.... WHAT?!
1) Free summer adventure in return for assistance (Seattle)
I need someone to help out periodically on summertime adventures around the northwest -- come along as a nanny, basically, on hikes and camping and beach days and long weekend travels. You'll stay with me and the little ones, meals are provided, and you'll enjoy this for the sights and adventure if you happen to have free time on your hands and you'd like to get out and see the countryside a bit. We get along best with creative, outdoorsy, no-drama types -- maybe a modern-day hippie chick. Must be a dog lover, and don't try to fake it! There's a lot of flexibility to do this, but please understand that the compensation is basically the opportunity for free regional getaways to the beach, the mountains, and everywhere in between, so this is not for everybody. It won't pad your bank account, but it'll stock your memory bank. :)
URL: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/dmg/1743823894.html
Special thanks to the following readers for a job well done this week: NervousNanny, Krupitzerb, afnt81, Jessica.Weichert, Kiddiepsyc, VAnanny, MissDee and mbargielski. Thank you for all of your Contributions! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE or use MEEBO. And don't forget to include the Links!
My memory bank isn't in charge of paying the rent. =)
that picture is really gross.
Gross? What is gross is that she is doing this in front of a roomful of kids! That is completely outrageous.
Ummm yeah, that is possibly one of the most despicable and disgusting displays I have ever had the misfortune to see. I cannot fathom the moral reprehensiblilty of that "woman." I truly truly hope she is not the mother or caregiver to any of those children or any child period, and that this was the only time she was ever in the presence of children before or since! The looks on their faces is downright terrible to see. And none of that 'it's nature' stuff, because of course there is nothing natural about that. Ugh, yuck, eck.
It's interesting. One wants live in for one night a week baby sitting, and several want practically full time care for room and board. And then one wants 24/7 care in return for taking a trip. It's all over the map this week.
OMG! Where did you ever find that picture?
The real winner of WTF this week is MPP and the picture...The little girl's face is priceless.
What is wrong with #6?
The Mother says: "Two Nannies for the Price of One"... indicating her 6yo daughter as the 2nd Nanny. I haven't decided whether or not I find it cute or insulting... but that's why it is up there.
As I said before, CL-WTF isn't always about the crazy Ads. Sometimes they are picked because I find them either cute, unusual or funny.
And then, of course, you have the few that are just too outrageous for words.
Holy shit, that picture very nearly made me PUKE.
My daughter clicked on this site as she likes to read it, too. The disgusting front page picture was pointed out to me by my daughter. Why would this be posted?
I have to request that the picture be taken down, please. My eleven year old also likes to read this page with me and I didn't appreciate her seeing that.
I had to post a reply to "Debi" (the $200/mo for FT childcare one). Just because she specifies that she wants someone under 18 to do the job does not make it legal for her to pay $1.19/hr. WTF indeed!
Oh, and good point about the picture. My 6 yr old likes to sit next to me and see what I'm reading and typing online sometimes now that he knows how to read.
Unidad and Katlee, your young daughters should really not be reading this site. It is an adult forum in which many adult subjects are discussed. It's not meant to be a website for children just because it is about children and their nannies. I think that we, as adults, should not have to censor ourselves on a website that is only supposed to be for other adults. MPP put up that picture to shock because yes, it is disgusting. But the point is, she shouldn't have to worry about what a couple of 11 year olds see on her website that is supposed to be for adult nannies' and parents' eyes. This is America. You should really tell your daughters that this website is not appropriate for them.
If I was backpacking the United States I would actually do this job...is that bad? I mean it's an opportunity to see more and to get to know local people, right? Besides backpacking in the USA nowadays it's either being financed by your family or doing something in the sex industry.
That picture is disgusting and should NOT be on this site without a warning. If you have to include it in this post it should be with the extended entry and there should be a 'NSFW' warning.
let's get real,
I like that Unidad and Kaylee read this site with their daughters. Their daughters get to learn what sort of families and behaviors to avoid if they ever consider becoming a nanny, and how to better treat a nanny if they ever decide to have one. If only every child had such a wonderful education on such matters perhaps the sort of nonsense we read about here would be a little rarer.
