-What do you make? $1400 per week
-How many hours do you work? between 14 and 44. I do what needs to be done.
-Do you have an overtime rate? At one point we negotiated $25 per hour OT but I have not asked for it in over a year because I have such flexibility with my schedule.
-Are you provided health insurance? Offered? I am on the same policy as the family.
-Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much? $50 per week.
-Are you paid your normal salary while the family goes away on vacation? They don't go away without me.
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family? I used to make a ton of money to travel with the family, but the boys are older now, and my boss trusts me to set up things for them while we are away such as ski lessons or surf lessons, so I get plenty of down time. On a normal day, I make $280 a day. What has happened of late is that my boss will pay me my regular check and the give me an envelope with cash in it forthe extra days and time and kind of as a thank you.
-Do you get sick days? How many? When I was hired, i was told I have 5 per year. I don't take them. I took one, last year and that was only because I had to have all my wisdome teeth pulled.
-Do you get personal days? How many? I think I was told I get three, but I don't take them. I never did. I have a flexible schedule now, so I get what I need done when I can fit it in.
-Do you get vacation days? How many? I get about 8 holidays per week and two weeks vacation per year. I always take time at Christmas to be with my family, but usually a week. I never take two weeks and I work non major holidays. Even if I don't work all day long, I work a portion of the day- just to get done what needs getting done. My boss never asked me to do this. I just started doing this. Sometimes it is a pain in the butt, but my boss demonstrates her appreciation for me every day.
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get? Very generous.
-How long have you been in this position/had this nanny? I have been with this family 4 1/2 years.
-Location? Greenwich, CT
-Anything else? (Memberships to gym, theme parks, etc.) When I decided I no longer wanted to be a live-in, I started looking around for an apartment. My boss told me to wait four months and I could have all of her furniture from her living room, bedroom and kitchen. She was redecorating. Her furnishings were only about three years old. She also bought me a brand new memory foam bed and pays for my cell phone- which is a very high functionning cell phone, and honestly too many perks to name.
-What do you make? $340/week-
How many hours do you work? 45 hours
-Do you have an overtime rate? no
-Are you provided health insurance? Offered? no and no
-Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much? 10.00/week
-Are you paid your normally salary while the family goes away on vacation? yes
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family? traveled once, got $100.00 for a long weekend. Wouldn't do it again unless they were taking me to Disney World.
-Do you get sick days? How many? 3
-Do you get personal days? How many? 0
-Do you get vacation days? How many? 1 week of my choosing, one of their choosing. Somehow they have forgotten about the week of their choosing for the past 4 years.
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get? none
-How long have you been in this position/had this nanny? 5 years
-Anything else? (Memberships to gym, theme parks, etc.) We have a membership to the children's museum (not that I would ever go there on my off time)
I am a nanny in Tulsa, OK
-What do you make? $350/week salary
-How many hours do you work? scheduled to work 35, but generally am only needed about 25. about one week a month only have to work about 12-15
-Do you have an overtime rate? no, if I ever go over 35 hours (and they said it will likely never happen), I will receive $10 per hour
-Are you provided health insurance? Offered? no -Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much? unknown, I will request at my one-year anniversary when the contract is renegotiated
-Are you paid your normally salary while the family goes away on vacation? yes
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family? I do not travel with the family
-Do you get sick days? How many? I have taken 2 unpaid sick days since being with this family.
-Do you get personal days? How many? no, but I have so many days I am scheduled to work but the family doesn't need me, that I don't need more personal days.
-Do you get vacation days? How many? I am allowed unpaid vacation time, because I can provide my sister to substitute for me. I am taking a 3-day vacation next week, my first, and don't have another planned.
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get? have not received any sort of bonus yet
-If you're an employer, would you guarantee your nanny work until her maternity leave begins?
-Would you pay her for any portion of her maternity leave?
-Would you make special accomodations for her to return to work after she had the baby?
-How long have you been in this position/had this nanny? 7 months
-Anything else? (Memberships to gym, theme parks, etc.)
No. I was on the verge of desperation to find employment, so I took what I could get. The salary is reasonable for my location and I love the family, but when it comes to renegotiate the contract, I will request a raise and possible benefits. I also will request mileage reimbursement because I take their son to his school which is 12 miles away. I don't have a lot with this job, but I'm happy.
