Received Monday, December 31, 2007
At approx 11:45 on Dec. 10,2007, I observed the following troubling exchange between three nannies who were watching their charges in the Watertown Public Library Children's Room. There were three nannies with young boys. The three were gossiping about Hollywood celebs while the boys ran around and played. One nanny was holding court with the others, dominating the conversation and giving advice. She was a black woman with an accent, possibly Haitian. On one side of her was a dark haired nanny with a straight ponytail, who seemed from her conversation to be Middle Eastern. Her charge was a little dark curly haired boy of about 2,1/2, who seemed very bright, but was getting no attention. He seemed to be wandering about unhappily, interested in the books, but getting no attention or help with them. The other nanny was a quiet, tall blonde woman with a ponytail. They listened intently as the Haitian woman told the dark haired nanny that her boy was not behaving and was being manipulative and should be dealt with. I watched as these nannies talked among themselves and did not pay attention to their charges. Puzzle pieces were strewn about, and no one helped any of the little boys with a puzzle. They were on their own. Later I noticed as the "Haitian" woman took hold of the charge of the dark haired nanny, the curly haired big, bright but sad little boy. She held his head and pulled his hair back against his will and said " Let's see what you'd look like as a girl." This was not her child and she would never have done this in front of any parent. The little boy was angry and fell on the floor with a tantrum. I later heard the Haitian woman ask the dark haired nanny what the street number of the house she worked at was.
This was subtle but to me, real assault on the other nanny's charge. I fear this woman might insert herself into the other nanny's space, and even visit during the day at this child's house. I would hope that this posting might alert the parents or others to identify this troublesome nanny and those nannies under her control, and make sure she is watched. I felt so sorry for the little boy she targeted.
ISYN Bonus Survey 2007-Part II
Friday, December 28, 2007
To read part one of this survey, click here. To share the results of this survey with your friends, please drag and drop the link to this page or use the "email this" feauture. We depend on our readers to spread the word about ISYN to others, this is how we collect sightings and reach the greatest number of people with those sightings. (Thank you)
Part II
21) Bonus this year: $100 gift card
Your Weekly Salary: $600
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: framed picture of the children
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 5 weeks
City, State and Country: Basking Ridge, New Jersey
22) Bonus this year: $1710
Your Weekly Salary: $855 for 40 hours
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: extra week off with pay, bottle of favorite perfume, and a new shoulder/messenger bag
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 16 months
City, State and Country: Cupertino, CA
23) Bonus this year: $800
Your Weekly Salary:$500 for 50 hours
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: My family is always very giving. This year I got chocolate and Diamond earrings and Diamond necklace. As I went to take them out, I saw the price tag ... the jewelery cost $800 . I was shocked!!! I can't believe they spend that much money! I am also going to get a $200 a week raise starting January 1st! I am pretty lucky!
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 2 1/2 years
City, State and Country: South Florida, USA
24) Christmas Bonus: $450
Weekly Salary: $450
Extra Gifts: Automatic Car starter which I really wanted.
25) Bonus this year: $2500
Your Weekly Salary: $950
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: the father handles all of the pay, so he paid me my regular pay and vacation pay. That was two checks. Then there was a thirds check for $2500 and a memo marked bonus. The wife usually has no connection to money at all. I always get my checks from him. This is funny because from her, I got a box of Fannie May Chocolates, a pair of art deco earrings, (in my style) and a gift certificate to the Westchester Mall for $500. I was really pleased. Then on Saturday, she calls me and says, "X, I just realized, I neglected to give you anything as a bonus, I hope you don't think that was intentional". I assured her that her husband had given me a very generous bonus with my paycheck. She was very relieved. I would say I did more than okay for not having been there for a full year.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: Almost a year
City, State and Country: Purchase, NY
26) Bonus this year: zero
Your weekly salary: $250 for 18 hours
Any supplemental gifts: pajamas from an outlet store
Length of time with family: 5 months
City, State and Country: Northern CA
I did get a lot of nice gifts from families I occasionally sit for: Ipod touch, movie gift card, tote bag, cash, oddly enough my regular gig actually gave me the least expensive gift by far?! They've never had a sitter of any kind so I honestly think it isn't a reflection on my performance, more that they have no clue.
27) Bonus this year: none
Weekly Salary: $600
Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: None
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 7months
City, State and Country: Manhattan, NY
28) Bonus: $0.00 ... yeah that's zero :(
Your weekly salary: $400.00
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: $50.00 Starbucks card and $50.00 target card
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 4 years
City, State and Country: Virginia Beach, VA, USA
I'm a little upset that after four years I have still to receive a bonus worth a weeks pay. Every year for Christmas I have gotten the same thing from them. But, at least I appreciate getting something, and they are a great family that treats me well during the year. But still....
29)Bonus this year: $750
Your weekly salary: $750
Any supplemental gifts: A gold quilted Chanel bag, a pair of metallic Uggz and leather journal. and Cash. I received a bonus check and a paycheck. And an envelope with ten one hundred dollar bills in it. So not sure whether I count that as a 1750 bonus or what. I think she wanted me to buy something my style with the cash. I've been here for 3 years and met lots of people. I easily work for the best family in the area. They're just real. Not phonies. And they really care about me. And other people.
Length of time with family: 3 years
City, State and Country: Harrison, NY
30) Bonus this year: None
Your Weekly Salary: $11 an hr
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: None
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 6 months
City, State and Country: Oklahoma, United States
I was promised a bonus when I took the job, she said she doesn't pay holidays, vacation, or sick days but makes it up with a nice Christmas bonus! Needless to say I'm looking for another job. Not to mention the nanny I replaced had nicely wrapped gifts under the tree with card. I SHOULD OF STAYED IN NYC!!
31) Bonus this year: $400
Your Weekly Salary: $650
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: $75 gift card to GAP (my favorite!), $20 gift card to Starbucks,cute penguin statue thing (my favorite animal), free round
of golf for my husband, golf ball snowman ornament for my husband.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 11 months
City, State and Country: Rochester, NY
32) Bonus this year: nothing
weekly salary: $550
supplementary gifts aside from bonus: coach purse and wallet
length of time worked for family: 1 1/2 years
City, State and Country: Rochester, NY
33) Bonus this year: 5,000
Your Weekly Salary: 1,300 (gross)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: $1,000 designer purse
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 5 months
City, State and Country: CT, USA
34) Bonus this year: $700
Your Weekly Salary: $500
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: an outfit, new shoes, pictures and picture frames of the children, a purse, and gifts for my own child and family
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 2 1/2 years
City, State and Country: Massachusetts
family a)Bonus this year: $100
Your Weekly Salary:$120 for 10 hours
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: None
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: only 2 months
City, State and Country: Phoenix, AZ
This was a nice surprise as I only work 10 hours a week, and have only been employed for 2 months.
family b)Bonus this year: $200
Your Weekly Salary:Approximately $275 for 22 hours. About 12 dollars an hour.
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: A very nice dinner for my boyfriend and I (about $100 dollars) and a very nice shirt.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 2.5 years
City, State and Country: Phoenix, AZ
36) Bonus this year: $400
Your Weekly Salary: I take home $540 after taxes for 35 hours.
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: The parents wrote me a really kind and appreciative note. Also the grandparents wrote a sweet note and gave a $100 check.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 14 months
City, State and Country: Brooklyn, NY, USA
I was nervous that I would receive nothing, because they didn't acknowledge my birthday at all. I know it's not 100% of a weekly salary, but I feel very happy to have gotten a bonus at all, and a generous one at that. It really validates all the work I do all year. I appreciate the kind words in their notes, because I think it's hard for them to say out loud, "Good job" or "We appreciate what you do." I will keep those notes forever. If it had been JUST a kind note, no check, I would be pretty disappointed. But whew, that's over with, and now I can decide what to spend it on!
37) Bonus this year: $0
Your Weekly Salary:$600/40 hrs.
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Coach purse
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: full-time for 9 mos., part-time off and on for 4 yrs.
City, State and Country: CA
My nanny family doesn’t really celebrate Christmas (they are Buddhist), so I guess they didn’t think to give a Christmas bonus.
38) 2007 bonus- $1,500
Weekly pay-$1,000
Extra Gifts-soap/body products worth $30
Length of time with family-7 years
City, State and Country: Manhattan, NY
39) Bonus: $3,000.
weekly salary: $1,200 before taxes.
Gifts, large box of hand dipped chocolates from a place they know I love, and a card expressing their appreciation, which means a lot to me. Several gifts from the children, and obviously chosen by them, (some rather funny, including a remote control mouse for my cat!)
I've been with the family six years.
City, State and Country: NYC (Manhattan)
I am fortunate to work for a family that can afford to be generous, but what I really love about my job is the warmth and respect they show me every day. I am a lucky nanny!
40) Bonus this year: $0
Your Weekly Salary:$500 (no tax's taken out) for 40 hours sometimes more
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Ornament from Germany(husband just came back from travel) A gold and pearl bracelet from India that is too fancy to ever wear, earrings from India that are clearing 2 different earrings and one is bent(Mom just got back from travel there) An UGLY sweater from old navy. The jewelry maybe very expensive but come on.. I spent well over $200 on the kids and their gifts combined and i put thought into theirs...
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 5 months
City, State and Country: Dearborn, MI
41) Bonus this year: $0
Your Weekly Salary:$500 for 60+Hrs (live-in)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Nice Digital Camera and pretty plaque
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: a little over 1 year
City, State and Country: Houston, TX USA
My family is wonderful- I love it here.
42) Bonus this year: $100
Your Weekly Salary:$162 for 11 hours of after school/tutoring care 3 days a week. I also get $10 a day for gas.
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: none
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 3 years
City, State and Country: Portland, Oregon
I love this family and they are truly great to me. I'm very lucky!
43) I am an employer and gave the following:
Bonus this year: $750
Weekly Salary: $650
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: extra time off, book, outfit
Length of Time Nanny Has worked for You: 8 months
City, State and Country: New York, NY
44) Bonus: $700.
Weekly salary: $640.
Any Supplementary Gifts : 3 shirts and a work out suit from Macy's.
Length of time you have worked for family: 1 year
City, State and Country: Westchester County, NY
Great family who wrote me a very nice card and took time to pick personal gifts as well as give a bonus. It shows that all the work I do is truly appreciated.
45) I'm an employer:
weekly salary: $750.00
Bonus: $1200.00
Supp. gifts: $425 designer jacket
Time with us: 3 months
46) Bonus this year: $0
Your Weekly Salary:$880 gross
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from the bonus: $200 gift card to one of my favorite stores, card with kind words, their appreciation
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: one month
City, State and Country: Washington DC
I want to add that I really love the family I work for! They are wonderful and I hope they know this! They are two of the most genuinely kind and caring individuals I have worked for in the DC area.
47) Bonus this year: $800
Your weekly salary: $800 per 41 hour week.
Any supplemental gifts: Giant basket of makeups and lotions and perfumes from Beauty Sak. Gift certificates totalling $1,000 to plus sized clothing stores, painting from the oldest boy, note from the family thanking me for my achievements thus far with the family and making some suggestions for the upcoming year, specifically, "taking some time to get myself ready in the morning". (!!)
Length of time with family: 8 months
City, State and Country: Westchester County, NY
48) Bonus this year: none
Your Weekly Salary: $650 for 45 hours
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 4 and 2 months
City, State and Country: Holland
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus:0! I did get a small present worth around $30 from one family. I have 2 families (3 and 2 days). I bought gifts for the kids but none for the parents.
49) Bonus this year: nothing, but when paying me they tried to make it like my pay for time off that they are away was a bonus, when it is in fact only the second week I have had off all year and they also made it seem like it was bonus pay. They wanted these days to count for everything. I work in a rich town for rich people but they are so chintzy, I am embarassed for them. They beg their rich friends for their things. And they have more money in the bank than anyone. They just want to be about getting more for nothing.
Your weekly salary: $600, live-in and never off unless I am gone.
Any supplemental gifts: a fancy crystal bottle. Smells like a regift. What the hell do I want with a fancy crystal bottle. And the mom gave me a sweater that a relative got her son and said that I could return it and get something nice for myself.
Length of time with family: 10 years
City, State and Country: Westchester, NY
50) Hi, I'm an employer:
His weekly salary: $775.00
Bonus: $1600.00
Supplementary gifts: Cadillac men's bike, Lenova ThinkPad, Shaving gifts, bike helmet
Time with us: 9 months
City, State: Alamo, CA
East Third Avenue between 69th and 70th in NYC
Received Friday, December 28, 2007
On Turs, 12/27 in New York City....west side of the street, East Third Avenue between 69th and 70th. Around 5 p.m., I saw a young white female child, about two to two and a half with pink woolen hat in black stroller screaming. Nanny, a thirtyish pretty Black woman with two black children ( perhaps girl of 8-9, other child thin boy or girl about 12-13) walking beside her. They stand staring in a store window while the baby screams and screams. No one pays attention to her. She starts to yell " I don't want to wear my hat." She keeps screaming and the nanny ignores her. People start to stare. The baby removes her hat, still screaming. Finally the nanny grabs the hat, puts it in the child's lap , pulls the child's jacket hood onto her head ( beige with white lining) and zips up her jacket into her neck with enormous anger. Nothing is said to the child. I followed them as I felt surely the child's neck was caught in the zipper. They crossed the street going East at 70th. My heart broke for the little child.I could only wish the parent(s) could see how their baby was being treated/neglected.
