Hi all. I am a nanny and my "family" I have been with for a little longer then a year and a half is moving to France. The mother is always home and this is my first steady nanny position and I was wondering do I get them anything on my last day? If so then what do I give them. They have 3 kids and not a lot of room to bring something with them. I am unsure as to what to do any help would be appreciated.
I have parted with two long-term (4yrs + ft nannies) and several long-term occasional sitters. I have always given generous cash bonus at parting combined with a card or photo book to convey our personal feelings. I think some have gotten the kids a small gift, but none have gotten the parents (us) anything. I would never expect a gift for parents nor want anything other than a card. Something for the kids is nice, but neither expected nor necessary.
Always gift down, not up. You should gift the children and the parents should gift you. You may wish to get a card for the parents but they should get their great nanny of almost two years a gift from the family. I'd suggest tiny toys for the children that can be pulled out to distract them during the long plane ride.
When I left my first nanny family after having been with them for about a year and a half (the youngest was starting preschool full time) I made a detailed scrap book as my gift to the family with photos of our time together. They loved it. :) It wasn't super pricey, just time consuming but I thought they were well worth it. They gave me a really nice and completely unexpected bonus when I left as well, in addition to sentimental gifts from the kiddos. My second nanny family I was with for almost a year. I was very close with them as well and MBs birthday was right before I left so for her birthday I bought a first year frame (baby was turning 1) and filled in all of the months with the appropriate photos. I also made MB and DB shirts with the baby's picture on them. They gave me a gift certificate for a massage which was very much appreciated! :)
Do you have pictures of you and them? You could make them shutterfly books or give them a picture in a frame to bring with them. Something sentimental would be best instead of a toy or something that they don't really need. Good luck!
Plane ride toys and activities for the kids.
If you can maybe something for them to open when they arrive in France.
If they are really little I'd suggest a recordable book of you reading a favorite tale.
A mini scrapbook of your favorite times together.
A card for mom and dad is all you need do.
Reminder to you to get that written letter of reference.
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