
Mother POTTY TRAINS her twin daughters in the nude on plastic toilets in the middle of restaurant - A Utah mother took potty training a step too far for one diner's tastes when she had her twin girls use portable bathrooms as they ate at a crowded restaurant on Tuesday. The unappetizing scene was spotted by Kimberly Decker, who was having lunch with a friend at the popular Thanksgiving Point Deli in Lehi. Decker took a picture of the toddlers at a nearby table and posted it on Facebook, setting off a firestorm of criticism directed at the unidentified mother and her questionable table-side behaviour.
‘I noticed that this lady was having her two - she had two twins, two little girls about two-and-a-half years old, sitting on what I thought were booster seats,’ Decker said told the station KSL. But after taking a closer look at the family, she realized they were not booster seats but rather child port-a-potties. ‘She had to undo the jumpsuits, and take them all the way down so they were completely nude, with the jumpsuits down to their ankles just eating their chicken nuggets, sitting on little toddler potties,’ Decker said.
The Utah woman knows all too well about the adversities of potty training. Decker is a mother of three and had just went through the ordeal with her youngest boy. Decker said that the process of teaching her son to use the bathroom had kept her indoors for several days; that is why seeing the woman doing it on the go at a packed restaurant left her in shock. ‘The more you thought about it, the more unappetizing everything looked around me,’ Decker said. ‘I was like this is not ok, we're eating, there was a business meeting with about five or six businessmen going on right next to me.’ Thanksgiving Point spokeswoman Erica Brown said they received several complaints from patrons who witnessed the unsavory scene. The eatery staff did not realize what was happening in the dining room until it was all over, but Brown added they would have asked the mother to leave and take the potty training into the restroom. ‘I think state and local health codes were probably an issue, as well as just social norms,’ Brown said.
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That's just gross:(
Hard to believe really. We don't go potty while we eat so how would this be potty training? The idea is to help kids learn to make it to the bathroom, right?
thats disgusting.
Who does that? Can't decide if this woman is a narcissist or a complete idiot so I'll have to go with both.
Almost upchucked my lunch!!!
I'm sure someone on here will be defending this women...
Guess you cannot make this stuff up.
Very disturbing!
Utterly inappropriate, and I think the management of that restaurant needs to let that idiot know that she is not ever welcome in their business again. All they have to do is check their receipts and find her name on her card if she didn't pay cash.
What a lazy excuse for a parent.
Just when I think I've heard it all something else pops up to surprise me.
I understand carrying the pot around to train,
But why couldn't she bring them to the bathroom or out to her car?
If it wasn't for the picture, I wouldn't have believed it at all.
Zomg, that's what I was thinking. Also, before I saw the pic, I was thinking the kids were sitting on the floor (possibly under the table so they'd be partially obscured from view). But nope, sitting pretty on the pot, for everyone to see! I think this is one of the few circumstances where I would have actually confronted the mother.
She will probably be on good morning america tomorrow defending her herself along with a cameo by Gloria Allred.
I think she gives Kate Gosselin and the Octo Mom
a run for their money!
Mannah...great minds think alike. :)
That's effing nasty. How lazy/dumb can you be to do something like this and think its ok????
I remember changing a pee pee diaper in my lap on an airplane. This lady across from me was so pissed! She said" they have bathrooms!" Oh well. It took me 30 seconds. It didn't affect her. She was just being nosey. Id do it again. Hahhaaha
Seriously...that grosses me out too. If there's one thing I really hate, it is parents who think the whole world revolves around their child. News flash, not everyone wants to see your baby's naked butt.
I can handle a quick diaper change in public places like an airplane more than I can somewhere I'm eating. Im not a fan of it but I'm sure all of us here have had to change a diaper in a less than ideal place. But sitting your child on the toliet while eating? I'm still not sure what she was trying to accomplish? To teach the child to always potty while eating? Or to continue to potty whenever they need? The whole process of toliet training is teaching the child to hold it until they can get to the appropriate place. Isn't sitting them on the potty while doing other things pretty much the same thing as wearing a diaper? Just way less sanitary for the child and everyone else around!
The boy in the picture's expression is priceless, lol.
I feel sorry for these kids, mom is obviously crazy...
A quick diaper change of a baby is entirely differnt thing from setting up pots in a restaurant, stripping your kids down , and having them go.
The whole world never revolves around us. You're obviously not a parent or you would understand. I'm not going to explain it to you. And if a babys bottom bothers you, you have issues. Grow up. It hurt nobody.
St a friend of the family? It contaminate an entire restaurant. And it's plain rude. There was a perfectly acceptable bathroom in there I'm sure.
Ice what the hell are you trying to say? Of course what that lady did was contaminating. I never said otherwise. So she is your friend, ha.. cool.
"You're obviously not a parent or you would understand."
The words every nanny just LOVES to hear.