On Turs, 12/27 in New York City....west side of the street, East Third Avenue between 69th and 70th. Around 5 p.m., I saw a young white female child, about two to two and a half with pink woolen hat in black stroller screaming. Nanny, a thirtyish pretty Black woman with two black children ( perhaps girl of 8-9, other child thin boy or girl about 12-13) walking beside her. They stand staring in a store window while the baby screams and screams. No one pays attention to her. She starts to yell " I don't want to wear my hat." She keeps screaming and the nanny ignores her. People start to stare. The baby removes her hat, still screaming. Finally the nanny grabs the hat, puts it in the child's lap , pulls the child's jacket hood onto her head ( beige with white lining) and zips up her jacket into her neck with enormous anger. Nothing is said to the child. I followed them as I felt surely the child's neck was caught in the zipper. They crossed the street going East at 70th. My heart broke for the little child.I could only wish the parent(s) could see how their baby was being treated/neglected.
Madison Children's Museum, Madison, Wi
Received Friday, December 28, 2007
On Wednesday, 12/26/2007 @ 11:00 AM, I saw a nanny about 25-30 years of age wearing a white turtleneck and khaki pants with your little girl, about 2 years old, with dark curly hair, wearing a dark pink jacket and light pink pants. Your nanny was wonderful with your child, interacting with her, talking to her, and letting your little girl decide where she wanted to play. The nanny was very friendly-she mentioned she had lived in Madison prior to moving and mentioned she moved back to the area to attend school and open a nanny agency and a daycare. This was a great nanny who loved her job and it showed-her patience and enthusiasm were wonderful!
Edinborough Park in Edina, MN
Received Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Physical description of caregiver: Younger female, maybe 18-20 years old, caucasian, average-heavier set, brown hair pulled back in pony-tail, wearing gray hooded sweatshirt, green sweat pants with yellow stripes on side, and clog/slipper-type shoes, red Coach purse located near her although not sure if actually hers.
Physical description of involved child/children: Young girl, maybe 18 mos. old (not older than 2 yrs), short blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing long-sleeved light pink outfit with large red, yellow, and orange flowers on top, smaller flowers in same type of print in rows on pants, red socks, Pampers. (*I do have pictures with the little girl in them, as she was playing with my if her parents need validation of the little girl, I'd be more than happy to send those to them).
Address or venue of observed incident: Edinborough Park in Edina, MN (
Date and time of incident: Wed, December 19, 2007, from about 10:30am-noon
Detailed description of what you witnessed: I was at Edinborough Park with my own charges in the Adventure Peak area. About 10 mins. after playing, a little girl came up to me asking for help up a ledge. She was slightly smaller than the 17 mos. old I was caring for, so I would assume she was close to his age. I helped her up and she turned and smiled at me. From that moment on, she was nearly stuck at my hips. She couldn't climb up most of the ledges, so she'd turn to me and say "Help, help, help". Not that big of a deal since I had to help my own 17 mos. old up, but I began to wonder where her parent or caretaker was at. She had a horribly runny nose and a dirty diaper. I tried asking her what her name was but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I also tried asking her to show me where her caretaker was so that I could let them know she needed a diaper change. After about an hour of playing with this little girl and after we had just gone down a slide as a "train", her nanny called her over. She smelled the dirty diaper, and instead of taking the little girl to the rest room and changing her, she simply walked her out of the Adventure Peak area and up one of the walkways and changed her on the concrete floor. No changing pad; not exactly sanitary. When she came back into the Adventure Peak area, the little girl found us right away once again. Now that I knew who she was with, I watched her nanny. She was turned with her back facing the AP play area and was doing crosswords. When she was finished with that, she began texting people on her phone. The little girl got caught in the rope-cross section, fell, and began to shriek. The nanny didn't even look up. I was right there, so I comforted her.
Is this abuse? No, not exactly, but my point for reporting this is because I think this little girl deserves better. She was so sweet and happy playing with us. She's clearly starving for attention as she wouldn't leave my side and would get excited about wanting to go down the slides with us. I think that her nanny should have put away the crosswords and her cell phone and played with the little girl in the park instead of having her back towards her. She's getting paid to play with small child; not to neglect her by doing crosswords and texting people.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: No stroller, possible red Coach purse (sitting in front of her, but not sure if hers).
Physical description of caregiver: Younger female, maybe 18-20 years old, caucasian, average-heavier set, brown hair pulled back in pony-tail, wearing gray hooded sweatshirt, green sweat pants with yellow stripes on side, and clog/slipper-type shoes, red Coach purse located near her although not sure if actually hers.
Physical description of involved child/children: Young girl, maybe 18 mos. old (not older than 2 yrs), short blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing long-sleeved light pink outfit with large red, yellow, and orange flowers on top, smaller flowers in same type of print in rows on pants, red socks, Pampers. (*I do have pictures with the little girl in them, as she was playing with my if her parents need validation of the little girl, I'd be more than happy to send those to them).
Address or venue of observed incident: Edinborough Park in Edina, MN (
Date and time of incident: Wed, December 19, 2007, from about 10:30am-noon
Detailed description of what you witnessed: I was at Edinborough Park with my own charges in the Adventure Peak area. About 10 mins. after playing, a little girl came up to me asking for help up a ledge. She was slightly smaller than the 17 mos. old I was caring for, so I would assume she was close to his age. I helped her up and she turned and smiled at me. From that moment on, she was nearly stuck at my hips. She couldn't climb up most of the ledges, so she'd turn to me and say "Help, help, help". Not that big of a deal since I had to help my own 17 mos. old up, but I began to wonder where her parent or caretaker was at. She had a horribly runny nose and a dirty diaper. I tried asking her what her name was but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I also tried asking her to show me where her caretaker was so that I could let them know she needed a diaper change. After about an hour of playing with this little girl and after we had just gone down a slide as a "train", her nanny called her over. She smelled the dirty diaper, and instead of taking the little girl to the rest room and changing her, she simply walked her out of the Adventure Peak area and up one of the walkways and changed her on the concrete floor. No changing pad; not exactly sanitary. When she came back into the Adventure Peak area, the little girl found us right away once again. Now that I knew who she was with, I watched her nanny. She was turned with her back facing the AP play area and was doing crosswords. When she was finished with that, she began texting people on her phone. The little girl got caught in the rope-cross section, fell, and began to shriek. The nanny didn't even look up. I was right there, so I comforted her.
Is this abuse? No, not exactly, but my point for reporting this is because I think this little girl deserves better. She was so sweet and happy playing with us. She's clearly starving for attention as she wouldn't leave my side and would get excited about wanting to go down the slides with us. I think that her nanny should have put away the crosswords and her cell phone and played with the little girl in the park instead of having her back towards her. She's getting paid to play with small child; not to neglect her by doing crosswords and texting people.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: No stroller, possible red Coach purse (sitting in front of her, but not sure if hers).
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 24, 2007
I will post part II of the nanny survey on Friday, December 30, 2007 (Please Click here to take part). Until then, I will be spending the holidays with my family. I hope you are all surrounded by your loved ones, whether around the tree or on the slopes. And to those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope your day is beautiful and filled with wonder. :)
I will post part II of the nanny survey on Friday, December 30, 2007 (Please Click here to take part). Until then, I will be spending the holidays with my family. I hope you are all surrounded by your loved ones, whether around the tree or on the slopes. And to those of you who celebrate Christmas, I hope your day is beautiful and filled with wonder. :)
Do I cut my losses now?
Received Saturday, December 22, 2007- Perspective & Opinion
I was hired as a nanny for a family with two boys last April. I'd just had my daughter and it was part of the deal that she would be with me. I wouldn't take on a job with small children, but the boys were 12 and 15 at the time. They DO need supervision, they're on multiple meds (don't get me started) for ADHD and manic depression.
There was no contract. In the interview, I was told that there would be no "housekeeping" required of me, but that their current nanny would, from time to time run the dishwasher if needed. No problem, I'm a rational person.
The parents are divorced so I was working in two separate households in the same town. On my first day at the mom's house, I got a very nasty voicemail from her letting me know how upset she was that her kitchen was "gross" when she came home, and how she didn't like coming home to a messy house. I called her back and said that if I left MY kitchen gross it was still in the same state at the end of the day too, because it doesn't magically clean itself. That's when I knew there would be trouble. I mentioned it to the dad at this time.
Within a week, there were chore lists left for me every day at both houses. We're talking about the father expecting me to fold his size 53 underwear. I didn't do it. I kept at what my "assigned" duties were, and that was it. My mama didn't raise no fool. Around this time the mother dismissed me, so I was only working for the father. I worked with them almost full time all summer long, hanging with the boys and taking them places.
In September, with NO notice, I was told that they wouldn't need me any more, only very occasionally. I expressed my displeasure, but because something was better than nothing I still took the few hours now and then. Then I found out that they'd simply hired someone else who would clean their house AND nanny and they were only calling me when she wasn't around.
Today I sat in the house all day with the older kid while they had insulation done. It was an easy day's pay...however I found a thank you note on the kitchen table from the other nanny, thanking them for the beautiful earrings they'd gotten her for Christmas. She's been with them about a month and a half! I didn't even get a card, but I've been with them for 8 months.
Do I cut my losses now that I see how little value they place on me?
I was hired as a nanny for a family with two boys last April. I'd just had my daughter and it was part of the deal that she would be with me. I wouldn't take on a job with small children, but the boys were 12 and 15 at the time. They DO need supervision, they're on multiple meds (don't get me started) for ADHD and manic depression.
There was no contract. In the interview, I was told that there would be no "housekeeping" required of me, but that their current nanny would, from time to time run the dishwasher if needed. No problem, I'm a rational person.
The parents are divorced so I was working in two separate households in the same town. On my first day at the mom's house, I got a very nasty voicemail from her letting me know how upset she was that her kitchen was "gross" when she came home, and how she didn't like coming home to a messy house. I called her back and said that if I left MY kitchen gross it was still in the same state at the end of the day too, because it doesn't magically clean itself. That's when I knew there would be trouble. I mentioned it to the dad at this time.
Within a week, there were chore lists left for me every day at both houses. We're talking about the father expecting me to fold his size 53 underwear. I didn't do it. I kept at what my "assigned" duties were, and that was it. My mama didn't raise no fool. Around this time the mother dismissed me, so I was only working for the father. I worked with them almost full time all summer long, hanging with the boys and taking them places.
In September, with NO notice, I was told that they wouldn't need me any more, only very occasionally. I expressed my displeasure, but because something was better than nothing I still took the few hours now and then. Then I found out that they'd simply hired someone else who would clean their house AND nanny and they were only calling me when she wasn't around.
Today I sat in the house all day with the older kid while they had insulation done. It was an easy day's pay...however I found a thank you note on the kitchen table from the other nanny, thanking them for the beautiful earrings they'd gotten her for Christmas. She's been with them about a month and a half! I didn't even get a card, but I've been with them for 8 months.
Do I cut my losses now that I see how little value they place on me?
Holiday Bonus Survey 2007- Part I
Read part II of Holiday Bonus Survey 2007 here
Friday, December 21, 2007
1) Bonus this year: $1250
Your Weekly Salary:$570 for 38 hrs
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: personalized ornaments from my charge and some really nice bath stuff
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: a little over 2 years
City, State and Country: Austin, TX
My family was so generous this year and I'm leaving in February to have a baby, they have been so great about it. -TX Nanny
2) Bonus this year: $0
Your Weekly Salary:$650 for 44 hours
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: In lieu of a bonus, I received a gift of Cello chocolate covered cherries, (approx $2.99) and a six pack of very cheap, repugnant candles that come in tin cans and seem to all smell like "new car". Approximate cost? Under $5.00.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 7 months
City, State and Country: Harrison, New York
3) Bonus this year: $100
Your Weekly Salary: 350$ to 400$
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: 2 great photos of the baby
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 3 months
City, State and Country: Beverly, MA USA
I really didn't expect a bonus as I've only been here a few months...but it was a great welcome surprise! Along with a nice card that said that they were so lucky they found me and that I was such a great nanny.
4) Bonus this year: $1,800.00
Your Weekly Salary: $900.00 net after taxes
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: paintings from both children, professionally framed, 2 Giants Tickets (great seats), cashmere sweater wrap, bottle of fracas perfume and a really sweet card that acknowledged the contributions I made to their family this year noting I would be making $950 net effective January 2008.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 2 years
City, State and Country: Brooklyn, NY
5) I am an employer and gave the following:
Bonus this year: $1500
Weekly Salary: $550
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: 1 1/2 weeks off, new phones, bracelet(approx $200 total in gifts)
Length of Time Nanny Has worked for You: 7 months
City, State and Country: New York, NY
6) Bonus this year: None
Your Weekly Salary: $240 (for 20 hrs/week)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: $100 gift certificate, candle
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 4 months
City, State and Country: Seattle, WA, United States
7) I am an employer
Bonus this year: $650
Weekly Salary: $650
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: will give nanny coach wristlet and picture frame from us; small gifts from dc (that kids bought with their own $)
Length of Time Nanny Has worked for You: ft nanny with us for 4 yrs
City, State and Country: New York, NY - Manhattan
8) Your week salary: $680 (M-T family) $150(Friday's family);
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: FT Family: one travel with all paid expensive (any place in USA) for me and my husband,;PT Family: $100 Nordstrom gift card and one clutch silver bag.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: FT family: 4 months; PT family: 1 months;
City, State and Country: San Francisco, California,USA
9) Bonus this year: $1,000
Your Weekly Salary: $880 (before taxes)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: None so far
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 2 years
City, State and Country: Atlanta, GA
10) From an employer:
Bonus this year: $500
Weekly Salary: $518
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: gifts worth $125
Length of Time Nanny Has worked for You: 3 months
City, State and Country: Seattle, WA USA
11) Bonus this year: $700 dollars cash
Your Weekly Salary: $700
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: box of figs, Ralph Lauren fragrance, 1200 count sheet set, micro fiber suede comforter, ride on electronic motorcycle for my 4 year old, photo frames with fancy jewels on them and a leather photo album with my family's name on it. My employer also gave my husband a "beer of the month" gift. I was pretty shocked, because although I knew they liked me, I haven't even been here 6 months yet!
