Description of Child: Petite Caucasian child with blond, wavy hair, blue eyes, white & salmon colored jacket and tan UGG boots, approximate age 2.
Location: Willow Playground in Scarsdale, NY.
Incident: Nanny sat at bottom of green slide with large bag of sea salt and vinegar chips and was eating her way through them. Each and every time the little girl passed by, the nanny offered out the bag of chips to her. This leaves a little girl running around the playground with a mouth full of food, a choking hazard. I was additionally concerned that the time of day was 10:30 AM.
Um...ok. are obviously bored and could find nothing to post because this post is silly to say the least!!
BTW, My charges and I have lunch at 1030 everyday as our days begin at 530am!!
You need to pat attention to your own child and let other sound like someone just looking for something to bitch and complain about!!
And if she didn't offer to the child the post would be "greedy nanny eating chips and didn't give the poor starving child any". ugh, so tired of posts such as these! And, yes, while I agree that kids shouldn't be running around while eating, a chip in the mouth is not going to make a child choke and die.
Wow so she fed the kid chips? Man I should be fired now too.
Please OP if you're going to report something let it be something real not something as trivial as a chip
this was ridiculous. Kids can eat chips.
You were upset because it was 10:30? Or because the nanny was "portly"? Or that the nannny allowed the child to play on the slide at the playground? Or that the nanny shared her food with the child? Or that the chips were the expensive sea salt and vinegar variety instead of your basic Granny Goose? What was it that pissed you off the most about these people living their lives?
You have got to be kidding me. Get a life and find something important to post about the next time you are on here.
this morning (at about 9am) i gave a two year old a LARGE cookie, so he'd stop running into the room where i was trying to put an infant down. if she doesn't get her morning nap, we all pay for it later. OH OH OH, and i turned on the tv. FIRE ME?
minneapolis nanny,
congrats on setting charge #2 on her way to morbid obesity
do. you. not. understand. sarcasm?
Minn. nanny
That was too cute, lol.
Oh no! It's Wonder Bread Ballgate all over again!
Hey Op do you know down here most kindergarten and first grade students eat lunch at 10:30? *Gasp*
And one day I took my charge to one of the schools to eat lunch with a friend. She had a hamburger and fries at 1030 in the morning!!!
I can't believe I did that, I should never be allowed to work with children again
Ok, chips will not kill a kid. So what if it was 10:30 in the morning. Te each her own. Mind your own business and find something interesting to post about.
You just wanted to see yourself on this site.
Did you hear that sound? What was that? Oh, I know. It was the sound of OP farting out of her mouth.
Go away and don't come back Poop for Brains.
Some of you are a little harsh, dontcha think?
So this is not, in the grand scheme of things, an earthshattering we really need to be so insulting to the OP?
Her feelings are probably hurt by all of this...and for what?
Hell no! OP be farty talkin'.
I agree with Mom---- although I think this sighting lacks true abuse (thankfully) we don't need to be so nasty to him/her :P That being said, OP, 10:30 is not so bad, ESPECIALLY with the recent time chage.... Cheers
mom, while normally I agree with you..a womans job is on the line and to paint a picture of her as neglectful for feeding a child a few chips is just mean. While you & I may be smart enough to note that this is not a neglectful or bad thing to do..perhaps it might make mom & dad think twice after seeing someone else take note of their nanny and then plastering a commentary all over a public safety blog if sorts for children..especially young or first time,inexperienced parents who are already questioning leaving their child with a nanny.
If there were no job at stake I would not have even commented and just written this op off as bored..but she is playing with someone else's life..that is harsh.
With todays economy..job security is vital.
I wrote to you last night, but it didn't post.
I think you make a good point about being careful with these sitings because people's jobs are on the line.
However, with this siting, I think the parents would have to be completely nuts to become upset. I haven't read the original post in a few days, but I recall that the nanny was playing with the child, waiting for her at the bottom of the slide and offering her potato chips. This actually sounds like a fun , sweet nanny to me...and hopefully the parents feel the same. Personally I care more that the child is played with than that she ate chips. (I am of the mindset that if you feed your kids healthy meals, they can have a reasonable number of snacks of pretty much any variety and still be perfectly healthy. I also think that becoming alarmed about what they eat all the time promotes eventual eating issues or I don't give a rats behind that she ate chips.)
If this were my kid and I read the post, I would smile because this paints a happy picture of the child going down the slide time after time and being greeted at the bottom by nanny with a little treat. Who knows? Maybe the girl was formerly afraid of the slide and having a chip was her reward for doing it all by herself?
I think if any parent had a problem with this post...particularly enough of a problem to fire what sounds like a very attentive nanny...the nanny would probably welcome gettign away from such nuts.
Love you BLB! Even when we disagree!
So of course this one posts twice. Just my luck!
It's no big deal, Mom! :)
mom, you are so funny..thanks for the post!! You are right..any parent who would fire a nanny over that would be nuts! I was just in a bad mood and hated reading something negative about what seemed like a pretty attentive nanny!
OP...I am sorry.
To be fair, I think we were both a bit presumptuous with our posts.
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