*Preparing for the meanies to scream* As a nanny (and parent) I have helped children go to the bathroom in less than optimal places/ manners. I do so as discretely and respectfully as possible. Not only are our children vulnerable this way in an age of child porn- very real stuff- but it's also obviously disrespectful of the public to make no attempt whatsoever to be discrete with potty actions. Toilet learning is not easy, but it helps to know what the hell your ultimate goal is- to get to the toilet, not wait for it to come to you!
The next time I see children naked in public while their nannies are changing them (last week a two year- old girl was standing on the park bench stark naked for at least 10 mins, dancing away), I am resolved to say something.
You mean to tell me, you have never changed a diaper at the park or any other outdoor venue. I highly doubt it. I see nothing wrong with changing a diaper outdoors.
A quick diaper change ( so long as the changer is not making a mess) is not a problem to me.
I also don't have a problem with a quick change of clothes in public.
But, that's the topic here.
We're discussing a woman that went out of her way to make a spectacle of herself and at the same not teach her daughters appropriate toileting behavior in our society.
This was not a place without bathrooms , nor was it over crowded. Had it een crowded she could have taken their potties out to the car and have them go there.
Where did she dispose of their waste?
If you cannot understand the difference between a quick diaper change in public when there is no other alternative ( emphasis on no other alternative no I'm just to damned lazy to walk to a facility) and what this woman did you are the one that needs to grow up and mature beyond yourself.
Part of me has a feeling this was a set up and will be featured on an episode of What Would You Do or TLC's Extreme Parenting.
Why are today's parents so self involved and lacking manners?
Entire generations were able to toilet train their children without having them crap everywhere run around naked everywhere etc,
Guess those genes were weeded out.
Too bad
Some of you cannot be serious. What kind of fantasy world do you live in that you think parading your naked toddlers in a restaurant is okay or normal?!
And just before you jump on my back about being a nanny, I am actually a mom. I'm so sick of the excuse "if you were a mom, you would understand". It's total bullshit. Being a parent does not excuse poor behavior or manners. Just because you have the job of motherhood does not excuse your laziness.
Furthermore, you are just asking for trouble stripping your kid down naked and letting them just hang out that way. If a random woman can snap a pic, what's keeping some perv from doing the same?
I was referring to Eastbay nanny's comment, on how she has never changed a diaper outdoors. I think that a qui k diaper change or swimsuit change in public is fine. I don't condone sitting naked at public restaurant(no matter what age the child is)
I don't understand why anyone could think that's fine. Do you change your clothes outside? (If the answer is yes, I do not want to know.) I believe in giving children the same respect we give adults and it is very disrespectful to undress anyone with strangers watching. One time I absolutely needed to change a diaper where there wasn't a bathroom available, so I changed her on the floor of my car. My back was blocking the view to anyone who walked by.
Some of you are in for a rude awakening when you become parents, and not just playing house as a nanny.
Change clothes in public is no big deal to me.
I am also not American, and not so reserved and silly about the body.
There I said it..some of us already are moms.. you are delusional, truly. Quit excusing whatever poor behavior you engage in
You've admitted to peeing infront of your charges?
Do you regularly pee in front of adults?
I agree that what the mom in the original post did was outrageous.
But some of you are upset over a swimsuit change or public diaper change as the need arises. Paranoid about pedophiles.
Unclinch the cheeks a bit.
I agree with Mauve. It's the American prudishness taking over here.
FYI a true pedophile can be turned on by your fully dressed kid, and take a picture of that and go from there.
Yes, unclinch!
Let the farts out you'll feel better.
Learn to laugh and live your life.
Holy crap. The poor child. :(
"There I said it" I see a distinct difference between peeing in front of charges and changing their clothes in public.
"I saw your nanny" Do you mean clothes or diaper changes? If both children are very young and still in diapers, I see no problem changing them in front of each other. My first nanny job, I had a toddler boy and infant girl. I would take the boy to use the bathroom and leave the baby alone in the playroom (totally childproofed and I could hear her). Same when I needed to change the baby, I just took her in her bedroom and left the boy in the playroom.
My friend is a what would you do producer(for 20/20). GREAT idea. Ill email her!!
Did I say I had never changed a child's diaper in public ? No! I said the next time I see a two year old dancing on the park bench naked for ten solid minutes, I will say something.
This is not because I'm a prude- hah! (funny thought)- t's because it's harmful to the child and I believe disrespectful. I do not believe I'm paranoid about pedophiles- I believe I'm wise and I care about my charges.
Parents are allowed to have the last say on their children- go for it mommies! As a nanny, my role is quite different, and my judgment perhaps more cautious. I'm a mom, my kid went naked on the beach during her younger years. I breasted- often at restaurants freely in a very liberal community without worry. I would think twice now.