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 5 months
City, State and Country: Armonk, NY
12) Employer, NYC:
Bonus this year: $1,000
Weekly salary $450/week (part time);
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: $50 box Godiva Chocolates
Length of Time Nanny Has worked for You: 9 months
City, State and Country: New York City
We Wanted to show appreciation. But nanny did not really seem that happy (no thank you).
13) Bonus this year: none
Your Weekly Salary: $200 (part time)
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Barnes and Noble Membership, B&N gift card, and a restaurant gift card (about $25 each I think)
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 6 months
City, State and Country: TX
14) Bonus this year: $2,000
Weekly Salary: $750.00
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: monogrammed bath robe, spa lotions,
Length of Time Nanny Has worked for You: 15 months
City, State and Country: Bedford Hills, NY
15) Bonus this year: $8,000.00
Your Weekly Salary: $1100.00
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Toshiba 17" laptop computer, Christmas sleigh gift basket filled with Dylan's candy.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 5 years
City, State and Country: Westchester County, NY
I work for a wonderful family. The woman I work for is stunningly gorgeous and down to earth. She is a wonderful mother, employer and friend. I am touched by the family's generosity and not just during the holidays. I hope they feel as lucky to have me as I do to have them.
16) Bonus this year: $725.00
Weekly Salary: $725.00
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: no, last year I did get her about $400 of gifts in addition to giving her two weeks salary (then $1400) and she couldn't even muster a thank you. So this year, no gifts and one week bonus. I'm sorry if that's harsh, but some of us actually look forward to doing nice things for our nannies and spend time shopping for thing we think they will love in addition to their generous bonuses. And when it isn't even acknowledged, it's a giant slap in the face.
Length of Time Nanny Has worked for You: Almost 2 years
City, State and Country: NYC
17) Bonus this year: $500
Weekly Salary: $20 per hour, part-time, between 20-25 hrs. per week.
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Novelty gifts including sperm on a rope soap, penis pasta, peppermint nipple candy, gummy penises and George W Bush toilet paper.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 10 months
City, State and Country: Danville, CA
18) Bonus this year: $500
Weekly Salary: $800
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: nope
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 9 months
City, State and Country: Boston, MA
I'm guessing my bonus was "pro rated" to reflect that I have only been with them nine months.
19) Bonus this year: $675
Weekly Salary: $675
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: 13lb ham from the Honey baked ham company, box of french milled soaps and a pair of cashmere gloves.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 14 months
City, State and Country: Chicago, Il.
20) Bonus this year: $2,500.00
Your Weekly Salary: $965.00
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus: Two shopping bags full of gifts that I brought home and put under my tree. There are at least 7 things for me and two things for my fiance, who lives with me.
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family: 5 years
City, State and Country: Rye, NY
(Click here to read Part II of the survey.)
McDonald's Parking Lot in Port Chester, NY
Received Thursday, December 20, 2007
I almost ran over your little boy today in the parking lot of McDonalds. When I missed the child, a larger, landscaping truck almost splattered him. Your nanny with a Spanish sounding accent was loading food into the car with an approximately 1 yr old girl and left the child, approximately 2-3 years of age unsupervised. The car was a Honda civic and the plate number was NY DTL 3499. The babysitter was not able to manage both children in the parking lot, which given the relative calm of the parking lot-is somewhat of a warning sign. Babysitter seemed overwhelmed and exasperated. Please note, your child was very close to being seriously RUN OVER. Please confirm you have received this message as I was very concerned with what I witnessed.
I almost ran over your little boy today in the parking lot of McDonalds. When I missed the child, a larger, landscaping truck almost splattered him. Your nanny with a Spanish sounding accent was loading food into the car with an approximately 1 yr old girl and left the child, approximately 2-3 years of age unsupervised. The car was a Honda civic and the plate number was NY DTL 3499. The babysitter was not able to manage both children in the parking lot, which given the relative calm of the parking lot-is somewhat of a warning sign. Babysitter seemed overwhelmed and exasperated. Please note, your child was very close to being seriously RUN OVER. Please confirm you have received this message as I was very concerned with what I witnessed.
The Mall of Georgia in Buford, GA
Received Thursday, December 20, 2007
This story happened in Buford, GA, at the Mall of GA in the Kidgits playground area around 6:30 pm on December 19th, 2007.
If this is your nanny, you need to give her a raise! The nanny was about 26 years old, African American wearing blue jeans and a white jacket with a dark shirt. The little boy was not quite 2, according to the nanny. The boy was white, with platinum blond hair wearing a red Christmas sweater and tan pants. The nanny was helping him with the slide, and spoke to him in a very encouraging voice. She was telling him what a big boy he is and how well he was doing and then they went on to play other things, but the entire time the nanny was playing with him, and encouraging him in the playing he was doing. You could see in her eyes when she was speaking to the boy that she truly cared for him and was very proud when we talked briefly by the slide as we were helping our little ones down. It was awesome to see especially since most people just sit and watch the kids in that area.
If this is your nanny, you need to give her a raise! The nanny was about 26 years old, African American wearing blue jeans and a white jacket with a dark shirt. The little boy was not quite 2, according to the nanny. The boy was white, with platinum blond hair wearing a red Christmas sweater and tan pants. The nanny was helping him with the slide, and spoke to him in a very encouraging voice. She was telling him what a big boy he is and how well he was doing and then they went on to play other things, but the entire time the nanny was playing with him, and encouraging him in the playing he was doing. You could see in her eyes when she was speaking to the boy that she truly cared for him and was very proud when we talked briefly by the slide as we were helping our little ones down. It was awesome to see especially since most people just sit and watch the kids in that area.
Bonus for a Brand New Nanny Share?
Received Thursday, December 20, 2007-Perspective & Opinion
Hi there,
You seem like "experts" in this area, so I hope you can help answer my question. :)
We just entered into a nanny share with another family on Monday, the 17th. We are wondering what to give our nanny as a bonus for the holidays. From what I've read, a one- to two-week bonus is typical. HOWEVER, for the 5 days she will have worked for us pre-Christmas, this seems a bit excessive. We're thinking more like $50-100. Her weekly salary (our portion) is $325. She's gets 10 days of paid vacation and 3 sick days, and we are paying for her vacation from Dec 28-Jan 4th (again only having her for about a week).
What do you think? Generous enough? Do we need to coordinate with the other family too (they've had the nanny for about 3 months)? The nanny share is at their house.
You seem like "experts" in this area, so I hope you can help answer my question. :)
We just entered into a nanny share with another family on Monday, the 17th. We are wondering what to give our nanny as a bonus for the holidays. From what I've read, a one- to two-week bonus is typical. HOWEVER, for the 5 days she will have worked for us pre-Christmas, this seems a bit excessive. We're thinking more like $50-100. Her weekly salary (our portion) is $325. She's gets 10 days of paid vacation and 3 sick days, and we are paying for her vacation from Dec 28-Jan 4th (again only having her for about a week).
What do you think? Generous enough? Do we need to coordinate with the other family too (they've had the nanny for about 3 months)? The nanny share is at their house.
Mid Manhattan Library in NYC
Received Thursday, December 20, 2007
Physical description of caregiver: Overbearing, Polish or Russian accent, very full figured nanny wearing a tight red spandexy top with rhinestone devil design on it, about 35 yrs. old, blonde hair pulled into very sparse pony tail.
Physical description of involved child/children: Two little boys dressed like foreigners in pleated trousers and blue pinstriped shirts and sweater jackets. I definitely detected a high English accent. The shoes the boys wore were cobbled, not store bought. I say this as I wonder if they were just visiting.
Address or venue of observed incident: At the mid Manhattan Library on 5th.
Date and time of incident: Just after 9AM, Wednes. Dec. 19
Detailed description of what you witnessed: The nanny was very angry and impatient with the little boys who were very close in age. Well heeled children, both under 3 years old who needed supervision. The nanny attempted to park them to the side, one in a stroller and disregard the other when she was accosted by an older woman who may or may not have been a library employee. The woman who approached the nanny was to speak to her about a beeping phone or it could have been pager. But the nanny became beligerent and argumentative. The incident escalated and the woman in a Polish or Russian accent insulted the woman calling her something like, "ugly munger". I stood watching horrified. The oldest little boy looked sad and fearful. The younger child was nearly asleep and unaffected.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: The stroller looked very basic with a thick black bar and royal blue seat and canopy. I wonder if it was a rental from a nearby hotel.
Physical description of caregiver: Overbearing, Polish or Russian accent, very full figured nanny wearing a tight red spandexy top with rhinestone devil design on it, about 35 yrs. old, blonde hair pulled into very sparse pony tail.
Physical description of involved child/children: Two little boys dressed like foreigners in pleated trousers and blue pinstriped shirts and sweater jackets. I definitely detected a high English accent. The shoes the boys wore were cobbled, not store bought. I say this as I wonder if they were just visiting.
Address or venue of observed incident: At the mid Manhattan Library on 5th.
Date and time of incident: Just after 9AM, Wednes. Dec. 19
Detailed description of what you witnessed: The nanny was very angry and impatient with the little boys who were very close in age. Well heeled children, both under 3 years old who needed supervision. The nanny attempted to park them to the side, one in a stroller and disregard the other when she was accosted by an older woman who may or may not have been a library employee. The woman who approached the nanny was to speak to her about a beeping phone or it could have been pager. But the nanny became beligerent and argumentative. The incident escalated and the woman in a Polish or Russian accent insulted the woman calling her something like, "ugly munger". I stood watching horrified. The oldest little boy looked sad and fearful. The younger child was nearly asleep and unaffected.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: The stroller looked very basic with a thick black bar and royal blue seat and canopy. I wonder if it was a rental from a nearby hotel.
Part Time Nanny's Hurt Feelings...
Received Thursday, December 20, 2007-Perspective & Opinion
I live in LA and have worked for the family for about 4 months. Since I'm part time, I didn't really expect a bonus, but thought I would get a gift card or a little something extra in my paycheck. I received nothing, not even a card. Yesterday was my last day since the parents are both taking 2 weeks off from their jobs. Until now, they have been very sweet and I love the kids, but they didn't even wish me a Merry Christmas or give me a card. Just last month they told me how great I'm doing and how much the girls love having me around. When they told me they wouldn't need me for 2 weeks, they promised to have me work for a couple nights to make up for the loss in income, and now that's not happening either. I just feel so disrespected, I'm not sure I can continue working for them in January. It really hurt my feelings! I had an interview today, hopefully that will work out.
I live in LA and have worked for the family for about 4 months. Since I'm part time, I didn't really expect a bonus, but thought I would get a gift card or a little something extra in my paycheck. I received nothing, not even a card. Yesterday was my last day since the parents are both taking 2 weeks off from their jobs. Until now, they have been very sweet and I love the kids, but they didn't even wish me a Merry Christmas or give me a card. Just last month they told me how great I'm doing and how much the girls love having me around. When they told me they wouldn't need me for 2 weeks, they promised to have me work for a couple nights to make up for the loss in income, and now that's not happening either. I just feel so disrespected, I'm not sure I can continue working for them in January. It really hurt my feelings! I had an interview today, hopefully that will work out.
Two Nannies Ask....
Received Wednesday, December 19, 2007-Perspective & Opinion
1)Hello to all my fellow nannies and hello to all parents/ interested readers. I am a full time nanny for a young boy and have come to this site with a question! I have been employed as a full time nanny/housekeeper for just about one year. My question is as follows: What type of bonus is appropriate for someone in my shoes? I don't want to get my hopes up but am sort of expecting a week's salary as my holiday bonus. I have been very punctual and reliable as a nanny for the past ten months and I work over 50 hours per week as a live out nanny for one child. I clean the entire house and do all of the laundry. What do you think I should be getting? The family I work for is well-off, if you know what I mean. A fair bonus will ultimately determine whether or not I will re-sign the nanny contract... Also, I spent quite a bit of time and money gathering the perfect gifts for the parents and child. I hope the family really does like me and decides to pay me appropriately. In the past with my nanny bonuses, I have found that I've gotten a week's salary after working a year. I guess that's where I got this idea. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your responses!
