Received Wednesday, November 5, 2008 - Rant
Guess what, I have a dream job. Or so you would think. I have loads of perks and take home just under one thousand dollars per week. My job involves a lot of travel and my employer frequently gives me gifts of fine lotions, designer clothing and new make up lines. So why am I about to complain? My employer may arrange for me to have dinner delivered from some of the finest restaurants in the area and pay me generously when I work late, but I am invisible. And it's getting old to be invisible. You see I work for a celebrity and said celebrity doesn't use a nanny. So what am I? I am the one who gets the child(ren) up every morning, dresses and feeds the child. Our mornings are filled with pretend play, addition, coloring books and stories. I spend half of my day on the floor with the child(ren). How I would like to escape to the park and spend some time outdoors, but you see I can't because all park play is reserved for my employer(s). Remember they don't have or use a nanny. When the photographers get close enough to take pictures, they photograph hair that I have washed and combed and clothes that I have selected from over stuffed drawers. But who am I? Who am I?
Update From OP 11/6/2008:I travel in coach, they fly first class or we all travel in a private jet. If in a private jet, I am "working" non stop keeping the child(ren) out of the parent(s) hair. If I fly coach, I am free to read and relax.When the child(ren) were to go to the park with the parent(s), I would get them ready, pack the diaper bag, backpack, etc, even get directions to a specific park or museum, load the child(ren) up in the stroller, car, etc. and slither away back inside. There I would wait for no longer than 50 minutes until I would unpack the child(ren), undress, redress and assume care for the children.
I don't know why it bothers me so much. Perhaps my employer(s) pay and gifts are token of her appreciation, but really I see it as a given. Do you know my employer(s) have/has never thanked me for anything I have done nor have they ever acknowledged that I actually do great work for and with their children. Am I bitter? Hell yes, I'm bitter. But don't lose sleep over my predicament, it was only a rant. My employer(s) can rest easily knowing I have signed my life away in an iron clad confidentiality agreement.
You are someone who took a job, and it sounds like you knew what you were getting into when you took it. It's alright if, now that you've done the job for a while, you find that it's not for you and you move on. That's ok.
I do think you should ask yourself who's approval or attention you're looking for. Isn't it enough to do your job well, have your boss appreciate you and have the children's affection? If you want strangers in the park to recognize you or your (hair washing) work, maybe you should be in a different line of work?
If the money is that good and you have all the added perks you mentioned, then who cares about if someone gives you credit for washing and combing the child's hair? As long as you do it because you want to do it, not because you want to be given credit for it. Enjoy the children and only worry about how they feel about you.
However, if this is something that you simply cannot get past and it affects your work, then you always have the option to move on. You will not have the high pay and grand perks, but if you are truly unhappy with this situation, then just move on.
Who are you? A whining ingrate.
You get paid well, you are treated well. get over it or MOVE ON!
Although in my current financial situation I would kill for a fraction of what you get, I am going to offer you comfort instead of berating you. Okay--- who are you??? You are a best friend to those kids. While it SUCKS getting no glory for hard work--- know that you have glory in those children. Hang in there... take heart and know those kids know what you do for them... even if the damn paprazzi or SAG ;P doesn't credit you...
^^just to clarify, I am NOT the poster above.
Who cares who you are? you sound jealous that your picture isn't being taken and that they aren't saying in magazines that you chose the clothes. you are doing a job and from the sounds of it, getting very well compensated for it. Be happy and stop looking for glory.
OP, I am not sure what really bothers you. Is it that you can't go outside with the children? Or is it that you are not acknowledged publicly as the primary caregiver? I do not think anyone over the age of 5 is ready to believe that celebrities can be full-time parents.
LMAO, I could hardly tell that wasn't you! Almost the same attitude. :)
To the OP
I know it sucks not getting a pat on the back, but remember this is your JOB. Are you there for the kids, or something else?
that's part of your job.
