SAHM looking for a playmate for my girls (Madison)
Hi! I am a stay at home mom and I am looking for a child to play with my girls. I am very flexible on hours needed. I am here all the time either way! My rate is $45 a day with unlimited hours. Please contact me asap with any questions or to set up an interview.
**Child must wipe there own ass** Thank you and god bless!
Original URL:
Babysitter needed.. This Sat.. the 15th.. Also for other days (S. Everett)
Hello. I have 3 children.. I need a baby sitter this sat an the next sat. to go Christmas shopping with my husband for the children... I need one from 7.30 til the latest 10 pm (we may decide to go for dinner as well) U have to be older then 18 years old. And I would need refrenses.. The ages are 10 months(girl)almost 2(girl) 4 year old (boy) If u are 18 til 20 years old ur parents or close family member would have to be contacted.. These are my children and I need to know that they will be safe... I will need to see ID and would have to have ur car license plate number. I am looking for a new long term sitter as the one we now have is not working out.. We need sitter 2 a month no set days. And it will be late nights as my hubby works ALOT.. The baby and boy is in bed and sleeping at 7 .. While the 2 year old most times falls asleep on the couch,, I will keep her awake so she does not wake up to a new face. She flips out big time when that happens :) If this sounds like something u would like let me know... Thank you for ur time..
Original URL:
I need a Nanny for Tomorrow! (Loganville)
I am looking for a Nanny for tomorrow. My daughter is not feeling well and I don't want to send her to school. If interested please e-mail me. Thanks.
Original URL:
I need weekend childcare for my 3 children (Lithonia)
Looking for home weekend care or 24 hour day care. I have a live in weekend job I work 40 hours every weekend only. Hours needed Friday 10pm - Sunday 10pm. This is all day Saturday and Sunday. I start work early Saturday morning which is why I wanted to drop off on Friday but if you are open I can aways drop off Saturday morning at about 5:00am. Sometimes I will only need care for 2 children. Ages are 3(girl), 4(girl) and 5(boy). You can also come to my home to watch the children. I can only pay $75 - $90 per weekend for all 3 kids. If needed I can supply food for my kids. Please let me know about yourself, where you are located and also, do you have children? Thank you. Serious replies only.
Original URL:
Weekend childcare (Baraboo)
Mother of 1 toddler is able to watch your child(ren) Saturday or Sunday, overnight available in my home.
I have Red Cross certifications for First Aid and CPR adult/child/infant, along with SIDS prevention training.
Ages newborn and up welcome, although the majority of toys I have are for toddlers and younger.
Meals provided. Awake time is $3/hour and sleeping time is $1/hour.
Thank you for viewing my ad.
Original URL:
HELP!! Coming to Nashville for Wedding - need SITTER (Nashville Hilton) babysitter cancelled at the last minute and we are arriving in Nashville Friday afternoon, 11/14. I desperately need someone for the rehersal dinner Friday night and the wedding Saturday night. We are a good family, pay well and have wonderfully behaved children. Please contact me ASAP at 317-757-**** or via email. Thanks so much.
Original URL:
A very special Thanks to the following Contributors: pinkchaos, MissDee, SFClaire, CraigslistCrusader, cdhere25 and ericsmom. All of you did an amazing job and found some really great Ads this week! CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday... send next weeks Ads HERE.
I am shocked to see so many ads where they are barely paying over $2-$3 an hour! Even for a babysitter, that's outrageous. And all those ads looking for someone to come into their home tonite! In my book, that's called a STRANGER!They may as well headline their ad:
"looking to hire a crackhead, you do not need to be good with children" - because that's about what they are going to get. These parents need a real good smack!
It amazes me that ppl leave their children w/ just anyone last minute!
Shocking. But at least the first one, where they lady wants playmates for her children might be OK...if you don't mind your small child coming home repeating things like, "Wipe your own ass, ya nasty little shit!"
