When I asked the first time who the child was with, she did not even hear me, she was so engaged in her phone operations. When the child began to aim rocks at the other children, I demanded to know in a more aggressive tone. This indeed got her attention. She bolted upright and began assailing me with insults, the nicest of which was "fat busybody, no good bitch". I attempted to slow her down, "whoa, whoa, whoa". She then defended the child's actions as being a boy and insisted he wasn't throwing rocks at anyone but at the bigger rocks. Her head was not even up to see. If this is your nanny, you should know that she is absolutely not involved with your child, she fails to supervise him at the most basic level, she encourages him to behave badly with her bogus defenses and she had one of the most horribly rank vocabularies I have ever heard. All of her insults were said in a voice that allowed the people around, namely children, to overhear them.
As for getting involved, I saw the other mothers or nannies shirk back; seeing what happened to me. It was almost as if they wanted to pretend they didn't know what was going on, never mind their children and charges were just getting hit with rocks! Does it pay to get involved? I don't think so. But I really wish her employer knew just what a sorry excuse for a nanny they had hired!
This is awful! I hope the parents see this and care enough to fire her, but we can only hope.
This is why people don't get involved. For shame.
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