.... What?!
I need childcare tomorrow for a few hours (Va Beach)
Hello to all. I am a single, young, mother in need of childcare tommorrow for a job interview that I have at 12pm. I would prefer someone to come to my home,off diamond springs rd. in va beach, but can bring my child to a FAIRLY CLOSE location. All Im asking is for someone experienced and affordable to reply to my ad. I am starting to get discouraged with this craigslist childcare because I have had so many bad experiences. The "reliable" sitter that I had cancels at the last minute. One lady that I did drop in care with did not change my childs pamper the whole time he was there, and when I came to pick him up, she had her child (with snot running down her nose) eating off of the same thing as my son.(which ended up getting him sick) Then, there is a lady who always tells me she is available for nights and weekends, but gives me a number that doesnt work and answers my emails late. Finally, a lady came to my home to watch my son, and let him color with blue marker all over my wall. I mean is it too much for me to ask that I feel like my child is being cared for and looked after properly when I am not able to be present. Please, I know there is someone out there. If it is you PLEASE RESPOND WITH HOURLY RATES, OR WHAT YOU WOULD CHARGE FOR 2-3 HOURS OF WATCHING MY SON. ALSO WHAT I WOULD NEED TO PROVIDE YOU. And IF YOU COULD COME TO MY HOME/LOCATION. Thanks. No nasty comments please, if you have nothing nice to say, do not respond.
Original URL: http://norfolk.craigslist.org/kid/941408655.html
Live in Nanny @ Girlfriend Wanted (Wallingford, CT)
I am a single father of 2 small sons and live in connecticut and where in need of a good women to live with us and take care of the house and children 203-294-****
*Location: wallingford ct *Compensation: seh *This is an internship job
Original URL: http://littlerock.craigslist.org/hum/879601198.html
Special Thanks this week to: MFI, KC, CraigsListCrusader, cdhere25, northjerseynanny and several Anonymous Readers... you did a great job! Remember: CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday... please send next weeks Ads HERE.
Nanny @ Girlfriend? Ummm, OK? So she watches the kids, sleeps with good old dad, cooks and cleans the house...but he can kick her out at will with no pesky alimony hassles. Good deal for a "good woman."
And to the first woman, I am so sorry that you are unable to pawn your child off at will with random strangers from the internet and not be hassled by the fact that they take as apparently crappy care of your child as you do.
I think the last one, the one that requests a teenaged girl, sounds great actually. I didn't find anything creepy about that post at all. I thought the fact that she mentioned her husband wouldn't be doing the driving home was a thoughtful detail. What's the big problem with that one? Am I missing something?
Mom, yeah. That one is unspeakably gross!
And it's listed as an internship job??!! So he wants someone to do it for free???
I feel like replying as if I'm interested in it just to see what his creepy response would be, and I could post it for our amusement.
What was up with the one from the single man looking for a sitter? Was he asking for a teenaged boy to come over and hang with him and watch video games or someone to play video games with his teenaged son?
You are so right, Mom! All that bad luck for the mom in the Va. Beach ad? I wonder why! Maybe if she took the time to find the right person, instead of within 24 hrs., she'd have more luck! I swear, some people are such idiots!
And cali mom, I dare you! LMAO! That would be funny as hell!
Ok, does anyone know what "*Compensation: seh " means in the second ad?
I just googled SEH trying to find out the meaning as well. I would think it means Sitter Enjoys Ho-ing, since he's basically looking for a prostitute.
Aww, no one ever taught the lady in Newberry Hill how to spell 'tomorrow'. Tomarrow! Tomarrow! I love ya, tomarrow!
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