In The News...
Watauga Mom Talks About Leaving Baby in Car - Texas
Jessica Liston was arrested for leaving her baby in a locked car, in triple-digit heat, while she shopped at Wal-Mart. Now, the North Texas parent is speaking out to CBS 11 News, hoping it will help other parents avoid the same mistake.
The two children were sent to live with Liston's aunt last week, after the 21-year-old mom was arrested for suspicion of injury to a child. It happened after she left her baby daughter in a locked car while she went shopping inside a Wal-Mart store in north Fort Worth.
Liston told CBS 11 News that her mother had gone into the store before her, and she thought that baby Elizabeth was already inside.
"When I figured out that she didn't have her, I ran outside," said Liston. "And by the time I got out there, somebody had already gotten her." Luckily, a Good Samaritan saw Elizabeth in the backseat and broke into the car with a crowbar to rescue the baby. "I just want to hug him," Liston said of the man who saved her baby. "I can't thank him enough."
"How could you not know that your baby was in the backseat? Makes me sound so hypocritical, because I've said that," Liston told CBS 11 News. "But it happens. It does happen."
~ Special Thanks to 'Just Another Mommy' for Submitting this Article.
Fell's Point - Baltimore City, Maryland
The "caregiver" was African-American and the babies were Caucasion. I'm taking a leap here in assuming the caregiver was not the biological mother. The little baby girl had a helmet on--perhaps from Kennedy Krieger to address the flat head syndrome that sometimes befalls some infants. (Seeing as how I never saw these babies, held or picked up, I now understand why the baby girl's head is in a helmet.) The little boy was not wearing a helmet. The caregiver was reading a textbook and using a highlighter and was facing away from the babies. I'm estimating that the babies were between 6-10 months of age. The caregiver never looked up, never looked at me, never looked at the babies, never moved. She just continued to be engrossed in her text. As I stood in line, I witnessed multiple people coming and going and not one could resist checking out these twins. Grown men in business suits stopped to smile at these babies. Still, the nanny did nothing. She looked at no one. She acknowledged nothing.
This post is not as egregious as others I've read and perhaps does not even necessitate a report, but this scene so completely devastated me. If I were their mother, I would be mortified. As the nanny leaves the home of these babies with the babies in their double stroller, unsuspecting parents would be delighted to know that their babies were going on a walk and getting fresh air. These babies, in fact, aren't getting that. At least not on this particular Wednesday when they were sequestered in a coffee shop when they could have been playing or being engaged in activity. They never cried or whined or grimaced or showed any indication that they were uncomfortable. It just made me sad that the nanny was so checked out. If I were the parents, I would be seeking new help. This woman is just not cut out for working with infants. She was emotionless, flat, completely unaware of her surroundings---or apathetic about those surroundings--and cold. I so wished I had said something to her.
I posted something very generic on my city family yahoo listserv trying to seek out these parents without alluding to what the content of my message was. I got no response which makes me think the parents are not subscribers.
If you live in Canton or Fell's Point and these babies sound familiar to you, please say something to the parents. Their nanny is negligent and needs to be replaced.
I keep my mouth shut, right?
If you think I am about to say my bosses are horrible, they aren't. They've been very nice to me. They've gotten me tickets to Broadway shows and even purchased my airline ticket for me for my first trip home at the end of the summer. I have only been here 4 months.
There is something that is starting to rattle me and I wonder if I should just ignore it or if it's as creepy as I think it is. Everytime I think it's creepy, the next moment is followed with something normal and warm and I second guess myself.
Here's the deal. The mother is attractive. She doesn't seem to be crazed like most of the Mom's out here about looking good. It seems to come to her naturally. She gets botox and some stuff but she doesn't obsess about her looks or weight or diet. She eats what she wants. But, when it comes to the girls, she has some weird things going on. After bath, she wants me to make sure to have the girls apply this really expensive cocoa butter cream to their breasts and their hips and where their arms meet their pectorals. This is to prevent stretchmarks later in life. The girls like to play in makeup and things like that. I do that with them sometimes and paint their nails. But when Mom does it, she does adult sort of facials and treatments with them and it doesn't seem fun. I have seen one of the girls skin just rubbed sore and red from a seaweed scrub for cellulite.
I have also heard the youngest saying she doesn't want to this or that and the Mom insists. She always says it will be fun. And she always rewards them with toys for participating in her adult beauty regime. She even has them use teeth bleaching stuff, not over the counter stuff, either, from her dentist.
I keep my mouth shut, right?
No feelings of entitlement here...
Some background: We have a WONDERFUL nanny who has been with us for nearly 4 years now, and she is currently 8 1/2 months pregnant. We have 2 kids - our son is almost 4 and our daughter is 2 months old. Our nanny has had a difficult pregnancy - lots of morning sickness, aches, pains, etc, and decided to take off for maternity leave earlier than she expected. She started staying home on 6/22 -- she had wanted to work right up until the baby came, but was so miserable with lack of sleep & heartburn etc that she just wasn't able to keep up with our son.
My husband and I kind of thought she might not be able to work up to the end (being pregnant in the summer is hard!), so we made arrangements for our son's care for the summer at a day camp at the local Y. He starts preschool in Sept 4 days/week, and we will be on vacation for 2 weeks in Sept as well. The baby is fortunately a great sleeper and is overall very happy, so she doesn't require a lot of extra attention (over and above what a 2 month-old needs) which allows me to work from home. So I am really OK with having her not here -- and I really want her to just stay home & take it easy.
Now, back when she announced her pregnancy, we discussed things with her and agreed that she would get a real maternity leave of 6-8 weeks following the birth of her daughter, fully paid. Since she can't work now, my husband and I also agreed to pay her full salary up to AND after the birth. This is her job, and anywhere else would provide her with some type of paid leave, so in my opinion, this is the least we can do for her. Not to mention that she is so fantastic with our son -- she is a part of our family as far as we're concerned, and we definitely want her to come back when she's able -- I want to go back to work for real at some point.
Yesterday, I attended her baby shower (we're friends outside of work, too), and asked her in private how she would like us to handle paying her while she's on leave -- should I drop off her pay at her house weekly (she lives 5 minutes from us), mail it to her, batch it & pay her monthly, etc? She told me that she doesn't feel comfortable taking her pay without working for it, and now doesn't want us to pay her. She offered to watch our daughter during the day for me to run errands, go to the gym, etc, but I'm really covered with that. My husband and I have rearranged our schedules to allow for gym, errands, etc, without needing childcare -- and I can always just take the baby in her sling most places I need to go anyway. We have an evening babysitter who we use once or twice a month for date nites, and she handles both kids. I really just want our nanny to have a relaxing end of her pregnancy and post-pregnancy period while getting paid for it like I was able to do, and like many other working women enjoy. I know this is a weird question, but how can I convince our nanny that she deserves full maternity pay for her maternity leave??