Want to read all of the submissions to this feature? Click here.
Some people make such a tiny amount, like half of minimum wage. Why do they do it?
I am the nanny from Texas. I meant to write 3-4 paid vacation weeks a year, not 'days' :)
Have we heard from any of the parents? I posted what I make and what I pay my nanny. Now that would be interesting: how many parents are brave enough to write in about how much they make and how much they pay their nanny? that's what I want to know.
I am the one from Colorado Springs. And while the cash salary is small (less than minimum wage) the benefits make it worth it. Full health insurance, paid car insurance, unlimited use of a car, room/board, zoo membership and extra money for incidentals each week. I would have a hard time paying for all of that that, at my age, at any other job. Plus, I adore my job. :)
Anon: I'm sorry but I absolutely do not agree with anyone working illegally in America. I know it happens all the time and the employers are just as bad for turning the other cheek. Get a green card or do whatever you have to do and then you will not have to worry about "struggling to find a job". Please.
I too was a bit taken aback by her comment. I sort of feel the same way. She really cannot expect people to feel sorry for her when she is here illegally. That is the law. She speaks of it in such a nonchalant way. Crazy.
It happens way too much for my liking, especially in the nanny world. I am always appalled at how people think that this is okay. Grrr.
With respect I disagree, the employers aren't "just as bad". The employers the ones most at fault. If no one employed undocumented workers, they wouldn't be here.
I'm annoyed with the situation too as it depresses wages for all nannies. However, as much as I want to shake my fist at any illegal nanny I see, I can't blame them for going where they could find work.
Their working isn't the problem, that they can find work is the problem. The employers ought to be crucified.
Instead, the nanny is deported, the employer may or may not get a small fine, and the employer hires another undocumented worker.
I have no patience for illegals such as yourself, Anonymous. Get a green card, or get out of here.
That is, the employers are.
Wait... you said:
"However, as much as I want to shake my fist at any illegal nanny I see, I can't blame them for going where they could find work."
WHAT?? You can't blame the nanny? She could easily get a green card or visa to work in the US as a nanny or aupair. I don't know much about the process but it's the LAW. People can't just pick and choose which laws they want to obey. Illegals, like you said, affect everyone, especially the ones that actually work legally.
I meant to say "those of us who actually work legally". =)
Being an illegal alien does not make you a bad person. It does not mean that person is a bad nanny. People are here from other countries for many reasons and not all of them can be here legally. My children are adopted from foreign countries and after seeing the poverty a great number of people live in, I do not blame even one person for trying to go to a country where there are opportunites there just are not in some countries.
People are all up in arms about "illegals stealing our jobs". From what the one person said she was working for $3/hr. Do you WANT HER JOB? I bet not, so she isn't taking any job from you. She has the right to try to feed herself and her family. Why not jump on the employers for taking advantage of an illegal persons situation? They know they have them over a barrel and can hire them for way less than a legal worker.
If the parents don't care if they speak English (and many people from other countries do speak English BTW), then why should you care?
I hate this attitude about illegals. IT's like it's OK to spew hatred and bigotry towards them because they don't have a green card.
OK, I am getting off my soap box now. I hope the bashing stops though
Not an illegal: I never said I thought illegals were bad people. That thought never even crossed my mind. I think their choices aren't the best but we all make bad choices. But not all of these choices break the law. Some of the best nannies I know are from other countries but they are here legally. That is the difference.
Also, there are so many resources available for foreigners to gain citizenship. There is no reason anyone cannot take advantage of these resources. There are here for a better life and I fully support that. But they need to take the proper steps to do so.
Do you actually k ow how hard it is to get citizenship in the USA? Apparently not... Ever since 911 people have been waiting 5-10years to get a greencard. Also if you can't find a job within 30days you lose your work visa. The parents who take advantage of these people are the ones who should be ashamed and ragged on. Just because your from another country looking for a job doesn't mean you should be punished, people who were born here forget how great we have it. All we do is complain when everythings isn't perfect. These illegals aren't even taking resources like food stamps or public housing, they are struggling and fighting to survive. They are doing the jobs we think are below us. So everyone needs to chill out and realize that this country is founded on immigrants.
