Friday, July 15, 2011
Mariner Playground, Central Park, (85th & Central Park West):
I arrived at Mariner playground around 1pm and sat next to the nanny who was chatting with her friend, another nanny. It looked like they were there a while already. They were settled there, their stuff spread out, already deep in conversation. The canopy on her stroller was pulled all the way down so I thought her charge was napping. As I sat putting my son's sandals on, there was movement in the nanny's stroller. The nanny's charge was actually awake and squirming around. Suddenly, the nanny violently flipped up the canopy and observed her charge trying to get out. She picked her up, threw her back into the stroller, then flipped the canopy all the way down again in disgust. It was very disturbing. It looked like she actually felt contempt for her charge. She threw the toddler back into the stroller like a sack of garbage that she couldn't wait to get rid of because of the stink. I thought how sad for this child to be taken to the park, only to be kept in her stroller because her nanny would rather talk with her friend than allow the child to play around the playground. The toddler did not look old enough to just allow to roam around. She would most likely have to be monitored closely. But the nanny was too lazy to carry on her conversation while following and looking after the toddler.
Anyway, my son and I left our stroller and made our way to the sandbox. From the sandbox, I was relieved to see that the nanny finally let her charge out of the stroller. It was a little girl, maybe 2 or so, blonde or light hair, wearing a light or white dress and pink sandals. The little girl seemed excited, hopping and skipping. But I was disappointed to see that after 5 minutes of hopping in the area right in front of her nanny and her stroller, the girl was put BACK into the stroller again! After about 30-40 minutes, my son got hungry so we went back to the strollers. As we sat and had a snack, the nanny was yelling at her charge to sleep. She shouted at the girl, "Go to sleep Emma! It's nap time!" The nanny was very angry that the girl was getting whiny and interrupting her conversation with her friend. She was very cross and continued yelling at the girl, "Take your nap! Don't look at me Emma!" This was really bothering me by this point. The poor little girl was taken to the park where she was NOT allowed to play. Now she was being forced to nap in her stroller in the 85-90 degree heat. The girl became quiet. After a while, the girl said something again and then suddenly the nanny flipped up the canopy, smacked her two times and then whipped the canopy down again. I could not help but glare in utter shock at the nanny. Soon after, the nanny and her friend left my side and walked to the benches on the other side of the fountain. At this point, I took a picture of the nanny. She was wearing a black shirt dress. Dark skin, black hair, and black rimmed glasses. She had a hot pink protective skin on her iPhone or cell phone. She had an orange trim City Mini stroller, and matching orange trim diaper bag hanging in the back. My son started playing in the fountain. After a while, I could see that Emma moved or said something and then the nanny smacked her again. This time, Emma started crying loudly. The nanny ignored Emma while she cried. After a while, Emma finally fell asleep.
I feel very sad and worried for this little girl. Based on the fact that she tolerated it quietly until that last smacking, it seems she is regularly treated this way and used to it. The girl knows not to cause much fuss. If the nanny smacks her in public for whining about being kept in the stroller all afternoon, I can't imagine what she does in private for really challenging behavior. I hope Emma's mom or someone who knows Emma informs the family. Emma is not being cared for properly. The nanny does not even take care of basic needs. Forget about playing, teaching, or caring! It seems the nanny actually has contempt for her. I arrived at 1pm and left at 3:30pm and the nanny did not interact with or look at Emma, or even lift up that canopy except to smack her, and let her out for 5 lousy minutes. All the yelling was through the canopy. At no other time did the nanny speak with Emma, offer her a drink or snack, check her diaper, or check to see if she was sweating or had her neck straining while she slept. If I ever saw my nanny treat my son this way, she would be fired on the spot.
My God! This nanny needs to be fired, brought up on charges and have her neck wrung! I hope someone recognizes her from the picture. Great, great sighting of a sad, nasty, and horrible nanny!
Poor baby! I hope Emma's mom sees this post.
stroller training at it's finest.
Excellent post OP. This nanny is beyond bad, she is abusive, and the child is too young to tell her parents she is being hit.
Moms and nannies on the UWS, spread the word about this post. Maybe someone will recognize her.
Forget "fired," I'd throw this bitch in jail if that were my daughter.
This is an actual legit sighting and kudos to you OP for such a comprehensive and relevant post.
This Nanny needs to be slapped, then strapped into a gurney for two and a half hours.
Poor emma :(
I really hope her parents see this
I have to ask...if you saw her being smacked, why didn't you call the police?? That's child abuse. I would have called a non-emergency line or something...ANYTHING. Even if you have no proof, maybe it'd get back to the child's parents!
this is a completely legit sighting and I really think the police need to be called. I actually would have called the police while I was there and seeing this.