.... WHAT?!
Feature Ad:
1) Looking for a Baysitter (Bella Vista)
Hello there. I am looking for a babysitter that has an open schedule. The babysitter also needs to be willing to go to classes through CCIS (it is an agency that provides me with state subsidy for daycare). I believe it is 3-5 classes I am no sure how long they are. It is located in South Philly off of Water street, it is not far from the Riverview movie theatre. I am not able to pay myself, I am a single mom that is very cash poor right now. It would be one to three shifts that would be til 11:30 - 12:00pm at night and you also have to be available for weekends. You would be watching my 2.5 year old son Ethan in my apartment. I live near 10th and Bainbridge. He is learning to use the potty and usually remembers to go but it is good to ask him also. He is a very good child, he is just a little boy that has a lot of energy and loves to play and laugh. He loves to go to the 2 parks by where I live, or go for a stroll either him walking or in the stroller. I have cable and interenet so there are plenty of things to keep him and yourself busy and also a fully stocked fridge and pantry. To sweeten the deal I have free laundry in my building.
Original URL: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/dmg/1237180962.html
Special Thanks this week to MissDee, BeckM and all of the Anonymous Submissions we received... you did a great job! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE.
Abusive Nanny Seen Hurting Toddler "Cara" in front of 112th Street/Riverside Drive Playground
Physical description of caregiver: Large (5'7" or taller), heavyset (170 lbs. plus) medium-dark skinned woman with a Caribbean accent, hair medium length wearing a headband, possibly in her 30s, in the company of another nanny (dark-skinned, older woman in charge of two older part-Asian children on scooters).
Physical description of involved child/children: Toddler girl named "Cara", probably about 18 months old, medium length blonde/light brown slightly curly (in the back) hair parted on the side with khaki colored pants, light-colored shirt.
Address or venue of observed incident: On the path in front of the 112th Street Riverside Drive Tot Lot. The nannies were parked at the bench.
Date and time of incident: Today (June 26th, 2009), 10:30 a.m.
Detailed description of what you witnessed:
I had taken my daughter to the 110th Street playground and we were turning towards home. I looked up and noticed a toddler walk a little ways on the path and then abruptly sit down. I remember thinking it was lucky she hadn't sat in a puddle. The nannies were 20 or so feet away from her. My daughter said something, so I looked down. Then I heard a woman yelling, "_GET_ _UP_! GET UP! CARA, GET UP!" I looked up and saw the nanny come over to the little girl, grab her by the right arm and _yank_ her to her feet so hard she dangled, then bounced, then march/drag her toward the bench. Halfway there she swatted her on the behind. I then heard (no surprise) crying. This woman picked her up so hard she could have dislocated her shoulder, and then she hit her. As I kept walking towards them I noticed that the toddler was staying as far away as possible from her nanny. The nanny kept saying, in a hard, mean tone, "Cara, come here. Come here. Come here." I confronted the nanny and told her what I saw. She tried to lie and pretend that I hadn't seen anything, but I gave her a detailed description and told her that I would be informing Cara's parents of what she had done as soon as I saw them. Then she looked scared. The sad part for me is that I don't know Cara or her parents! I am posting this here in just in case they read this. I will be on the lookout for them and I will be watching this nanny. The other nanny she was with was clearly interested in lying to cover for her friend. When I left they were sobered and silent. I hope I did the right thing.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: I didn't see any of these details, I am sorry. I would recognize the nanny and the child again.
This Might Seem Petty, But it's Still Wrong...
Beware of This German Nanny
German young nanny, 23 years old, had affair with husband in home. If you're in Sherman Oaks, Studio City area in CA BEWARE. She will come on to any man that is successful. She is cute and bubbly but doesn't understand boundaries. She plays the "poor me" act perfectly. She recently married a man to stay in the US but this will not stop her from trying to destroy your marriage.
McCarren Park, Brooklyn, NY
WHERE: McCarren Park, Brooklyn, NY
WHEN: Tuesday, June 23, 2009
TIME: 3:30 p.m. or so
NANNY: African American woman, straight/short hair except for a longer 'bang' area near her eyes. She had on tight jeans and a short sleeved white top. She had her 'own' little girl with her, who was around 3. She also was w/ another African American woman taking care of 2 other children, one under 1.5 and one around 3.
CHILD: Yellow shirt, white pants, short light brown/blondish hair. Her name is "LUCY". She was probably 2.5 years old.
WHAT HAPPENED: Well first, I would never EVER want someone to treat my child in the way this woman was talking to this child, even if it is mostly just verbal, it's still wrong and abuse. I heard someone (her) screaming, and I mean SCREAMING, "What is wrong with you? STOP IT! Want to go home? Want to sit in the stroller tied in while the rest of these children play?" While she pretty much body slammed the little girl onto her lap to "SIT WITH ME" (Just because the little girl wanted to go play and clearly the Nanny didn't want to.) She kept yelling at her saying mean mean things to her like "Why can't you sit like the other children here? What is WRONG with you??" Anytime the little girl tried to go play (like a normal child wants to!) she would YELL at her across the playground. Finally, her 'own' daughter wanted to swing, so she brought "lucy" to the swings and gently put her daughter in, and whipped in Lucy very aggressively. Clearly being more harsh and mean to her. I know it might not sound like a big deal, but the way she talked to this little girl Lucy in comparison to the way she treated her own child was so super sad. I would not want someone like her taking care of my daughter. Anytime I would look over at her, trying to let her know I heard her talking the way she was, she shot me the 'death' stare and honestly made it aware she was aware I was aware. But, she could care less. I ended up getting so upset at this, I walked over to talk w/ her about it. She said "It's none of your business, get out of here" So... here this is. :( I hope this little girl's mother reads this and fires this woman.
