Physical description of involved child/children: 3 children. One in a stroller that I could not see. A little girl around 3 to 5 with blond hair wearing a sparkly shirt with long sleeves and jeans. A little boy around 6 to 8 wearing shorts and a OSU t-shirt.
Address or venue of observed incident: Dublin, Ohio. Near a pond on the Muirfield Village bike/walking path.
Date and time of incident: Wednesday, (7/25) at around 1PM
Detailed description of what you witnessed: We were walking by (my husband and I) and we saw the nanny sitting on the ground in front of the stroller. We were so happy to see her interacting with all the children and being so happy even though she was obviously hot (she was sweating and a bit red, it was very humid outside). The nanny was telling a story about a turtle to the little boy and at the same time was playing with the infant and making goofy faces into the stroller. The little girl was a little ways off picking flowers (weeds) but the nanny kept a constant eye on her. When the little girl stepped closer to the bank (I would say about 10 ft from the bank) the nanny told her to come back and got up to make sure she did not go further. The little girl came back and sat next to the little boy to listen to the nanny tell the story. The nanny was very animated (she was acting out parts of the story and using a different voice for each character) and had the children looking into the water trying to see the turtle she was talking about. I heard the infant laughing loudly several times as the nanny peered into the stroller and said or did something humorous.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: Large stroller which looked well used, I think it was green. No bag.
This is great. Are we sure this was not mom?
Something must have tipped off OP tot he fact that this was the nanny, not the mom.
I know it's hard to believe, but there ARE great nannies out there like this. I have one. :0)
I've actually been STOPPED multi times while out and about in the neighborhood by moms who recognize my kids. They always tell me how terrific my nanny is.
How do you know if it's a mom or a nanny?
I am the original poster of this sighting. I do not believe this was a mom of the children because they, the children, referred to the nanny by her name, which I do not wish to post out of respect for the children (it started with an L though), and did not call her mom.
well ble, I guess that tears it...
Great sighting!
thank good for a great post..
nannie job well done..
7:02...I was not insinuating that there no good nannies out there. I just didn't see anything originally (although her update makes it clear)to indicate that she was definitely a caregiver and not a mom. If you look more closely, I was not the only one who asked.
Why so defensive? There are plenty of good moms out there too that care for their children themselves and do a GREAT job.
It is nice to see a great nanny sighting on here in stead of just bad ones, though.
OMG... stop all the cat fighting people!
get off the net and play with your kids.
It's always an anonymous commenter who wants to turn into a cat fight on nearly every post. Some people thrive on that kind of thing.
Great sighting. I wish there were bad parent behavior postings. Like 7:02 I have a great nanny working for me too and she is constantly approached by other moms asking her if she would come work for her. This attempted nanny poaching is disgusting.
I am sure ISYN would post a bad parent sighting. I have read stories on here about a bad mom trying to poach on the UES and a bad crossing guard. And I think the abusive person in the dressing room in Target in Arizona was a bad mom. Out them. No one has the right to mistreat a kid. I am sick of parents who think it is there innate right to wreck their children.
Wonderful! What a great nanny, thank you for the posting it brightened my day!
ble is always trying to start a fight on here, you're right 4:26. She has to question every sighting and then dissect it like a biology student slicing into a juicy frog. Definitely the most contrary person on this site and somewhat of a bully.
2:20...are you clinically insane? I have never bullied anyone and at least I publish my opinions without being anonymous.
BTW...I have not been on this site for a few days until the last 24 hours or so and I typically comment on less than 1/2 the postings.
If you are the same ANONYMOUS that bashes me everytime I post, then you are nothing but a stalker.
On this posting I asked a simple question to clarify a fact and I got bullied and jumped on by another ANONYMOUS commenter...probably you.
Didn't you tell me once you were 14?
8:54...I think bad parent sightings woul be a great idea. Someone should start that blog.
I agree with 10:15, put the postings on here. Some days there aren't any and it's always kind of a bummer.
Normally you support your favorite blogs! You don't send people elsewhere. I say if you see something that causes you concern, send it in! (here)
To tell you the truth, I'm quite sick of every time there is a sighting, and it is not specified on whether or not it's a Nanny or a Parent ... we always have some slug ask, "Are you sure it wasn't the Mom?" Ugh. Allow the OP to use common sense, and STOP asking the SAME dumb question!
I don't think it is fair to the sighted nanny (or mom) or the children to post something without knowing for sure whether the person involved was caretaker or parent and we cannot assume the OP knew that for sure unless she/he makes it clear in some way. It was not clear in this post. No big deal. It's a simple question that we shold be able to be clear on.
no one is answering to you. this blog is not about running things through your approval. if it should happen to be the mom instead of the nanny and the mom finds out- well she should hang her head low. this is to alert the parents of their nanny's behavior. and sometimes, just sometimes- some mother's need to be checked on the way they treat their children too.
There is a blog for bad parents, same url as this but its mommy vs. nanny. Only thing is I've never seen a post on it, ever.
I know I posted this before but it never got published... not sure why.
6:17...blah, blah, blah, etc., etc.
BTW...this was a post about a GOOD sighting, not a bad one. And, once again, I am being attacked for asking a question that OTHERS asked also. Check back, stalker.
Hello ble,
I am sure that I am not the only one on here who enjoys your comments. I do not think you have a stalker as many people do post anonymously on here and the posts, at least under this siting that seem to criticize you, don't seem to all be from the same person. I've been attacked many times, called a loser and other names and someone even wanted to sweep me under the rug. Well, there's no rug big enough for that!
LOL@ ble. There is not a strong enough word in the dictionary to describe you. But it figures that once again you are being offensive.
Sorry bitter moms, there are good nannies out there. I know you don't like to see these kinds of posts, but I'm sure you'll get over it with a trip to the nearest mall while your nanny watches your kids.
Sprak....unfortunately I guess there is a rug big enough for me. I don't have the time or energy for the games people play on here. I think my energies may be better focused somewhere else and I certainly have better things to do.
I appreciate your comment and glad you enjoy my comments. While I am sure more than one person does comment anonymous to some of my comments, I have good reason to believe there is one person in particular that regularly targets me.
I guess they win. I love this site and have enjoyed being here, but it's not fun anymore, and as I have told Jane Doe, I no longer want to purposely put myself in a position where I am made to feel a way I don't like to feel and/or behave a way I don't like to behave.
I am sure some of you will have a hey day with this have at it.
It takes a bit of bravery to post here, either as the OP or a commenter, because, in both cases, there are those who for whatever reason will ponce on a post and use it to attack the person who wrote it. You simply can't take it personally.
Awesome nanny, great job OP for taking time out of your day to report this. :)
Wow, some "nanny" (or is it just some voyeuristic gossiper?) sure has a chip on her shoulder about moms. As a FT SAHM,I see many VERY GOOD nannies in my neighborhood, and some not as good. I see some terrible parents everywhere I go too, and many good ones. I see nothing wrong in asking for clarification on how the OP knew for sure it was a nanny and not a parent in each case. Here, the nannies are very often a different ethnic background from the kids but other places where this is a less diverse population, I'm sure that's not the case.
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