.... WHAT?!
1) Looking for live-in Nanny (New York)
Looking for a live in Nanny.
You would have your own twin bed and closet in the same room of the childrens.
I am looking for someone that enjoys kids, being active and creative.
My 4yr old is in preschool and the 2 1/2yr girl stays at home.
The pay would start around $440 a month and with in a few months would be increased to an extran $50 weekly! We are 20 minutes by train to the city and the train is at the end of the block. I am a young mom trying to get back on my feet and going through a divorce. My children are very sweet and outgoing!
You would get one or two days off a week.
I am going through a career change and am open! I am looking for someone that is serious and dedicated! We are a young and fun family!
I need someone that can cook, clean, play, and be firm......
Original URL: http://newyork.craigslist.org/que/kid/1670313817.html
Special thanks to JLow2474 for this weeks Feature Ad... great job! Also, thank you to the following Readers for their Contributions: mbargielski, cinder38, MissMannah, MissDee, amyfacie, bookbagtheatre and kiddiepsyc... all of you found some awesome Ads! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE or use MEEBO. For those that sent Ads through MEEBO this week: my apologies... but by the time I got to them they had been deleted. Including the body of the Ad with the Link would be so helpful! ;-)
"Swetty" nanny is adorable! I can admire her English attempt, probably equivalent to how my Spanish would appear to a native Spanish speaker. I just hope I wouldn't come off as needing anti-perspirant!
#1: Wow, a whopping, generous $1.74/hr and a twin bed with all the dirt laundry and lack of sleep you could want.Aan offer no one could refuse.
Seriously, are there THAT many crack addicts reproducing?
Why can't people understand that if you are asking for someone to come to your home and watch your kids exclusively that you have to pay a living wage? Can you live on $150 a week? Neither can I!
I like the one that is offering a cottage for you to live in at a "reduced" rent of $700/ month plus utilities, but were only willing to pay the person $125 per week. You couldn't even cover your "reduced" rent on the wage they were willing to pay.
I also hate it when I see "that's what our old babysitter was paid and so that's what we're going to pay our next sitter." Just because one person was willing to accept so little doesn't mean that's it's a livable wage!
Lola-she reposted the ad later and changed it to sweety (luckily)
Oh good, I'm sure she turned beet red when she realized her mistake. It can be terribly easy to switch a few letters around in a foreign language and suddenly say something quite different and embarrassing! "Swetty" nanny just cracked me up and made my morning!
Well, we nannies do get swetty, (sweaty?) running around the playground!
I don't see anything wrong with the dad looking for a Chinese speaking nanny. If the misuse of indemnities is the point, yes it is funny, but understandable if his first language is Chinese.
"...my Rockie is the biggest baby ever!!"
Why do pet owners insist on telling us all their pet's name. I don't care what your #$%^ing dog's name is. And BTW it's Rocky not Rockie imbecile.
OK rant over. Thanks for listening.
people can name their pets anything they want to. you can spell rocky "rockie."
are you on drugs?
You don't like it when people name their pets? Ok here I go...
Here are my cats (my kids)
Beast - RIP my love. 17 years.
Smokey (Lil'Kitty)
Outside Kitty
Bullet (Boo)
PePe - RIP
Ugly Kitty
Bandit -RIP
you are lucky I don't tell you all their histories, their birthdays, their breeds, their personalities, which ones were adopted out to people who loved them, which ones are related to eachother, the medical problems I've had to endure and what they did cute the other day!
You ass. Pets are apart of people's family. I find it utterly insulting when you pass judgement on someone who loves their animal. You ass!
your post made me like you. hahahahaha! awesome!!! :)
(I'm a pet lover too!)
Phoenix, you crack me up. I feel sorry for poor Boy...he's the only one who didn't get a creative name!
I love animals too, but living in an apartment for now allows me only one pet--I just have my Molly-Moo and I spoil her rotten!
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