Webb Park, Hartsdale NY
Mid-June 2011
2 Nannies (black, with Carribean accents)
Their charges: 2 little boys, Andrew and Hunter (2-3 years old)
I'm not sure this is "bad" nannying so much as lazy nannying, but if I were the parents of these two little boys, I'd like to know.
This took place mid-day on one of the really hot, humid days we had in June. I had brought my daughter to play on the swings for a little bit, and noticed 2 little boys playing on the bigger play structure (for 5+ year olds).
Their nannies were lounging in the shade under some trees about 100 yards from the playground. Occasionally they'd just yell out something to the boys about not playing on the play structure, but the boys ignored them. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the boys could have used closer supervision.
What bothered me the most was that one of the nannies finally came over after she saw me looking over at her repeatedly and started interacting with one of the boys by pushing him on the swing. At this point, the other boy looked extremely overheated--he was very sweaty and flushed. The nanny just ignored him while making small talk with me--ignored him to the point that he wandered in front of the swing she was pushing and was kicked in the head by the other boy.
Anyway, not really bad nannying. More just a bit lazy and not really paying good attention to how hot the little boy was.
As a parent, I'd like to know, so that's why I'm sharing.
I wish there was an eye roll smilie here
It was so darn hot that even us Nannies feel the strain. The weather most likely played a huge part in how the Nannies acted that particular day. Give them a break...they are human beings.
So SICK of the knee-jerk excuses and rationalizations for sub-par work by these nannies. I wish I could tell my boss to "give me a break" when I feel too lazy to do my job. Wah, wah, wah....it was hot out, so don't hold it against her for being a lazy sloth.
You do get a break, it's called a lunch hour, something nannies don't get.
@Harrison Mom: Why do you think this post demonstrates sub-par work? It's not like the nannies in question here were sitting under the tree having a beer or snoozing, etc. They were watching their charges like a nanny should be. It's just that the weather was so hot, all the news stations reported on it nationally you know...What people tend to forget is that nannies are human after all. Surprise, surprise.
Harrison Mom,
I'm not surprised that your son's name is Harrison.
That's all.
I think the proper word to describe a person who is darker than you is if they are "black" as you have stated say African-American and if they are not say two women of color...
@ Harrison Mom: By your post I see that you are a working mom. From being a nanny for so many years as well in the administration field it is harder to take care of children than it is to sit at a computer and type everyday. If you spent the majority of your time in 90 degree weather you would realize that the heat takes a toll person. Unlike you, you automatically get a set timed break called lunch as "AMom" stated and nannies don't really get that break. Because when the child is napping there is house work that needs to be done. I hate when people like yourself set there and judge when you don't even know the feeling yourself. I feel sorry for your nanny if you have one...
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