Posted Thursday, June 25, 2009
I am in a desperate search for a new nanny and as such could use your guidance. For the first time, we will be employing a live-in nanny. Our home is in the suburbs and has what is called a mother in law's suite. This suite consists of a counter top, small refrigerator, microwave, a 10 x 12 living room, a 9 x 13 bedroom and a large bathroom. The room also has a front closet for coats and a large closet in the bedroom. This area is accessed by one door off of our game room. Once you enter the suite, the bedroom is off to your left and the bathroom is off to your right. Because we have just relocated, we anticipate having a lot of house guests, especially at Christmas. I have several questions regarding the live-In's role and my obligations to her. First, as I am not required to provide such luxurious accommodations, is there any harm from telling her from the start that her accommodations include the bedroom and shared use of the bathroom? Second, if the nanny goes home at Christmas time (something we definitely will be looking for), would there be any problem with allowing some of our relatives to occupy her bedroom? The bedroom is nicely equipped with a lovely bed from Crate & Barrel and ample space for our guests to unpack. Another question I have is we do not require our live-in to work on weekends, how would you advise we facilitate her exit on the weekends? Should we stick to hiring a nanny who lives with family and sell the job as strictly a five day live-in job? If we do allow the nanny to live-in all seven days, there is NO WAY I am paying for her meals on Saturday and Sunday. Is there a gentle way to word this that will not dissuade qualified nannies from applying for our position? Lastly, the game room and this suite overlooks our backyard and pool area and we entertain quite a bit during the summer; I would find it incredibly odd if the nanny was looking out on us & our guests. Ideally we would prefer the nanny to keep the window treatments closed. Do you think that is a lot to ask? We are furnishing her a lovely, modern bedroom with great amenities including a flat screened television, DVD player, satellite television and a jacuzzi style bath tub. My objective here is to find the nanny that will mesh with our family and not encroach on our lifestyle, but also to find the highest caliber of nanny, and a professional nanny at that.
We need your nanny sightings! Submit your nanny sighting now at isynblog@gmail.com or anonymously by using Meebo.
Nanny Concerned about Kids Being Neglected by Depressed Mom
Super Nanny at Walgreen's in Glenview, Il
DATE: June 22, 2009
TIME: Approximately 1:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Walgreen’s at northeast corner of Waukegan Road and East Lake Avenue, Glenview
To the parents of Sam (girl of about six) and Jack (boy of about three): You and your children are very fortunate; you have a truly exceptional nanny.
While browsing in the greeting card section of Walgreen’s during my lunch period, I heard this delightfully energetic voice say, “No, honey, I don’t think my mom wants a Raiders of the Lost Ark card for her birthday. Do you want to try to find another one?” The children eagerly chose different cards and proudly presented them to their nanny, who promptly read each one and responded with, “That’s a good one. That would be perfect!” or “That’s funny! Nice job.” Charmed by the attentive, loving, and engaging manner that the nanny displayed with the children, I struck up a conversation with her. I learned that her name is Doris and that she has been employed with your family for four months. It was clear that she genuinely loves her work. (She appeared to be educated and articulate, so I wasn’t surprised when she revealed that she is a former schoolteacher. She mentioned that she loves keeping your children’s minds stimulated.)
At one point, your little girl asked Doris, “Why are you talking to a stranger?” Your nanny gently replied, “It’s okay, honey, for adults to talk to strangers. I figured out that she’s a nice lady, so I decided to talk with her. But you’re right: children should not talk to strangers.”
As Doris and I were looking at greeting cards (we both were purchasing birthday cards for our moms), she would spell aloud words from random cards and ask your children, e.g., “What does D-A-D spell?” With each answer, she declared, “That’s right. Very good.” A quick shopping errand that might have otherwise been routine and perhaps humdrum in the hands of another nanny was certainly not so for your children. Doris made them an active part of the shopping process while stimulating their minds at the same time. The three of them clearly were having a good time together.
With so much negativity in the world these days, encountering Doris with your children was a heartwarming experience that I had to document. Simply put, your nanny is worth her weight in gold!
Barnes & Noble in Park Slope, NY
Where: Park Slope B & N
When: Monday, 11ish
Who: Your nanny and children.
Nanny: Dressed a tad slutty for a bookstore, tight tank top, yellow & white, exposing lace colored red bra. Tight, dark colored jeans, clog sandals with 3" heel. Semi-full figured, but healthy looking Puerto Rican-esque (?), attractive with cocoa colored skin, large almond eyes, thick, lustrous hair and thick, supple lips. Very attractive.
Children: A girl of about 4, with stick straight brown hair, fair skin, wearing a pink shirt with a hamburger on it and pink pants with white tennis shoes that had metallic pink laces. A boy of about 1.4-2, with brown hair, army cut, fair skin, button up checkered shirt, khaki colored boy shorts and swimming shoes in khaki and brown.
What occurred? The nanny allowed the girl to roam 100% on her own. The little girl was talking to strangers all over the store including myself and my teenage son. The little girl also kept looking out to see if it was raining, at some point being in close proximity to the entrance with no supervision in site. The nanny sashayed around on heels she struggled to walk on dragging the boy behind her. Even though he was definitely too young to know, she was in the section of the store that sells sex books and that is where she remained for almost 1/2 hour, all the while never tending to the girl at all. When the boy, who was remarkably well behaved did stray from her side, she did reach down and yank him back. Mostly, he just hugged on her calves and walked circles around her.
Look, I know it's raining and it's not a good park season for the children. Even if we have sunshine, the equipment is all wet for the few hours of sun we get, but come on! Take the children in the book store and help them pick out books. Or, at the least SUPERVISE THEM!
.... What?!
1) Live In Nanny Needed (Clinton Hill/Brooklyn)
Live in Nanny needed FT in the Fort Green/Clinton Hill area. We currently have one two year old a newborn, and we want to have a nanny begin with us now so that everyone will be comfortable during this adjustment period. Here are the particulars:
Childcare of our son who is a happy and importantly an EASY to care for child; who loves books, playing (frequently independently) and building things, and the typical kid stuff. Childcare of our newborn as well.
The older boy's daily routine goes typically something like, 8AM wake, eat and play until 10. To the park until noon/one, and then back to the house for some lunch. 2-5 nap, and then back up, a snack and back to park until 6:30. Back to the house for dinner, some play and then asleep by 8:30. He has a great sense of humour, is strangely mechanical, is relatively advanced for his age in that he has started feeding himself a bit, is learning the potty, and has an excellent memory for things he likes.
Responsibilities generally include waking up with the child and going through his day with him, cooking (really only for him+the next child when the time comes), some light shopping when needed, and cleaning/straightening of the house, doing laundry for the family. If we take a day to go visiting with our son, a good part of your day will be occupied with household items (assuming they are needed). With the next child due in less than six weeks, there is a reasonable amount of support needed in organizing various household items.
Workdays are Monday through Saturday full time, with Sunday being our day typically to spend with our son and a day off for a nanny.
