I work with a now one year old and have a great relationship with the family. I am paid very well and have excellent benefits. The family recently asked me to stay another year, which I agreed. I knew from the moment they hired me that they would put him in daycare. Now that they have asked me to stay longer, he will enter when he is 2. I love the little boy and am very attached. My concern is that my current charge will be to young for daycare and won't get the attention he needs. I've heard negative things about daycare and feel strongly against it for children under 3, unless it's a family's only option.
I want his family to reconsider and wait until he turns 3. I know I have no control over the situation and it's really not my place. So I have created a curriculum similar to a daycare's in order to prepare him for more structured play. I have socialized him very well, we go to playdates, playgroups, sing alongs, and museums everyday since he was 3 months old.
Anyways, I have decided to offer my services to them in the form of a nanny share. I figured it would be the best alternative to daycare, he would get more personalized care and the company of another child for a similar price of daycare.
I have never actually worked as a nanny in a nanny share but have experience with multiple children( twins, siblings). My question is what should I be worried about in this kind of work relationship? What would be a reasonable rate in Boston? For those who don't know the area daycare can cost $350 + per week and in home daycares tend to cost $120-200 per week (I know the family would never go for a in home daycare). What should I expect in benefits? What are some uncommon things that would be put in a contract? Would finding another family be difficult?
Right now I am paid $15 per hour, 40 hrs a week, 3 weeks paid vacation 1 week unpaid, ALL federal holidays paid, plus unlimited sick days, and the only cleaning I do is for the child. I know I have a sweet deal in this economy, and am very thankful.
Also I have already discussed this option with the family who seemed interested, and openly said they never even thought about it. They said they would look into some daycares and families and discuss more details with me as my end date of May 2011 draws nearer.
I wouldn't do anything about that now. I would wait until December or January. They might decide to keep everything as is if you're closer to the end date. They've extended once before, they may again and one family is infinitely easier than two.
Besides, if you're going to conduct a search, best not to be forced to do it right now when the economy still sucks. In January, you'd still have four months.
I am not too familiar w/rates in Boston, but since you are making $15/hr....adding another child would probably be only $5/hr more or so. Would that be worth it to you? As for a nanny share, I think my major concern would be that I would have two separate bosses to please.
But if you are for it, then I don't see a problem. I would do it if I had to.
I think the fact that you mentioned your idea for nanny share, and gave the parents another option other than daycare is enough for now. You've got the "wheels turning", and now it's time to let the parents make a decision. I would hold off on looking for another family (it's too soon) - most people start looking for care at the very earliest about 5 months in advance . . . also, you may end up wasting your time seeking another family as your current family is *thinking* about this option, and did not say 100% yes they will go through with it. Unfortunately, a lot of families get stuck on the daycare idea (whether it's to save money, socialize, school-like environment etc) and you may have a hard time getting them to change their plans. In the end, as you already know (and have stated) it's their choice and their child. If you do end up going the nanny share route realize it can be more difficult (not all families are created equal), but it can also be fun and rewarding when you get the right "match". A few things you'll want to watch for: Similar schedules/hours of work (it's VERY difficult to make fluctuating schedules work), similar needs/wants/desires for the children, similar parenting philosophies (if one parent is an "attachment parent" and the other "cries it out" you will have big issues between both the parents and children), a nanny contract, children of similar ages etc.
Best of luck!
OP here-Thanks, I'm not currently looking for a family at the moment and gave my family until Jan to decide whether they want to do it. I am however interested in entering into a nanny share even if they choose not to. So any information would be helpful. I know basic stuff like schedules and parenting styles have to match.
I currently work as a nanny for two families doing a nanny share. We alternate weeks at each house and the children are two months apart in age. The only downside that I have experiences is time off. Right now you say you get 3 weeks time off, but how would you plan to do it with another family in the equation? It's a sticky situation at times because if you are late to work, there's an extra family to worry about. If you're sick and need time off, two families have to work out childcare arrangements. I live in an area where nannies are not as common and thus only make $10/hr for the two little boys. Since you are currently making $15/hr, a reasonable rate would be $20-25/hr for the two families. Even at that rate, the family you currently work for is decreasing their childcare costs because it is being split.
Also, as JillianBean said, parenting styles are very important. She actually hit the nail on the head with my situation. One family is AP, the other Babywise followers. It can be very difficult to respect their parenting styles at the same time when they differ so much.
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