This occurred at Adventure Playground, in Central Park, W. 68Th St at 11:30am on Wednesday, 7/25. I met a little girl named Katherine, who told me she is 2 1/2 years old. Her nanny, an Asian woman (see picture below), was sitting on a park bench on the far north corner of the park, reading some sort of tabloid magazine, with headphones in her ears. She rarely looked up from the magazine to check on Katherine. My friend and I were watching both Katherine and the nanny for about an hour. At times, Katherine was playing by herself in the water, where the water collects on the opposite side from the sprinklers. Personally, I would never let my 2 1/2 year old wander that far away from me without intense surveillance, and I certainly would want to know if my nanny was reading an US magazine with headphones on instead of watching my child.
Adventure Playground in Central Park, NYC
Received Thursday, July 26, 2007
This occurred at Adventure Playground, in Central Park, W. 68Th St at 11:30am on Wednesday, 7/25. I met a little girl named Katherine, who told me she is 2 1/2 years old. Her nanny, an Asian woman (see picture below), was sitting on a park bench on the far north corner of the park, reading some sort of tabloid magazine, with headphones in her ears. She rarely looked up from the magazine to check on Katherine. My friend and I were watching both Katherine and the nanny for about an hour. At times, Katherine was playing by herself in the water, where the water collects on the opposite side from the sprinklers. Personally, I would never let my 2 1/2 year old wander that far away from me without intense surveillance, and I certainly would want to know if my nanny was reading an US magazine with headphones on instead of watching my child.
This occurred at Adventure Playground, in Central Park, W. 68Th St at 11:30am on Wednesday, 7/25. I met a little girl named Katherine, who told me she is 2 1/2 years old. Her nanny, an Asian woman (see picture below), was sitting on a park bench on the far north corner of the park, reading some sort of tabloid magazine, with headphones in her ears. She rarely looked up from the magazine to check on Katherine. My friend and I were watching both Katherine and the nanny for about an hour. At times, Katherine was playing by herself in the water, where the water collects on the opposite side from the sprinklers. Personally, I would never let my 2 1/2 year old wander that far away from me without intense surveillance, and I certainly would want to know if my nanny was reading an US magazine with headphones on instead of watching my child.
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For those of us not familiar with this area, this picture shows nothing at all of the distance from the nanny and the child. I also don't have a clear picture in my mind of "the water." and what you mean by "where it collects." Of course if you were watching the nanny for an hour and a half you made sure you caught her at a moment when she was not looking at the child. I personally think headphones are never a good idea, but the fact remains that all this picture shows us is the nanny glancing at her magazine. I see a sippy cup next to her: is the sippy cup for the nanny, or are we to assume that the child has had a snack or has been over to the bench drinking?
I don't think this picture tells us much except that you need to get out more.
Great job, OP! You managed to snap a photo that would leave no doubt about the nanny's identity should the parents read this blog.
Of course, some parents (cough, cough) don't mind their nanny rocking to tunes & taking a power nap in public, etc. when they should be watching & listening to their charges. Let's hope all of your good work doesn't fall on deaf ears.
Not to sound like a snob or to take away from the seriousness of the sighting, but do you suppose that's Koolaid in the sippy cup? I'm trying to figure out what a bright red liquid would be. It doesn't appear to be cranberry juice.
I hope this nanny cleaned up her mess before exiting the park, or was she the type to just leave it all behind?
I disagree with the first response.
The nanny's entire position, posture, position on the bench doesn't suggest at all that she was glancing down at her magazine. Looks to me like she was hunkered down doing some serious reading and tunes listening. I think it is pathetic that you need to argue the merits of every sighting. Are you the parent? The nanny? No, of course not. Do you live in NYC? Have you walked through this and other parks? I could take a photo a day. If anyone should get out more, it is clearly you. Perhaps you need to recognize that the care being provided these children is not at all the sort of care the parents think their children are getting. And that, not your little tissy of nastiness is what is important.
Great Job, OP!
why do people always try to make excuses for the nanny.She ie neglecting the child.End of story!!!!!!!!
Excellent idea. The next time I feel the need to conk out, read the Times or enjoy a pint of lager on the bench, I will prop a child's sippy cup next to me on the bench. This will create the illusion of a connection between myself and the child over yonder. Oh hells, forget that. I'll bring a whole sack full of props.
This nanny may have her great points, but taking dc to the park gets her 2 thumbs down.
A sack of props! ROFL!
6:48. So you are expecting her to take pictures of the entire park? A nice wide angle of her and the child, a shot of the water, of the nanny, how about over the nanny's shoulder and into the magazine?
It doesn't matter if you can't picture it because this obviously isn't your nanny or child. This is a great post and a great job in snapping that picture. More likely a parent will come across this an re-evaluate their childcare! If you think this is a bad post you obviously aren't interetsed in this website at all, this is what isawyournanny is all about!