VAnanny: I have to correct you in one point. It is VERY difficult to get a work visa or a green card for the US. There are very strict laws and you can not just go to the next US Embassy and say: Excuse me, I would like a GC.
I am from Germany, a very rich country with a lot of opportunities and possibilities and still, it is a l o n g way to get the work visa. And by the way, there is no such thing as a "nanny-visa". Otherwise there wouldn't be so many illegal nannies.
@Bostonnanny: Two minds with one thought :)
By the way there are tons of nannies who are paid under the table, which isn't any better then working without a visa.
I know this country is founded on immigrants! I have ZERO problem with immigrants. I have friends, relatives, teachers, neighbors that are immigrants and I love them all dearly! I also appreciate how great I have it as an American. I do not complain because I know so many have it way worse than I could ever fathom. I applaud anyone wanting to come to this country for the same opportunities that I have been blessed with. I was stating my opinion, not putting down immigrants. As usual, no one can state their opinion around here without getting stoned! If I had directly insulted immigrants I could see, but that was clearly not the case.
As I clearly stated in one of my earlier posts, I DO NOT KNOW THE PROCESS!
Anonymous said...
to the first poster "in earnest said"
Why do some people work for half of minimum wage?
I am an illegal nanny. I have no green card. I have been a live in nanny for $3 an hour, I have worked as a live out nanny for $7 an hour. I have a bachelor degree (in education) and Ive been to school for 17 years but struggle to find a job since Im not legal. Right now I have no job at all.
May 31, 2010 3:36:00 PM
Vananny- you are feeling attacked most likely because of this: "Get a green card or do whatever you have to do and then you will not have to worry about "struggling to find a job" " these people are doing whatever they have to do, because our government doesn't help as much as they should. Because you don't know the process you assumed that it was a little simpler then it actually is.
"She could easily get a green card or visa to work in the US as a nanny or aupair." Now a days its easier to pay someone to marry you and wait 2-4 years to receive a green card then it is to apply.
Anonymous said...
it's really not fair. there aren't enough nanny jobs as it is, now we have to deal with these illegals stealing the jobs that are available by accepting a lower wage. the parents need to know they are not getting a quality nanny, they are getting someone breaking the law, who probably doesn't even speak english. who knows if they have experience either.
May 31, 2010 7:45:00 PM
That last form, filled out by a parent..... I can't believe some of the things they said!!
- So many things that they feel are "not required", therefore they do not provide them?! A nanny really should be offered at least the same benefits as an employee of a company.
- $12.75/hr is one of the highest paid nannies they know?? If you can afford to fly FIRST CLASS, why pay the nanny such a low wage?
I don't think it makes you a bad person if you are an illegal immigrant working in the U.S. It just makes you wrong. It's just wrong. Yeah, it sucks. It sucks that some people are born into 3rd world countries and not here. Yeah. it sucks, but that's just life.
Would I want her 3 dollar an hour job? That's not the point. She is taking revenue that is not legally hers. Sure, the employers are at fault too. It doesn't change the fact that a person working and living in the U.S. illegally is a criminal. They are a criminal. All you bleeding heart liberals can cry and whine about it all you want to. Sorry, but it's not right and anyone with half a brain who pays their taxes can see that.
Saddle River employer doesn't know of a nanny who makes more than $12.75/hr? Well, I'm a nanny a few towns away- G.R.- and I make $20 with employers who would never require a doctors note for a sick day, and who do cover 3 weeks off annually. There, now you know someone and you can stop thinking your fairly meager rate is anywhere near the high end of the nanny wage spectrum! :-)
Wait a minute.... the nanny would have to provide a doctor's note for a sick day, but she doesn't have insurance? Does she have any idea how much a doctor's visit costs?
Note: I am also a "household manager," and spend much of my time doing errands and laundry and walking the dog before the kid gets out of school.
-What do you make? About $430 per week after taxes.
-How many hours do you work? 30 per week. I'm guaranteed 5.5 per day, so that if they come home early I'm still paid for the whole day, although if I have a full day off I don't count it when counting my hours.
-Do you have an overtime rate? Just the normal rate ($15/hr), but I'm paid in cash for anything beyond the salaried hours. I also make double for taking the kid to school, as I only work for an hour but then I also spend an extra hour and a half on the subway to get home and back for work later in the day. I keep track of my own hours and MB is very trusting of that. I've had a couple of 40-hour weeks during sickness or no-school days, but usually I stay within the 30 hours or go only a couple over. If I'm going way over, they always offer to get someone else to take over for me in case it's too much.