Then you should quit if you're so unhappy. Or maybe go volunteer at the burn unit at your local hospital.
Get back to us when you do.
you have a good job. stop whining.
Who are you? A person with an EXTREMELY well-paying job in a crappy economy. What's the problem?
not a park slope nanny-
yeah, that is why I said something! the other person using my nickname 'behaves' just like I do, LOL! maybe it's my long lost twin..............
i think this post is kind of hilarious and probably not even true. i'm sure celebrities pay a lot more than 4k a month, especially if they want you to keep your mouth shut.
4k after taxes is six before dumbass. There is a reason you are eating broth with a fork for dinner, you punk ass ho.
*laugh* Feel free to quit and give the job to me if you're that unhappy!
I understand being frustrated that you can't get out of the house, when I was nannying that was the easiest/most fun part of our day, taking walks to the park, etc.
I understand being very annoyed that the employers you are working for are essentially lying to everyone, trying to make themselves look awesome. This is unfortunate because other moms look at this celebrity and wonder if she can do it with her busy life without a nanny, why do I have so much trouble making it work? They always look so happy and put together, etc.
Even though I do agree that you probably knew that this "invisibility" was part of your job when you took it, I'm still sympathetic. I would just take the attitude that if they need to pretend that they are so wonderful that they can have a perfect life without a nanny to get by, then that is their problem. As long as the kids and (it sounds like) the parents think you are great, you should be fine. Keep doing the great job you are doing, enjoy the pay and the perks and if you can't take it anymore one day, move on!
jersey said...
"4k after taxes is six before dumbass. There is a reason you are eating broth with a fork for dinner, you punk ass ho."
I could've done without the punk-ass-ho.. but you're right.
OMGZ must get paid under the table.
That's so sad. Whenever I read about celebrity couples 'doing it all on their own!' I call bs. There is no way. Don't listen to these negative commenters...the issue is that you are not feeling validated, and that is horrible feeling to experience. Unfortunately nothing is going to change so it's going to have to be something you either accept, or walk away from. (Ha, I'd love to see them look all high-and-mighty when they really are doing it all on their own bc you walked out of them!)
I'm looking for a new job.
I am underpaid, over used, and taken advantage of.
email me if you leave your position or know of any celeb positions.
All it would take is one phone call to an Agency and possibly another 2 hours for a back-up, and they'd have OP replaced. Trust me, they would hardly break a sweat if she were to walk out on them. Especially if they are top notch Celebs. It's a shame, but it's the truth.
eww, people on here are pretty insensitive and cold. of course you feel bad to be ignored! i think anyone would feel bad in these circumstances.
just think though, the person who hires you really does appreciate and care for you or she wouldn't keep you so close to her kids. at least she does reward you with nice things.
always remember that the kids know who plays with them the most and they will really love you.
and you meanies realize that nannies need love too!
Get over yourself. It is their choice to keep you anonymous and you agreed. You get paid plenty to do your job, not to mention those perks you like. Wah, you don't get to be on the cat walk and photographed with someone else's kids. They are famous, you are not, boo hoo. Sounds like you want the lime light. Maybe it is time for them to find a new nanny or for you to grow up.
I second Hook Me Up- what agency did you use?
You're a nanny. Seriously, what is your problem? It's not as though you're clark kent and saving the world in your spare time! What, you want your pic in US Weekly as so-and-so's nanny? You play with kids, bathe them, do the normal nanny stuff- only behind closed doors. I think you need to get over yourself. I hope your employer finds out you feel this way and give you the boot before you open your damn mouth.
You could sell your story to a tabloid if you're that hungry for attention- only guess what? I doubt anyone will care! Unless of course you work for Jolie/Pitt.
It sounds like maybe you are getting a bit jealous of all the attention they get...which I think is probably very natural and normal considering that you are so close to that world day in and day out, and yet kept just on the other side of the door. It must seem very glamorous and fun...and not fair that some (them) seem to have it all while others work silently and unnoticed behind the scenes (you) to make thier lives even easier and more glamorous looking.