Obviously the picture was taken with a cell phone, do you know how close you need to be to get a picture with a cell phone? It's amazing the nanny doesn't even seem disturbed by someone taking a picture.
To the first responder:
You wrote: "For those of us not familiar with this area, this picture shows nothing at all ..."
Let me be clear. If you're not familiar with the area, then it's probably not your kid. This posting is for little Katherine's parents. NOT YOU. Let Katherine's parents be the judges.
Another negligent lazy slug of a nanny. A pleasant day, all in all.... for her.
7:50 100% correct
6:48 100% wrong
it takes 10 second to grab a child and no magazine eye on child at all times and be near her
is what you get paid for $$$$$
my brother died in 2 min ( fell in water headfirst)2 years old.. while my mom washed my face..turned her back to him..will never forget..( my mom was never the same after that)..
job well done op
Great posting, OP and great Pic...I hope little Katherine's parents see this ASAP.
The first comment was just retarded. Posting a picture on here is to get a picture of the nanny in question for parents, or other people who might recognize the child's nanny. The picture is not intended to show 84574 things like park distance, or how long she is reading the magazine. I agree with above poster who said it was amazing she didn't even notice someone taking a picture. If she didn't see that, she might not be able to see someone abducting her charge, or other disasters.
In my opinion the magazine is suspect, I wouldn't do it, but I can see how you could justify it, but the headphones are simply not acceptable! You have to be able to HEAR the child you're caring for, no way around it.
I guess it would be gauche of me to critique the nanny's outfit?
Love, LOVE, Love sightings with pictures! Kudos!
She looks totally tuned in to her magazine and music. I find it shocking that she is in charge of the care of a 2 yr. old!
I'm just waiting for the parents to write in and ask that the post be removed.
That would be a good thing. That would mean the parents saw their negligent naughty ninny !
Yes, but you know how some folks are. They'll say "oh those aren't headphones -- that's a monitor that is also attached to the kid. And this particular nanny was born with eyes on her knees."
Now is that Koolaid or what?
That's a noontime (direct overhead) shadow in a red tinged cup. It could be apple juice or even water.
Excellent post. The nanny's negligence is clearly described, and the picture should make it easy for the parents to recognize her. Let's hope the parents see it.
A nanny
504 - That cup is way too red to be apple juice or water, even taking into consideration the colour of the cup and the sunlight at noon! It's definitely red juice of some kind.
It's kettel and clamato. Part of the nanny's ruse.
Why do we care what kind ofjuice was in the cup?
it is V8, the new kind, with fruit
Right on, ble! I don't care whether it's koolaid or cranberry juice...that's not the issue.
This lousy nanny needs to do one of two things: admit she hates being a nanny and find another line of work OR apologize to her employers, dedicate herself to doing her job properly and thank the Lord her little charge wasn't injured or kidnapped while she sat on her lazy butt!
Do parents have to add to the list of instructions they give thier nannies no headphones and no reading while in public places? I already have a long list of things I talked to my new nanny about--no cell phones while driving, no music and TV other than kids music and TV, no more than 30 minutes of TV a day, please restrict personal phone calls to times when the children are napping or involved in quiet independent play, never leave them unattended, etc. Maybe nanny care is not for me--do you have to turn into a crazed control freak who outlines things that should be just common sense to make sure your nanny is providing decent care? I never had these issues when my kids were in daycare.
great post ....this nannie sucks
9:23 You never had those issues while your kids were in daycare because a daycare will not let you be a control freak and you really have no idea whats going on there after you drop your kids off. Duh!
9:23 AM
You don't have to turn into a crazed control freak if you hire a professional nanny, which the "nannies" described in these posts clearly are not.
I don't care if my nanny listens to some adult music. Whats wrong with adult music unless its Heavy Metal. Come on, I listen to Madonna, Prince, Beyonce, Shakira, etc. My son loves it he we dance around the house together. Some people are just too uptight. You must be an older mother.
Wow, your taste in music isn't very refined, now is it? It has nothing to do with anyone being an older mother. It has more to do with "class" and "common sense" and it sounds like you are lacking in both departments.
There are a lot of low class people who frequent this blog, 215, but they have a right to their opinions, too, daft tho they may be.
12:47 - My condolences.
11:52 - Choice of music is NOT the issue ... it's the Headphones, pay attention!
Good job, OP. This is the kind of posting we need more of. This ninny (Nanny), was clearly neglectful! If the child were to scream for help, this Nanny would not be able to hear her.
