.... WHAT?!
1) Nanny/Teacher/Homeschool Asst. Needed Today!! (Las Vegas)
Hi I am interviewing for this exciting and fun position here at my home. It entails some light duties, childcare of one or more children, my daughter being the primary child, as well as her friends for whom I already give childcare. The hours are flexible, and include some nights, as I currently work a second job away from the home. Please come by for an interview, the pay is excellent, and my home is clean and spacious. Need a person or person(s) to start immediately! Thanks
URL: http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/kid/1725918834.html
* Responses from CL reader and OP of Ad:
2) RE: Nanny/Teacher/Homeschool Asst. Needed Today!! (Beware) (Las Vegas)
Just a heads up, the pay is not great. I'm sorry... Last time I checked, 35 isn't great for just one child. It works for a daycare, but not a one child thing you know. Especially for a child who is a straight up brat and has no respect or discipline. And as far as watching other peoples kids on occasion, she will give you NO NOTICE prior to getting there. On top of that, she will expect you to still just get the 35 for her child and her keep the whatever money she gets for watching the child from the childs parents. The title for this job is totally misleading, too. She needs someone to come into her home, take her to work (a stripper, no joke), go back to her house and stay up with the child because who knows when she actually goes to sleep and sometimes she won't, and then when mom is done on the pole, go and pick her up. With NO contribution for gas. And if you're real lucky during the "interview", you will be asked to drive everywhere for her and get nothing for gas. Great pay my a**. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the strippers out there, but please.. Be open and honest about yourself. And her house is nowhere near clean. Its actually a huge mess. And because of her philosophy on life, she doesn't even make her daughter help clean up. The daughter will expect to walk all over you and if you try to put her in line, she will lie to her mother about it and make it seem like you did something wrong. Any more questions about this woman, email me. I have PLENTY more to say about this woman. PS... The woman is ABSOLUTELY crazy!
URL: http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/kid/1726974698.html
3) Regarding Job Offer (Las Vegas)
My response to the attack made by this woman is that for one, she never showed up for the job, and she told a child's mother that she was on her way and never showed. The money was to be split with her, in response to the defamation concerning her pay for watching another child at my home with my daughter. It is unimportant the nature of my part time job as long as the sitter gets paid properly. She passed very little of any successful interviewing requirements, and was not the person for the job. She could have been honest with us rather than slander us on line. And to insult a child in this manner shows her lack of patience and understanding for anyone, most of all, a child's wellbeing. The woman did not show up for her shift on time as promised and decided to attack us. Most people have privacy with respect to their homes; there were things shared in confidence, and she shared with me personal info as well. I chose to email her and ask her if she was unhappy with the job, she chose to slander us publicly. I will not comment further, as I am aware that she is regetting her actions already.
URL: http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/kid/1728656104.html
4) RE: Regarding Job Offer (Las Vegas)
Haha. Sorry guys for posting again... But yes, there are two sides of the story. I did show up on time for my job. Actually, fifteen minutes early. And that says a lot because I was working another job that day, too. When I got there, she sprung another child on me (like I said, with no warning) which is very rude. Plain and simple. Especially after her and I had discussed my schedule for the evening the night before. And as far as splitting the money... Well, wow... That would have barely barely covered gas for the night. I hate how people always are wanting something for free. Like I have said before, 35 a day is great for daycares... But when you have bills to pay, and are only getting 35 dollars for hours of your time at a time, it sucks. And all the things she's wanting for 35 dollars is just ridiculous. As far as not being qualified... That I have to laugh at even more. I have over 5 paid years experience (and many many more unpaid years caring for family members. I have been babysitting since I was 8 and I'm 20 now, so do the math) with children of all ages, but particularly infants and toddlers and children up to 8 years old. Not only do I have GREAT references to prove all that, but I have also volunteered in class rooms actually teaching children. And coincidentally, have great references for that. So, failing to meet any qualifications is a total line of bs. And now on to the whole me not having patience with the kid or not being caring enough. In my opinion, the best thing for that child is someone who will discipline her and show her how to respect someone and their things. Instead of kicking the back of someones car seat because they are talking and she decided that she wanted quiet. Not once, but actually twice. Not only is respect for others something she needs to learn, but respect for herself is important, too. On that note, I feel it is VERY important to tell someone up front and honest about what you're wanting and what your "part time" (even though that's the one paying your bills) job is because hello... You expect someone to drop you off and pick you up from your club. I'm sorry, but that just screams danger just because people are crazy out there and I'm sure whoever reads these posts don't want to be seen with the woman jumping in and out of their car. What would happen if all of the sudden this woman got a stalker or something and she's seen in your car? Then, you all of a sudden have some crazy "fan" following you and your car. Such a risk, right? Now remember... This is for 35 a day. Last time I checked, everyone needs to know what their employer does. Child care plus taxi for 35 dollars? Give me a break. And I definitely am not regretting any decision. I am actually patting myself on my back for getting out of that situation.
PS... I've gotten a lot of emails from others totally agreeing with me... So apparently, I am not the only one who sees this woman as crazy.
URL: http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/kid/1728973993.html
We had several awesome Contributors this week... Special thanks to each one for a job well done: JerkFaceJade, MissMannah, mbargielski, nannybee, krupitzerb, alwaysangelnbuffy, kiddiepsyc, CSNanny, Cinder38 and proctorhome. Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE or use MEEBO. And don't forget to include the Links!
I submitted the one for Charleston.
We're headed there in a few days for summer vacation (My kids are home schooled) and I happened to look up some of the childcare ads. I swear, 50 bucks a week is ridiculous to ask someone to watch your kids for.
The person who responded to the last ad said everything I think. As a student, I've hated seeing the people who say "perfect for a college student". You know, one who wants to spend their summer making less than half of what their peers make. Let me jump right on that!
And the person who said "this is not a position to live on". I respect that she throws that out there, but that scares me a bit as to what she is going to pay.
23-The other one that got to me was the family who said that they wanted you to claim your income of a whopping 150 a week. So you are announcing your illegal work practices then? That means on top of everything, there are taxes.
Horrible pay from CL this week. Scary for me, as I am looking for a nanny job right now and I keep getting those wonderful $5/hr offers.
Someone needs to email #23 and inform them that if they're planning on reporting their sitter's incoming then they'd better be planning on paying over double that $150.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (which you will have to go by if you're planning on reporting the income) does not allow for paying a nanny/sitter less than minimum wage, which in Wisconsin is $7.25 (or approx. $325/week for the hours asked) - NOT $150.
I hate brat kids. The first one sounds like my little cousin. No joke she will be in the back seat and you can be listening to the radio ( I like to sing ) and she will tell you to shut up because she wants it to be quite. Then she will tell you to spit out your gum because she doesn't like the way you chew it. Then she will ask you why you are killing the planet driving your car! Needless to say after that car trip she never said those things to (me) again. Others are not so lucky.
OK, so stripper mom claims that the responder to her mommycare/taxi driver/babysitter job did not meet ANY of the job requirements, but somehow she failed to show up on time for the "job". That would mean that stripper mom hired someone unqualified due to...? Case closed.
Phoenix, did you tell her to get out and walk, and you'll explain it to her when she meets up with you back at home?
why are some of these posted here? The christian one didn't seem weird at all, yeah some people wouldn't be comfortable in a christian home but then don't nanny for that family. they know what they want.
a lotof these are sketchy, but can there be a line where drawn somewhere?
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