I would like some advice from nannies and parents alike. I haven't worked since we had our son four years ago. I'm interviewing for a position, just three miles from our home in the east bay, California. I ran an in-home child care for five years. Aside from that, I have experience as a parent. My oldest is 18 years old! My four year old will be with daddy when I'm working. I get to drive their car to take the kids to school. I'm sure I will be expected to make breakfast and do the dishes. How much should I ask for? Any tips for the interview or in general? I would be so grateful for any help. I really want this job-bad! Monday-Thursday 6:00AM-9:00AM. Three kids, 8, 10 and 14.
Wanted: Help getting this Job!
I would like some advice from nannies and parents alike. I haven't worked since we had our son four years ago. I'm interviewing for a position, just three miles from our home in the east bay, California. I ran an in-home child care for five years. Aside from that, I have experience as a parent. My oldest is 18 years old! My four year old will be with daddy when I'm working. I get to drive their car to take the kids to school. I'm sure I will be expected to make breakfast and do the dishes. How much should I ask for? Any tips for the interview or in general? I would be so grateful for any help. I really want this job-bad! Monday-Thursday 6:00AM-9:00AM. Three kids, 8, 10 and 14.
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Short version: $20 minimum, $25 would be more reasonable.
Longer version:
I live on the Peninsula, not East Bay, so I am assuming the pay scale is similar. My 3 kids are similar ages, though my little one is almost 5yo.
We went through the whole interview process for a ft nanny about 6 months ago. Since I was new to the area, I took more of a "tell me your rate" rather than a "this is the salary" approach. Far and away, most applicants asked $20/hour. Initially some asked as much as $25, but upon discussion that the older two would only be present 20% of the time including school holidays, they all dropped the rate. I did interview applicants ranging from $16-22/hour, but the lower range ended up being those who were here illegally, which ethical issues aside, is not conceivable where driving is an issue.
Anecdotally, I also interviewed weekend/date night/occasional sitters a bit after that. The demographics of the applicants differed with the date night sitters being much younger, more likely to be pursuing degrees, and more likely to be Caucasian. Those young women were initially asking more like $25/hour, but I was firm on $20/hour (including stating it clearly in the ad) and still had tons of great applicants.
I have also considered hiring solely for the school mornings, as you are applying for, and felt that that was a job warranting higher pay given shorter hours and all 3 kids and the morning madness. For that position I was leaning more towards $25/hour, partly fueled by the fact that I hate mornings more than anything imaginable! I also think some of this depends on the kids. One of my children is a challenging almost-teen and I really could not pay anyone enough to deal with teen sullenness combined with her baseline challenging personality. I recognize it takes a certain personality and an experienced nanny to deal with that and am willing to pay more if needed.
In any negotiation, it is always best NOT to throw out the first number especially if you want something badly. So if you can get them to at least give a range, you will be in a better bargaining position.
Well this job seems only part-time, so I would ask $15-17/Hr...possibly more if you have any household duties.
I live in San Diego and do not know the rates for the part of the State that you reside in.
During the interview, be on time, possibly a little earlier, make sure you interact w/the children and while you should be professional, make sure you show you are not "stuffy." Be friendly, outgoing and fun-loving.
I hope you get this job.
Please please keep us updated.
Good luck OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, I'm so excited! She seemed to like me. Although I was very nervous when I arrived! I calmed down & she made some negative comments about a few others she interviewed. Not in a bad way though. She complained that a few wanted to bring a toddler but that they have a pool & their house isn't babyproofed, plus that's early to wake a toddler. She liked that I didn't have to bring a child. Also, she liked that I have experience with school age kids. Some she interviewed didn't. The only problems were me being nervous and me rambling a little. I was nervous because we just bought a used car & I was feeling insecure about the new car.
I asked for $15-20 & she said that's about where everyone else was. I think when we finalize it if I'm hired, Ill ask for $17 an hour. With my goal to make $1 raise every three months until I make $20.
I will wake up @ 4:00AM, brew my coffee, shower, grab the newspaper & head to work three miles away. I would love this very much.
Thanks for the advice. I listened to it all. I will let you know if I get this job.
I think you've been given great advice and I'm glad you think the interview went welll!! I wouldn't be too nervous about the rambling. It happens to the best of us sometimes! :)
however, I think expecting to get a dollar raise every 3 months until you hit $20 is just not going to happen. If you feel you need to make $20, request $20. But don't sit down mb for a raise talk every 3 months...
OP, I'm so happy for you! I hope you get the job. But I have to agree with Lyn. If I were hiring a nanny, the dollar raise every 3months would feel like nickle and diming and it would bother me. Just ask for $20 and maybe the mom will meet you in the middle or better. If you walk with $17 an hour, thats nothing to sneeze at. Then, just ask for a performance review at 6months, maybe you will get your $20 at that time once you've shown them what an amazing nanny you are, and they'll do what they can to keep you!