Great post and great photo, the comment the first person made about the photo not showing enough, was bull crap, that photo is plenty for the parents to identify the nanny, that is the ONLY purpose of the photo is so the nanny's employer can ID her, not so the rest of you can once again bash the OP of the siting, like most of you enjoy doing.
Any nanny that does what this one is doing in the photo should be fired ASAP.
I have never had a nanny in my life and I have 1 child who is now 10, when my child was a toddler like the child in this post is, my eyes were glued to my child the entire time we were anywhere outside of the home in public, Being a parent or a good nanny does not give you the time to sit and read or listen to music with headphones on while a 2yr old toddler is in a park. It takes all of seconds to snatch a child.
Whenever I went to the park or such places when my child was a baby/toddler etc. I was actively involved in them the entire time we were out, that is called bonding with your child and paying attention to what is happening to them.
The nanny has plenty of time to read and listen to music when she is OFF DUTY.
Her primary duty and what she is getting paid for is to watch the child not sit at the park and read and have headphones on.
Please, do you think I am going to listen to baby music all day.
10:42, the comments were made in response to another post stating a mom only lets her nanny play kids music.
You should pay attention!
While we are on the subject....Parents, please don't limit your children to kiddy music and pop. Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach! My charges love to dance around to the Brandenburgs.
A Nanny
I agree with 2:41 PM.
The OP took a very good picture of the nanny and stroller.
That is what is important - if the parents scroll through this blog, they will see the picture.
I think it is disgusting that people want all of the details and photo evidence when it is clearly not their nanny.
I did not think that this was the point of the blog, but based on the responses I have seen to some of the postings that identify the nanny and the poster provides his/her contact information that is what is important.
Then the parents can contact the poster to find out more information.
A I wrong or do some people get a perverted thrill from reading about other children's nannies.
lol look at all the "moms" having a party over this one. they are like yayyyyyyyyy a picture! gives us hope in life! maybe we are better than nannies!! LOL
red juice, green juice...what kind of music?? WHO CARES
this nannie sucks should be fired
so she can listen to any music all day long and drink any juice she wants
Right on 12:40!.....I love the picture,OP,great job!.......who would hire such a cad????!!!!! I couldn't even take this person seriously!!!! What on earth has happened to cause a parent to sink so low? I HOPE they fire her and hire someone with a LITTLE class.
This is a cool picture.
OP deserves the cell phone pullitzer in photography.
What a terrible nanny!
The nanny is not getting paid to read a magazine, she is getting paid to watch her charge... Do your job!
It takes someone who really enjoys being with children to be a nanny and it is quite obvious when someone doesn't. Come on parents... open your eyes when your interveiwing potential nannies!
Yes, terrible nanny, unacceptable job performance. I know this isn't the badmama board but I had a bad dad sighting some months back where a dad, minus the headphones, was doing basically that, with his head stuffed into a book with only a VERY occasional glance to figure out where the child (about 3 1/2 or 4) had gone. At one point someone had left open the gate to the playground which is right at the sidewalk next to a street (not like a super busy street but nonetheless...) and he was sitting RIGHT next to it and didn't even notice, let alone close it or take note that his little girl was playing right next to the open gate and could have wandered straight into the street.
As for the kiddie music only, get over it Mommy. A little Beatles, bluegrass, salsa, zydeco, reggae, classical, blues, whatever isn't going to damage your toddler. Quite the opposite. I can understand specifying no sexually explicit lyrics or cuss words, but that's it.
I love the photo. Great post!
instead of always trying to 'catch someone in the act' of neglecting a child, why don't you just look in the mirror? what greater form of neglect is there than a mother who chooses a career over caring for her family? if you weren't using a career as an excuse to relinquish your parenting responsibilities, you would have less time to snitch on 'surrogate caretakers' and more time to provide the care that your children are desparately crying out for!!! shame on you all... down with this @#*? website!!!
Let us look at the nanny as simply someone doing a job. She needs to do the job the correct way or not work as a nanny. The same applies to MTA workers, police, construction workers, teachers, secretaries, etc.
Get off your horse. Or whatever it is you rode in on.
No one is trying to actively catch a nanny in action. This is just finally a place to report it. Just as we are to be aware of strange packages on the street, why not be aware of people being unkind to or abusive to children?
Up with this website. Up, I say!
hey 11:52 got a problem with Metal?what you think thats the music that is BAD? lol kids.
uh why are people saying this picture doesn't show how far she was from the child? And she could have just been glancing at the magazine????? Are you kidding me? She shouldn't be sitting down with headphones on with a magazine PERIOD! Glancing or not! All it takes is 1 second and a child can be kidnapped or hurt. You are at work, so work! The playground is no place to glance at anything other than the child you are caring for!! Do it inside where it's safe if you really need some down time. All us nannies need our brakes just like any job but this specific situation isn't it! Yuck.
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