2) I heard my very well off (exceedingly wealthy) employer talking with another person who I will not identify here for purposes of privacy, but in short, they were discussing a present that she received from her mother. It was a sweater that my employer thought was "hideous". I imagine it was quite expensive, but the problem is that the two of them in cahoots decided that this would be a great gift for me and "save her the money" and "hassle" of having to go out again. Now I know that it is crowded out there, but I have already done my holiday shopping. I have already purchased gifts for all three of her children, her husband, her and the housekeeper. I think if she tries to pass off some re gifted sweater to me, I am going to go ballistic. Why is it so hard for some employers to understand that good nannies work every day using not just their brains but a huge part of their hearts. In most jobs, you don't have to use your heart so much. I think of my employer's comfort every day. I think of their children and am always thinking of what I can do for them to make their life better. If I get this sweater, I think I am going to say, "oh this is the one you're mother got you, you didn't like it?". Would that be so wrong? To call someone out on a re gifting?
1)Hello to all my fellow nannies and hello to all parents/ interested readers. I am a full time nanny for a young boy and have come to this site with a question! I have been employed as a full time nanny/housekeeper for just about one year. My question is as follows: What type of bonus is appropriate for someone in my shoes? I don't want to get my hopes up but am sort of expecting a week's salary as my holiday bonus. I have been very punctual and reliable as a nanny for the past ten months and I work over 50 hours per week as a live out nanny for one child. I clean the entire house and do all of the laundry. What do you think I should be getting? The family I work for is well-off, if you know what I mean. A fair bonus will ultimately determine whether or not I will re-sign the nanny contract... Also, I spent quite a bit of time and money gathering the perfect gifts for the parents and child. I hope the family really does like me and decides to pay me appropriately. In the past with my nanny bonuses, I have found that I've gotten a week's salary after working a year. I guess that's where I got this idea. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your responses!
2) I heard my very well off (exceedingly wealthy) employer talking with another person who I will not identify here for purposes of privacy, but in short, they were discussing a present that she received from her mother. It was a sweater that my employer thought was "hideous". I imagine it was quite expensive, but the problem is that the two of them in cahoots decided that this would be a great gift for me and "save her the money" and "hassle" of having to go out again. Now I know that it is crowded out there, but I have already done my holiday shopping. I have already purchased gifts for all three of her children, her husband, her and the housekeeper. I think if she tries to pass off some re gifted sweater to me, I am going to go ballistic. Why is it so hard for some employers to understand that good nannies work every day using not just their brains but a huge part of their hearts. In most jobs, you don't have to use your heart so much. I think of my employer's comfort every day. I think of their children and am always thinking of what I can do for them to make their life better. If I get this sweater, I think I am going to say, "oh this is the one you're mother got you, you didn't like it?". Would that be so wrong? To call someone out on a re gifting?
Leaving H&M on Lexington in NYC
Received Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Rough looking nanny, 30-38 y.o., AA, wearing a kango and a black leather jacket. She told your shivering daughter to stop shivering because she was on her last nerves. Your daughter was making a chattering teeth sound. I interjected, "oh you know those little bodies really feel this cold". The nanny shot back, "She's from Canada, she can handle the cold without carrying on". The nanny seemed very cruel and cold. Strange choice for a "care" giver. Location-in NYC, on the way out of the H&M on Lexington and 59th. The child was a little girl wearing a grey fleece skirt, patterned tights and a pink fleece jacket. The nanny was laden down with shopping bags from H&M and seemed to regard the child as a nuisance. Child was dragged off by forearm down 59th...
Rough looking nanny, 30-38 y.o., AA, wearing a kango and a black leather jacket. She told your shivering daughter to stop shivering because she was on her last nerves. Your daughter was making a chattering teeth sound. I interjected, "oh you know those little bodies really feel this cold". The nanny shot back, "She's from Canada, she can handle the cold without carrying on". The nanny seemed very cruel and cold. Strange choice for a "care" giver. Location-in NYC, on the way out of the H&M on Lexington and 59th. The child was a little girl wearing a grey fleece skirt, patterned tights and a pink fleece jacket. The nanny was laden down with shopping bags from H&M and seemed to regard the child as a nuisance. Child was dragged off by forearm down 59th...
Woodlands, Texas
Received Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I saw your nanny in the town center of Woodlands, Texas Sunday night at 7:30 approximately. We were dining at Tommy Islands and I was watching through the window how she pushed your little white-jacket wearing girl about 2/3yrs old so hard she almost fell over backwards. She made several steps backwards that's how hard she pushed her. Then she yanked the little girl on the arm so hard... all while on her mobile phone. Nanny was approx my size so I'd say she's 5'6" and 120 pounds. I couldn't see the nanny well enough, I wasn't close enough. It also looked like she was there with other nannies and a male. They were in center where the big Xmas tree is up with the fountain lights that lit up as the kids run through. She wasn't "severely abusive" but she was cruel, impatient and rude. Shame on her. Sorry, but that's all I can offer.
I saw your nanny in the town center of Woodlands, Texas Sunday night at 7:30 approximately. We were dining at Tommy Islands and I was watching through the window how she pushed your little white-jacket wearing girl about 2/3yrs old so hard she almost fell over backwards. She made several steps backwards that's how hard she pushed her. Then she yanked the little girl on the arm so hard... all while on her mobile phone. Nanny was approx my size so I'd say she's 5'6" and 120 pounds. I couldn't see the nanny well enough, I wasn't close enough. It also looked like she was there with other nannies and a male. They were in center where the big Xmas tree is up with the fountain lights that lit up as the kids run through. She wasn't "severely abusive" but she was cruel, impatient and rude. Shame on her. Sorry, but that's all I can offer.
Unknown Daycare Group in Alexandria, Virginia
Received Monday, December 17, 2007-Daycare Warnings
Not sure how to post a sighting, but this was on a blog for Alexandria, VA! I was walking on King Street today around 11.20 near the Uptowner Coffee Shop and the Casablanca Restaurant, when I saw a day care group walking the little ones - all holding on to the rope. The children were all around 2, and the day care workers were pulling the rope and making them walk too fast....The kids kept falling down on the sidewalk, and the workers just stood over them, not helping them up yanking the rope. I saw one little girl crying reach up to the lady, and the lady literally brushed her off. The kids kept falling down, and the ladies kept pulling the rope. On top of all of that, it was freezing out, and the kids did not have on hats or gloves. I did not say anything to the workers, or get the name of the daycare center, but other people on the sidewalks were as disgusted as I was.
Not sure how to post a sighting, but this was on a blog for Alexandria, VA! I was walking on King Street today around 11.20 near the Uptowner Coffee Shop and the Casablanca Restaurant, when I saw a day care group walking the little ones - all holding on to the rope. The children were all around 2, and the day care workers were pulling the rope and making them walk too fast....The kids kept falling down on the sidewalk, and the workers just stood over them, not helping them up yanking the rope. I saw one little girl crying reach up to the lady, and the lady literally brushed her off. The kids kept falling down, and the ladies kept pulling the rope. On top of all of that, it was freezing out, and the kids did not have on hats or gloves. I did not say anything to the workers, or get the name of the daycare center, but other people on the sidewalks were as disgusted as I was.
Advice for Pregnant Nanny?
Received Sunday, December 16, 2007 - Perspective & Opinion
I am a nanny to a wonderful little boy that I have been with for over two years. I found out a week ago that I am pregnant. So right now I am six weeks pregnant. I have not told my employer yet. When do you think would be an appropriate time to tell her? Should I tell my employer early on or wait a while? I want to be fair to her, I also need to hang onto this job for as long as I can. Plus, my nanny job is not a normal nanny job. I don't know my schedule from day to day, usually. Some days I work 10am-6pm, other days I work 5pm-1 am... it varies. I also go on trips with them every couple of months. I am just really concerned that if she finds out I'm pregnant that she'll ditch me for someone that'll have energy and won't be pregnant. I'm also concerned with the health of my baby and know my job is very demanding. Are there any other nannies or families that been in this situation or similar? Any (nice) advice would be helpful! Thanks!
I am a nanny to a wonderful little boy that I have been with for over two years. I found out a week ago that I am pregnant. So right now I am six weeks pregnant. I have not told my employer yet. When do you think would be an appropriate time to tell her? Should I tell my employer early on or wait a while? I want to be fair to her, I also need to hang onto this job for as long as I can. Plus, my nanny job is not a normal nanny job. I don't know my schedule from day to day, usually. Some days I work 10am-6pm, other days I work 5pm-1 am... it varies. I also go on trips with them every couple of months. I am just really concerned that if she finds out I'm pregnant that she'll ditch me for someone that'll have energy and won't be pregnant. I'm also concerned with the health of my baby and know my job is very demanding. Are there any other nannies or families that been in this situation or similar? Any (nice) advice would be helpful! Thanks!
Westchester Mall Food Court in White Plains, NY
Received Friday, December 14, 2007
I saw your nanny burping and carrying on like a 12 year old boy. I found her behavior disgusting and offensive. This happened on Thursday afternoon at approximately 4:20 PM. Your nanny is a Caucasian female, approximately 24-28 yrs old, average height and weight with blond hair worn short and three earrings in each ear. Her behavior encouraged her charges (and their friends) to mimic her. This caused a disturbance and upset to those of us civilized people around them. Surely, you would be mortified to see your own children behaving in such a manner. Please talk with your nanny about etiquette. Also address elbows on the table, appropriate indoor voices, bathroom words, gross out stories and "coughing" insults at people who walked by them. Nanny was with three male children all between 8-12, all white with short hair and Connecticut looks.
I saw your nanny burping and carrying on like a 12 year old boy. I found her behavior disgusting and offensive. This happened on Thursday afternoon at approximately 4:20 PM. Your nanny is a Caucasian female, approximately 24-28 yrs old, average height and weight with blond hair worn short and three earrings in each ear. Her behavior encouraged her charges (and their friends) to mimic her. This caused a disturbance and upset to those of us civilized people around them. Surely, you would be mortified to see your own children behaving in such a manner. Please talk with your nanny about etiquette. Also address elbows on the table, appropriate indoor voices, bathroom words, gross out stories and "coughing" insults at people who walked by them. Nanny was with three male children all between 8-12, all white with short hair and Connecticut looks.
Nanny's Honeymoon Plans...
Received Friday, December 14, 2007- Perspective & Opinion
I just started a new nanny position with a family about 5 weeks ago. When I interviewed I said that I was getting married at the end of May and would need a week off for my Honeymoon. My fiance and I just recently decided to go to London and Ireland and realized that one week was to short to do that. I asked for the additional week off and she got back to me after a week and said that she wanted to make this a win win situation and offered to give me Monday off of the following week.In our original agreement I have two weeks paid vacation. I started just before Thanksgiving and they had that week off so I said I'd take it unpaid. I also took Christmas as an unpaid week saving up for my Honeymoon and another week of my choosing.To help I offered to ask a friend who works as a teacher in a private special needs school. My boss said that only if she agreed to get a background check and babysit in advance. She wanted to see if her daughter worked well with her. I don't think I would feel comfortable asking my friend to help me or this family out when I feel that she is being unreasonable.Her biggest excuse is that her daughter has some special needs and that she doesn't want to disrupt all the progress that I have made since I started. I feel I'm being punished for doing a good job because now she doesn't want to trust anyone else with her daughter.Any suggestions from both nanny and nanny families would be a help as to how to handle this. I don't want to quit or lose the position. I know I'm good at what I do and the little girl has shown a great deal of progress. We have already bonded and I would hate to have to leave over this.
I just started a new nanny position with a family about 5 weeks ago. When I interviewed I said that I was getting married at the end of May and would need a week off for my Honeymoon. My fiance and I just recently decided to go to London and Ireland and realized that one week was to short to do that. I asked for the additional week off and she got back to me after a week and said that she wanted to make this a win win situation and offered to give me Monday off of the following week.In our original agreement I have two weeks paid vacation. I started just before Thanksgiving and they had that week off so I said I'd take it unpaid. I also took Christmas as an unpaid week saving up for my Honeymoon and another week of my choosing.To help I offered to ask a friend who works as a teacher in a private special needs school. My boss said that only if she agreed to get a background check and babysit in advance. She wanted to see if her daughter worked well with her. I don't think I would feel comfortable asking my friend to help me or this family out when I feel that she is being unreasonable.Her biggest excuse is that her daughter has some special needs and that she doesn't want to disrupt all the progress that I have made since I started. I feel I'm being punished for doing a good job because now she doesn't want to trust anyone else with her daughter.Any suggestions from both nanny and nanny families would be a help as to how to handle this. I don't want to quit or lose the position. I know I'm good at what I do and the little girl has shown a great deal of progress. We have already bonded and I would hate to have to leave over this.
Krogers in Houston, TX
Received Thursday, December 13, 2007
I was leaving Kroger's today, (12/11) on Kykendahl at Louetta in Houston, TX. My daughter noticed a dog sitting in the back window of a car. When I looked I also saw a boy in the car, probably 4 or 5yrs old. With the high being in the high 80's today, plus the fact that the car was off, I immediately called 911 and they sent an officer. About 5 mins later a woman returned to the car, I told her "Just so you know the police are on their way." She said ok and then sped off. The police arrived roughly 3mins later. I had given 911 the license plate number, but did not write it down so I can't give that info here. I do remember it was a green Kia, it didn't have a model name, just KIA. I'm not sure if the police tracked down the owner or not, hopefully they did, I just wanted to email about it just in case they didn't.I'm not 100% positive the woman was a nanny, but the nanny was Jamaican and the boy was very very white skinned. I don't recall what the nanny wore, but the boy had on blue jeans and a t-shirt with a tonka truck on it. The dog was a brown full-sized wiener dog.This disgusts me. Even my 6yr old, who was with me, knows it's not safe to leave kids in the car. She told me "He could have gone to heaven. She's not a very good mommy." If a 6yr old realizes this, what is wrong with this grown woman?