-Are you provided health insurance? Offered? I don't think it was ever offered, but I have insurance through my parents so they might have mentioned it and I just don't remember.
-Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much? I would if I stayed a year, but I'm leaving after 10 months.
-Are you paid your normal salary while the family goes away on vacation? Yes.
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family? Never traveled with them. They love spending time with their kid so I wouldn't expect them to ask me to come along.
-Do you get sick days? How many? Unlimited and paid. I've never used one.
-Do you get personal days? How many? Unlimited within reason, and unpaid. I've used five (three for a vacation I had scheduled before taking the job, and told them about before I was hired). I've also left early a few times, which they've accommodated wonderfully.
-Do you get vacation days? How many? Whenever the family goes away. I got 2 days off for Thanksgiving, 7 for Christmas, and 5 for spring break, plus a whole bunch of long weekends.
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get? For Christmas I got a week's pay in cash. For my birthday I got a $100 AmEx gift card and a beautiful necklace.
-How long have you been in this position/had this nanny? 9 months.
-Location? NYC.
-Anything else? I can eat any of their food, but I almost never do. If I do I'll just take some Goldfish or a few apple slices for myself when I pack them for the kid's snack. I am allowed to use their apartment whenever they aren't there, which is another thing I don't really take advantage of. Sometimes I'll watch TV or take a nap if I took the kid to school and don't feel like going all the way back to my place. I can also use their Museum of Natural History membership. I think the biggest perk is getting to hang out with the kid though.
I work for 2 families part-time - both families each have 1 toddler.
-What do you make? $11/hr - cash
-How many hours do you work? Family 1 - 10 hours/week. Family 2 - 6 1/2 - 13 hours/week.
-Do you have an overtime rate? No "overtime rate." However, if I am asked to work weekends or hours outside of my normal shift, I charge $13/hr.
-Are you provided health insurance? Offered? No. No.
-Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much? Family 1 - haven't work for them for a year yet. Family 2 - no.
-Are you paid your normal salary while the family goes away on vacation? Family 1 - Yes. Family 2 - I give them 1 "free/unpaid" sick/vacation day every 3 months. (However, if they don't take a vacation or are sick, then they pay me my full monthly salary.") Other than that, I get my normal salary while the family is on vacation. At our mutual convenience, I will sometimes work a date night in order to make up for a shift while they are on a vacation.
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family? N/A
-Do you get sick days? How many? Unpaid sick days as needed
-Do you get personal days? How many? Unpaid personal days as needed
-Do you get vacation days? How many? Unpaid vacation days as needed
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get? Family 1 - $75 gift card to a nice restaurant. Family 2 - $25 gift card to a book store.
-If you're an employer, would you guarantee your nanny work until her maternity leave begins?
-Would you pay her for any portion of her maternity leave?
-Would you make special accomodations for her to return to work after she had the baby?
-How long have you been in this position/had this nanny? Family 1 - 7-8 months. Family 2 - 14 months.
-Location? Portland, OR
-Anything else? (Memberships to gym, theme parks, etc.) Family 1 - membership to the Children's Museum and envelope of petty cash in order to pay for things for the toddler (balloons, toddler classes, his food at a restaurant, etc.) Family 2 - no.
It actually is really hard (especially now) to get a green card or a visa. I am a natural citizen (just so you know) but one of my dearest nanny friends is here illegally. She speaks amazing English, is a great nanny, and has been waiting on/pursuing her green card for over 2 years. I suppose she could go back to her country, but she would have to leave her husband (a citizen), her elderly father (legal alien) and pretty much all her family.
And just as an aside, she recently left her job and the family went through four people before they found one who would stay. So I guess no one really wanted her job, eh?
"We've even been known to have a cocktail with the nanny."
Fraternizing with the help? What WILL the neighbors say?
