If you know this nanny, black or AA, medium height, slightly heavy, bug beehive of black and orangish braids, and a long styled denim coat - she needs to be thrown around like she threw your child around and she needs to have her mouth washed out with a bar of soap. The child was about 2 years old, solid in build, brown hair, light skin, wearing a red and creme colored knit hat and a dark blue jacket.
Downtown Rye, NY - Near Rye Free Reading Room
Received Tuesday, November 25, 2008.
I saw a disgusting example of a nanny today in downtown Rye. The nanny had a reprehensibly foul mouth and was jerking the toddler she was caring for around very harshly. The child was alongside a dark colored stroller with forest green colored fabric and did not want to get in it. The nanny was not dealing with the child but gabbing on her cellphone. So while she screamed, 'you mother fucker, you mother fucker, you scumbag mother fucker, you blah blah blah" at the same time she grabbed the child by one arm (a child who weighed about 30 lbs and 3 feet tall), she grabs him by one arm and slams him in the stroller. It was in one motion and very sloppy. I was startled, but across the street. The nanny was walking towards the train station from the grass nearest the Rye Free Reading room (heading into town).
If you know this nanny, black or AA, medium height, slightly heavy, bug beehive of black and orangish braids, and a long styled denim coat - she needs to be thrown around like she threw your child around and she needs to have her mouth washed out with a bar of soap. The child was about 2 years old, solid in build, brown hair, light skin, wearing a red and creme colored knit hat and a dark blue jacket.
If you know this nanny, black or AA, medium height, slightly heavy, bug beehive of black and orangish braids, and a long styled denim coat - she needs to be thrown around like she threw your child around and she needs to have her mouth washed out with a bar of soap. The child was about 2 years old, solid in build, brown hair, light skin, wearing a red and creme colored knit hat and a dark blue jacket.
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did you mean big beehive?
I do appreciate the posts left here, but if I were a parent reading this and realizing it were my child in the description, I would be so sickened to know that it was my child being flung around and mistreated. I would probably never leave my child again!
Whoa. This woman sounds like a bomb about to go off. How scary.
I was driving with my charge one day and expressed my opinion about how people in my city can't drive. While on a walk last week, this lady was driving fast down the street which we were crossing, and while carrying my charge across ths street, I said to myself, "people here can't drive". My charge repeated what I said, and I started laughing, simply because of the way he said it. This nanny should be dragged down the street the same way she did to this toddler. Second, talking is one thing for healthy language development, using language like this is inexcusable. Apparently this nanny's brain is a dead battery, since she doesn't understand that children are sponges. Imagine what this child's parents would think if they told their toddler to do something and the toddler responded with "motherfucker". I can't bear the thought of how this nanny treats the child behind closed doors and things the child hears during the day....
Rye is known for phoniness and pomposity, so if the nanny is behaving like this in public, heaven help that child.
Shoot, that's nothing. I call my elderly mom a mo-fo, my one-year old a DAMN mo-fo and my husband a stank-ass mo-fo. Those frigging mo-fo's know I mean it in a nice way.
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