*I sent this on 12/11 but it was returned to me by the mailer demon.
I was leaving Kroger's today, (12/11) on Kykendahl at Louetta in Houston, TX. My daughter noticed a dog sitting in the back window of a car. When I looked I also saw a boy in the car, probably 4 or 5yrs old. With the high being in the high 80's today, plus the fact that the car was off, I immediately called 911 and they sent an officer. About 5 mins later a woman returned to the car, I told her "Just so you know the police are on their way." She said ok and then sped off. The police arrived roughly 3mins later. I had given 911 the license plate number, but did not write it down so I can't give that info here. I do remember it was a green Kia, it didn't have a model name, just KIA. I'm not sure if the police tracked down the owner or not, hopefully they did, I just wanted to email about it just in case they didn't.I'm not 100% positive the woman was a nanny, but the nanny was Jamaican and the boy was very very white skinned. I don't recall what the nanny wore, but the boy had on blue jeans and a t-shirt with a tonka truck on it. The dog was a brown full-sized wiener dog.This disgusts me. Even my 6yr old, who was with me, knows it's not safe to leave kids in the car. She told me "He could have gone to heaven. She's not a very good mommy." If a 6yr old realizes this, what is wrong with this grown woman?
*I sent this on 12/11 but it was returned to me by the mailer demon.
San Francisco Kezar Stadium and Buena Vista Park in CA
Received Thursday, December 13, 2007
Nanny: Central American appearance, 30's, long hair.
Kids: two, one boy, maybe 3-4; one girl under 2
San Francisco Kezar Stadium and Buena Vista Park
I am reporting an incident observed Wednesday, Dec 12, after observing this same "bad nanny" accidentally last week with the same kids! It made me wonder if such a site existed and I am glad it does because it should! In today's case the nanny was seated on the lawn of the field of Kezar stadium with a second nanny (by the way the temps were cold and cloudy in the 50's today-- not a "park" day at all) while the kids were all the way on top of the stairs, a fair estimate would be more than 50 yards away. I noticed because the kids were totally on their own near a track that people walk on up above the stairs. One was playing with a rusty garbage can. The other was playing with the splintery benches. The nanny could not have cared less. She was sitting with the stroller and the second nanny who was at least arm's length from her kid. I observed the same woman and the same kids a week before. I saw two children seemingly alone on a walking path that surrounds Buena Vista Park. I looked up the steep hill and the nanny was more than a full city block ahead of them, munching an apple. At one point she looked behind and called and the boy ran to catch up, but the baby was so far behind and no one was watching her! This was not a case of a mom about 3 feet ahead waiting for a toddler. This nanny was in her own world. So sad.
Nanny: Central American appearance, 30's, long hair.
Kids: two, one boy, maybe 3-4; one girl under 2
San Francisco Kezar Stadium and Buena Vista Park
I am reporting an incident observed Wednesday, Dec 12, after observing this same "bad nanny" accidentally last week with the same kids! It made me wonder if such a site existed and I am glad it does because it should! In today's case the nanny was seated on the lawn of the field of Kezar stadium with a second nanny (by the way the temps were cold and cloudy in the 50's today-- not a "park" day at all) while the kids were all the way on top of the stairs, a fair estimate would be more than 50 yards away. I noticed because the kids were totally on their own near a track that people walk on up above the stairs. One was playing with a rusty garbage can. The other was playing with the splintery benches. The nanny could not have cared less. She was sitting with the stroller and the second nanny who was at least arm's length from her kid. I observed the same woman and the same kids a week before. I saw two children seemingly alone on a walking path that surrounds Buena Vista Park. I looked up the steep hill and the nanny was more than a full city block ahead of them, munching an apple. At one point she looked behind and called and the boy ran to catch up, but the baby was so far behind and no one was watching her! This was not a case of a mom about 3 feet ahead waiting for a toddler. This nanny was in her own world. So sad.
Can a nanny be too good?
Received Wednesday, December 12, 2007-Perspective & Opinion
I assisted my wife in locating our present nanny who has been with us since late August. She started her time with us by joining us on a family vacation. This seemed like an ideal time to spend time with her and assess the way she treated the children. Having seen her in action for herself, I have to say I felt like I had really found Mary Poppins. I never witnessed her do anything wrong at all. She raised her voice to the children as needed, she was neither too soft, nor too hard. She always smiled, she filled the rainy days with explorations and craft activities. Then we returned home and settled in to our fall school schedule. We have two in school all day and one in preschool 3 hours per day. Again, she proved flawless. She offered to help out in areas we did not expect her to (for example, she made us dinner more than once, she picked up our dry cleaning, took our cars in for service). And still, the children loved her. She was great getting them to and from school and as strict as she needed to be to get our oldest to work on his homework. I continued to brag to my coworkers that I had found Mary Poppins. The children had never been happier, the house was organized and every time I walked in the door, I felt this amazing positive energy. Our nanny was a live-in and she has been absolutely respectful of our privacy. I thought we had found perfection. So what do you imagine I am contacting you about? Something sordid I caught my nanny doing? No. My problem is that since mid November, my wife has been complaining about the nanny. Picking at her for things that have nothing to do with her nannying. In fact the comments were very catty, relating to her appearance, a hairstyle she got, the jacket she wore, etc. These comments were said just to me in privacy. Last night we came home late and the children and nanny were in bed but they had made Christmas cookies in the shapes of ornaments. There was a plate left out for us and a container full and both my wife and I had remarked how hungry we were on our trip back from the city. My wife refused to eat the Christmas cookies and dumped the ones on the plate in the sink and snapped on the garbage disposal. My wife and I both work about the same hours. I don't think I am missing anything about this nanny. There is no sexual tension or anything between the nanny and I, and that is not the reason for my wife's about change. So, at long last, I have a question for you employers of nannies. Can a nanny be too good? Because I can only imagine my wife's obvious resentment is going to escalate. I have asked her what's wrong but she continually says, "nothing" and becomes irritated with me. An help, advice, suggestions?
I assisted my wife in locating our present nanny who has been with us since late August. She started her time with us by joining us on a family vacation. This seemed like an ideal time to spend time with her and assess the way she treated the children. Having seen her in action for herself, I have to say I felt like I had really found Mary Poppins. I never witnessed her do anything wrong at all. She raised her voice to the children as needed, she was neither too soft, nor too hard. She always smiled, she filled the rainy days with explorations and craft activities. Then we returned home and settled in to our fall school schedule. We have two in school all day and one in preschool 3 hours per day. Again, she proved flawless. She offered to help out in areas we did not expect her to (for example, she made us dinner more than once, she picked up our dry cleaning, took our cars in for service). And still, the children loved her. She was great getting them to and from school and as strict as she needed to be to get our oldest to work on his homework. I continued to brag to my coworkers that I had found Mary Poppins. The children had never been happier, the house was organized and every time I walked in the door, I felt this amazing positive energy. Our nanny was a live-in and she has been absolutely respectful of our privacy. I thought we had found perfection. So what do you imagine I am contacting you about? Something sordid I caught my nanny doing? No. My problem is that since mid November, my wife has been complaining about the nanny. Picking at her for things that have nothing to do with her nannying. In fact the comments were very catty, relating to her appearance, a hairstyle she got, the jacket she wore, etc. These comments were said just to me in privacy. Last night we came home late and the children and nanny were in bed but they had made Christmas cookies in the shapes of ornaments. There was a plate left out for us and a container full and both my wife and I had remarked how hungry we were on our trip back from the city. My wife refused to eat the Christmas cookies and dumped the ones on the plate in the sink and snapped on the garbage disposal. My wife and I both work about the same hours. I don't think I am missing anything about this nanny. There is no sexual tension or anything between the nanny and I, and that is not the reason for my wife's about change. So, at long last, I have a question for you employers of nannies. Can a nanny be too good? Because I can only imagine my wife's obvious resentment is going to escalate. I have asked her what's wrong but she continually says, "nothing" and becomes irritated with me. An help, advice, suggestions?
I Saw Your Daycare- Milwaukee, WI
Received Wednesay, December 12, 2007-DAYCARE WARNINGS
Allow me to speak my thoughts, since I know some questionable daycares and worked at two of the WORST daycares in Milwaukee, WI...
In summer 2005, a 2 year old Milwaukee girl died from being left on the daycare van. The mother put her child on the van and returned later to pick her up, only to find her child wasn't in the childcare facility. The mother found her child on the van dead-the little girl fell asleep on the van and the driver, after arriving at the center, DID NOT check the van to ensure all the children were in the building. When I worked in daycare, and ANYTIME children were brought into the building after riding the center vehicles, I ALWAYS stood at the door and counted them one by one, and did a van check to ensure NOBODY was left on the van.
It gets better-the center's owner was stripped of her childcare license, and CANNOT open another facility. However, since Wisconsin is a martial property state, her husband got a license in his name, and she owns half of the daycare. Interesting? Yep! Anyway, the center is family owned, and all family that works there, and I was the lowest paid, with the most classes and experience. The center director, the wife's sister, had no experience in daycare and has fewer classes then I do, and almost fired a teacher for having strep throat, when it clearly states in WI that if a teacher or child has strep, they are not allowed in the center for 48-72 hours. This facility was MICROMANAGED, meaning that the director was breathing down my neck, the curriculum for the infants was switched 3 times in 3 months, and my lesson plans were too repetitive for my infants/toddlers. Duh! That's how they learn, through repetition. Then again, what was I to expect from someone who left a $50K a year job in social work to work at her sister's daycare with no experience for 1/2 the pay?
How did I find out that these were the people who left the child on the van? Wisconsin daycares are required to post any licensing violations on the parent board, usually located near the front door of the facility. I happened to read the letter written to the owner's wife by the state, and put 2 and 2 together. I ended up leaving shortly after that. The reason why I don't recommend parents enrolling there is because:
1. They left a child on the van, and the child died. Had the director had more experience, she would've known to count each child as they entered the building, and done a van check after the children were inside.
2. The director lacks common sense, and does micromanagement. There is no reason for this, and it doesn't make up for the fact that a little girl died due to your negligence.
OK, and now for the WORST daycare in Milwaukee, WI:
Where do I begin? *LOL* This daycare has an owner/director with a DEGREE in Early Childhood Education. She has no clue how to run a daycare, and anything goes:
I had children hit, bite, scratch and slap me. These were 2-5 year olds! Taking the child's hands and saying, "I don't like it when you do that, that hurts me, stop that!" "I won't allow you to hurt me or anybody else" usually works, but in this case, NOTHING worked. I would put the children in a time out for inappropriate behavior, and she would say, "if they don't want to sit in a timeout, they don't have to. You can't make them sit when they don't want to" If a child hit me, I had to call for assistance and she would pull the child into her office, where they got treats and hugs and kisses for bad behavior. Instead of saying, "I can't let you hit your teachers" or "Hitting your teacher wasn't very nice", she would roll her eyes and tell me I couldn't handle my class-how could I handle them when she, as an owner/director, didn't provide any support for her teachers, and thereby encouraging children's behavior?
The field trip was a classic example. We went to a petting zoo, and a 4 year old boy was punching baby animals. He would run from animal to animal, hitting them in the face, and laughing about it. One of the petting zoo employees made a comment about the child's behavior-and the owner/director, being the little boy's cousin, did nothing about it. On the playground, children would climb the fence, laugh about it, and keep doing it. NOTHING was done about the behavior, and it brought unwanted comments from the owner about how I couldn't handle my class alone. Yeah, yeah, OK. Had the state walked in and saw this behavior, she could've been shut down. I did the best I could, and she couldn't handle running a daycare. *shaking my head LOL* I left after being scratched by a 2 year old-it was me yell at the parent, or me yell at the director. Oh yeah, I was hired as supervisor and talked to during my interview about the teacher I was replacing. Then, 2 days later, I was demoted as supervisor and in pay, because she didn't like the way I was running things. How did I know how to run things when she was never around to show me how she wanted things done?
I don't recommend this center because:
1. Children run around like wild animals. There is no structure, no discipline, and your child could get seriously hurt by another child.
2. The director has a good heart to an extent, but lacks the skills necessary to run a daycare.
3. There is no A/C, no windows, and the playground equipment can cause serious injury to your child.
Allow me to speak my thoughts, since I know some questionable daycares and worked at two of the WORST daycares in Milwaukee, WI...
In summer 2005, a 2 year old Milwaukee girl died from being left on the daycare van. The mother put her child on the van and returned later to pick her up, only to find her child wasn't in the childcare facility. The mother found her child on the van dead-the little girl fell asleep on the van and the driver, after arriving at the center, DID NOT check the van to ensure all the children were in the building. When I worked in daycare, and ANYTIME children were brought into the building after riding the center vehicles, I ALWAYS stood at the door and counted them one by one, and did a van check to ensure NOBODY was left on the van.