The attitude of the last entry (posted by the employer) made me cringe. The snippy "not required" reply rubbed me the wrong way -- no one claimed those things were required, but they ARE industry standard so letting us know they aren't "required" doesn't help my impression of you in the least. The fact that you refuse to offer your nanny health insurance yet require her to get a doctor's note for a single day's absence is appalling and insulting. Even if she did have health insurance, there are plenty of times in life that a person is too sick to work but does not need to be seen by a doctor. I really hope your nanny finds a new family to work for soon. Even if she can't find a job paying more than the embarrassingly low salary (for your area) that you are offering, at least maybe she can find a family that can offer a little RESPECT.
Greencard: I said in one of my earlier posts that I did not know the process. I retract all statements regarding the ease (or lack thereof) of obtaining citizenship.
-What do you make? $18.50 per hour (7 month old twins)averages $1000.00 per week.
-How many hours do you work? Between 50-60
-Do you have an overtime rate? no
-Are you provided health insurance? Offered? no
-Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much? not there yet. Have been working for this family for 6 months. Six month review coming soon.
-Are you paid your normal salary while the family goes away on vacation? I go with them, and yes, my normal salary.
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family? nothing extra, but they do schedule massages for me, take me out to eat, and help with the babies. also let me sleep in on alternating days with them. regardless of how many hours less I end up working, they pay me for 12 hrs. per day.
-Do you get sick days? How many? 5 per year
-Do you get personal days? How many? not specifically
-Do you get vacation days? How many? 2 weeks paid plus 9m paid legal holidays
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get? Have not been with them through a holiday yet
-How long have you been in this position? 6 months
-Location? Chicago
-Anything else? (Memberships to gym, theme parks, etc.) Use of their lake house with my family.
I can't belive the family that requires a doctor's note but dosen't pay for health insurance. If you cannot trust your nanny when she says she is sick, then maybe she isn't a person you should trust with your children. I was home sick one day last week with explosive diarrhea. I'm not paying $130.00 to be told I have a stomach bug.
On this topic of illegal aliens...
My husband and I spent 2 years and several thousand dollars getting him here LEGALLY from Haiti. He had a job in a restaurant and was just let go because they found an ILLEGAL to do the job for $5/hr.
I realize it is hard to get here legally, but it so isn't fair to those of us who have done the work to lose out on the benefits (JOBS) because some don't.
-What do you make?
$800 per week
-How many hours do you work?
Up to 40 hours (usually 35-38)
-Do you have an overtime rate?
N/A. So far I haven't worked overtime and doubt I will.
-Are you provided health insurance? Offered?
-Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much?
N/A... This is a temporary position.
-Are you paid your normal salary while the family goes away on vacation?
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family?
N/A. I don't travel with them.
-Do you get sick days? How many? Not sure.. I've never taken a sick day in my life.
-Do you get personal days? How many?
If I need a day off I plan to arrange it well in advance and take them when it's most suitable for the family. I am taking 2 days off next week, to spend time with visiting family, and have offered to take them unpaid.
-Do you get vacation days? How many?
All national holiday days, and if the family goes on vacation I just housesit.
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get?
N/A. I have not/will not be working for them over the holidays.
-How long have you been in this position/had this nanny?
1 month.
Los Angeles.
-Anything else?
Salary paid for 40 hours work no matter whether they use me for 40 or not. I walk their dog, help out with occasional errands, and handle child-related housework (laundry and tidying). Food (whether in the house or at a restaurant) while on duty is paid for by the parents (petty cash at my disposal) - something I don't always take advantage of, but it is nice that they even cover my diet coke when I buy one on an outing! ;p
Lets hear from the parents: why should the parents' income have any impact on what they pay their nanny? We all earn what we comman based on our career choice, qualifications, talent, experience, etc. I don't expect to earn more money as an attorney because my boss is rich than I would if my boss was just of average wealth. My pay is based on wha lawyers of my skill and experience earn, as is my nanny's pay. We pay at the high end of the nanny salary spectrum. Could we afford more? Sure. But why should we pay more than an excellent nanny commands?
Momesq- I agree with you, a nannies pay should reflect her skill, education and talents. The problem is that most nannies with those excellent qualifications are being over looked because a family would rather hire someone less educated or experienced in order " not to be nickled and dimed". Even teachers with master degrees are seriously underpaid. Our society would rather pay atheletes millions of dollars then the people who save, educate and care for our children.
It's hard when the career you love is so underrated but is so important. I going to college to become a family/child social worker and I know I can do so much good but with that choice I'll be making very little for all the stress I'll be dealing with on a daily basis.
