Hi MPP! I wanted to submit a nanny sighting. This took place at the Marbles Children's Museum in Raleigh, NC. I am a pre-K teacher and I also employ a nanny part time. I was at the Marbles museum on Friday, September 21st with my PM pre-K students. I wanted to write in about a nanny I observed with her charge. The nanny looked young, early 20s or so. She had blonde hair and was petite. She was wearing a scarf. Her charge was a little boy who looked under the age of 2. He was walking but still a little unsteady. He wore a red shirt and red high-top Converse sneakers. The difference with this sighting from that other ones usually posted here was that the little boy's mother was also with them. While standing at the water tables, a woman asked the nanny what her son's name was because her little boy was playing with him. The nanny replied with the child's name and also added that she was his nanny and pointed and said his mom was right over there. The mom was in a far off corner texting on her phone.
For the remainder of our afternoon at the museum, we continued to run into the nanny with her charge and the mom was always trailing behind texting or off to the side talking on the phone. This nanny was WONDERFUL. The little boy seems very, very attached to her. She was on the floor playing with him whenever we saw her, whether it was playing at the train tables, getting wet at the water tables, building Lego structures, riding in the pretend trucks, buses, etc. She was very warm with him. Lots of affection and encouragement. It was sweet to watch, and even sweeter after I knew that it was his nanny. I felt sad for him that he seemed to have a better connection with her than his mom, but maybe there is more to that than what the eye could see. I shouldn't pass judgement on one encounter. Either way, I just wanted to write it because as a mother, this brightened my day. Every child deserves a nanny like this. And kudos to this nanny for being that person for him. In fact, kudos to all of you nannies for doing the job you do. You are worth your weight in gold to us and our children.
What a nice way to end the week with all these positive posts! Thankyou for sending this in OP! Good thing that child has such a positive influence. Maybe mom was just disconnected? Who knows, but hopefully that nanny will be around for a long time.
Maybe the mom was busy or was dealing with a work/family emergency. It isn't clear in this case. This outting could have been planned and then something came up on the drive over that had Mom's attention. You really never know.... but kudos to the nanny who was engaging her charge and doing her job 100%.
She sounds awesome! I hope this situation is not how it looked and that something else was going on. But it really sounds like the boy is more attached to nanny than mom, and that mom doesn't really care that much. Such a shame.
Holy Crap. I totally know 100% who this Nanny is! That never happens!! And yes, she is wonderful!!!
So many parents are checked out & tuned into the internet. I believe this is as damaging to a child as having a parent who is an alcoholic. I use a computer about once per month. I don't want to be "that mom." And when I'm out with my family, the phone stays OFF. Recently, we went to brunch @ Ihop & I counted 21 people distracted by cell phones. Kids need us to be mentally present. Good nanny sighting. Thanks for posting.
Lyn, you should let her know about this post! It would probably brighten her day. :)
Oh I definitely let her know about 4 seconds into reading the post, haha. I have a feeling she'll pop up soon and comment.
Great post. Nice to read about a caring nanny. Also, I commend the Op for not jumping the gun on moms behavior. We never know what was going on. Maybe, she had work related problem. Or any issue at hand. Well whatever it was even if she is a distant parent glad he has a nanny that is caring.
That is so cool, Lyn!
What a great sighting OP!
I liked how you reserved judgement on the mother's part and presented an objective post.
Thank you for the compliment to us nannies.
I think I speak for ALL of us when I say it always is nice to be appreciated for all we do!
I also want to commend the OP for not jumping to conclusions about the moms cell phone usage. One day isn't enough time to determine if she is mentally checked out or if something urgent needed her attention. I had to use my phone inside of a bank once. Wow, I was looked @ as if I was the devil himself.
I hope nobody mistook my comment as being about this mother. I don't have enough information about her to come to any conclusions one way or the other. It was a general statement about cell phone & computer obsession.
Okay time to chime in...my good friend/fellow reader Lyn sent me a message today saying "YOU'RE ON ISYN!" so I scramble to the blog and low and behold...this is me. I'm flattered and weirded out at the same time...I've read this blog for quite some time now and have read many, many sightings...never thought I would actually be the one being sighted! I wasn't going to comment here because I don't want to seem like I'm patting myself on the back and saying I know I'm awesome. I really am flattered at the OP's kind words...so thank you, OP! I also felt the need to comment so I could defend my MB. She was on call that day but was allowed out of her office so she decided to join us at the museum...her phone use was due to her dealing with some issues at work. She is a great mom and very involved in my charge's life. :) She works long hours, so in turn I do too...so yes my charge and I are very close but he knows who his mama is!
Thank you OP for not jumping to conclusions!! :)
This is awesome - it shows how important the nanny sightings are - good as well as bad
Great Job to the nanny and the Op!!
NannyPants - how awesome! I'm really happy to hear that your MB is involved in your charge's life. Things aren't always how they seem. :) And good on you for being such a great nanny! When you're great at what you do, people take notice.
Wow...that is so cool how NannyPants is the nanny in the sighting!!
Truthfully, I sometimes secretly hope someone will post a good nanny sighting about me!
I will keep my finger's crossed.
wow, this is a really lovely sighting! and even lovelier that it turned out to be NannyPants!!
Congratulations, Nanny Pants. That's so cool! :)
this blog is almost famous
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