It gets better-the center's owner was stripped of her childcare license, and CANNOT open another facility. However, since Wisconsin is a martial property state, her husband got a license in his name, and she owns half of the daycare. Interesting? Yep! Anyway, the center is family owned, and all family that works there, and I was the lowest paid, with the most classes and experience. The center director, the wife's sister, had no experience in daycare and has fewer classes then I do, and almost fired a teacher for having strep throat, when it clearly states in WI that if a teacher or child has strep, they are not allowed in the center for 48-72 hours. This facility was MICROMANAGED, meaning that the director was breathing down my neck, the curriculum for the infants was switched 3 times in 3 months, and my lesson plans were too repetitive for my infants/toddlers. Duh! That's how they learn, through repetition. Then again, what was I to expect from someone who left a $50K a year job in social work to work at her sister's daycare with no experience for 1/2 the pay?
How did I find out that these were the people who left the child on the van? Wisconsin daycares are required to post any licensing violations on the parent board, usually located near the front door of the facility. I happened to read the letter written to the owner's wife by the state, and put 2 and 2 together. I ended up leaving shortly after that. The reason why I don't recommend parents enrolling there is because:
1. They left a child on the van, and the child died. Had the director had more experience, she would've known to count each child as they entered the building, and done a van check after the children were inside.
2. The director lacks common sense, and does micromanagement. There is no reason for this, and it doesn't make up for the fact that a little girl died due to your negligence.
OK, and now for the WORST daycare in Milwaukee, WI:
Where do I begin? *LOL* This daycare has an owner/director with a DEGREE in Early Childhood Education. She has no clue how to run a daycare, and anything goes:
I had children hit, bite, scratch and slap me. These were 2-5 year olds! Taking the child's hands and saying, "I don't like it when you do that, that hurts me, stop that!" "I won't allow you to hurt me or anybody else" usually works, but in this case, NOTHING worked. I would put the children in a time out for inappropriate behavior, and she would say, "if they don't want to sit in a timeout, they don't have to. You can't make them sit when they don't want to" If a child hit me, I had to call for assistance and she would pull the child into her office, where they got treats and hugs and kisses for bad behavior. Instead of saying, "I can't let you hit your teachers" or "Hitting your teacher wasn't very nice", she would roll her eyes and tell me I couldn't handle my class-how could I handle them when she, as an owner/director, didn't provide any support for her teachers, and thereby encouraging children's behavior?
The field trip was a classic example. We went to a petting zoo, and a 4 year old boy was punching baby animals. He would run from animal to animal, hitting them in the face, and laughing about it. One of the petting zoo employees made a comment about the child's behavior-and the owner/director, being the little boy's cousin, did nothing about it. On the playground, children would climb the fence, laugh about it, and keep doing it. NOTHING was done about the behavior, and it brought unwanted comments from the owner about how I couldn't handle my class alone. Yeah, yeah, OK. Had the state walked in and saw this behavior, she could've been shut down. I did the best I could, and she couldn't handle running a daycare. *shaking my head LOL* I left after being scratched by a 2 year old-it was me yell at the parent, or me yell at the director. Oh yeah, I was hired as supervisor and talked to during my interview about the teacher I was replacing. Then, 2 days later, I was demoted as supervisor and in pay, because she didn't like the way I was running things. How did I know how to run things when she was never around to show me how she wanted things done?
I don't recommend this center because:
1. Children run around like wild animals. There is no structure, no discipline, and your child could get seriously hurt by another child.
2. The director has a good heart to an extent, but lacks the skills necessary to run a daycare.
3. There is no A/C, no windows, and the playground equipment can cause serious injury to your child.
Playground at Carroll Park in Brooklyn, NY
Received Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I saw a scary sight this afternoon as an adult, who I presumed to be the nanny was leaving a park with two children. The children were white, one was in a brown and steel stroller with a brown and tan plaid design and was a boy under 2. The other child was also a boy under 3. The nanny was very large and walked very stiffly. The little boy exited the park at Carroll St. and leered towards Smith Street. The caretaker yelled after him but could not move quick enough to grab the kid. She did try. She left the stroller and tried to run for the child but she couldn't run. I think this is a hazard. My nanny is a large woman herself, but she could run after any of our children if she had to, even our 13 year old! The boy wearing the camouflage jacket and brown pants was saved by a a man who looked to be wearing a fire fighter's coat. The child was brought back from being in the street. Another woman ran and stood by the baby carriage as this unfolded. The nanny was appreciative but is not fit enough to be caring for two young children. Sorry. The nanny was an older black woman of about 45 yrs old, sweet face, reddish curled hair, pink and white jacket and on the short side with a very heavy build.
I saw a scary sight this afternoon as an adult, who I presumed to be the nanny was leaving a park with two children. The children were white, one was in a brown and steel stroller with a brown and tan plaid design and was a boy under 2. The other child was also a boy under 3. The nanny was very large and walked very stiffly. The little boy exited the park at Carroll St. and leered towards Smith Street. The caretaker yelled after him but could not move quick enough to grab the kid. She did try. She left the stroller and tried to run for the child but she couldn't run. I think this is a hazard. My nanny is a large woman herself, but she could run after any of our children if she had to, even our 13 year old! The boy wearing the camouflage jacket and brown pants was saved by a a man who looked to be wearing a fire fighter's coat. The child was brought back from being in the street. Another woman ran and stood by the baby carriage as this unfolded. The nanny was appreciative but is not fit enough to be caring for two young children. Sorry. The nanny was an older black woman of about 45 yrs old, sweet face, reddish curled hair, pink and white jacket and on the short side with a very heavy build.
I Saw Your Preschool-Brooklyn Children’s Academy
Received Tuesday, December 11, 2007 -Preschool Warnings
I am a parent of a student at this preschool in Brooklyn, or rather "was". It's not a bad nanny but it sure is bad childcare. This is the flyer which we are distributing outside of the 'open houses' that the school is having to try to replace the 43 families they have already swindled.
Are you considering sending your child to Brooklyn Children’s Academy Preschool?
Please continue reading about the experience of current and former parents:
Virtually all of the 43 families that were enrolled at BCAP as of November 1st have now withdrawn their child as a result of the events outlined below:
• After a year of constant delays, on November 1, 2007 parents and teachers were given 2 business days’ notice of the move to the 25 Dean St Location. Teachers were expected to pack their classrooms WHILE watching a full room of children.
• On Wednesday, November 7th, BCAP opened its doors at 25 Dean St. Parents were horrified to bring their children in and discover a completely unsafe environment with:
• Toxic fumes from carpets installed the night before
• Unpainted walls
• Exposed outlets
• One working bathroom for all the children and NO bathroom for the staff
(they were told to go to Starbucks)
• No heat
• An open, unattended front door with no security system
• The Administrator, Lucy Kramer and the Executive Director, Andy Lewis, maintained that the school was safe and operable, and that problems were merely cosmetic.
• Further investigation by the parents revealed that the school had NO LICENSE TO OPERATED A CHILDCARE CENTER from NYC, and no Certificate of Occupancy.
• On November 9th, an inspector from the NYC Dept of Health ordered the school to close until all violations were corrected. 25 Dean St remains closed; BCAP left families in the lurch for a month while they looked for a temporary location. During all of this, communication with the parents was sporadic at best. Efforts to force accountability from the Executive Director have failed. Phone calls, emails and certified letters to the Executive Director have gone unanswered. We wrote a letter to the Board members of Better Brooklyn Community Center (the parent organization that runs BCAP), only to find that most of them said they had either resigned from the Board or never been on it in the first place.
• Parents also learned that the BCAP teacher’s paychecks have been bouncing since last summer. A teacher discovered that her health insurance had been cancelled due to non-payment of premium by her employer, BBCC.
• BCAP has a history of very high teacher turnover. During all of 2007, there was little consistency in the classrooms. Some children saw up to six teachers come and go in just 10 months. Teachers left because they didn’t get paid, and because they were treated with disrespect by the school’s administration.
• NONE of the teachers employed at BCAP on September 1, 2007 remain. BCAP fired one head teacher for insubordination after she raised concerns about the safety of the children. BCAP also recently laid off all of their assistant teachers. As of December 7th, all the remaining teachers have now resigned.
• Families were charged full tuition for the month of November and were provided with THREE days of care in a legal, licensed space. We were then invoiced for December with no acknowledgement or offer of refund for the lack of care provided in the previous month. Brooklyn Children’s Academy Preschool should not be trusted with the safety and welfare of your child. They jeopardized the safety of our children without apology or remorse. Please be careful if you are considering this school.
Do you have a warning about a preschool or daycare to share with our readers? Please email .
I am a parent of a student at this preschool in Brooklyn, or rather "was". It's not a bad nanny but it sure is bad childcare. This is the flyer which we are distributing outside of the 'open houses' that the school is having to try to replace the 43 families they have already swindled.
Are you considering sending your child to Brooklyn Children’s Academy Preschool?
Please continue reading about the experience of current and former parents:
Virtually all of the 43 families that were enrolled at BCAP as of November 1st have now withdrawn their child as a result of the events outlined below:
• After a year of constant delays, on November 1, 2007 parents and teachers were given 2 business days’ notice of the move to the 25 Dean St Location. Teachers were expected to pack their classrooms WHILE watching a full room of children.
• On Wednesday, November 7th, BCAP opened its doors at 25 Dean St. Parents were horrified to bring their children in and discover a completely unsafe environment with:
• Toxic fumes from carpets installed the night before
• Unpainted walls
• Exposed outlets
• One working bathroom for all the children and NO bathroom for the staff
(they were told to go to Starbucks)
• No heat
• An open, unattended front door with no security system
• The Administrator, Lucy Kramer and the Executive Director, Andy Lewis, maintained that the school was safe and operable, and that problems were merely cosmetic.
• Further investigation by the parents revealed that the school had NO LICENSE TO OPERATED A CHILDCARE CENTER from NYC, and no Certificate of Occupancy.
• On November 9th, an inspector from the NYC Dept of Health ordered the school to close until all violations were corrected. 25 Dean St remains closed; BCAP left families in the lurch for a month while they looked for a temporary location. During all of this, communication with the parents was sporadic at best. Efforts to force accountability from the Executive Director have failed. Phone calls, emails and certified letters to the Executive Director have gone unanswered. We wrote a letter to the Board members of Better Brooklyn Community Center (the parent organization that runs BCAP), only to find that most of them said they had either resigned from the Board or never been on it in the first place.
• Parents also learned that the BCAP teacher’s paychecks have been bouncing since last summer. A teacher discovered that her health insurance had been cancelled due to non-payment of premium by her employer, BBCC.
• BCAP has a history of very high teacher turnover. During all of 2007, there was little consistency in the classrooms. Some children saw up to six teachers come and go in just 10 months. Teachers left because they didn’t get paid, and because they were treated with disrespect by the school’s administration.
• NONE of the teachers employed at BCAP on September 1, 2007 remain. BCAP fired one head teacher for insubordination after she raised concerns about the safety of the children. BCAP also recently laid off all of their assistant teachers. As of December 7th, all the remaining teachers have now resigned.
• Families were charged full tuition for the month of November and were provided with THREE days of care in a legal, licensed space. We were then invoiced for December with no acknowledgement or offer of refund for the lack of care provided in the previous month. Brooklyn Children’s Academy Preschool should not be trusted with the safety and welfare of your child. They jeopardized the safety of our children without apology or remorse. Please be careful if you are considering this school.
Do you have a warning about a preschool or daycare to share with our readers? Please email .
Walgreens on Westchester Sq. in the Bronx
Received Monday, December 10, 2007
This happened yesterday, Dec. 9th around 9am:
Nanny was short and black and wearing a red and white coat, 2 kids boy and girl, around 5 looked like twins. Kids were wearing matching black Colombia jackets and red boots. Nanny was rude, dragging the kids through the aisles, yelling at them, talking on her cell phone. She looked very annoyed and kept telling the kids that when they got home she'd tell their mother they were horrible kids. It didn't look like they were doing anything wrong and always said "yes, mam". I didn't get it!
This happened yesterday, Dec. 9th around 9am:
Nanny was short and black and wearing a red and white coat, 2 kids boy and girl, around 5 looked like twins. Kids were wearing matching black Colombia jackets and red boots. Nanny was rude, dragging the kids through the aisles, yelling at them, talking on her cell phone. She looked very annoyed and kept telling the kids that when they got home she'd tell their mother they were horrible kids. It didn't look like they were doing anything wrong and always said "yes, mam". I didn't get it!
Holiday Survey
Monday, December 10, 2007

Back on November 24th, we asked-Nannies, What-if anything do you do for your employers for Christmas or Hanukkah? The majority of nannies who responded to our December poll said that they do not purchase gifts for their employers. At least half of those responding stated that they worked with their charges to create something for the parents.
"I give my charges Christmas and birthday gifts, and small things for other occasions such as Valentine's Day, Easter, flowers for a dance recital etc. My employer is always telling me I shouldn't be spending my money on the children, so I think if I gave the parents gifts it would make them uncomfortable. I do help the children make gifts for their parents for Christmas and birthdays, and cards for all their extended family. I hope these mean more to them than anything I could buy them".
I'm making them a little book with pictures of all the fun the kids and I had this year! -Leah
"I always get the parents a high end box of chocolates and I get each of the kids a nice present. My employers treat me well and give me a large bonus at year's end and even though they don't expect me to return lavish gifts I like to let them know I'm pleased to be working for them".