Live in
This is a live-in position, and for the time being a nanny would sleep in a bed in our son's room, however we have a sleeping area with its own bathroom and at some point a nanny would sleep in that area which has its own privacy. We live in an spacious newly renovated townhouse on two floors, with generous bathrooms, fantastic cooking kitchen, and beautiful backyard. We generally eat nearly only organic, so the house is always filled with plenty of healthy delicious food. We are young designer-professionals who work hard, and our house is a sanctuary for time spending with the family and relaxing.
You should be a highly energetic individual with a high sense of responsibility, even temper, excellent judgment, interactive, proactive on responsibilities (no one wants to ask every time for the routine items to be done), and light-handed. Since we occupy the same space, sensitivity to private time spending for the family in an intuitive fashion helps greatly. Our child is super independent, and many hours will be spent just keeping an eye on him as he explores his environment. English is a must.
Pay ranges between $400-$500 per week, depending on experience, time with our family, paid in cash on a weekly basis.
Russian speaking a plus, but not essential.
Original URL: http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/kid/1230741230.html
Special Thanks to: Cinder38, northjerseynanny, amy.blueeyes, Nana, JulieK1994, MissDee and mbargielski... all of you found some really great Ads this week! Please don't forget to include the URL in your Submission! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE.
In the News
Nanny Hired Online is Charged with Abusing Boy - Vermont
A man who traveled to several states to look after children and recently met a family through an online nanny service has been charged with sex crimes involving a boy in his care, a case a police detective called disturbing because of the man's efforts to find children.
Douglas J. Shepherd, 23, of Fort Myers, Fla., was charged Wednesday after he had gone to a Vermont hospital and told doctors he was having suicidal thoughts because of his contact with the 10-year-old boy he had been caring for, court records say.
"This case is really disturbing because the offender is going out of his way to find his victims and he's getting paid for it," said Katz, of the Northwest Unit for Special Investigations, which investigates sex crimes. Katz said Thursday that Shepherd and the Vermont family he worked for both said they'd made contact through California-based eNannySource. (continued)
Babysitter Charged in Disappearance - Indiana
Police say they are suspicious about a babysitter's account of the disappearance Tuesday of a child in her care in Gary, Ind.
Jada Justice, nearly 3, is missing, and her caregiver, Angelica Castillo, 18, of Hobart, Ind., has been charged with neglect of a dependent, the Gary Post-Tribune reported.
Castillo, a cousin of Jada's mother, Melissa Swiontek of Portage, told police the child disappeared from her car at Glen Park Gas in Gary. She said she left the baby in the unlocked car while she went in to buy milk.
NYPD: Babysitter Arrested After Tot Drowns - New York
New York City police have arrested a woman in connection with the death of an 11-month-old boy who was found unconscious in her home.
Police say 28-year-old Krystal Khan was arrested Monday and charged with endangering the welfare of a child.
Police say authorities responded to a call of an unconscious child at Khan's home in Queens that morning. The child, identified as James Farrior, was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Unfortunate Mistake Leads to Death - Louisiana
A family was forced to bury their 5 month old boy early Tuesday morning after his tragic death.
Saint Martinville Police say the baby boy, Keiland Rebert, died on Thursday when his mother forgot him in the back of her car for almost eight hours while she worked, with the windows rolled up and alone.
When she got off work at 3:30 she went to the babysitter to pick up her child not realizing that she never dropped him off. When the 24-year-old mom arrived at the babysitter's home she realized he wasn't there. Instead, police say, she discovered him dead in his car seat.
Authorities say autopsy results revealed the baby died of hyperthermia, but tell us they believe the tragic death was an accident.
Dropping the Drop-in Fees...
I returned the enrollment packet, signed by J's dad, attaching a post it on it with M's number and a note to my boss to call M about fees. Later that day, I saw my boss in passing and asked her about calling M and drop in, to which she asked how old J was and I told her. She tells me it was fine to bring him, and said nothing about a drop in fees. I let M know it was OK to bring him and we went from there.
When I returned from break, I noticed there was a bill for M for daycare. The bill was for four days of drop-in care, which I was unaware M would be charged. (my director said something about fees and I didn't think she was serious.) I figured since I was an employee, even though J isn't related by blood, drop-in would be free. M was not aware of these charges, and if they had told her about the fees, she had other options. M trusted me and that's the only reason she sent him to work with me. My question is what kind of daycare doesn't return phone calls and doesn't make it clear to a parent they will incur fees with the parent thinking care is free? Nobody contacted M, and now she has a bill of $240 for four days of drop-in care. I have worked with J for almost a year and feel attached to him; now I feel as though M doesn't trust me. I am also angry that they blew M off but expect her to pay this bill yet don't inform her upfront about fees.
Nannies what would you do? I feel like I should pay M's bill and I also feel betrayed by my employer that they treated M like this. It makes me think my owner is rather greedy, and greed is like jealously-they are both ugly. I am so upset I feel like resigning, yet my own daycare isn't even close to being open yet. What should I do?
Memorial Hall Library in Andover, MA
Bleecker Street Playground in NYC

June 16th 4-5 PM
Nanny Description: See picture.
Kid Description: 1 year old, gray sweater and gray pants (not sure if it was a boy or girl).
Your nanny was absolutely wonderful while she was swinging your child. She made noises, smiled and gushed (frankly, I wasn't that great with my kid at the age!). She is a keeper...
MPP's Menace
(This was received by MPP on Sunday, June 14, 2009)
okay, i have a rather unusual situation & i hope u can help with it b-cuz i dont no who else 2 turn i am a nanny and take care of 1 2.4 yr. old. 2 yrs 4 mos. she is potty training. i live out and hv cats at my house i rescue some 2. well about a week ago, i saw pinworms in my poop. u know what that is? worms that are tiny & crawls in & outs of your poop. they also crawl out of yo butt at nite when you sleep. well i needed to get antibiotic at the clinic but had to wait to satrday cuz i cant afford a dr. i started on the medicine yesterday. the problem is this. when the girl was potty training and i saw her poop, it had dem worms in it 2. i was afraid to say to my boss that i saw the worms cuz they no i am a cat person & mite put 2 & 2 together, yk? so i didnt say nothing. all weekend i feel so guilty thinking about it. i know when i get to work i got to get in there and do that girls sheets in hot water and stuff. is there another way this kid could get the worms so them mama doesnt point the finger at me? i feel i am walkin on thin ice allready & dont want no more mistakes. i need the job. and i do take real good care of the girl and in time i probably love her like she my own. right now i just need to no how to call attention to the problem for the parents without puttin the finger on me. help me.
