This is so disturbing... we received several Ads by our Readers of people looking for immediate childcare:
Babysitter needed for tonight (Reno)
Hey there im Nathan and i try to find a babysitter for one night I have 3 kids and more or likely they will be asleep by the time you get here. As of right now i dont have the money to pay up front but will pay you in the week to come. Its just for this one night I stay off of Plumas and Mccarean at the Lakeside Village apartments if you are intrested please contact me by my email georgiaboy6902002@*****. Thank you.
Original URL:
In need of Childcare tomorrow between 9am and 11:30am (Norfolk 23505)
I have a doctors appt in the morning and need care for my son. He is 19 months old and he is a very happy child. My appt is near NOB so I was hoping to find someone in that area. It would be nice if I could meet with someone today. If your interested please email me at mzshird@***** or give me a call at 443465****. My name is Tessa.
Original URL:
I need care in my Va. Beach home in an hour (Diamond Springs)
I am looking for care because there is somewhere that I need to go at 8. The time would be for 3-5 hours. Please respond with RATES and a number. Thank you
Original URL:
I need a sitter tonite (23602 near Kiln Creek Patrick Henry Mall)
I am searching for a sitter that can either come to my home or I can drop my two children ages 9 and 4 years. They will have already eaten and will just need someone to sit and play with them until I get back home around 11pm. I would need someone between the hours of 6pm and 11pm. Please contact me at coachchristinacarney@**** Serious inquiries only. Christina
Original URL:
Need emergency care (Oak Forest)
Hello I know that this is short notice but I have school today from 830-1130 and my babysitter canceled on me this morning. I have a 2 yr old daughter who has special needs (physical) I need someone that is patient loving caring and who loves children. I normally would not do this especially because I would hardly know you so I need you to be caring. I need someone who will watch her in their home. If it works out I might consider you for the future because I am in need for a mon wed and fri mornings starting mon if this interest you please email me ASAP!
Original URL:
Need a sitter for tomorrow (Lake Worth)
Hi, I am needing someone to watch my 2yr old son (will be 3 in Jan) tomorrow from 10am-3pm preferably in my home. Please let me know what your rates and experience are. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks Alycia 682-227-****
Original URL:
Occasional childcare needed (Portsmouth)
I need occasional childcare for my three children ages 6,8, and 10 while I go out a few hours at a time to have some "me" time or do Christmas shopping. I run a home daycare during the day so it is hard for me to get out and get my shopping done. Preferably on Saturday and/or Sundays in the afternoon/early evening. I would prefer to find a teen that lives close to me in the Westhaven area of Portsmouth. You must be at least 15 years old and responsible. The care will never be for more than 3 hours at a time and I can provide transportation to and from your home. I will pay $6.00 per hour. Keep in mind, my children are old enough to be pretty much self sufficient. They will more than likely stay in their rooms most of the time. If it works out, I would like to be able to find someone to keep my children when my husband gets back from cruise so we can go out a few weekends a month.
Original URL:
I need childcare (Belton)
hi my name is heather and i am willing to pay $2 a hr per kid! i live in belton and would like to find someone that will be willing work with me on watching my kids i will not need you for a hole day only for like 2-3 hrs here and there i would like to go Christmas shopping and i do not take the boys with me.and maybe when i just need some mommy time. i have loving little boys ages 13 months and 6 weeks. please call me or e-mail me if interested thank you.
Original URL:
Thank you to CraigsListCrusader, cdhere25 and all of the other Anonymous and Meebo Contributors! CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday... please send next weeks Ads HERE.
Need emergency care (Oak Forest)
"I normally would not do this especially because I would hardly know you"....
Who is she kidding? She WOULDN'T KNOW YOU AT ALL! Good grief!!!
I am so sickened I can't even read some of these. A large house with an acre of backyard and lots of toys who wants to pay $75 a week for 55 hours work? That is $1.36 per hour with no overtime. If you can't afford childcare, then STAY HOME!