Ok, I am not american but have lived here and in Europe. Whilst I do not agree with what is going on in the picture at all. I will say a body is a body all women are the same just different sizes and shapes. We all have the same bits!! Same for men they are the same just different shapes and sizes. stop making kids have issues with nudity etc its not that big of a deal!!
@ tired - I Never ever shame a child about their body. This is an important point. I was at an interview recently when a naked two year old starts sticking her legs up into the air so that as I sat talking to her and mom I was within full view of every one of her bits, As she very intently explored crevices, we discussed hours and wages while mom (so ver admirably) talked matter of factly about her body parts and then asked her to wash her hands. It was a memorable interview for sure! No shaming, no covering up. But honestly, not the way I would choose to have a strange new caregiver meet my child.
Are you calling yourself strange, or do you mean an odd way to meet a stranger?
@ Tired I agree 100%
@ Mannah You said you treat children with the same respect you treat adults. You do not pee in front of adults( I assume). Why is it ok to pee in front of a child?
Dont want to speak for Mannah, but I will speak for myself: Peeing in front of a child is different because as an adult you are choosing to expose yourself and I get the feeling that you are attempting to shame Mannah here- exactly what adults do to children.- this is a stupid and baiting question. Children do not have a choice when their caregivers want to take off their child's clothes and do... Whatever! The power is with the adults. I am not at risk of exploitation or offending anyone when I pee in front of a child. I am in charge of my body, but children need help to learn to be in charge.
Say what- we are all strange- we are humans after all - As an interviewee I was indeed a stranger to this child. I'm sure there are many on this board that work really really hard at not being perceived as strange- it's akin to being a reformed gay person LOL. Glad to embrace who I am- hope you can too
Eastbay... Can you elaborate on what you meant by "a reformed gay person"?
Was making an analogy to people who are in the closet about being strange to those in the closet about being gay - that's all
Thank you EastBay.
I pee in front of charges only when it is absolutely necessary. Such as being out in public and my charges are too young to stand outside the stall to wait for me. I'm pretty sure we covered this on another thread.
You seem to be saying that I am not practicing what I preach...but perhaps you are getting the wrong message. I do not treat children exactly like adults, because they are not adults. I do not hold a grown person in my lap and feed her a bottle, but I will do that with a baby because that's what babies do! I am talking about respect and that children deserve the same amount of respect as adults do.
I get it now :) I hope you didn't think I was attacking you, just wasnt sure what you meant!
It' asll about respect
Perhaps that child does not wish to have you urinate in front of them.
Just because they cannot voice that opnion doesn't matter!
Shame on you for making it an issue of safety!
Shame on you!
You are an adult and you should be able to control your toileting needs!
You are no better than the woman in this picture.
Have some respect for the children you care for and not just when it's convenient for you or when you can get on your soapbox!
Most little children those under 5 do not care who sees their butt. It's the adults in their lives who make it an issue.
Several of you in this post have body issues.
You can deny it or call it anything you want but you have issues.
Yes, my issues are from 20 years tea Jong and 5 years administrating preschool programs- and also seeing way to many children ABUSED. Most recently, I came to learn that a teacher who I brought into my program 3 summers in a row was criminally charged for child sex abuse. This person was taking pictures of their charges at their nanny job and posting them on porn sites. I processed this person's payroll for 3 years. You have no grounds to publically admonish ME for having a different opinion than yourself. I do think twice on this day and age about the bathroom issue because it would be very scary to be accused falsely and I feel it's a risk to have children in the bathroom with you, but again- my families rock so it's a risk I sometimes take.
Love the boy's expression! What about the odor from "the process" affecting other diners, as well as them vomiting as they watch Mom wipe up (if she does) dirty butts? How does she carry two full potty chairs out? Was she alone? So many questions. The diner will probably get serious citations and fines for this happening and them not noticing and intervening. Whatever happened to no shoes, no shirt, no pants,no entrance?
Also, if I had been there with the kid with her legs in air and playing with herself, I would have run for the hills. That seems like a sign of child abuse, especially on top of her Mom's reaction.
Indeed, I did not take the job ;). More like very liberal Berkeley family ;).
I miss Phoenix, she always had something quirky to add. Back to the point, that woman should be arrested on Child Endangerment charges! And I'm a mom saying that.
Okay so I only read through about half the comments but I have a few of my own. Nanny's and parents alike, if you're potty trainning your kid would you really put them in something that you have to take all the way off in order for them to use the bathroom? In my experience wouldn't it make more sense to put them in something that can be pulled off quickly or undone from the bottom? Shorts, pants, a skirts, a onesie?
Two why the hell isn't someone mentioning that its child porn to take a pic of a naked child and publically post it? Parents have had their kids taken away or been arrested for taking pictures of their kids in the baths at home. This stranger took a picture of a strangers naked kid and posted it on fb. You would not catch me with a picture of a naked kid on my phone especially if the kid isn't mine.
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