1) FT nanny in exchange for room and board - (D.C.) Our family is looking for a live-in Nanny (female only!) with room and board provided in exchange for full-time care of a ten month old boy, cooking and light housekeeping. Hours will essentially be Mon-Fri 7am to 7:30pm, your weekends will be free. You will have your own room with private bath, Wifi and satellite amenities, as well as use of the laundry room, family room, backyard (with small pool) and kitchen. You do not even need a bed as we can provide that for you! You will live and eat rent free in exchange for all of the above. This is an ideal opportunity for the right woman. We do not have any ethnicity preference but you will be VERY carefully screened and interviewed. Your own form of transportation would be nice but is not essential. You must NOT smoke, do drugs, or drink alcohol (yes, a glass of wine or beer is ok but NOT when working!) NO overnight guests will be allowed. You MUST be willing to submit to background check, drug screen, pass a physical, and NOT be overweight. We are in need of a woman to essentially become a trusted part of our family. I will be conducting interviews this week. Please call 702-265-****. If I do not answer it is because I'm working so please leave a message with your contact information and I will get back to you.
Submitted by Anonymous. Thank you!
2) Looking for Nanny in Our Home - (VA) Hello, my name is Melissa and we are looking for a full time nanny for our children. Ages are eight, six, five, four, two, and twin 2 month olds. Our eight year old, six year old and five year old are in school so they will rarely be home with you. Our four year old is in a preschool program which is about ten minutes from our house and will need to be dropped off Tues thru Friday at 915 and picked up at 315. They are very well mannered children and on a strict daily schedule. If you are just looking for a "job", please do not bother contacting me. If you genuinely have a love for children and are interested in becoming a part of our family, please call me anytime between the hours of 9am and 9pm daily. The pay will be $40 per day. God bless and have a wonderful weekend!
Submitted by Erica. Thank you!
3) We need a FT nanny with a pulse! - (N.C.) Care needed for 3 children: 8yo, 5yo, and 3mo old. Must be very energetic as these kids will keep you hopping all day! Duties to include •Playing •Feeding •Changing diapers •Bathing baby •Putting baby down for nap •Cleaning up kid-related messes •Family laundry and ironing •Family cooking (veg and non-veg) •Waiting on table during all family meals •Household work will include dusting, vacuuming and dishes. Requirements for this job are as follows •Recent experience with infants under 6 months •English speaking is necessary; other languages are a plus •CPR certified (or willing to get certified) •TB tested negative and willing to provide medical record of health •Must provide at least 3 references •Willing to have a background check and fingerprints •Punctual, organized, and personable •Legal resident with valid ID. Pay will be $300 a wk to start, one weekend off per month, wage will increase over time depending on the service.
Submitted by Anonymous. Thank you!
4) In need of a nanny ASAP - (Las Vegas) Hi, I'm looking for a nanny to start on Monday. My last nanny up and quit on me without notice and if I don't find a replacement this weekend I will lose my job. The hours will be between 8:00am to 4:00pm. I have two kids, a boy and a girl, 4 and 2. Your welcome to eat anything you like while in my home. I can pay $25 a day. If interested, please e-mail me. Thanks! :)
Submitted by Anonymous. Thank you!
5) You Can't Be Serious!! (Re: In need of a nanny asap) - (LV) I am a respectable, honest, hard-working child care provider who's been working at this job for over 5 years. I make a living off of taking care of your kids. I pay my bills and expenses based off of the rates that my families and I work out. Just like you, I have rent, electricity, a phone bill, a water bill, etc to pay for. So please, explain to me how I'm supposed to support and care for myself and my family with a job that only wants to pay me $25 a day? Let's do some math. I see these "ill pay u $25/day" ads all the time, and most of the time these people expect the child care provider to be able to work 12 hours a day, almost every day, while being "sensitive" to their financial situation. That equals out to 48 cents an hour. Tell me, can YOU live off of 48 cents an hour? Now let's say you really do need some child care, and you really can't pay more than $25 a day. I can be sensitive to that, if you didn't take up my whole damn day with your kids! I could manage $25 a day only working for you for a few hours, but 12 hours? Seriously? Even 8 hours is too much of the day to be able to find good-paying work around the hours you ask me to work. And all those people out there, either agreeing to be paid $25 a day, or asking for something that low, are probably not to be trusted. You hear all those horror stories of junkies or robbers posing as babysitters to steal from you (or worse, steal your kids). Well, I can garuntee no respectable child care provider will go for a pay so low. Now let's talk about these cheapskates who want to hire live-in nannies with room and board, but no pay. Would you like to buy her feminine products for her as well? Or pay her share of the bill when she goes to out to eat with her friends on her off hours? How about paying for the clothes she'll probably need after your kids get something staining all over her old ones? Let's be honest, you won't, and if you did, that would be directly comparable to pimping out a prostitute ("Go and do all this work, and I'll buy you what you need, but only if you ask and only if I like what you need to buy). Yeah, total prostitution. Someone posted a few days ago about how a live-in nanny with no pay is slavery. Well, it is. You may think I'm blowing it out of proportion, but the reality is that women are trafficked into household slavery every day by assholes who think that it's okay to pay her with a room to stay in while she busts her ass caring for your family day and night. If you don't want to do the household work, then you better be willing to PAY someone well enough to do it for you. A room and bathroom doesn't cut it. So here's the point: If you can't afford to take care of your kids, don't have any god damn kids. Understand? It is in no way acceptable to treat others like this, nor is it okay to have others willing to be treated like this taking care of your children.
Submitted by Anonymous. Thank you!