I don't understand what's wrong with the woman looking for someone to watch her kids while she goes out for a few hours...
Six dollars an hour, off the books, for a young teenager to care for older children for a couple of hours is very reasonable...
I think $6 is still kinda cheap, but the "Keep in mind, my children are old enough to be pretty much self sufficient. They will more than likely stay in their rooms most of the time"... is what threw me! That sucks!
Eh...I don't know...She's looking for a sitter for a couple of hours. a 15 year old making 6 bucks, off the books, is a decent deal. It's not GREAT, but it's more than they'd bring home working at a retail type job, or whatever 15 year olds are qualified to do nowadays. If this woman was looking for a full time sitter/nanny, it would be different and it'd be safe to assume she'd want someone more qualified...but 6, 8 and 10 year olds being self sufficient for a couple of hours on the weekend? Not a big, especially kids that age, do not need an adult-type singing and dancing in front of them 24/7...spending time in their rooms or wherever they may be is OK. It's not a crime to let your children entertain themselves.
Yeah, maybe. Maybe the 10 yo wouldn't care, or even the 8 yo. But the 6 yo definitely needs supervision. And he won't get it shut away in his room. Especially if he's rotting his brain away on video games. I think the mom here could give a shit less.
I wouldn't be so quick to assume that...and I doubt she meant that they had to be shut away in their rooms...she was simply implying that they can entertain themselves...
this is the nature of 15 year old babysitters...and there is NOTHING wrong with it. When I was that age and babysitting, I made sure the kids were taken care of, safe, fed and a 27 year old NANNY, my duties obviously far exceed the basics, but she's not looking for an experienced nanny. She's looking for someone to be in her house with her kids for a few hours while she goes shopping. There is NOTHING wrong with that. To twist her words and take them out of context is just plain silly...and accusing her of not caring is even worse. There are PLENTY of parents who employ young babysitters on the weekends so they can get some things done...some of you are so quick to judge. The self righteousness is ridiculous.
Grrrr, JXJ! I guess my sarcasm didn't make it across to the other side. Of course I doubt they are locked in their rooms. By "shut away", I meant it in the context of what kids do, they "shut themselves away in their room". Easy, mama.
Belton needs to learn to spell. "hole day". Maybe if she were more educated she could afford to pay more than $2 an hour per kid.
Got it, A. I still disagree but I guess I didn't have to bite your head off :-)
JXJ, it's all good, my friend. :)
"Let me extend an open invitation to abuse my kids. God knows where I"ll be, all I know is I don't care what happens to my children. Peace out!"
Jesus Christ. How hard is it to set an hour aside one day and interview 4 or 5 babysitters so you have a farm team to draw from in emergencies?
How about.....come in my home and watch my kids tonight....and I'm not even gonna pay you until later...
Invite to a predator or theif if I ever saw one. I can't believe it, how horrible.
The one in Morristown... I am confused- are they not paying at all? They mention nothing about pay, only that you will get free housing if you are full time or discounted rent for an empty room if you are part time... crazy!
Also, there is no such thing as a hypo-allergenic dog. ugh! There are dogs that are hairless and dogs that shed less, but that doesn't matter because the dander is in the skin and saliva as well!
I am just wondering about the mom that runs an in home daycare... don't most people who run an in home daycare have it written into their contract that they can take x amount of paid days off with notice? That might be a safer solution if she can't find anyone suitable to watch her kids...
I am not even going to comment on the others who want immediate childcare from strangers, usually offering downward of $3/hr or nothing at all!
Who the hell leaves their child with someone they met online and only an hour before care is needed?
I can't decide whether the woman with the disabled daughter who wants to drop her off with a stranger is more horrible, or the woman who wants someone to watch 2 under 3 for $4 an hour. That's less than a dollar a diaper, with two that age!
sorry, that should have said, "2 under 2."
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