I mean, it is one thing to give a child a spanking when deserved (I know there are a lot of opinions on that and I am not trying to start an argument about spanking) but these smacks were given to a child other than her own and were not deserved.
This was complete neglect and I pray that you do everything you can to find this child's mother!!
I am disgusted by this nanny behavior.
I actually have seen this type of behavior before. Nannies that take care of 2 or more children don't allow the kids to get off the stroller and play, because then they'll have to actually work, and follow the kids around. I had a nanny telling me that before. And if the kids would try to get off the stroller, she would put them back in and smack then in the head or hand. I mean, why bother bring the kid to the park, then? This is just a show, to tell the parents that she takes the kids outside.
It's very common see nannies leaving kids inside the stroller and chatting with each other. If they take the kid out, they won't be able to chat.
As a Nanny, one should never "smack" a child..that is up to the parents. Any Nanny who hits a child, should be fired on the spot and possibly reported to the police so she can never work as a Nanny again !!
This makes my stomach turn. With situations like these I always wonder what the outcome was. It would be nice to see updates if you get any.
This is a legit sighting and I hope this nanny gets fired.
As a professional nanny, I may be able to shed some light as to why we take our charges out in inclement weather/oppressive heat/bitter cold. It's simple...we are ordered to. I worked for three different families where I was made to go out with my charges for hours at a time regardless of the weather or if the child was ill. In one situation, the MB worked from home but did she set up in a separate room? NO! She worked smack dab in the living room then demanded absolutely quiet while she made conference calls. this meant we had to go upstairs and crowd into one of the children's too small bed rooms and remain silent or we had to go out by 10 am and not return until after 6pm. Believe me no child wants to stay ANYWHERE for 8 hours. The other two simply wanted us out all day so out we went.
Again I will never condone this animal's behavior but it makes for quite a frustrating situation for us trying to keep toddlers occupied out of the house for hour after hour.
I don't know if this is invading privacy or a bad idea, but is there a way the OP can return to the park during a couple days to see if the nanny is there again, and see if she can tell where the nanny works? Probably going overboard I guess, but if it was me, I would want to see where the child lives (at least a building) to try to identify the parent/s and tell them (and show them this posting). That is just horrible treatment.... that poor child.
Would calling the police do anything? Would the police even go to the park? Even if they got there, it's OP said, she said.. plus the nanny had her friend there to vouch for her. Even with proof like nanny-cam video footage, would the nanny get anything for doing that? What if she says she was disciplining the child? She'd most likely get a fine or probation at the worst right?
I would rather her have a fine or probation, but the reality of the punishment is that this type of incident would be on her record for years to come. So when someone runs her background they know that she is abusive to children. So it is not skeptical to contact the authority. I'm not sure if you have any children but even I disciplined my child with a spanking it would not be up to my nanny to do so. Also, to be hit for no logical reason is absurd. Maybe someone should slap you one good time "Skeptical so the Police" and see if your so quick to turn the other cheek and walk away or would you contact the authority as well. This child is helpless and it disgust me that an adult would respond the way that you have. I take behavior like this very personal...
I go to that park almost every day. I will definitely be on the lookout for this nanny and will try to report her to the parents or authorities (if necessary). Thank you.
agreeing with Psyber Chica, please update if any come about. I keep checking this post daily, hoping that someone will post that they are the parent or know the parents and they have been informed.
Hopefully this is an one-off on her part and usually treats her charge better, but probably not.
And if she is not the nanny, but a parent, double shame on you, as you are suppose to be the PROTECTOR of your child!
does your cell phone take video? You should go to the park and video tape her. Even though the cops would say that is illegal because she didn't give you consent. usually they will look the other way in such cases. But that usually means it just wouldn't hold up in court. But yes people should start using the "take video" application on their phones.
Ladies -- we need to let the mother know. Anyone on the UWS, please make an effort to find her. We can all try. Just casually follow her to see where she lives.... I will go there tomorrow......the photo is good enough, and we know the child's name. If it were my child, I'd want someone to do this for me.... there really isn't an option. This is important.
What is up with the spam?
What's up with the spam is that there is a nanny out there mistreating a child for no reason what so ever... If you had kids you would want to know who is putting there hands on your kids. Any type of physical abusive is a crime, or do you like being slapped every now and then and think its ok...
Attention moniker "To the careless nanny"
Lol, World's Best Nanny was referring to the spam posted by the person directly above her. That is annoying.
Still checking back here hoping to get an update. This is one of the worst nannies I've heard of since I've discovered this site. I wish I lived close by so I could find her myself.