Am I reading the ad 'Childcare for tonight' right? That once their 8 month old is asleep, that you can leave??
re: the childcare for tonight ad...I think the party will be brought back to the home at one point and that the babysitter can leave THEN, assuming the baby is asleep. Hoping that's the case, at least.
I picked some real good ones this week-I can't believe some of the people that post on CL. Saturday is the best day at ISYN!
Anonymous said...
Some of those ads are a pedophile's dream come true.
It breaks my heart.
12:48 PM
These are some of the most insane Ads ever. You CL hunters did a really great job finding them!
I am just shell-shocked at the carelessness of some of these parents. Don't they give a shit about their kids?
The Ad for the one in Lithonia wants someone to stay over the whole weekend 24/7. If my math is correct, it comes to 48 hours. The pay? LESS than $2 an hour!!! Now, just what kind of person would take that job? I'll tell you who. Someone that gives off a charming 1st impression, then as soon as they are left alone in the house with those kids?.. just thinking about it makes me so ill. I wish I could just shake the hell out of these parents, and wake them up out of their coma.
LOL on the first one
child must wipe their own ass
Thanks for the repost of my comment, 12:48pm.
I forgot all about the deletion of anonymous comments.
the SAHM in the first post should just get her kids involved in a club or something to meet other kids geez. and no normal person would reply to that considering the ass remark.
for the others, weird that they go to craigs list for last minute sitters. Ask a relative or a friend! I just don't get it.
I'm starting to wonder if some of these moms who post these ads for immediate childcare are a littl elike Casey Anthony...but not murderously so. Maybe they are not all that thrilled about being moms, don't really care for the kids, but are lax in this way knowing that something could happen...but it might not be all that bad to them if it did. Maybe not even on a conscious level...but maybe it would be an easy out for some of them?
Otherwise I cannot imagine EVER posting such an ad. There was nowhere I had to go, ever, that was so important to me that I went if I didn't have a family member or one of our very trusted sitters to watch the kids. NOTHING should EVER come even close to being that important to a mom who loveas and treasures her kids that she would take a chance like these people in these ads do.
I really do imagine that pedophiles see ads like this on Craigslist as a 24/7 smorgasbord of victims.
Mom, I accidentally posted a reply to your comment on another thread.
I wondered that same thing about a mom who let her kids get into danger all the time.
Austin Nanny said...
MOm, it's so odd that you mentioned that. My sister and I were just talking about a woman who worked at our parish when we were kids. SHe had 6 kids, and she always seemed utterly spent and exhausted. Her kids were constantly in danger-running in front of cars in the parking lot, pushing each other out of trees, and she never once tried to intervene.
We used to joke that she was secretly hoping they'd kill each other. After Casey made the news, we both wondered if she subconsciously wanted something to happen to them.
5:49 PM
***** Posting this for austin nanny because of the relevance to mom's post. *****
What am I missing here. Are many of these ads posted here because of low pay? A lot of assumptions are being made that the poster of the ad is just being cheap or doesn't care for their child. It's a big country out there and guess what.. many people can't afford to pay $15/hr. Many people don't have family around as well. So before you are shocked that someone is offering a low rate remember that we all aren't rich NY'ers. What happened to this site. Sad judgmental whiners.
You must be blind. Yes, I see a couple of Ads offering a low wage (some are for $2-$3 an hour, come on!) BUT what I notice more is quite a few of them are asking STRANGERS to come into their home and watch their kids tonight or tomorrow! Whatever happened to the careful screening process, to make sure your kids are safe??
If that isn't a WTF?, I don't know what the hell is.
Austin nanny,
I think you're probably right. I cannot understand how moms could otherwise bear to put their children's lives at such risk!