*Okay, don't send your worst in. We have a stockpile of incredibly bad submissions. Do send in your nanny sightings! isawyournanny@aol.com
How Close is too Close?
I am a nanny and I love the family I have been with for 3 years. I have a wonderful bond with the parents and a wonderful bond with the children. We don't have many issues that arise and I do wish that every nanny out there was as lucky as me. What I am wondering though..is how close is too close? Are there any other nannies out there that think about their family when they are not there? Are there any other nannies that want to spend time with the kids when they are not there? I just want to know if there is a point where you can get too close? And if so, what do you do to take a step back? I wouldn't mind hearing from nannies who experience this or on the flip side hearing from parents who wonder if their nanny is too close to them. Thanks!
The Pool and Beach Rants
(Another) Nanny Gets Screwed
I started working for a new family 6 weeks ago. They have a 4 1/2 year old and 2 year old and the mother is pregnant with twins due in August. She is a stay at home mom, and hired me specifically to help with the twins once they were born. They wanted me to start earlier to get used to the family and to help with the older boys because she got tired by the end of the day from being pregnant.
The family lives in a very affluent town and they own a pretty well known business. They were paying me "on the books" through the company and offered me a top-notch salary plus benefits. I was told that payroll was done twice a month (but not told what weeks) and it would be direct deposit. By my 3rd week, I still hadn't received a direct deposit. I emailed my boss on a Friday evening and asked her when I should be expecting to be paid. She did not respond to my email that whole weekend, and when I saw her the following Monday I was told that I would be paid by the following Tuesday. I didn't get an explanation as to why there was a delay, but some companies hold your first paycheck, so I didn't chalk it up to much.
Tuesday comes and goes and I still had no direct deposit. I asked again, and was told the company had to cut me a check and it would be in the mail. I in fact did receive it that Thursday in the mail.
In the meantime, my hours were constantly being changed. I was being paid on a salary based on a 45 hour work week, but the most they ever used me in a week was about 30 hours give or take. One week they only had me come in 3 days, another day they sent me home early after only about 3 or 4 hours at work. I found it to be bizarre, especially since they were paying me so much money, but I figured once the twins were born I'd be making up the hours with overtime so it must not matter to them right now.
As I mentioned above, I was offered a benefits package. I asked repeatedly for information on the health insurance provided by the company they owned, but my requests fell on deaf ears. I was never sent any information. I knew that I wasn't eligible for 60 days, so I assumed they were just holding off until my 2 month period was over.
Payday came and went again and yet again I had no direct deposit. I sent an email to my boss that day (it was one of the days they decided to email me last minute to tell me not to come in) and I received an email response from her husband saying that it should be there and to check again later. The deposit never came. That monday I was told that there was a "glitch" with my direct deposit and that they were straightening it out with the payroll company. I was becoming frustrated but didn't want to cause problems.
This past Thursday night I received an email from my boss stating that they would be out of town again this weekend and I didn't have to come into work on Friday. I didn't think much of it because at this point, it was happening so frequently. Then yesterday afternoon I checked my phone and saw I had a voicemail from the husband. He said that after talking with his wife all morning, they decided that they were going to let me go, and that he was sorry and to not come back on Monday. I was shocked - I was always so flexible with all their scheduling changes and always did extra "projects" for them around the house whenever asked - not to mention the kids loved me (the 4 1/2 year old would beg not to go to preschool so he could stay home to play with me) I called him back and asked why they were firing me, and his response was "I don't really feel like I need to give you a reason, we just don't feel we want you as our BABYSITTER anymore." I tried to push for a reason, but it was obvious he wasn't going to give me one. He stated that he would pay me through this last week. After talking with friends and family, it seems like this family never had any intentions of keeping me long term as they had stated. I feel completely taken advantage of and they've left me in a pretty bad position with no severance and payroll being "behind."
I'm wondering what sort of recourse I have, if any at all. I fully intend on contacting a lawyer if I don't receive my last weeks pay, but other than that am I entitled to anything, or is there anything that I should do? I still have a key to their house (which they didn't ask back for) but I plan on sending it to them via fedex tomorrow and requesting a signature verification that they
received it - I don't want them coming back at me and trying to frame me for something because they know I still have their key. I plan on emailing them so I have a paper trail stating that I'm fedex'ing the key to them, in case any problems arise in the future. Is there anything else I should say to them, or should I just keep my mouth shut and not cause more trouble?
Thanks! I'm sorry this is so long!!
.... What?!
1) Need someone to babysit a 12 yr old boy (Seattle)
I need a strict babysitter to change the bullying behavior of my son. The task would start tomorrow morning at 11am until 7pm at night. I can only pay $50 for the service, but, further service will depend on how you perform tomorrow. Tell me in your own words how you'd discipline this boy who's totally undisciplined.
Original URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/est/dmg/1209290655.html
Special thanks to tashaclara - for our Feature Ad... And thank you to SFClaire, MissDee, afnt81 and Worlds Best Nanny... All of you did a great job this week! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE.
48 bus in Noe Valley, SF
Re: Guilt & Regret Post
I take care of two children, one who is 4 months old and one who is 3 years old. The mother works from home one morning a week. This is a sample of a situation I have had to deal with, with her. She is really abrasive and thoughtless. She never comes home on time and never calls. And she wants me to start at 7:30 in the morning because she needs to be out the door at 7:45 but she is always still messing around until 9 AM-ish, during which time her 3 year old wants to be with her and she is constantly slamming doors on the 3 year old and PUNISHING her for wanting to be near her. For example, she grounded the little girl from TV because she wouldn't stop hugging her leg. Her husband is real nice, but nerdy with glasses and she totally runs him over. Emasculates him. He is always mad at her too for not coming home and so she tells me yesterday, "look I can't have "Phil" bitching about dinner. You need to make time when the children are napping to make something that is going to take care of his appetite and keep him out of my hair." I responded, "I'm really not a cook at all. I can do kid things, but.." and she snapped, "well you can read, can't you? Go online. Order some ingredients from peapod." She never says thank you for anything.
One of my job requirements is that I wash the children's laundry. On Friday, she left me like 20 pairs of sweaty stockings to wash with a note that said in large bold letters "DELICATE". So I think the point of my post is that we nannies are putting up with a whole lot these days because there is no guarantee that there is a better job around the corner. I wouldn't mind working for a nice person for $700 a week, but I can't take the chance and my boyfriend of course would ream me over the loss of the $100 per week.
