Location: Alexandria, VA Samuel Christian Education Center 400 blk of N Patrick St.
Date: 10-01-2009
Time: 2pm-4PM
Nanny: Young woman in a floral shirt and white sweater. Dark hair.
Children: Two little children - one boy, one girl. Both 2 or 3 years old. The little girl had light brown hair, white shirt, red pants. The little boy had on a light blue fleece, khakis, gray & red tennis shoes.
The little girl was playing by herself nearest the sidewalk in the rocks and also just watching people and cars go by. She stayed there for 10-15 minutes by herself and looked lonely.
Eventually she ran back to the playground equipment and swapped places with the little boy. The little boy was crying and rattling the fence as he watched the cars whiz by on Rt 1. I walked past and could've touched him. He stood there crying for 5-10 minutes while the rest of the children played back near the playground equipment. I think there's no problem with a child crying (they do it all the time) but the childcare attendants were not in my sight- much further back by the playground equipment. There were probably 20-30 kids in the yard and 2 adults.
Eventually, the attendant picked him up after all of the other children seemed to have gone inside.
It seems that maybe they should close the front section of the playground closest to the street. The gates were locked, but it still seemed if I were determined I could snatch the little children and noone would see. I definitely could've talked to the children for a long time before anyone noticed me. Or it didn't seem like it would take too much for the little one to either get out of the fence or climb it and find himself on Rt 1 at rush hour. I felt compelled to keep an eye on the kids from the sidewalk; I was concerned and curious about when the attendants would spot them or comfort them.
Cute kids, hard-working attendants, but they need to have more adults in the yard with children that little and close the part near the sidewalk.
A lot can happen in 15 minutes when noone is watching!
Have you tried talking to the owner or director of the daycare? If it's a reputable daycare they will be upset with what you witnessed and take actions to correct it. If you feel the need you could also contact the state about what you witnessed, I really don't think anyone here would be of any help in this situation.
Sounds like a smorgasbord for child predators.
Yes, please speak with the owners of the daycare and, if necessary (as in, if this is not corrected immediately) , ask CPS to look in on the place.
In Wisconsin, OP could witness something around my daycare and contact DHFS to file an anonomyous complaint, in which the liscenser would then come to my center, to conduct an observation of sorts to see if i am following the liscensing guidelines. I can't imagine that VA is any different; they should be have some sort of office that regulates childcare centers. I would call immediately on Monday and report to them what you reported here. It sounds like there could be some sort of violations going on around the playground based on the information you gave us. If you don't call now, it may take something dangerous to happen (child getting seriously injured or kidnapped) before the VA DHFS is called.
Kids should not be in daycare centers. They should be at home with their mommies who can care for them, nurture them, interact with them, and keep them safe. Daycare centers are "WAREHOUSES" for children...filled with hired help who can't wait for you to pick up your child at night. If you put them in daycare, you're going to get what you get in terms of care. Stop being selfish...stay home with your children and make the sacrifices to raise them yourself!!!!!!
Real mom, yes of course. It's a well known fact that every family in the U.S. has one mother and one father who is gainfully employed and can earn a comfortable enough living to keep his family fed, housed and clothed, and keep all their medical needs attended to and that all the people who choose to work with children under 5 are just lazy overpaid monsters who would rather be getting their nails done but instead are getting paid boatloads of money to change diapers, wipe noses and mediate conflicts with other people's children all day. And all because most moms aren't as "real" as you proclaim yourself to be. I'm so glad you came to share your infinite wisdom of the world here so that now we on Planet Earth can FINALLY mend our ways and get on the right path for the benefit of humanity.
Cali Mom,
I'm glad that I was able to make a difference today. Ever mom should stay home and raise their own children; and by making the right sacrifices they can. I'm glad you agree.
Real Mom,
What would you say to single moms who don't have husbands paying for everything....or just moms who would rather work a few hours here and there so their family doesn't have to be on government assistance....I'm not trying to start an argument(I'm a stay at home mom) But I don't necessarily agree that everyone can be one...it seems impossible for some people so I just don't understand how you think everyone can do it. And not ALL Daycares are horrible. I have a good friend w/ an in home daycare (about 8-12 kids) and 2 people on the premises at all times. Her daycare is wonderful and everyone loves it.
"real" mom, in a perfect world, everyone *should* have a stable loving family unit, and a trust fund, with enough money to be able to afford all necessities and comforts and to allow them to devote themselves 100% to their families. To judge everyone based on the fact that you happen to be lucky and rich enough to be able to afford to do what you really want to do is just plain ridiculous.
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