I had a friend like yore talking about once too. I could never understand her. She sent her 18 month old back to the day to get a toy he had left. it wasn't far away, but still, who sends a toddler off alone and even trusts that he will find his way back, let alone get run over or kiddnapped. Once we were at a dinner with a group of families. her baby was standing up in his high chair over a hard surface floor...and he was very young and still wobbly on his feet. All of the other parents were on edge watching him and asking if maybe he shouldn't be sitting down. She looked at us and sort of laughed and said (I paraphrase, 'cause it was a long time ago), "Oh well. His dad's in charge of him tonight. I guess I have trust that he won't let him die, huh?" I was thinking "Um, no. He doesn't seem to be capable of caring for a child, so trusting him is beyond stupid...and if oyur baby falls...which it looks as though he could do at any moment.... he could actually die." Of course, I am now a more forceful person. If this happened today I would either make her sit him down or tell her I was going to leave because I could not bear to watch him fall.
First time caller,
I am aghast that you can't see what is wrong with these ads!
Who cares what they are paying?! These people are advertising for complete STRANGERS to come into their homes...IMMEDIATELY...and be left alone with their kids!
No bells? That's truly scary!
PS Not everything in the world actually boils down to the rich trying to screw the poor. When it starts to look that way to you, you might want to check and see if you've developed some kind of chip on your shoulder.
I also would like to add here to 'firsttimecaller', that I don't see anyone trying to get over on another by charging $15 or more per hour. I see people that - according to their add - are trying to get CHEAP labor. Plain and simple.
Honestly.. you see these ads for people needing childcare immediately and you are shocked. How many people hire complete strangers for permanent child care with out doing a background check or other? These unchecked permanent "nannies" are far more dangerous to the child then someone who cares for them for one night. And again.. lets remember that not everyone can afford to pay top dollar for child care. Don't be so shocked.
First Time caller, You said:
"These unchecked permanent "nannies" are far more dangerous to the child then someone who cares for them for one night."
That statement has no basis in fact. It all depends what each one of them does to the child. If your kid is raped by the one time sitter...or stolen and sold on the baby black market...or killed in a cult ritual...I'm guessing you would think that was worse than your long term nanny being unfriendly over an extended period of time.
But the actual point you seem to be missing is that it is NEVER OK TO GET "UNCHECKED" ANYBODY TO WATCH YOUR KIDS...long term or one night.
I remain shocked.
It is shocking how little investigation some people do on their kid's caregivers. I have a friend who does a lot of babysitting, and she said her references have only been checked twice. That's so bizarre to me in this day and age.
I did babysit for a family once and I found out they had a nanny cam because the little girl pulled me over to stand in front of a big stuffed rabbit and said, loudly and dramatically, " I like her. She is very nice." and hugged my leg.
Austin nanny
Although I'm sure it must have been a big shock for you at that moment, I was able to picture the event clear as a bell, and couldn't help but giggle a little bit. How cute.
Mom @ 10:39pm
While I totally and completely agree with you, I'd respectfully advise you to drop any use of "cult ritual" as a danger, especially being killed in one. Perpetuating a myth is a terrible idea. I wouldn't normally speak up about what seems like a small thing, but the Satanic Panic of the 80s and early 90s cost many innocent people their own children and cost many childcare providers jobs.
Obviously the cult murder comment was tongue in cheek...but really, anything at all could happen when you leave your kids with TOTAL STRANGERS...which was the larger point I was trying to make...and which I obvioulsy missed at by a tad.
Back to what somebody said a couple of days ago: The internet is not the best vehicle for sarcasm...or a very dry sense of humor...which I definitely have.
Oh yes, I am predicting that my child is not going to be well enough to go to school tomorrow. It's so bad, in fact, that we know in advance she will still be sick tomorrow. So please contact me in the next few hours to agree to come to my house, pick up some germs and contract a nasty bug.
what you say about the one-time sitter is absolutely true. they can be the most harmful. i know firsthand because of something that happened to my husband when he was a child. and the sitter was a 15 year old girl!
in most cases, long-term nannies have their career and reputation to protect.
Pink Nanny said...
in most cases, long-term nannies have their career and reputation to protect.
2:23 AM
Very good point!
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