For every bad nanny story that is written, there are many great ones waiting to be told. While nannies come from diverse backgrounds and have various experiences, good nannies tend to have one thing in common: they are caretakers by nature. Whether it’s jetting around the world to accompany mom on a work trip, dedicating 40 years of their life to the same family, or saving their charge’s - or a stranger’s - life, most nannies are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty in any situation. While the media tends to focus most often on covering negative nanny stories, positive nanny stories do abound. Here are 9 positive nanny stories that have made the news so far in 2012:
Nanny Credited with Saving a Life – Chicago based nanny Emily Rogers put the CPR training, which she learned years before for a nanny job, to use as she is credited with helping to save Jorge Pedroso’s life.
Nanny Saves Charge from Carjacking – Nanny Kaitlyn McGrath safely escaped her work vehicle that was being carjacked with her one-year-old charge, Cash, in her arms. Cash is the son of ABC Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition trainer Chris Powell and his wife Heidi. Both credited her with saving their child’s life.
A Nanny’s Role is Reversed – Susane Lavinia Bowden served as a live-in nanny and housekeeper to the Hoare family for 40 years. Nanny Susane celebrates her 100th birthday living with her former employer as a member of their family. In her aging years her employer, turned friend, now cares for her.
The Norland Manny – Michael Kenny is the first male admitted to the world famous nanny training college, Norland College, to obtain an education degree. When he graduates he will be only the second male in history to graduate as a Norland Nanny from the 120-year-old college.
U.S. Soccer Fully Finances Nanny Services for Players and Coaches – Members of the U.S. Woman’s Soccer Team bring their children on the road, thanks to U.S. Soccer and its commitment to establishing family-friendly policies. U.S. Soccer pays the salaries of the nannies so that players and coaches can focus on their families and their sport.
Childhood Nanny Given Ultimate Honor – Wonder where actress Tori Spelling got her daughter Hattie Margaret’s middle name from? She named her daughter after her own childhood nanny, perhaps one of the greatest honors a nanny could receive.
Nanny of the Year – Maryland based nanny Nikki Gribble was honored at the 2012 International Nanny Association Annual Conference as the association’s Nanny of the Year. This honor is awarded to nannies who exemplify who and what a nanny truly is. Nanny Saves Boy from Jeep – Quick-acting nanny Cindy Gatson saved her four-year-old charge from being struck by an out of control Jeep that was barreling towards him. The boy’s mom credits his nanny with saving his life. The Jeep came within inches of where the boy was.
Book Dedicated to Nanny – While Chicago nanny Vivian Maier may not have made the news during her lifetime, she’s certainly making it in her death. A new book, Vivian Maier: Out of the Shadows chronicles her life through the pictures she took of herself and others.
While not every positive nanny story will make the news, the ones that do are likely an indication of the everyday heroes who provide loving and nurturing childcare to the children in their care.
I have read a few of Tori Spelling's books and it sounds to me like even though she came from a filthy rich family and lived in the biggest mansion in the West, her mother wasn't a very loving and warm person. Therefore, she bonded well with her nanny.
This is sad. A typical "Poor Little Rich Girl's" tale.
Agree about Tori Spelling. She gets on my nerves and I would love to see her fade into the background.
About all the other stories: so sweet! Love hearing good nanny stuff for a change!
The Tori story just goes to show that money can not buy a happy childhood. Material items are not what children want. What makes children happy is quality time with their parents. Sadly, many parents are too busy focused on career goals & self-satisfaction to notice their children are growing up.
Tori Spelling looks so strange in my opinion.
lyn - i have not had time to go thru this one yet - maybe i will comment, maybe not ;)
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