Ok, so awhile back I posted about a job I didn't get and wanted. I was sad because I grew attached to the little guy and MB and I kept in touch for months before they relocated to an area near me. I thought I had the job but that wasn't the case. This was a live in position and someone else was chosen. It came down to comfortability MB stated as the reason why I wasn't chosen. The other nanny practically started packing her bags from the get go so to speak. I wasn't sure if a live in was right for me at first BUT over time I knew this was something I wanted to try out. Originally they didn't mind live out but due to their crazy work schedules switched.
Anywho, I've been lucky so far and have been working for a family I adore. I can't (now) imagine working for anyone else. The little one is precious and I count my blessings. Well, MB and I stayed in touch from previous job, she didn't see a reason not to as the little one bonded with me really well and I felt it couldn't hurt in case other nanny didn't work out. Since both kids are similar in age, I've gotten together with MB and we've had play dates with the charges. She's come over and met the family I work for and we continue to stay in touch. I have not met her nanny yet. At the time we did have a playdate, it was a day she had off. I told her to forward my information to her nanny so we could set up another playdate. Is it weird I stay in touch with a family who didn't choose me as their nanny? I don't think it's weird. I guess I'd like to know if you've ever been in a similar position etc or what you're opinion is on this? - Anonymous
I think it's great you stay in touch with them. Last year I interviewed with a family and I really wanted the job but they decided to go with a home daycare. I was disappointed for awhile but I did end up getting a weekend job out if it. It was a win- win for everyone.
I have never been in the situation so I can't relate exactly.
Sounds like she had a strange hiring process.
But anyway, I say it's only weird in the sense that it's not common, but not wrongs.
Everyone involved seems happy so no worries then!
I see nothing weird about it. I think it's great that there is no awkwardness involved here and that everyone seems to be on the same page.
By the way, you sound like a wonderful and loyal nanny. I bet you are worth your weight in gold OP. ☺ ☺
Unusual maybe , but not wrong.
Who knows this may turn out for something for you in the future.
A word of advice, I would tread carefully when it comes to his actually nanny.
Can I ask why I should tread carefully around his new nanny? Amy Darling thank you for your generous comment. I :)) I try because I appreciate this job and the little one is too cute. ;)
I assume Susannah meant she might feel you are trying to worm your way into her job, and if she's insecure could try and find ways to sabotage you before you sabatoge her .
Sounds crazy but the nanny world can be a crazy scary place.
I'm glad you found a job that you like and that everyone is getting along.
I think its okay to get together and have playdates. I agree just be careful around the other childs nanny. Also, even if you guys hit it off. Please watch what say about the families you work for.
Nothing wrong with keeping a door open should something change! Good for you both for being big enough people that you are able too.
really good advice by everyone - keep us posted !
I thinnk you should leave this blog and stop trying to create drama in other posts.
At first I thought it was weird, but after thinking over the situation I suppose there's nothing wrong with keeping in touch. You ever know when an opportunity could present itself and you're in the exact right place to embrace it. Good for you for being the "better person" I know for one, I, in the past 5 mins ago, would never have looked in their direction if they didn't hire me! LOL! I wouldn't be confident enough to ever look them in the eye!
I'm glad I read this post...you live and you learn.
I don't think it's weird at all!! I've stayed in touch with nearly all of my families over the years!
It's possible, tho, that the former MB may be afraid that all you and the new nanny will do is compare notes and she may be uncomfortable with that.
ugh - have a very nice day !! ;)
Last year I interviewed for an hour on the phone with one woman who found me on sittercity and then I went to meet the family and had a second interview. I was surprised when I didn't hear back from her for a bit, but when I emailed her she told me they had chosen someone else. She also mentioned that her sister in law was looking for a nanny in the city. I interviewed for the other family who I have been with for over a year. I see the aunt who I originally interviewed for all the time. I have thanked her a lot for hooking up the job and recommending me so highly. I truly am a part of the family, and I love it! My boss has mentioned before that family #1 was between me and their current nanny and they really couldn't decide and that they had spoken very highly of me, so I never feel awkward. I have the best charges and MB and DB are the best bosses I could ever ask for.
Good for you! I feel like MB/Nanny relationships are so strange to begin with, you should just embrace it. Your relationships with these families are going to be different, but that's great. Have fun
I say reach out & go for it. Life is short. So, why not!
Contacted nanny and meeting for playdate Thursday. Looking forward to seeig the little guy and getting acquainted with nanny. I adore my charge ..actually I LOVE him. He is so darn cute! :)
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