However, while I can completely empathize with your feelings, it is still their fame and their life, and they hired you to be one more person to make it all possible and that much easier for them. They have the money to afford to hire people to hide in the background and make them look good. You just have to decide if you want that person to be oyu or somebody else. But remember, if oyu work for celebrities, it is probably going ot be that way a lot. If you choose to quit and work for somebody more low key, you will probably still not get regognition in the press for oyur efforst, and your high salary and fabulous perks will likely dry up as well.
So, here are your choices realistically:
1) Stay working for these people, enjoy the salary and perks, and realize we will likely never see you on TMZ or in People magazine doing your job.
2) Quit and choose a new family, make less money, don't travel to fabulous places or get freebie clothes and make up, and realize that we will likley never see you on TMZ or in People magazine doing your job.
Who cares anyway? If we ever see a nanny in the press, it says the name of the celebrity, and maybe at most a generic, anonymous "and nanny" nod. Nobody cares or remembers, or even looks at the nanny. Plus, nobody is going ot be surprised to find that your celebrity family has a nanny. Everybody knows...nobody cares. (Not to diminish your great worth as an excellent childcare provider...but just trying to give you some perspective on how little the public recognition you seek may mean even if you do get it.)
Personally, I would keep the job...especially if you are young and unmarried and able to go on fabulous trips at the drop of a hat. It sounds like a great opportunity to me.
And what really matters is that you are good to the kids and have a positive influence on their lives. That's what you're there for. Be proud yourself of the good job you do and do not covet the approval or regognition of strangers. do you travel with them and keep your job a secret? If you work for a celeb as you say then you also would be seen "traveling" with them. Doesnt anyone take pictures of them? Are you sent on a plane alone ahead of them?
I worked for an athlete who whenever they did an interview or tv spot we the nannies were never around. It looked like they did all the work themselves, when in reality there were 2 full time nannies in the background, doing the everything, but staying out of the way of the cameras.
Speaking as a nanny and someone who once worked as a personal assistant to a celebrity, I don't really understand your need for acknowlegement.
A good assistant SHOULD go unnoticed by everyone else, because her job is to make her boss look good. People would thank my boss for gifts I picked out and bought, and I would just smile.
This summer the guests at a pool party lavished praise on my mom boss on what a great job she did teaching her daughter to swim, and I didn't feel the need to correct everyone.
they travel first class and you travel coach? don't tell me the kids travel first class! that would make me sick.
as long as you feel the benefits are worth it, keep on keepin' on.
we all need to rant sometimes and those on here who can't understand what a rant is, or don't think you have the right to feel the way you feel aren't very bright.
It is not the Jolie-Pitts. They have made it no secret that they have 6-8 nannies on Staff.
Wow. Just wow. You said it all, Mom. What an excellent post. You definitely put it all into perspective, and I really hope OP can appreciate that.
Seriously... stop your witching!
I would kill for your job! Who gives a flip that you are "invisible"!!
Most of the nannies in the world are invisible! I think of the good job and the memories I create with the children as my reward! Those children are never going to forget who really "raised" them!
Sorry I still can't feel too badly for you OP. You have a good job when many don't. I stick with what I said initially, get over it or move on.
Sorry Gimme A Break, I really didn't mean to take your moniker, I'd been using it a while now myself! But we do seem to think alike! :D
I'm guessing she works for Tom and Suri Cruise.
Thank you NY nanny.
I hate to see people guessing who she works for, because if they find out she will be in trouble. But she was very good in not giving any clues, including how many children there are.
I am typically an insatiably curious person...unless the knowledge being out could hurt somebody.
