I have seen this nanny all summer, and while her behavior isn't horrendous, she isn't a good nanny and I think the parents should know. Nanny is older, maybe early fifties. She is Hispanic and speaks Spanish fluently. She has short black curly hair. This day she was wearing a light blue fleece shirt and black pants.
She takes care of two little girls who are about 18 months. They may be twins or it may be a nanny share, I'm not completely sure. This day one girl who has blonde hair was wearing a purple shirt and skirt set with white tights. The other girl who has a little darker blonde almost brown hair was wearing a pink and green skirt/shirt set with white tights. Both had dark pink maryjane style gym shoes on. They have a side by side double stroller that is orange.
I usually see this nanny at Central Park in Skokie, but today saw her at the library. Every time I see her she is on her cell phone. Whether she's pushing the girls on the swings, walking around the grass with them (I've never actually seen them on the play equipment, usually just wandering followed by the nanny) or their at the library, she's making phone calls and spends the entire time on the phone. She speaks in Spanish while on the phone, so I have no idea if it's important, the mom, etc, however I've probably witnessed this behavior over 20 times this summer and the phone calls are never short. I can't imagine anyone has that many emergencies. She does watch the girls, but does not engage them. The girls are timid and usually just stand on the sides watching other kids, or wandering around. Like I said, she's not a horrible nanny, however I doubt her employers are paying for her to talk on the phone all day and ignore their children.
When I am at work, I W-O-R-K. This nanny gets to ignore her charges and yak on her phone all day? I bet the parents have no clue what goes on in their child's day.
Wow I am sure glad you are sticking up for these poor kids.
Sarcastic - What exactly is OP supposed to do? Tell her to get off the phone? Yeah, confrontation in front of small children is a great idea.
Real moms don't work and actually stay home and RAISE their children. If you hire a nanny, you have to expect that they're not going to care for, nuture, love, and interact with your child like you would. Nannies are HIRED HELP...not real moms!!!!!!!!!
Wow Real Mom,
I agree some nannies are like that, but I bet there are tons out there who treat the kids they watch like their own.
Don't mind "real mom", she lives in Neverneverland, holds tea parties with Tinkerbell all day, and doesn't understand the concept of A Problem.
Now even if a nanny watches a little one like her own--that child isn't her own. If you bring a child onto this Earth, you should really stay home to nurture that little person until he or she grows up. Then, you can go have a career. But doing that while your little one needs you is selfish.
Cali Mom,
I know the truth hurts, and it probably does sting quite a bit...but that doesn't mean you have to be sarcastic or nasty. Now, stand up and fly straight...and stop with that nonsensical talk. Of course moms should stay home and raise their own children. There isn't a good argument for not doing that.
So I guess all the rest of the moms in the world who CAN'T stay home must be... Pretend Moms?
Tell Tinkerbell I said hi!
Real Mom, you're just becoming a troll repeating the same thing over and over in different threads. You've stated your opinion. Move on.
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