mentally ill, but refuses to get help or help her babies :(
I have been a nanny for five years with the same family. I love them very much and I am very close with the entire family. I have also, in that time, earned my Master's in Education. Being a nanny is a job. It is a job that is specialized and should be well respected. In many cases, it allows children to develop a meaningful and positive bond with a person who will help to influence their young lives. It requires patience, understanding, and intelligence, as one must be able to react positively and consistantly, as well as give easily understood (yet as accurate as possible) answers to questions such as "What is a soul?" This entire blog made me so sad. I will not be coming back here.
Hello all. I stumbled upon this blog and think that I should add my two cents and I hope you will hear me out.
There seem to be mainly two sides on this blog. I have perhaps a different viewpoint to add.
Like many of you I am married. Unlike you, my husband and I have not yet been blessed to have children.
Yes, that's right. I do not have children. Some of you will scoff and say I have no business posting on this blog because there is no way I can know what I'm talking about.
Like I said, hear me out.
I come from a very long line of SAMH's. I hope to also be one someday. As I have not been able to bear children yet, it seems a far off dream.
But let me be clear; I have always been very observant. I have seen moms on all circumstances.
When my eldest brother was a baby, my mom worked. By the time he was 2 she stopped working forever. I WOULD feel that I would be lucky to always be at home with my future children. I love that my mom was able to be at home.
One of my aunts has always worked. She is a wonderful woman. Her first marriage ended because of abuse. Because it was the 80's it was very difficult for women to be paid as much as men, so she struggled to raise three kids and be a working mom. When she remarried she stayed home with their new baby for a while, but then just needed to work outside the home. She doesn't need to; her husband makes enough to support them, but some women just need to have a job elsewhere. She will probably do that until age catches up with her. That doesn't make her a bad person.
I know a woman whose husband in paralyzed. They adopted a baby boy because they were not able to have kids. She is a teacher and her husband is Mr. Mom.
Women who need to work have just as much right to the joys of children as women who stay at home. Let me remind you, I plan at staying home.
Some women, certainly not all, work for the money. Some work because it was their dream to have a career. Some work out of necessity.
My husband has a non-curable disease. I don't know how long I will have him around. I have to assume that someday I will have to be Mom and Dad. It might be in 50 years, but it might be next year.
I plan to stay at home because I do want to raise my children myself, but I understand the plight of those moms who work for WHATEVER reason. I do not condemn working mothers, nor do I condemn SAHM's. Everyone has a unique circumstance and it is up to them to decide how to live their life. Sometimes it's hard not to judge, but that's why we're here isn't it? To overcome our vices.
One more thought. Good for you moms. There are many a woman who choose not to have children. Those who did are doing the best they can. Isn't it an accomplishment just to have been through a pregnancy and the birth? My goodness! If you can survive that I think you can survive anything.
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