OP I sincerely hope you get the job and it sounds like you will get it.
Not to be Debbie Downer, but in the past,I have interviewed for certain positions where I thought I nailed the interview. The family tells me I am highly qualified, have great rapport w/their kids and they like that I live close by.
Then I get the e-mail stating, "Thank you for your time, however we have chosen another candidate. Good luck in your search."
So keep an open mind. I am not saying all of this to depress you, I really WANT you to get the job since you are so enthusiastic about it. I just don't want to see you disappointed just in case.
I will keep my fingers crossed in the meantime.
Let us know as soon as you hear anything.
ITA with Lyn. No raise every 3 months. It drives me crazy when I hire someone with a clear Work Agreement, that I stick to like glue, and they ask for a raise before the predetermined date written in the WA. Often, the raise will be in the form of extras like more transport money, cell phone, etc so it is not direct comp. But I have already accounted for those issues and it drives me insane. If mom agrees to a q 3 month review with raise, great. If not, do not expect this or, at least, bring it up in the early negotiations. Just ask for $20/hour. That is not high in SF.
Okay, Ill ask for $20. I kind of need it to be $20 in order to motivate myself, know what I mean? Lol I'm used to making $20-$25 an hour. So $15 feels low to me.
She sent me an email after the interview asking if I am available for full days in the event of a holiday or if her & her husband have to work at the same time. I am. I hope this is a good sign. I would stay with her until they outgrew the need. Please keep your fingers crossed.
Well now you all know its me! LOL so much for remaining anon online. Oh well, u don't know which gypsy I am!! There are more than you think! I might as well get a blogger thing like u guys since I'm here all the time. I love this site. It replaced my facebook addiction LOL ;-)
Oh my goodness, ladies! She invited me over to meet her children! I know this doesn't mean I have the job. But its a step in the right direction. I've been a sahm for four years & I'm bored out of my mind. I've crafted myself silly, lol. Id love to have a four hour a day gig, I love the hours. Three miles from our home, too!!I can't wait to meet the kiddos, I sure hope they like me. I'm so much of a "hippie" I hope they don't mind who I am! :) Id stay with this family until they outgrew me & Id never ever be late or call in (unless I had absolutely no choice). I'm excited @ the possibility. Wish me luck, ladies!!! Positive vibes, I need positive vibes....
Thanks! I'm going to tell her $20 is what I will need. Maybe after six months, Ill ask for $1.00 an hour raise & again at twelve months. I'm so excited. I don't financially need to work, so I will be stashing away the moolah. Or maybe I will buy a better car.
I know how crazy kids this age are. I'm not mom or dad to them so hopefully they will be better for me. My teenager makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes, LOL!!!
Thanks so much. I'm going to meet the kids this week, Ill remember your advice & be about ten minutes early, I will wait in the car until its time.
Okay, thanks Lyn. I just thought it would be fun to get regular increases, but I do not want to be weird about it. I will just ask for the $20. Its reasonable for three kids and driving them to three schools. Her car, of course!
Thanks, ncnanny!! I will definately keep this in mind! I am going to loooooove it if I get this awesome gig!!!
Its THREE miles from our house! I use her car & its only 16 hours a week! Hours are 5:00-9:00AM. I will get up @ 4:00AM, take a nice long hot shower, make myself a big cup of coffee & relax a bit before heading to work. When I get to home, I get to be with my hubby & four year old. Its just perfect for me!!! :)
Awww, thanks! You're so right. She has not said that I have the job. So it really can go either way. If I don't get it, it wasn't meant to be. :( I will keep you all posted!!
I will not be asking for a raise every three months. It sounds like that's just not a good way to go. So I will ask for $20 an hour. A raise @ 6 & 12 months sounds more reasonable. Agree??
Thanks for the advice.
gypsy, if you ask for and get the $20 why would you request another raise at 6mo and then 12mo? That would STILL aggravate me as a parent. Ask for what you think is a fair wage now, and accept it! Please don't nickle and dime. Have a trial period of say 3mo, then if it all works out, ask for a raise at 1yr, like most nannies would.
gypsy, it seems you've talked with this family several times, have you not made a request for the $20 per hour yet? If not, why go through all of this time and trouble? She may think it's completely out of her ballpark!
Also gypsy, you said: "I don't financially need to work, so I will be stashing away the moolah."
If this is more about having a comfy job, with kids you like, and having something constructive to do with your time -- and NOT so much about the money, then why is the wage such a big deal? If you want this family bad enough, and it seems you do, go easy girl! If the mom accepts the $20, take it and run, don't keep hitting them up or they may go on to the next nanny.
DDo not Ask for another raise at 6 months if she agrees to your fee of $20!!! Wait until one year at the earliest. And then she may hire someone cheaper as it is just for 4 hours and I would think it's much easier to staff a position so early in the morning than one for after school hours. I would take 20 and just be content with it and reevaluate in a year.
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