All the respect in the world for MPP, but I too must humbly request that this photo be removed.
I don't know if children should read this website or not, but as an adult, I find the picture tacky. It definitely sends the wrong impression about the website.
I honesty agree with the others... Wile my children do not look at this site with me, my daughter is often looking over my shoulder while I am on the PC. This picture made my jaw drop! While I get that it's for shock value, please remove it and replace it with something a little less pornographic and a little more tasteful (no pun intended... okay, pun intended)
My daughter is 14 and reads this site with me and I am completely shocked at the picture MPP chose. I believe a 14 year old (and even an 11 year old reading with Mom or Dad) is old enough to be here. NOBODY should click on a "Nanny" website and see pornography. It is inappropriate for everyone, young ladies included. I wonder what Jane Doe thinks of this picture? I also know MPP has a young child, why would she think this type of picture is in any way ok? Please remove the offensive picture - it sounds like many, many readers have voiced this same opinion. Are you going to simply ignore the mass opinion that this trashy pornography should be removed?
Ok... you guys win. Your opinion is the one that matters most.
Thank you Thank you, MPP! We may not like the picture, but we love you!
re: I need a babysitter...$200 a month... (Norfolk)
Date: 2010-05-22, 7:39PM EDT
Reply to: comm-vddxm-1754648304@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Hey Debi...Just because you refer to this person as a "babysitter" and specify that they must be a "teenager" does not make it LEGAL for you to pay $1.19/hr. UNDER THE TABLE. Put down the crack pipe sweetie.
Thank you MPP, I hope you know we love you and were only upset with the picture and not you.
Dont understand the hype over the picture. There is a new picture posted that shows the same thing. An adult with a child doing something inappropriate. As in what the hell are they thinking? Which is I think the tone of the CL-WTF too.
Thanks for the new picture, mpp!
If you have a woman sucking a dick on your home page, even if it's a fake dick, sorry but you should have an "adult content" warning on your blog. that is the "hype" Myrna. MPP did exactly the right thing by changing it.
Oh, you're back. So what about talking about profane things, indecent acts or foul language such as your own?
I'm always, JUST CURIOUS.
And the picture had two or three (?) children in it. I don't get how this blog which details abuse of children and sexual liasons between nannies and bosses or dogs and peanut butter is suitable for children, but whatever.
I just think it's odd that you are back and you're anger is still there. It seethes through every word. You spit with venom as you type frantically.
I appreciate all of the feedback everyone, positive or negative. And no, I do not take any of it personally.
So, "Just Curious", by the fact that you are saying it's fine and dandy for that woman to demonstrate fellatio to her children, (because after all, it's just a birthday cake and people shouldn't look at it if they don't enjoy seeing it), I can only surmise that YOU are the disgusting creature in the photos? Othehrwise, you're not Just Curious, you are Curious, Ignorant and Revolting. Want to clarify which one it is?
The one who wants to pay a teenager $200/month is crazy. When I was 15 I was making $100/week babysitting in the summer and that was 10 years ago! A teen could make $200 mowing lawns and work a lot less hours.
As an animal and child lover, I take offense to the photo used to attract drama to your website. You are using a harmless child and animal to lure people to your website. Lovers of children and animals need to be warned that your website condones and encourages animal/human brutality.
Oh and make sure you don't eat bananas in public.
I've backpacked a lot and I can assure you it wasn't paid by my family or doing something in the sex industry. I do hope you are joking because this is ridiculous.
I love traveling and I save up the money before I go backpacking. Yes, I work hard and don't waste money on stuffs I don't consider necessary. But hey, the reward is great!
As for the picture, yeah, it's shocking. But haven't you seen worse on the web? Censorship is not the solution.
So much for enlightened discussion. Oh well. My thanks to MPP for the picture change. Animal cruelty? Nonsense.
No worriezs Polly, she's just mad because her party picture was taken down.
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