The nanny was on the phone, not paying attention to the child and the child walked up and scratched my 4 month old son below the eye drawing blood. The nanny got off the phone and asked what happened. I told her that is she hadn't been on the phone, she wouldn't have to have asked. She replied that it was her phone and she pays the bills and can talk anytime and as long as she wishes. Clearly not the point.
Washington Market Park in Tribeca
Received Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wednesday, October 21st @ noon at Washington Market Park in Tribeca. You're nanny was wearing a tan rain coat with a belt and green pants. She has an island accent with chubby cheeks and freckles. She watches a 2-ish year old brunette girl who is very cute and rides in a blue Bugaboo stroller with a large black and gray diaper bag.
The nanny was on the phone, not paying attention to the child and the child walked up and scratched my 4 month old son below the eye drawing blood. The nanny got off the phone and asked what happened. I told her that is she hadn't been on the phone, she wouldn't have to have asked. She replied that it was her phone and she pays the bills and can talk anytime and as long as she wishes. Clearly not the point.
The nanny was on the phone, not paying attention to the child and the child walked up and scratched my 4 month old son below the eye drawing blood. The nanny got off the phone and asked what happened. I told her that is she hadn't been on the phone, she wouldn't have to have asked. She replied that it was her phone and she pays the bills and can talk anytime and as long as she wishes. Clearly not the point.
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Ok OP:
not a great response from this nanny.
But perhaps it was bad timing? I'm not doubting your child was scratched, but I know from experience that a child can scratch, hit bite another child in seconds even if an adult is standing right in front of them.
As a parent, I have been on both sides! Are you a first time parent? Because there will come a time when your child steps out of line and it is embarrassing, especially if the parent of the child your child hurt goes off on you and accuses you of being crap.
The nanny's response sounds rude, but you did immediately blame your child getting hurt on her negligence, which may or may not have been the case. As I said, it may have just been bad timing. Maybe she was just angry and embarrassed. Being accused won't help those feelings, so I'm not really surprised she told you off.
Okay...yes the nanny shouldn't be on the phone to the point of ignoring the child but what were you doing that you couldn't keep your 4 month old out of the reach of a two year old...if you had been paying attention you wouldn't let a 2 year old get that close to your kid...sorry just as much your fault as the nannies.....sounds like you both should learn a lesson from this.
you're right: my guess is that OP's answer to your question would be "it happened too quickly." which brings me back to my original point that it can happen if you are on the phone or not. Getting confrontational on the playground with other adults regarding toddlers scratching/hitting etc, (which, OP, incidentally is normal toddler behavior) doesn't solve anything.
OP, why didn't you just answer the question the nanny asked? Sounds like you made the situation much worse, IMO.
Accidents happen. I wouldn't have let a two year old get that close to my infant, but I know that you were feeling protective and lashed out at the other adult for not controlling their child. You need to understand that your actions could have prevented it from happening too. It is the mother in you trying to put blame because your child got hurt, accidents happen and the two year old, nor the nanny were responsible for your sons well being.
But the OP told her, "if you weren't on the phone you wouldn't have had to ask"....she didn't say, "if you weren't on the phone this wouldn't have happened". so really OP wasn't blaming the nanny for the incident, rather, for not watching her charge closely enough to even know what happened. Nanny's response clearly was not the point.
Why would you let your kid be scratched in the first place? What were you doing that let the toddler get so close to your baby, and scratch your baby??
What I see is a mom, understandably upset that her baby was scratched, and speaking rudely to the nanny, who answered in kind.
Not enough information here to pass judgement on the OP, or the nanny. Maybe the nanny was speaking to the mom, and had the child in sight, but didn't see exactly what happened. Maybe the OP had additional children to spot. I have pushed a toddler in the swing etc. with an infant in the stroller nearby. As has been pointed out, these things can happen very quickly. I don't think anyone is guilty of anything but bad manners here.
upstate mom:
come on: it is obvious from the mother's remark that she was placing blame. It is clearly implied.
I am not sure why you are reporting the incident, OP. Phone calls happen and two-year-olds will get into mischief. I am sure you were upset by the attack on your four-month-old, but if you weren't able to prevent it, there is probably very little that the girl's nanny could do in any case.
I am guessing this was an accident? If it was on purpose I would be kind of concerned about the child.
OP, I think you overreacted because you were worried about your baby. Understandable. But I bet if you had simply explained to the nanny what happened (like she asked) you probably would have had a much more satisfactory resolution (ie she probably would have apologized, admonished the child, etc)
OP definitely sounds like a first time mommy.
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