We need to pay firefighters, police officers, childcare providers, teachers and social workers what they really deserve.
MomESQ -- I'm a nanny and I agree that pay should not be (solely) based on the parents income. Obviously there are many factor's (nanny's experience/education, job requirment/duties, location, etc) that come into play. And I certainly don't expect a very wealthy family to pay an exorbitant hourly rate just because they can afford it.
However, I think the reason that parent's income comes up so frequently is that often parents claim they "can't afford" to pay anymore when it's clear that they can but choose not to do so. I have seen MANY MANY parents pay their educated, experienced nanny on the low-middle end of the local spectrum and/or penny pinch on raises and benefits while spending lavishly on vacations, home renovations, clothing, electronics, etc. That is absolutely their right -- they can spend their money any way they like -- but it is insulting to the nanny to do that and then claim they can't afford a 5% raise after years of loyal service. They obviously CAN afford it, they just choose to prioritize other items in their budget. And I just find it sad that these parents don't bat an eye when it comes to dropping thousands on a shopping spree, but they "can't afford" to pay a part of their nanny's health insurance policy. On the other hand, there are many parents who are middle class and go without luxuries in order to afford a nanny rather than put their children in daycare. These are the parents who are telling the truth when they say they can't afford to pay anymore than they are offering. And it's been my experience that the nannies in these positions understand why the parents can't offer more and are not bitter about it the way the nannies are who make the same amount working for a very wealthy family.
Location: Toronto, ON
What do you make? $675/week net
How many hours do you work? 45-51hours
-Do you have an overtime rate? Yes, 15.00/hr
-Are you provided health insurance? No, Offered? Yes, but have my own.
Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much? wont know until year is up
Are you paid your normally salary while the family goes away on vacation? yes
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family? All expenses paid and I get my normal salaray.
Do you get sick days? Yes, 5 paid How many?
Do you get personal days? How many? 3
-Do you get vacation days? How many? 2 weeks plus, as long as there is enough notice.
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get? Cash, and Gifts
-How long have you been in this position/had this nanny?1 year -Anything else? car, insurance, gas, use of vacation homes, and love and respect
I'm the girl posted that I have worked for $3 an hour (live in), but that post was deleted. It was interesting reading your comments. I would love to get a green card but I dont know of any other way to get one besides getting married. I cant find anyone to marry!
I would happily pay your government $20 000 for a green card if it was possible.
And if I had a green card I wouldnt be a nanny. I was doing babysitting because it is the only job I know of which I can get without a green card. I will probably go home to my own country soon. I dont come from the 3rd world, I'm not poor or uneducated. I can easily find a job in my country.
Im not your typical illegal immigrant. At least I dont think so.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I would like to know more about what you've tried.
What is your email address? Go ahead and create a new one if you're more comfortable with that.
To "Wonder": You can email me at
marianne.dashwood at home.se
I dont want to write @ to avoid spam.
To the parent form from Saddle River, NJ.....I'm a nanny in Morris County, and I make $15 per hour, for 1 child, @ 60 hours a week...your crazy lady, I feel sorry for your nanny....my personal opinion, sorry :(
-What do you make? $1900/month
-How many hours do you work? It varies could be 10 could be 50+. It is usually around 20-25
-Do you have an overtime rate? I was told that I would get OT pay of 20.00/hr but have never got it
-Are you provided health insurance? Offered? No, it was offered, but I am on my husband's plan
-Do you get a yearly raise, and if so; how much? I had to practically beg for a raise after almost 2 years when I was promised one after 6 months, hve not tried again since then
-Are you paid your normal salary while the family goes away on vacation? Yes
-How much more do you make when you travel with the family? I Have not travled with the family
-Do you get sick days? How many? I do get paid for sick days, unlimited only becasue I do not abuse the privilage
-Do you get personal days? How many? Same as above
-Do you get vacation days? How many? I have not taken a long vacation unless it was when the family was planning on being out of town.
-What kind of holiday bonus do you get? Minimal
-How long have you been in this position/had this nanny? 3.5 years
-Location? Minnesota
-Anything else? (Memberships to gym, theme parks, etc.) We have a MN zoo membership. I am reimbursed for mileage and any money that we spend during the week. Lunch, entertainment, etc...
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