The following Ads did not come with URL's, but were worth Posting:
San Francisco, best city for a nanny, I'd think twice (San Francisco)
hello!! i am a nanny who has 10 years of experience, can speak 4 languages, excellent references and a degree in early childhood educationi have work for wonderful and not so wonderful parents but i really love kids and i am really good at what i doi have been working with an agency in san francisco to help me find a live in position in the city, they have been great and i cannot complainbut it seems like the families in the city are crazy!the last one i interview for, the mom had an emergency and had to leave the house , leaving me and her 2 year old with the grandmother.this lady treated me like a slave, i had to cook, clean the whole house and do laundry! all this while taking care of the baby, she even made me clean the toilets! i had never been so tired in my life! i wanted to help but this woman took advantage of me in a very cruel way, nannies, if you are thinking on getting a job in san francisco, be very careful, i had gone to interview with parents that are nuts! they think the nanny is a slave today i feel horrible and very guilty to know that i let that woman take advantage of me when all i wanted to do was back hurts so bad!all this happen during the second interview! i cannot believe what they would make me do when they hire me!well, if they do i wont take the offer,i am not a slave!
Looking for a stay at home Mom (Hachensack/Bayonne)
My name is Diana and I'm looking for a stay at home mom for my 14 month old son. Someone that can take them when they are sick as well. It has to be someone VERY PATIENT above all things since my son is very cranky in general and throws tantrums at times. Call Diana at 917-353-**** if interested. I can pay $130/ week for mond-frid from 8 am to 6pm. thanks
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 897467356
Nanny needed (Hackensack NJ)
Hello, on 10/31/08 i Have to go into the hospital for knee replacement surgery, I will need to hire a nanny to watch my 2 children. Ages 2 female and age 4 male. Since I can't get around much and Handel the children while I recover, I need a nanny to watch and care for them. I can only pay $60.00 a week in cash every 2 weeks You will have access to my home and every mendacities I have to offer in clouding, food, HD TV, use of the computer etc. There will be not cleaning involved but there will be a diaper change here and there for the 2 year old. If you are interested, please forward your resume with references. Thank you. Juan B. Hackensack, NJ Hours are from 8 AM to 3 PM
Original URL:
Special Thanks this week to: cdhere25, northjerseynanny, MissDee, Alex Nelson, aehopler, Lesal01, and the one and only CraigsListCrusader. All of you did a great job! Ads will be posted every Saturday, so if you find a really good one, send it here.
Mendacities? Collgeg? $100 per hour? NIT PICKER? Hahaha these were almost all really funny :)
Yeah, this weeks CL seemed a lot more funny than sad - for a change.
I loved the "nitpicker" the best, lol.
Wow, all these years I've been a nitpicker - but only as a hobby, I didn't know there were bona fide professionals.
Wow, and these run the ganut from $1.30/hr to $100/hr. WTF indeed.
Professional nitpicker!! OMG!!
It makes me sad to see all of these posts by desperate working moms who want someone to care for their child at slave wages. Do they really think they are going to get decent (or any) child care at $2-3 per hour??
WHY do these people not put their kid in a daycare? If you cannot afford to pay half of minimum wage, you should not be looking for a nanny or a babysitter to come to your home. YOU PUT THE KID IN DAYCARE!!
This is an awesome feature. How do you find all of these crazy ads?
It certainly makes me feel fortunate that even though I found my nanny on CL, I found a gem!
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