Kid City in Chicago, Il
Physical Description of Child: White male, light brown hair, 3-4 years old. Was wearing white tee-shirt and blue sweats with 2003 down the left pant leg.
Venue: Kid City, Chicago near Grand and Ashland. Indoor play area.
Description of what I witnessed: When my little guy and I arrived I saw this nanny sprawled across a couch in the parent's sitting room. This building is set up with a large open room and then a smaller room separated by doors that is decorated like a living room. It works nice for nursing mothers, there are several couches, etc. At first I couldn't figure out which child this nanny was supervising because it was extremely busy; it wasn't until lunch time when I finally saw the nanny leave the couch in the separate room and come out to feed the little boy. While the little boy ate the nanny sat off to the side and continued studying from her Business Law book, she even told him to hurry up so she could go back to studying in the other room. Later after the nanny went to lie down on the couch for a phone/nap session the little boy roamed free unsupervised, the nanny couldn't even see him from where she was laying because as I've mentioned she was in a completely separate room. The boy was well behaved, but was angry and frustrated when he couldn't get into the bathroom by himself. The nanny never moved. She napped, studied, and talked on her phone. When I did see the interactions between nanny and child they seemd to have a good relationship, the boy was affectionate towards her. I debated whether or not to post this: no she wasn't abusive and the boy seemed to like her, but her complete disregard for supervision shocked me. She never got up to look out and see how he was doing, etc. I'm all for giving children freedom to roam on their own, but in public areas I think it's important to be within eye sight and available when needed.
A lot of Guilt & A little Regret
Received Thursday, June 11, 2009 I have already given my notice (I gave it on Monday and gave a month's notice), but now I'm beginning to wonder if I gave up too soon or if I was justified in feeling like enough is enough. I'm sorry if this post is long but any feedback, besides negative comments, would be greatly appreciated.
I took a job in August for a family in a wealthy town outside of Boston. I'm not from this area so we talked for a few weeks and they sent me a contract through e-mail to review and get back to them. The contract stated that I would be working 40-50 hours per week being paid at a presumed rate of 45 hours a week and the salary was $400 per week. Also included in the contract was "a rare weekend day (about 1 every 2 months)". This is a live in position so my room, board, and food was included as payment as well. The mom works out of the home but the father works from home. I'm not really a fan of working for parents who work from home but they are really lovely people so I knew I could make it work. They have 3 children who I have grown to completely adore (I hold back tears when I think of leaving them, I can only imagine how much I will cry when my last day is here).
If I remember correctly I was here 2 weeks before we went on Vacation to the Cape. We did not sit down and state out hours or duties while we were there but I did keep track of all my hours and logged them in my daily planner. In September when I realized I had been working a lot (between 50 and 60 hours, sometimes more than 60) and I had been working more weekends than agreed upon I emailed my boss. (We communicated regularly but we also used e-mails, texts, and she left me a note at the beginning of the day if she needed me to do things) In the email I included the hours I had been working and explained to her that I loved my job and I wanted to be able to do my job to the best of my ability but I couldn't do it if I was exhausted. I just simply explained that I would like to stay as close to our original agreement as possible. Her response was not harsh, mean, or out of line. She just stated that they needed someone who could be flexible, accomodating, and could handle the demanding schedule. She said we would keep it at 50 hours a week and any time over 50 would be compensated with time off or if time off couldn't be given they would pay me the hourly set rate. If I worked under 50 I would make up the hours that month or they would be hours I "owed" them. The idea of more pay never even came up but I didn't want to lose my job and they are such great people I just couldn't say no to that idea.
After Christmas I was suppose to work that following Sunday but I had spent the early morning hours throwing up so I called in sick first thing (the only other times I had been sick was 1st time in the cape, the day after we arrived i requested the morning off because i wasn't feeling well due to the traveling and being in the back of the van the day before but I still went up at 4pm and worked that evening and the 2nd time I was sick was because I spent a day cleaning up vomit from one of my charges being sick so I naturally caught her bug but I still worked that evening as well) in the morning because I had some kind of bug and I had found out the day before that my brothers best friend's dad had a heart attack and passed away on Christmas so it wasn't a very good weekend but I was shocked that at 4pm I received an e-mail from her about my being sick. (I understand that as a nanny people depend on us and it's hard for the family when we are out sick and I hardly ever miss work so I feel the email wasn't necessary) In it she stated she was upset by my lack of professionalism and courtesy by giving them only a 2 hour notice. She went on to later say they needed someone professional, reliable, and professional to fit in their family. Up until that point I thought I had been very reliable and more than flexible and accomodating with my job.
After December I started compiling a list of things that were bothering me and here's the list I compiled and ultimately made the decision for me to leave.
-->I started my day at 7:30 (most days, i will get to that part as well) I had to get all 3 charges ready for school and fed breakfast by 8:20 by myself on the mornings she was gone. It was impossible on some mornings.
-->I worked hard to get the kids to pick up after themselves. I made sure that anything we played with was put back where it belonged and I re-organized both playrooms so that we could get rid of old toys and when I would come down some mornings the playrooms were destroyed because they never followed through with what I was teaching the kids about cleaning up.
-->I've worked roughly about 17 weekend days since I started. That's a lot of personal time I've given up for this job especially when it was suppose to be "1 about every 2 months" and I'm not watching the kids alone I'm helping the WAHD which I don't think is necessary. If the mom can handle them when I'm not around and I can handle them for 10+ hours a day then I don't see why he cant.
--> Having to stay late if the mom was running behind because the WAHD had run out to run errands about a half hour before I'm suppose to leave or he hasn't left his home office yet.
-->Schedule changes happening the day of or the day before. Like working until 6:30 until 5:30. I have a monthly schedule so I make plans around work and I have other side jobs of babysitting so it's hard when it's little notice that my schedule has changed.
-->Starting late (10:30 or 11 instead of 7:30) throws off the whole week schedule. I normally use the morning time to grocery shop for the house, do laundry (all the household laundry including parents), or do other tasks left for me (such as cleaning the hall closet, cleaning and organizing the garage, working on cleaning out the basement) but when I start that late and I have to pick up the younger charges at preschool and then I'm with them for the rest of the day I get behind on laundry and other tasks because I don't like leaving my charges unsupervised so I can work on projects. I mean I like taking them out to playdates, the park, museums, aquariums and if I'm doing that it means other things aren't getting done because we arent home.
-->having to make the charges dinner 3 or 4 nights a week because the mom can't be home but the WAHD doesn't want to come down and make them dinner and help them get ready for bed. The nights I make dinner I have to be sure the kids are 100% ready for bed before I leave.