In past years, I've gotten presents for the kids and platters of home-baked cookies for the family. This year, I'm going slightly beyond that. I've ordered little guardian angels for the parents. The angels have stained glass, to represent the birth month of each child, and the angels stand is a penny from the year they were born. I plan on tying the angels to a bottle of wine. But they'll still get their cookies! My families are also great to me. Family 1 has spent more money on me for my birthday and Christmas than my own mother has, and they have given me a nice bonus besides. Family 2 has given me smaller bonuses (I'm at their house less than Family 1), but the presents they have given me are perfect. Opening presents from both families, I can really tell they listen and care about me and what I like. Not that the presents or even the bonuses really matter, because the fact that these families have opened their homes to me, made me feel a part of their family, that is enough.
I'm liking this idea. What DO you get an employer who has everything and deserves nothing?
Last year I gave the parents a gift card to macaroni grill, movie passes, and a free night of babysitting. they are hard to buy for b/c they have so much. And they honestly don't care about getting gifts they enjoy giving them more. Another good idea is to do a scrap book of you and the kids, the moms will really enjoy this.
For Christmas last year, I gave my charge a winter scarf and a Miffy cutlery set(he was about to graduate to feeding himself). For his 2 day old sister, a cute MEXX pink top. For his mum: a LUSH gift and chocolates .For dad: gag gift and a Gordon Ramsey book (he cooks)
I've given calendars with pics of the children for each month, they always love them. This year I'm having some glass ornaments with my charge's pic on it made.My family doesn't expect anything from me but I like to find something affordable and personal for mom and dad and something my charge and I can do together for the little guy. -TX Nanny
Last year I bought the dad an emergency cell phone charger, the mom nice candles and the child 2 gifts she really wanted in addition to a Christmas cookie bouquet. I got a super cheesey bath and body works set with the free bag that came with purchase. No bonus. This year- I saw this tiered box set with teas, chocolates, cocoa and nuts- it looked like a big snowman- was at Walmart- yep costs $10 BUCKS- that's what the parents are getting. The little girl will get one present that she wants. I will probably get some more lotion and body spray I will never use and add it to the collection of such useless crap I have gotten over the years from when I was a pre-k teacher and from other clients. What a bunch of cheap friggen bastards. MEANWHILE, I will have to scrape to buy my kid probably 3 gifts, I have no idea how we will pay $40 for a Christmas tree, my car needs new tires and I owe the electric company $450. Merry f-ing Christmas
Last year I gave the mom and wine re corker and the dad 2 new ties. This year I will probably buy the mom and new shirt/sweater set and the dad a shirt and tie. I also give them a free night of babysitting, then the children and I will make a dinner and cookies, and the children get a few outfits, toys, books, etc. But I really get along with my employers and we are more like friends, we go shopping and hang out even when I am not working. In return I get a holiday bonus, a few presents from them and their parents, as well as gifts for my son and a few nights that they offer to babysit him.
Every gift I gave my boss and her kids seem to magically disappear so i don't give them anything any more ha!
I put together a family activity basket with items for making cookies together and got each little girl a pair of warm mittens, which I know they need.
My first year for my family I made them a scrapbook for their first(and at the time only) child. Since then I have given them something I know they need. Last year it was a workout outfit for the mom and a shirt holder for the dad. I made both sets of grandparents calenders with pictures from the previous year. Not sure what I'm going to do this year, but I'm thinking on it. -Nanny B
I usually make some sort of baked goods for the parents, cookies in a tin or something like that. The kids are easy: I buy them books for pretty much any gift-giving occasion. That way, the gift is something they can enjoy with their parents or with me.
I've been taking pictures of the kids I nanny every now and then. I'm just going to get a small photo album and get some prints made at Walgreens. They can add to it or I can just add more as I take more. That way they can also see what the kids do when they are with me :)
All I know is, buying gifts for your Employer can be about as difficult as buying for your Mother-in-Law, especially if she has money. You don't want to come across as pathetic, but honestly, what DO you buy for somebody who has everything, and needs nothing. The kids are always easier, so that is a moot point, and I am sure most would agree.
Mom and Dad always proved more difficult (but I have trouble with my own parents, friends and husband so it might just be that I find children easier). If they drank wine, I would buy a bottle of wine from a region that I know they hadn't tried before. A coffee table book of a country or place or subject that they are fond of or that they want to travel to has also always been a very well received gift. I've also helped the children make a card or some other project.
I don't think its necessary to do anything, but I'm sure any simple gesture would be appreciated, a card, some cookies, whatever. I'd get something for the kids probably, before the parents. -jmarhar
I love the family I work for but my employers made it clear that they don’t really want me to give them gifts for the holiday season. They have too much “stuff” already. So instead I get the kids gifts (games, books, craft stuff), buy stuff to create an art project with the kids so they can give their parents a gift (last year we made a clock with clay sea creatures as numbers) and I bake a ton of stuff for them. They always have a lot of family over during this time of the year so cookies, fudge, pies, and cakes are always appreciated. I know the kids like everything I bring and the parents seem to appreciate the handmade gifts from the kids as well as having baked goods in the house.
A gift card for a coffee shop. -Tree
I have been with my family for over 13 years and we are super close.So finding the right gifts is not so much a challenge anymore.But,in the past a really well received gift I have given my boss was a professional picture of the children.The kids and I sneaked out of the house in nice clothes and they took a nice photo.We framed it nicely and mommy cried.The picture taken process was actually pretty fun in getting the boys to laugh.As her preteen son did not like to smile b/c of his braces.However,due to my antics she now has a pic of him showing all those beautiful metal spikes.
Back on November 24th, we asked-Nannies, What-if anything do you do for your employers for Christmas or Hanukkah? The majority of nannies who responded to our December poll said that they do not purchase gifts for their employers. At least half of those responding stated that they worked with their charges to create something for the parents.
"I give my charges Christmas and birthday gifts, and small things for other occasions such as Valentine's Day, Easter, flowers for a dance recital etc. My employer is always telling me I shouldn't be spending my money on the children, so I think if I gave the parents gifts it would make them uncomfortable. I do help the children make gifts for their parents for Christmas and birthdays, and cards for all their extended family. I hope these mean more to them than anything I could buy them".
I'm making them a little book with pictures of all the fun the kids and I had this year! -Leah
"I always get the parents a high end box of chocolates and I get each of the kids a nice present. My employers treat me well and give me a large bonus at year's end and even though they don't expect me to return lavish gifts I like to let them know I'm pleased to be working for them".
In past years, I've gotten presents for the kids and platters of home-baked cookies for the family. This year, I'm going slightly beyond that. I've ordered little guardian angels for the parents. The angels have stained glass, to represent the birth month of each child, and the angels stand is a penny from the year they were born. I plan on tying the angels to a bottle of wine. But they'll still get their cookies! My families are also great to me. Family 1 has spent more money on me for my birthday and Christmas than my own mother has, and they have given me a nice bonus besides. Family 2 has given me smaller bonuses (I'm at their house less than Family 1), but the presents they have given me are perfect. Opening presents from both families, I can really tell they listen and care about me and what I like. Not that the presents or even the bonuses really matter, because the fact that these families have opened their homes to me, made me feel a part of their family, that is enough.
I'm liking this idea. What DO you get an employer who has everything and deserves nothing?
Last year I gave the parents a gift card to macaroni grill, movie passes, and a free night of babysitting. they are hard to buy for b/c they have so much. And they honestly don't care about getting gifts they enjoy giving them more. Another good idea is to do a scrap book of you and the kids, the moms will really enjoy this.
For Christmas last year, I gave my charge a winter scarf and a Miffy cutlery set(he was about to graduate to feeding himself). For his 2 day old sister, a cute MEXX pink top. For his mum: a LUSH gift and chocolates .For dad: gag gift and a Gordon Ramsey book (he cooks)
I've given calendars with pics of the children for each month, they always love them. This year I'm having some glass ornaments with my charge's pic on it made.My family doesn't expect anything from me but I like to find something affordable and personal for mom and dad and something my charge and I can do together for the little guy. -TX Nanny
Last year I bought the dad an emergency cell phone charger, the mom nice candles and the child 2 gifts she really wanted in addition to a Christmas cookie bouquet. I got a super cheesey bath and body works set with the free bag that came with purchase. No bonus. This year- I saw this tiered box set with teas, chocolates, cocoa and nuts- it looked like a big snowman- was at Walmart- yep costs $10 BUCKS- that's what the parents are getting. The little girl will get one present that she wants. I will probably get some more lotion and body spray I will never use and add it to the collection of such useless crap I have gotten over the years from when I was a pre-k teacher and from other clients. What a bunch of cheap friggen bastards. MEANWHILE, I will have to scrape to buy my kid probably 3 gifts, I have no idea how we will pay $40 for a Christmas tree, my car needs new tires and I owe the electric company $450. Merry f-ing Christmas
Last year I gave the mom and wine re corker and the dad 2 new ties. This year I will probably buy the mom and new shirt/sweater set and the dad a shirt and tie. I also give them a free night of babysitting, then the children and I will make a dinner and cookies, and the children get a few outfits, toys, books, etc. But I really get along with my employers and we are more like friends, we go shopping and hang out even when I am not working. In return I get a holiday bonus, a few presents from them and their parents, as well as gifts for my son and a few nights that they offer to babysit him.
Every gift I gave my boss and her kids seem to magically disappear so i don't give them anything any more ha!
I put together a family activity basket with items for making cookies together and got each little girl a pair of warm mittens, which I know they need.
My first year for my family I made them a scrapbook for their first(and at the time only) child. Since then I have given them something I know they need. Last year it was a workout outfit for the mom and a shirt holder for the dad. I made both sets of grandparents calenders with pictures from the previous year. Not sure what I'm going to do this year, but I'm thinking on it. -Nanny B
I usually make some sort of baked goods for the parents, cookies in a tin or something like that. The kids are easy: I buy them books for pretty much any gift-giving occasion. That way, the gift is something they can enjoy with their parents or with me.
I've been taking pictures of the kids I nanny every now and then. I'm just going to get a small photo album and get some prints made at Walgreens. They can add to it or I can just add more as I take more. That way they can also see what the kids do when they are with me :)
All I know is, buying gifts for your Employer can be about as difficult as buying for your Mother-in-Law, especially if she has money. You don't want to come across as pathetic, but honestly, what DO you buy for somebody who has everything, and needs nothing. The kids are always easier, so that is a moot point, and I am sure most would agree.
Mom and Dad always proved more difficult (but I have trouble with my own parents, friends and husband so it might just be that I find children easier). If they drank wine, I would buy a bottle of wine from a region that I know they hadn't tried before. A coffee table book of a country or place or subject that they are fond of or that they want to travel to has also always been a very well received gift. I've also helped the children make a card or some other project.
I don't think its necessary to do anything, but I'm sure any simple gesture would be appreciated, a card, some cookies, whatever. I'd get something for the kids probably, before the parents. -jmarhar
I love the family I work for but my employers made it clear that they don’t really want me to give them gifts for the holiday season. They have too much “stuff” already. So instead I get the kids gifts (games, books, craft stuff), buy stuff to create an art project with the kids so they can give their parents a gift (last year we made a clock with clay sea creatures as numbers) and I bake a ton of stuff for them. They always have a lot of family over during this time of the year so cookies, fudge, pies, and cakes are always appreciated. I know the kids like everything I bring and the parents seem to appreciate the handmade gifts from the kids as well as having baked goods in the house.
A gift card for a coffee shop. -Tree
I have been with my family for over 13 years and we are super close.So finding the right gifts is not so much a challenge anymore.But,in the past a really well received gift I have given my boss was a professional picture of the children.The kids and I sneaked out of the house in nice clothes and they took a nice photo.We framed it nicely and mommy cried.The picture taken process was actually pretty fun in getting the boys to laugh.As her preteen son did not like to smile b/c of his braces.However,due to my antics she now has a pic of him showing all those beautiful metal spikes.
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Received Monday, December 10, 2007
Nanny was white, shoulder length brown hair, tall. She was wearing a red coat that buttoned up the front and was long, coming to her knees (peacoat-ish) jeans, Your children 2 girls and 1 boy, both girls had on distinctive leopard fur long coats, matching. I don't think I need more details because the coats were standouts and you should know instantly if these are your children.
Where, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, yesterday December 9th. Earlier Sunday morning, around lunch.
What I saw...
Your nanny and a gentleman, whom I seriously believe to be the children's bodyguard were walking your children past all the stores fronts looking in all the windows. The nanny was talking all about Christmas, her voice was so excited that one would have thought Christmas was tomorrow! The kids were all over her talking her ear off in every direction. The littlest girl, maybe 4ish was singing at the top of her lungs a song, defiantly a Christmas Song but not one I have ever heard before, or at least could make out. They seemed absolutely in love with her. She held both the little girls hands as the crossed streets, and the man held the boy's hand. Now I know you think I saw a set of parents but, I can tell you that she was for sure the nanny because I also was headed to the same diner as them and I overheard the owner tell her what wonderful children she has and she quickly threw that credit on mom stating she was their nanny. The man might have been the nannies significant other, but I REALLY DOUBT It. He seemed very protective of the nanny and the kids and spent time looking around...I really doubt how I can get his mannerisms across, but he was there for the kids I assure you and he seemed I don't know "on duty"?? He stood slightly taller than the nanny (who was tall as well) broad as a barn, looked like he could defiantly handle anything in his path. Wearing a leather coat, with a red stripe on the sleeve, jeans and a black T shirt with a white long sleeve thermal underneath. Glasses and dark hair...
