Location: Eden Prairie Center Playplace, Eden Prairie, MN.
I was at the mall the other day with my charge. He is a three year old boy and the two of us go there quite often while his five year old brother is in preschool for the first half of the day. Anyway, normally the kids there are decent and the parents are usually keeping an eye on them. This day there was another child who was either three or four (around there). Him and my charge made quick friends, in fact this child was very outgoing and friendly. He was quite aggressive with him though and my charge loves to copy and go along with anything the other kids are doing.
So this kid bit my charge and of course, my charge thought that was okay and bit back. Its not okay and I had him set in time out. Meanwhile, this little boy was telling me that he was thirsty and hungry and wanted some of my charge's snack. I told him no and that he needed to find his mom or dad to get a snack. (I wasn't sure of allergies and such). He seemed so disappointed and waited silently for my charge to be done with time out.
Afterward the two of them played very roughly and both were pushing and shoving. I had to tell the both of them to play nicely, keep hands to themselves and watch out for little children. I soon found out who the little child was with and it happened to be a lady who had spent the entire time curled up, reading a book, and I never noticed her peering out to this kid to see if he's okay. When she did, she saw me telling no to him another time about the drink and she snapped at him telling him that he has to "get over here right now and leave them alone". He really wasn't pestering me, I just felt bad that he was sitting next to strange adults (to him, I'm really not that strange, lol) to get something to eat and drink. I know that my charge was not behaving real well either that day but this post is not about the kid's behavior, its about the nanny, as I found out she was, not doing anything to correct it and she had allowed her charge to sit with strangers. Not only that, but she barked at the kid when she did talk to him.
Description of said nanny: African American, early-mid 20's, hair short (back in pony), kind of bigger build, 5'6ish - 5'7ish.
Description of said child: African American, 3 or 4 years old, name is Brendan or Brandon or something around that, petite, shaved head, big brown eyes.
How do you know she was the nanny? Especially if they are both AA? You never mention that he said he was with his nanny...?
Either way, it's either a bad nanny or a bad mommy!
"I know that my charge was not behaving real well either that day but this post is not about the kid's behavior, its about the nanny as I found out she was, not doing anything to correct it and she had allowed her charge to sit with strangers."
- How much more clear does OP need to be, mary? Did you want her to explain EXACTLY what the boy said that tipped OP off that she was the nanny? I am sick to death about some people wanting a word by fucking word play just to prove it's the nanny.
Simmer down now. Nanny, mom - who cares? There's plenty of judgment and blame to go around!
Wow "sick of it"...first of all, go take a prozac! Secondly, I'm a nanny myself, so I wasn't at all trying to prove that it wasn't a nanny. I obviously must have missed that part that you so rudely pointed out to me! Speaking of people wanting "word by fucking word plays"... aren't you the pot calling the kettle black! As you so obviously missed, read my last line! "Either way, it's a bad nanny or mommy". Does that sound at all like I'm "attacking" the OP or like I'm suggesting it's not a nanny? I was asking a simply question, "How do you know she was the nanny?". Get off your high horse and get back on your meds!
And by the way "sick of it", reading back to the post, I realize my mistake. I misread the original poster's writing because of a misplace comma. I'm not making fun of the OP or being the "spelling police" here, I'm just saying, that's why I didn't understand and why I missed that part. I read it like this... "It's about the nanny, as I found out she was not doing anything to correct it". When I assume the OP meant to say "It's about the nanny (as I found out she was), not doing anything to correct it". See my point? How a simple comma can make a whole sentence seem like something else?
Bad nanny or bad mom?? Well, it MATTERS if it's a bad nanny because this is a bad nanny blog, and the parents need to see these sightings and get their kids away from these "bad nannies". And I never suggested you were attacking the OP.
I wasn't exactly directing the "word by fucking word" phrase to you though, and I'm sorry if it came off that way. But I know I'm not the only one here who is sick to death of the generic "are you sure it was the nanny" question.
Thank you for pointing that out, Mary. Unless it's major, I usually try to post Submissions with very little editing because I don't want to change the essence or intent of the Author's letter. This is something I overlooked, my apologies.
Mary, it was very awkwardly worded. I didn't catch that at first either and my first reaction was the same as yours. sickofit just sounds cranky.
Hmmmmmmm.....when I take my 2 year old charge to the playland at the mall or open gym, he is too busy playing and having fun, being a typical boy. He is not aggressive or mean, and loves other children. If a child like this attacked my charge, I would say something to the nanny or mother in a nice manner, although I would be very upset. Hard to say if the "adult" with this child is a mother, nanny, or relative. I use the term adult in this context because judging by OP's post it seemed a child was watching a child. Seriously, what adult lets a child act this way to another child, and lets a child sit with strangers because they won't get off their lazy ass to feed the small person they are responsible for?!
I worked a 10 hour day and my class tired me out....
When my kids bite each other, I bite them. Its the only way to show them that biting is so very wrong.
hey, I'm the op and yeah I'm sorry for the lack of grammer that confused some of you...but thats hardly what was important here.
it was his nanny because i specifically asked the little boy while he was sitting with me if he was with his mom and he goes "no, I am with her" and i go "and who is she?" and he goes "my babysitter". and maybe its just a babysitter but my charges call me that (and their nanny) but kids tend to call nannies babysitters sometimes.
lol when i was little my dad bit me to teach me not to bite and it does work, however I will not do that to someone else's kid! haha. not okay.
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