-->Not being on the same page when it comes to discipline. I believe in time outs and taking privileges away. I need to be on the same page as the parents in order for the household to run smoothly. If Ive given a report that the charges shouldn't get dessert or tv that night, it's for a good reason. It doesnt send a good message or a "united front" when the minute I walk out the door the parents give in and give them whatever they want. I believe that kids should deserve things like tv, dessert, or special treats.
-->being kicked, hit, or screamed at is unacceptable in any household. The charges should never be allowed to physically abuse a nanny. They didn't do it every day but it happened enough for me to begin getting fed up, I know it's a phase in some kids but this was new and it started in march after I'd already been here 7 months.
I'm sure there are more things but I don't wanna make this post an extremely long post. For those of you still with me thank you for sticking around to try and give me some advice, I truly appreciate it because leaving these charges is tearing my heart out. The parents are not bad, I like them, I love the charges but I felt with the previous talks/emails I've exchanged with the parents that I wouldn't get very far. After all the hours I work I'm exhausted and it shows on the job sometimes and I don't like feeling tired while I'm trying to be happy nad play with my charges. The parents ask why I don't go out that much or why I haven't started taking classes (trust me I couldn't take the classes I wanted because of my hours at work), or why I havent been exploring the city and in all honesty I'm just too tired, if I work 50+ hours a week then go out on the weekend I feel so tired on Monday it's unreal. I don't think that's normal. That was my biggest indication that it was probably time to say goodbye.
Like I said I can't say a bad word about the parents (I really do wish the dad was involved more because it would probably help the mom and the nanny alot) but I just had to give my notice. So I'm asking did I give up too soon or should I stop feeling guilty and let it go.
Thank you very much for reading this. I didn't mean for it to be so long.
-a Nanny who still feels guilty
Bill Austin’s school of Gymnastics in Sugar Land, Texas
I’ve encountered this nanny several times over the last few months but I couldn’t get a picture or a definite answer as to if she was a nanny rather than a grandmother but today I got the pictures and the confirmation that this is indeed a nanny.
The first time I encountered her was late January or early February of this year at Bill Austin’s school of Gymnastics in Sugar Land, Texas on a Friday. She had parked her black suburban too close to my car, preventing me from opening my door so I had to go inside and find out who the car belonged too. I saw her on her phone ignoring her charge but after several announcements she realized it was her car and went outside to move it. The problem was the youngest child, Nadia (the oldest, Sasha, was in Gymnastic class at the time) she did not pay attention to her when she walked out into the parking lot. She walked far ahead of Nadia leaving her walking alone in a parking lot with cars everywhere, I was afraid that she would get hit but luckily she didn’t. She put her in the car and moved it so that I could leave.
A few weeks later as we were leaving class, again on a Friday, She was outside with Nadia while the oldest, Sasha, was in class. She was on her phone sitting on the curb while Nadia played in the parking lot, not on the curb close to the door but in the parking lot. Again there were cars all over the place trying to find parking spaces and leaving from their classes and she wasn’t paying attention to Nadia.
Every time I would see her she would be on her phone ignoring Nadia. Although I didn’t like the fact that she was ignoring Nadia while she was on the phone I wouldn’t have written in about her if that was her only fault. She needs to pay more attention to her before she gets hit by a car, the little girl is far too young to be walking in a parking lot by herself.
"Purple Playground" in Newton Centre, MA
***I don't care if people smoke. That's their decision. I just didn't agree with 2 nannies sitting around smoking while their charges weren't being watched at all. I admit I was in a hurry when I sent in the original e-mail. I think what really bothered me is there was another picnic table, an empty picnic table. I picked up my oldest charge from school and we walked right over to purple playground. We sat our stuff down, had a snack, cleaned up our mess, and went off to play. An hour later when we were getting ready to leave I noticed people sitting at our table and as we were walking up to start gathering our stuff is when they lit the cigarettes up. We got to the table and by staring at my charges I didn't mean just glancing at them, they were dead on staring at my charges like they were doing something wrong by getting their things. One of my charges had to literally pull her sweater out from under one of their bags, she didn't even pick her bag up as my charge was reaching for her sweater. So now I hope everyone understands why I was so upset. It wasn't just the smoking, that did bother me because the tables are only about 5 feet from the equipment but it was a mix of everything that happened that made me mad.
Heart Held Ransom.......
Invitation to Fly Takes a Nosedive
Placing the Blame
My issue right now is with some of the parents that post on this site. You all automatically assume that if a child is being neglected by an adult that we must be the child's nanny, that is not the case. I have seen plenty of parents in the town where I live completely ignore their child while shopping, talking with friends, hanging out at the playground (museum, coffee shop, restaurant, etc.). I have seen children tear apart a coffee shop while their parents sit and chit chat about the local gossip. You think nannies are so bad but you don't realize your just as guilty as they are when it comes to being bad. No one is perfect every minute of every day. Yes there are some really horrible nannies out there but normally they get fired and have a hard time finding a job but who's there for the kid when it's the other way around and the parent is the one neglecting them????
For all you parents out there snapping away camera phone pics of a nanny sitting on a bench holding a child or sitting with one in a stroller, how do you consider that a bad nanny?? And where are your kids while your snapping pictures of "bad nannies"???? I don't understand how you can snap a picture of a nanny sitting down on a bench with a child sitting in front of/beside her in a stroller and consider her a bad nanny. How do you know she's not just taking a break while the child is sleeping?? You don't and it's really sad that you whip out a camera phone and take a picture of an unsuspecting person who just happens to be catching a few minutes rest before they go back to work?
Being a nanny is so different than having a normal job. Most of us are with kids 10+ hours a day, and now we have to worry about nutty parents taking a quick camera phone picture while we're taking a 15 minute break? Well thanks. It's nice to know we really are lower on the food chain than all of you "moms".
A lot of the parents that complain about their nannies also do the following::::
-write up a contract and don't stick to it once the nanny has started.
-pay the nanny "under the table" so that they can work the nanny 50+ hours without paying them overtime.
-expect the nanny to work weekends even though that was never agreed upon.
-never back the nanny up on anything and let the children walk all over the nanny
-take out marital problems on us
-have us doing above and beyond what we're suppose to be doing such as house keeping and I'm not just talking about cleaning up after the kids.
I mean there is a huge list of things and I could go on and on and on but I wont. I just don't think it's funny that the nanny's are the ones who constantly get the bad reputation but we also dedicate the majority of our lives to taking care of other people's children and most of us do it with a smile on our face and love in our heart. As cheesy as it sounds it's the truth.