My whole point is, your have an amazing duo working with your children, be it nanny/significant other Or nanny/bodyguard Or nanny/ and maybe a manny?
Your children seemed in love with both of them and were all smiles!
Nanny was white, shoulder length brown hair, tall. She was wearing a red coat that buttoned up the front and was long, coming to her knees (peacoat-ish) jeans, Your children 2 girls and 1 boy, both girls had on distinctive leopard fur long coats, matching. I don't think I need more details because the coats were standouts and you should know instantly if these are your children.
Where, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, yesterday December 9th. Earlier Sunday morning, around lunch.
What I saw...
Your nanny and a gentleman, whom I seriously believe to be the children's bodyguard were walking your children past all the stores fronts looking in all the windows. The nanny was talking all about Christmas, her voice was so excited that one would have thought Christmas was tomorrow! The kids were all over her talking her ear off in every direction. The littlest girl, maybe 4ish was singing at the top of her lungs a song, defiantly a Christmas Song but not one I have ever heard before, or at least could make out. They seemed absolutely in love with her. She held both the little girls hands as the crossed streets, and the man held the boy's hand. Now I know you think I saw a set of parents but, I can tell you that she was for sure the nanny because I also was headed to the same diner as them and I overheard the owner tell her what wonderful children she has and she quickly threw that credit on mom stating she was their nanny. The man might have been the nannies significant other, but I REALLY DOUBT It. He seemed very protective of the nanny and the kids and spent time looking around...I really doubt how I can get his mannerisms across, but he was there for the kids I assure you and he seemed I don't know "on duty"?? He stood slightly taller than the nanny (who was tall as well) broad as a barn, looked like he could defiantly handle anything in his path. Wearing a leather coat, with a red stripe on the sleeve, jeans and a black T shirt with a white long sleeve thermal underneath. Glasses and dark hair...
My whole point is, your have an amazing duo working with your children, be it nanny/significant other Or nanny/bodyguard Or nanny/ and maybe a manny?
Your children seemed in love with both of them and were all smiles!
Holiday Bonuses- 2008 Survey
We have received many requests to repeat last year's Nanny bonus survey. If you are a nanny and would like to share with us what you received for a bonus this year, please email us or send us a text message using the meebo toolbox. If you are an employer and would like us to know what you are giving your nanny as a bonus this year, we want to hear from you. Whenever possible, please include:
Bonus this year:
Your Weekly Salary:
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus:
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family:
City, State and Country:
We will print the results on or around December 30, 2008.
To read results from 2006 results, click here.
To read results from 2007, (click here to read part 2)
Bonus this year:
Your Weekly Salary:
Any Supplementary Gifts aside from The Bonus:
Length of Time you Have worked for the Family:
City, State and Country:
We will print the results on or around December 30, 2008.
To read results from 2006 results, click here.
To read results from 2007, (click here to read part 2)
Outside Dunkin Donuts on 46th & Fifth (NYC)
Received Friday, December 7, 2007
I saw your short, fat, white nanny with short, blond-white hair screeching at your still in the stroller child this morning at approximately 10:30 AM. This occurred on the corner of 46th and Fifth and the nanny had a Dunkin donuts sack in one hand and a cigarette in the other, so why was she damn unhappy? And how much yelling do you need to do at one child under 1.6? The child was white and I believe a boy, but bundled up pretty well so I can't give you more of a description. What could the child strapped into a grey & black Mcclaren have possibly done? Do tell.
I saw your short, fat, white nanny with short, blond-white hair screeching at your still in the stroller child this morning at approximately 10:30 AM. This occurred on the corner of 46th and Fifth and the nanny had a Dunkin donuts sack in one hand and a cigarette in the other, so why was she damn unhappy? And how much yelling do you need to do at one child under 1.6? The child was white and I believe a boy, but bundled up pretty well so I can't give you more of a description. What could the child strapped into a grey & black Mcclaren have possibly done? Do tell.
Turning Down a Nanny Position
Received Friday, December 7, 2007-Perspective & Opinion
I recently went on a working interview for a family in Denver. I live in Arkansas and the family flew me out for the weekend. I spent Saturday evening, and all day Sunday with the family and then I flew home on Monday morning. During the time I was there I stayed in their home, I spent time getting to know them and their kids, and I did some childcare while they were in other parts of the house. They were perfectly nice, their home was beautiful and their kids were sweet; but it just didn't feel like a good fit. I just didn't feel right about it. There were no big red flags or huge problems. A few minor issues, but nothing major. The pay was competitive and the benefits were good.
When I left they informed me that they still had a few interviews, but that they'd be in touch. I figured that meant I didn't get the job, but since I didn't feel right about it anyways, I wasn't too upset.
Two days later the mother called and offered me the position, sounding very excited. I still didn't feel right about the position, so I turned her down. I explained that while I appreciated the offer, I just couldn't take the job, it didn't feel like a good fit. She didn't want to take no as an answer. She tried to make me feel guilty, saying that they were very disappointed, the kids really liked me and were still talking about me, etc. I still said no. Then she tried to entice me with a trial basis offer, saying just come for a month or two and try it out. That wouldn't work, I'd have to find a place to store my stuff, I'd have no place to live when I got back, what about rent? etc. I said no again. She seemed very disappointed, and I felt bad, but I can't accept a job just because I feel bad.
The reason I'm telling this story is because I'm new to nannying. That was my very first interview, my first offer. I know I made the right decision in turning the job down, like I've said a few times, it just wasn't right. But I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. Should I feel bad? I'd love to hear what you all think.
I recently went on a working interview for a family in Denver. I live in Arkansas and the family flew me out for the weekend. I spent Saturday evening, and all day Sunday with the family and then I flew home on Monday morning. During the time I was there I stayed in their home, I spent time getting to know them and their kids, and I did some childcare while they were in other parts of the house. They were perfectly nice, their home was beautiful and their kids were sweet; but it just didn't feel like a good fit. I just didn't feel right about it. There were no big red flags or huge problems. A few minor issues, but nothing major. The pay was competitive and the benefits were good.
When I left they informed me that they still had a few interviews, but that they'd be in touch. I figured that meant I didn't get the job, but since I didn't feel right about it anyways, I wasn't too upset.
Two days later the mother called and offered me the position, sounding very excited. I still didn't feel right about the position, so I turned her down. I explained that while I appreciated the offer, I just couldn't take the job, it didn't feel like a good fit. She didn't want to take no as an answer. She tried to make me feel guilty, saying that they were very disappointed, the kids really liked me and were still talking about me, etc. I still said no. Then she tried to entice me with a trial basis offer, saying just come for a month or two and try it out. That wouldn't work, I'd have to find a place to store my stuff, I'd have no place to live when I got back, what about rent? etc. I said no again. She seemed very disappointed, and I felt bad, but I can't accept a job just because I feel bad.
The reason I'm telling this story is because I'm new to nannying. That was my very first interview, my first offer. I know I made the right decision in turning the job down, like I've said a few times, it just wasn't right. But I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. Should I feel bad? I'd love to hear what you all think.
#36 Bus in Chicago, Il
Received Thursday, December 6, 2007
I have a good nanny sighting!
Where:#36 Bus Chicago
When: Wednesday at about 3:30
Description of Nanny: blue sweat pants, snow boots, mid thigh length brown puffy coat with hood on and fur trim on the hood, glasses, carrying a larger black Longchamp bag with brown handles Description of child: little girl about 3, light sandy brown hair wearing comfy pants that were brown, light pink snow boots, olive coat with some pink on it, dark pink snow hat, dark and light pink mittens, had on a headband that may have been some sort of paisley pattern and was olive and gold carrying a red back pack with St. Chrysostom's Day School logo on it Description of Sighting: Today was miserable outside and the nanny (who I think was named Sylvia) and the little girl missed the bus but the driver stopped for them. They climbed on together and the girl thanked the driver for stopping. The two then sat down at the front of the bus and began talking. The girl said "Sylvia now can I know my surprise?" with a big smile on her face.
Where:#36 Bus Chicago
When: Wednesday at about 3:30
Description of Nanny: blue sweat pants, snow boots, mid thigh length brown puffy coat with hood on and fur trim on the hood, glasses, carrying a larger black Longchamp bag with brown handles Description of child: little girl about 3, light sandy brown hair wearing comfy pants that were brown, light pink snow boots, olive coat with some pink on it, dark pink snow hat, dark and light pink mittens, had on a headband that may have been some sort of paisley pattern and was olive and gold carrying a red back pack with St. Chrysostom's Day School logo on it Description of Sighting: Today was miserable outside and the nanny (who I think was named Sylvia) and the little girl missed the bus but the driver stopped for them. They climbed on together and the girl thanked the driver for stopping. The two then sat down at the front of the bus and began talking. The girl said "Sylvia now can I know my surprise?" with a big smile on her face.
Billy Johnson Playground in Central Park, NY
Received Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Warning-Warning-Warning-if you employ a nanny who was wearing a grey and black jacket today that came to mid thigh, and is African American or Jamaican, strongly built and has her hair in a pony tail formed from braids- beware. She was caring for one boy of about 2 years old who was in the sandy area. He was unzipping his green & white nylon jacket, playing with the zipper- up and down, up and down and the nanny approached him, screamed at him and yanked his zipper up with such force that the kid fell backwards. There was a short, stone wall behind him that he conked his head on. I was not in a position to view how hard, but he did start crying at which point the nanny called him a baby numerous times while imploring him to "stop, just knock it off". The day was cold and there were not many children on the playground, but this nanny had to return to her all pressing conversation with another nanny who left her charge (a girl of about four with the biggest blue eyes I ever saw, uncombed hair and a nose dripping green snot) to her own devices. My last comment as a stay at home mom is this, sometimes I take my children out for 20 minutes or so to get some air, even on a cold day. That is a judgment call I make as a mother, but if you are a mother and ordering your nanny to take your child out and keep him out for x number of minutes or hours, then shame, shame on you.
Warning-Warning-Warning-if you employ a nanny who was wearing a grey and black jacket today that came to mid thigh, and is African American or Jamaican, strongly built and has her hair in a pony tail formed from braids- beware. She was caring for one boy of about 2 years old who was in the sandy area. He was unzipping his green & white nylon jacket, playing with the zipper- up and down, up and down and the nanny approached him, screamed at him and yanked his zipper up with such force that the kid fell backwards. There was a short, stone wall behind him that he conked his head on. I was not in a position to view how hard, but he did start crying at which point the nanny called him a baby numerous times while imploring him to "stop, just knock it off". The day was cold and there were not many children on the playground, but this nanny had to return to her all pressing conversation with another nanny who left her charge (a girl of about four with the biggest blue eyes I ever saw, uncombed hair and a nose dripping green snot) to her own devices. My last comment as a stay at home mom is this, sometimes I take my children out for 20 minutes or so to get some air, even on a cold day. That is a judgment call I make as a mother, but if you are a mother and ordering your nanny to take your child out and keep him out for x number of minutes or hours, then shame, shame on you.
CVS on 58th at Columbus in NYC
Received Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Your nanny is an angry, busty, devil and she treats your little boy like garbage. How can you not know? When she arrives in the morning, he has to cower in fear from her. I'll never understand why unfortunate looking people don't strive harder to be cheerful and kind. At any rate, if your nanny who is by the sounds of her accent from the Caribbean, with a broad nose, hair dyed to appear the color of a tangerine and wears an inordinate amount of toxic, inexpensive cologne was shopping today, (12/3-Monday) at CVS on 58th at Columbus, you should know she spoke unkindly to your child, yanked him by his wrist and at one point dragged him to his feet by the hood of his jacket. Why? The child said he was cold. He was "freezing". She told the child to "oh please you don't know what it means to hurt for a day". If that doesn't make sense to you, it didn't make sense to me, either. The nanny was wearing a thick grey jacket with a white and grey scarf, but her jacket was open to reveal a skin tight-spandex appearing body suit or ultra tight shirt. The nanny was shopping in the Christmas section of the store, I don't know if you sent her there or if she is running her own errands, but either way, she had no tolerance for your little boy. The boy was about 3-4 and Hispanic, very well dressed and has a slight speech impediment or problem.
Your nanny is an angry, busty, devil and she treats your little boy like garbage. How can you not know? When she arrives in the morning, he has to cower in fear from her. I'll never understand why unfortunate looking people don't strive harder to be cheerful and kind. At any rate, if your nanny who is by the sounds of her accent from the Caribbean, with a broad nose, hair dyed to appear the color of a tangerine and wears an inordinate amount of toxic, inexpensive cologne was shopping today, (12/3-Monday) at CVS on 58th at Columbus, you should know she spoke unkindly to your child, yanked him by his wrist and at one point dragged him to his feet by the hood of his jacket. Why? The child said he was cold. He was "freezing". She told the child to "oh please you don't know what it means to hurt for a day". If that doesn't make sense to you, it didn't make sense to me, either. The nanny was wearing a thick grey jacket with a white and grey scarf, but her jacket was open to reveal a skin tight-spandex appearing body suit or ultra tight shirt. The nanny was shopping in the Christmas section of the store, I don't know if you sent her there or if she is running her own errands, but either way, she had no tolerance for your little boy. The boy was about 3-4 and Hispanic, very well dressed and has a slight speech impediment or problem.
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