Also, I would not get up in arms about the coach filghts. Not only is it tremendously expensive to fly first class (I know they have a lot of money...but that doesn't entitle anybody else to share the wealth...well, at least until our taxes go through the roof in a short while anyway), but it would give away their invisible nanny secret in a big hurry. They don't want that and it's their choice...and apparenty in your work agreement with them.
Thank you NY nanny.
I hate to see people guessing who she works for, because if they find out she will be in trouble. But she was very good in not giving any clues, including how many children there are.
I am typically an insatiably curious person...unless the knowledge being out could hurt somebody.
Also, I would not get up in arms about the coach filghts. Not only is it tremendously expensive to fly first class (I know they have a lot of money...but that doesn't entitle anybody else to share the wealth...well, at least until our taxes go through the roof in a short while anyway), but it would give away their invisible nanny secret in a big hurry. They don't want that and it's their choice...and apparenty in your work agreement with them.
oooooh, you're a boner-fied celebrity-hanger-on and you're complaining? Don't you know that everyone wants to be Paris Hilton's New Best Friend, or P. Diddy's new assistant, or Tila Fart Face's new squeeze?? Girl, get with the program and stop belly aching. If you were smart you'd visit Kevin Paves for a blow out, Anastasia for a tweeze, and Jackie Warner for a work out. Then you'd smarten your ass up, and set about causing some marital dischord!
I feel for you O.P. I can't imagine not being able to take the children anywhere. Always, being stuck in the house or a hotel when they travel. That is hard. Especially, if you are working long hours.
Don't we all like to get out and get fresh air. If we are a nanny or not. A parent or grandparent. Imagine being cooped up with children in the same place, inside the house, inside the hotel room, inside a dark tinted SUV. With no other interaction in the day.
She probably would love to take the kids out to the pool, to the beach, the parks, etc. I don't understand why the parents don't want anyone to know they have help. If you are a great nanny they should be happy about that. And whats wrong if they have a little help with their children. All the stars have nannies and housekeepers. Its not like it would be a shock to people on the outside.
I see what you mean about going outside erics mom..but that makes me sad for the kids more than the nanny. Kids need to be outside. Lots of adults work inside all day with no time to enjoy the outdoors.
Do these very rich people not at least have a backyard or fabulous terrace where the kiddos can get some fresh air and sunshine while they are busy living their ultra fabulous lives away from them? If not, that's just mean.
You know how I have always picked where to buy my houses? By what was available for my kids to do nearby...local parks, nice sized backyard, and when possible, always at the end of a cul de sac. Rich celebrities have every possible choice in where to live. I think having a bunch of kids and keeping them cooped up indoors all day so you can live in the most fashionable building possible is just selfish.
But then again, its their life and you're not going to change them, OP. They'll just find somebody who is more willing to do what they want if you make waves.
Hi Mom
I am sure they have a beautiful yard, etc or terrace. But I would think they would be afraid to let the kids out. In case, a photographer sneaks around and catches a picture of them. Especially, if they stay in hotels, etc. Maybe, there home is a different story. I am sure they have huge gates, and security around so it would be hard for photograhers, etc.
I'm sorry you feel invisible but honestly you don't sound invisible to them. If your employer is giving you fancy stuff and pays for you to have food delivered it seems like she really cares. You may feel invisible because no one sees you outside with the children, but you aren't invisible to the family. Honestly, most people know that celebrities with multiple children usually need to have a nanny. With their traveling etc, it's just safer having one. So rest assured that people probably know they have one. They just do not want the nanny photographed with their children.
When I see celebs out and its just one of them and one kid and a nanny I think it is pretty ridiculous. But just know you are making a difference to the children and the parents may have a hard time saying thank you so they show it in other ways.
Anonymous said...
It's hard living with and being around someone who lies all the time. How much harder must it be when the lie that they're telling is about you!?
I hear your frustration, nanny, and if I needed a nanny I'd probably hire you. If nothing else, you'd get to take my kids wherever they wanted to go!
4:49 PM
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