Most people just choose to blame us because they don't like to take responsibility for the fact that they have the "guilty" parent syndromes. Stop blaming the nanny, stop buying things for your kid (they have enough stuff I promise), and just be there with your child. We understand you have to work during the week but that doesn't make up for the fact that you ignore your kid on the weekend while you have your "down time".
Like I said in the beginning it's not fair that we take all the blame.
-nanny from Mass
Back to Sleep
I am a firm believer in SUPERVISED tummy time for infants, and also for always putting an infant down to sleep on its back.
Last night I babysat for a new family with a 3 month old baby. Mom told me to put baby to sleep on his tummy. What would you do?
Is This ADHD or Just a Disrespectful Child?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 -
I am the OP of the post and I should be in bed, but I am so pissed I can't sleep. This child I am referring to just this evening had the nerve to SPIT in my face because she was angry with me-said child was wearing a Band Aid; throughout the course of the day the bandage fell off. I saw the child taking her Band Aid and putting it on other children. I explained to her that the Band Aid was to stay on her arm and if I saw her place it on her friends again, I would take it away. She was wearing a bandage for her eczema. Upon taking the Band Aid; this child hit me and kept hitting me due to her anger. I got down on her level and told her I didn't like being hit. She then spit in my face. I am so frustrated, you can't imagine how I feel. What kind of child has such blatant disrespect to spit in a teachers face? As I stated, for some reason, I am her target for this behavior. I mean she doesn't listen to anyone else but one teacher, and when it comes to outbursts, she only hits me and nobody else. I do not understand why she does this; this same child will jump into my arms and hug me, as she does almost every day.
When I said her parents were flaky and shouldn't be parents what I meant was that her parents need to take care of this problem and get her re evaluated instead of ignoring the problem. Did I mention that this child has a baby brother who happens to be Mom's pride and joy, the eldest child, who happens to be autistic is a favorite, too. There is a problem here, and instead of Mom gossiping about me to other teachers and Dad whom I work with, gossiping about how I can't control my class, they need to understand that they have a child and need to start being parents. Spitting on me is crossing the line. No other child in my class acts the way she does, and on the very very rare occasion she is not there, my class is DIFFERENT, as in they are a lot calmer.
I sent this child home with pink eye symptoms; Dad wanted to bring her to school so he could enjoy his day off-shouldn't you be spending that time with your child? I did read where someone thought she had autism. Is that hereditary? I agree she does things for attention and probably can do whatever she wants at home. When I told Mom she spit on me, did I get an apology? No. But I know she will talk about me to other teachers. And please do not attack me. Don't say I should rethink being a teacher. I happen to love teaching and I don't like disrespectful children who spit and their parents who are clueless and ignorant.
Received Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Is this type of behavior normal for ADHD children? In my personal opinion, I believe it may be, yet I do know that doing inappropriate things as a way to get attention is a characteristic of ADHD-said child was wearing a dress to school, and was lifting up her dress showing everyone her unders. She was talked to about how inappropriate that was, and warned if that or anything else happened where the dress didn't stay down, we would put shorts on her. Ten minutes later, she told her friends to look at her as she stuck her finger up there, panties pulled aside. Natural curiosity at preschool age is fine-this child is three-yet I know this child knew not to do what she did.
Mom and Dad are flaky, and I don't understand why they are parents. Does this sound like ADHD or a disrespectful child? She was kicked out of many daycares for her behavior and was evaluated for occupational therapy/early childhood programs, yet not placed in anything because of her "model behavior" during observation.
.... What?!
1) Teen Babysitter in exchange for Senior photography package (Oregon)
Are you graduating from high school next year and also have experience in babysitting? I need someone to watch 4 kids (13yr, 11yr, 8yr, 3yr) in my home Wednesdays 4-8 pm every week all summer (12 weeks). In exchange you will get a $450 photography package. 12 weeks x $40. I also need someone to watch the kids most Saturdays this summer, hours vary, but on average I would guess from 4pm-9pm, also in exchange for the $450 photography package. OR one person could do both Wed. and Sat. in exchange for the $675 Photography package and cash for the difference at $10/hr.
The Junior Package
Session with up to 4 outfit changes, indoor and outdoor photos and 80 images on CD to keep.
Framed 11x14 Wall portrait (can exchange for 3 more units)
Any 3 Units
120 wallet photos with name and year
Yearbook photo
5 poses
$450 plus tax
The Senior
Session with up to 4 outfit changes, indoor and outdoor photos and 80 images on CD to keep.
Framed 16x20 Wall portrait (can exchange for 4 more units or Framed 11x14 and 1 unit)
Any 3 Units
136 wallet photos with name and year
4x6 Parade Album with 20 4x6 photos
Yearbook photo
6 poses
$675 plus tax
Email if interested and we can meet to discuss. I would like to have some references to call please. Michelle
Original URL: http://madison.craigslist.org/kid/1204768021.html
Special thanks to MissDee for our "What?" Feature Ad and to NC for our "How Much?" Feature Ad... the both of you did an awesome job! Also, special thanks to: northjerseynanny, mbargielski and austinmama... all of you did a great job this week! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next week's Ads HERE.
Madison Square Park - near the Northwest entrance
Physical description of involved child/children: Two small children in a double (side-by side) stroller. Both around a year old, maybe twins. White, both had light colored curly hair.
Address or venue of observed incident: Madison Square Park near the Northwest entrance.
Date and time of incident: Thursday, June 4 at 5:45 PM
Detailed description of what you witnessed: As I walked by, I noticed this nanny changing one child's diaper while the other was sitting in the stroller. Nanny had the child across her lap attempting to change the diaper with one hand while barely holding onto the flailing child with the other. Child's head was hanging over nanny's lap and child appeared to nearly fall. Crying the whole time. I decided to turn around and walk by again, this time when I passed nanny was standing several feet away from both children who were sitting in the stroller facing away from her and crying. She was talking to someone on one of those bluetooth earpiece things. The children could not see her, and she was pretty far away.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: Side-by-side stroller in dark color, possibly charcoal or black. Didn't catch the brand.
I have three photos. One is of the baby on the nanny's lap. If you zoom in you can get a sense of what is happening. The next is a shot of the nanny standing several feet away from the stroller (visible on the right), a pedestrian is seen walking between her and the stroller. The third is a shot of her with the stroller to help with identification. Sorry the shots are so poor, my cellphone camera sucks.