Westchester Mall in White Plains
Received Monday, May 12, 2008
What I saw today made me so angry. I was on my lunch hour at the Westchester Mall. I saw a nanny which is unusual because most often I just see prissy moms. This was defnitely a nanny. She had her hair braded and pulled back under a brown bandana or rag. Whatever you call those things. She was wearing blue jeans, a brown short sleeve shirt and she was a little chunky. She had a pretty little girl with her who was probably 3 yrs. old or so. She was crowded in to an umbrella stroller that she was kind of already too big for. And on top of her lap she had the nanny's black purse. And all on her stroller, there were bags hanging. The nanny stopped to look at some jewels on display in the middle of the aisles and the little girl was reaching for a sip cup and she knocked the nanny's bad off her lap. The little girl tries to reach forward for it and the whole stroller tips to the side. The nanny takes two steps towards her and said "why did you do that, why are you messing around, you're very bad. you're going home to sleep for a very long time". The little girl didn't say anything. Not one single word. The nanny was all rough uprighting the stroller. The little girl was probably scared. She could have even been hurt. The nanny didn't care about none of that. She was rough and she pushed the child away all abrupt all mad she was done shopping. The girl had on a pink and dark blue ralph lauren jacket and plaid patterned shoes.
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I'm having a hard time picturing the nanny sitting the stroller upright with all of the bags hanging on it, and the little girl that was too big for it ... do I have that right?
Sounds to me like the nanny needed a shopping cart for all of her crap.
Oh, and an attitude adjustment.
They must've been out of stock on those.
Education my dear. Instead of complaining about a nanny please spen some time refining your use of English.
That comment was for the OP.
8:18 That was uncalled for . Not everyone speaks perfect English.
Go suck on an egg! How effin' rude!
Pay that troll no mind, your post was just fine. What nerve anyway ... they should've paid more attention to their typing skills instead of insulting you.
Thank you for posting, OP.
Sleep for a very long time?
Cue creepy/dramatic background music.
Weird. Poor kid.
Although, as I was reading this post it sounded a little fake. Maybe it was just the way it was written. OP sounds young. (Which is fine! Before you attack me!)
You may be right, Jersey ... and no, there's nothing wrong with a poster being younger.
I'm quite sure Jane would be pleased if it were. Then she'd know there were people of ALL ages looking out for other kids' safety.
Good post, OP.
And P.S. 8:18, you should probably take your own advice. And I'm not just referring to your typo either.
ooooooooooooo cat fight
How can there be a catfight? Nobody can win against the one and only, JXJ!
You too funny, girl!
i don't see anything wrong with the way OP writes, of course I am also young and understand her completly
Oh, I understood her completely 1:56. It was just her manner of "speaking" that sounded young, if that makes any sense. I could pull out examples but I doubt you care enough for me to go through all that trouble :-)
And thanks 12:34. Assuming that wasn't sarcasm, haha.
Is this Marva? Because she looks bored and almost angry.
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