I have never posted on here, but I needed to inform you of this GOOD nanny sighting.
Where - Prospect Park Playground. Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Nanny - (early 20's, brunette, very pretty, wearing leggings and flats)
Nanny brought her charges (4 year old Scotia and 16 month old Henry... she told me names/ages when we spoke) to playground. Nanny was wonderful. Helping girl on monkey bars, sliding down slide with baby, and hugging and kissing when he fell down. Kids love her. Girl was laughing and talking to nanny all afternoon. Nanny really interacting with her, giving great answers to silly 4yr old questions. Baby was having a blast running around. Nanny always right behind him. Fed kids snacks and water. Seemed prepared with wipes and such...
Only time nanny took out her cell was to take photos of kids and send to MB. (Little girl told her "can you take a picture and send it to mommy?") Kids and nanny seemed genuinely happy. I am a SAHM who has seen her share of questionable nanny behavior in Park Slope. I was very impressed with this nanny. :)
Aw! It's nice to read about a good one every once in a while.
Nice to read a positive post on here for a change. Thank you for sharing... I *KNOW* there are wonderful nannies out there - I am one of them!
This is what nannies are meant to do.... It's not that amazing. Would you rave about a garbage person picking up the garbage? No, because it's their job. I know it makes a change from all the bad nanny sightings, but seriously, this nanny was only doing what she is paid to do.
Thanks for taking the time to post this OP. Sometimes it feels as if there is such a negative stereotype of nannies as a group. It helps to reassure parents that there are some terrific nannies out there who take wonderful care of their charges.
To "really?" I agree that this nanny was just doing her job but sometimes people need and deserve praise! At my job, I always try my best and feel I do a good job but last week one of the moms of a child I work with (I'm not a nanny) told me I was doing a great job with her son and that she appreciates my hard work. The comment totally made my day and it made me want to do even better. My point is that a little praise goes a long way. What a sucky world we would live in if everything that came out of people's mouths was criticism.
What's wrong with pointing out something good? People get awards for doing their jobs well all the time.
It's nice to read a good sighting in the mix of bad sightings.
Great siting! Thank you, OP!
To "Really?":
You are the type of poster we all hate on this blog. It's called a good nanny sighting.....the OP thought the nanny was doing a good job, so she posted about it. That is what a good nanny sighting is. I have a feeling you just troll this blog for people to criticize. Yes, this nanny was doing was she is being paid to do...and KUDOS to her! There are some bad nannies out there and I feel as though the good ones don't get enough credit. Thank you, OP! I appreciated this post!
It's refreshing to hear these types of Nanny sightings.
Hopefully, it reassures parents that there are some really good and loving Nannies out there. ♥
You analogy doesn't work. Collecting garbage is not a job with the possibility of a wide range in performance quality. Mainly you get all the garbage into the truck without spilling it, or you don't.
The nanny in the post was just doing her job?
Spend some time in the playground and observe the nannies who sit on the bench yaking on their cells while they have no idea where their charges are or what they are doing. Then they will take them home and park them in front of the TV. They are doing their job too.
Lol i bet people who see this think it's the nanny praising herself on here, or a friend of the nanny. Don't lie, you all no the it went threw your mind. =p
I think what Really? is trying to say is that this kind of sighting is what parents expect and hope for when they hire a nanny. No nanny is going to go into an interview and say how they are just going to plonk the kid in front of the television. They will say how they're going to take them to the park, play with them etc. So the nanny here is doing what she is paid to do. There is nothing exceptional about a nanny interacting with her charges in this way. Now, a nanny shouting at her charges or ignoring them is not what they are paid to do so these types of behaviors should be brought to the attention of the parents.
"Above and beyond", great post! lol
And to "Agreed", still, there's nothing wrong with a pat on the back sometimes! Why does everything always have to be so negative? Wouldn't being told "good job" make you continue to do your finest? I know if I was constantly berated, I'd have a hard time doing my best, always wondering what I was doing wrong.
That's why most jobs have performance evaluations!
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