If anyone should have questions about this post, the OP has availed herself to questions by providing contact information.
Porter Square Books in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Received Thursday, April 10, 2008
Today, (4/10), I saw the most lovely baby boy with whom I thought must be his nanny. He was maybe 16 months old or so, maybe younger, blondish hair, orange t-shit, olive pants (I think olive). It was at a reading by a Lois Lowry. This woman was white, in her late fifties or so, frizzy, shoulder length hair. She was appalling. The baby cried once during the reading and, when she carried him out, she put her hand *over his nose and mouth* so he could neither breathe or stop crying, pulling it away only when other audience members gasped. Repeatedly she let the child wander away from her, alone, for many minutes at a time. In fact, during one time she ignored him, he was picked up and carried over to her by a young woman in attendance, and she hadn’t even seen the boy picked up, let alone where he was when it happened. The nanny left him again amongst the book stacks, and when she came back to hi., he had fallen and, when he looked up at her, weeping,, she just shrugged at him and put her arms out and said, “what do you want me to do?”. I have never seen a more inattentive or uncaring caregiver. I urge you to please fire her; she leaves your baby unattended often enough and long enough for him to do serious harm to himself.
If anyone should have questions about this post, the OP has availed herself to questions by providing contact information.
If anyone should have questions about this post, the OP has availed herself to questions by providing contact information.
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OMG and no one called the cops or cps? That is oure outright child abuse. If she does that too long it can cause death or brain damage. I have a feeling we will be reading about this woman in the papers!
hey jd... somehow the word sh*t accidentally got posted in this sighting. "orange t-sh*t". thought you might want to know so you can take that down...
OMG - I'm pretty sure she meant "shirt"! Ooooh, let's take the post down before anyone is offended by an innocent typo.
and no one called the police after seem this? OP why dindt you call the police?
I wasn't offended, nor do I think anyone should be over a typo; I just know that JD usually is very conscious of swear words/offensive comments and probably wouldn't want that on the first post of her site. Nothing wrong with giving her the heads up...
OMG this is horrid, at times like this I'll march over, give her my name and ask for hers and her babies. I get so angry when I see people don't do anything.
you saw a warning sign before something even worse happens.
unbelievable. and you know there were warning signs seen by others for those poor kids too.
If she was suffocating him in public I'm really scared to think what she does when she is alone with him and loses her temper. Maybe the OP can go back to this bookstore at another reading or storytime and she will be there, but maybe not since she noticed that people were appalled by her.Well hopefully this child's parents are notified about this posting and realize that their child really is in danger.
What a serious post. How painful to read that the Nanny covered the nose and mouth to try and quiet the baby?
I'm glad OP has provided contact Info.
Hopefully someone knows who this Nanny is and she can help notify the Parents.
Op, just in case this Nanny is 'brazen' enough to show back up, I do hope you follow her carefully to her car and get the license #.
Good luck.
This is awful. I can't believe that a nanny would treat a child this way, in this manner. And nobody said anything?
As I was leaving work this evening, I observed a guy turn right onto the street which I was traveling. He was in one lane, then the other, taking up the entire road, and I decided to pass him. To get his attention, I had to blast my horn to get him to move over. Had I not done that, he would've hit me, and I would've hit a mailbox. What was the guy doing that he was driving like that? Yakking on a cell phone. I got the plate number and called him into the police, who were going to contact the driver. And that was just on my way home from work. If I would do that to someone, you don't think if I saw this beast of a nanny, I wouldn't do the same thing to her? You bet I would.
OP: I commend you for helping this child. See if you can follow the nanny next time you see her or at least get a picture and send it in. I have read some pretty bad stories on here about mean nannies, but this has got to be the worst. I hope the parents find out about this nanny, and I hope for the sake of the child that the mother doesn't come on here making a big issue about how her child is being treated, like the "mother" who wanted the post about her children in the tumble class removed. This is SERIOUS. If she does this in public, what's to say she won't do something worse in private?
Jane is the greatest!
Long time, no see MissDee!
This is absolutely heart breaking and very frightening, as that child could truly be in danger! If you see this woman again, please follow her to her car and take down her license plate number, or if there is any way to find out who she is (perhaps a community board online for this particular story time) you should report her there. The parents need to know about this before anything serious happens!
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