I posted this on another website hoping to help find Emma and it appears it worked! Someone on that website is claiming they located them today. Here is their post:
I went to Mariner Park in search of Emma and her bad nanny. Found them - nanny was shouting at Emma so it wasn't very difficult. Long story short, followed them to their apartment. Gave my card to the doorman with instructions to give to parents that it was very important (I also got their last name) and that I would come back tomorrow if I didn't hear from them (meaning, give them my card). Will update after I hear from mom and dad. Good deed for the day, check. Treated myself to an ice coffee and taxi ride home.
holy shit, I hope this woman gets ahold of the parents this is really fucked up.
please post us all!!!!!!!! very worried about Emma....
I am OP who witnessed this nanny's behavior. I am surprised and moved at all the concern and effort that has been made on Emma's behalf. I'm sure I will get flamed but please know that I feel terrible that I did not call the police. I have no explanation. If there were anyone else around (besides her FRIEND), I probably would have. I tried to get her on video but she left while I was fumbling with my phone so I had to settle for the photo. When I failed to get the video... with no proof, I think I lost hope. Maybe I was subconsciously thinking of the Casey Anthony case? Also, I have to admit I had some slight fear that I was being racist and thought what if this woman was actually her mom?? Anyway, later I could not get it out of my mind so I tried to reach out to Emma's parents after the fact by posting on ISYN. Regardless, I know I was wrong not to call the police. However, I would still like to try to help Emma. I am happy to talk with her parents about what I saw and even testify to authorities or in court if necessary. I still have my photos and a short video clip of the nanny walking away from me. I know this proves nothing but at least it establishes I WAS there in the park with the nanny at the very least, and am not a complete whack job. If the post about the mom who tracked down Emma's building and parents is real and true, please contact me at Even if you just leave the name and number, I will contact the parents myself. I will present them with what evidence I have and the rest will be up to them. Hopefully, even if they don't believe me, they will set up a nannycam and find out for themselves. This sighting is real, please don't give up... if you are close to finding out the parents' info please keep going. Or give me what you have and I will continue to try to contact them. I am losing sleep over this. My son is similar in age to Emma.
OK Careless Nanny, time to take a step back, cool off and read the very 1st post on the subject under discussion. Um..ha! Yes that would be ME!
There are a few spam posts here. MPP will get on it I'm sure!
Thanks, WBN... spam has been deleted. I was busy with my son who seems to have caught a little stomach bug.
To the OP, thank you for being so vigilant!
I may have caused some confusion. I copied this story to urban baby. I then posted here with the moniker "UPDATE" to post the update that was on UB, but I am not the OP of this ISYN post.
To the OP, I don't want to be responsible for posting your e-mail address on urban baby, but here is the address to the thread that was started by the other lady who saw this nanny in person:
That would be a good way to get a hold of her because I don't know if she is checking back here. I too was thinking about Caylee Anthony and the other little boy who was recently abducted & murdered in NY. I know those are different situations, but those stories just make me more protective of children. Your posting here was very helpful. You had a big part in what hopefully will save this little girl from an abuser. Thank you!
Psyber Chica,
Thank you for clarifying. I checked out the UB link and was a bit confused at first thinking the OP of the ISYN sighting had posted it there, also.
Great work to all involved who are trying to help Emma.
Dad saw the post on ISYN. Looks like the nanny is getting fired! Good job saving Emma!
Wow. I am glad that the dad took this seriously and fired his nanny. the parents must feel awful. I am to happy that one of these sightings was able to have a happy endining.
Good job to all those who were involved!
I am the poster from UB who found the parents. It is all confirmed by them. THey are going to replace nanny. Did my good deed for the week. even gave them a new nanny recommendation.
good job UB mom.
Was the dad shocked to hear this? Was he shocked to know that the community was paying attention and looking out for his little girl?
Feel better MPP lil one!
I am so glad this has a happy ending for baby Emma. If I was her parent, I'd be doing a lot more than just firing the nanny. I'd sue her or try to at least ensure she is never able to work in childcare again.
UB Mom- what you did was amazing. If I were the parents I would be truly grateful.
OP- I wouldn't beat yourself about not calling the police. Hindsight is 20/20. I also think that because corporal punishment is legal/acceptable in our society (whether right or wrong, not trying to start a debate on that), it can be hard to determine in an instant what crosses the line to abuse.
So glad this child will have the opportunity to have a nanny who actually cares about her.
Wonderful news. Kudos to OP and UB Mom for their efforts. Hopefully because of their actions Emma will now get the loving nanny she deserves.
Hooray! A happy ending for Emma. I hope the new nanny rocks! Emma deserves a caregiver who loves her!
I am wondering what the parents did once they found out about the nanny's abuse.
To UB Mom and OP: awesome job to the both of you for helping Emma!
To the Readers: I was hesitant to Publish any new Articles because I wanted to keep this Sighting at the top of the page and I am so proud of everyone for coming together!
WBN: thank you! xo
please dont post on urban baby any materials from this site without giving credit to isawyournanny.
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