Update - Thursday, April 10, 2008I am the OP of this post and offended that someone would question whether I was driving while this was going on. If you are driving down the road and a stark, raving maniac, flailing her arms about, apparently screaming, reaching down in the vehicle, causing minor vehicle swerving and throwing items at a child doesn't catch your attention, just how aware are you? After she passed me for the second time- because my speed was constant and hers was not- I tried to commit her plate to memory, but by the time I got home to jot down the plate, I could remember only two letters- two letters I was not sure of. Whoever this woman is, whether she is a nanny, a stepmother or a mother, she should never be allowed unsupervised around children. Ever. In all my life, I have first hand witnessed such an appalling spectacle. And it was a spectacle, otherwise, I would not have been distracted. Fear not, Eric's mom, for my children were still in school and not in the car with me. I would suggest in the future that responding commenters save their snark for the people who are hurting the children, not the people who are trying to alert the people who love that child that there is a problem.Received Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This woman frightened me. She was a
blonde woman with sunglasses and a pointy face and she was driving a Black or very dark blue
Land Rover 3 on NY 22 today. (3/9) from Armonk towards White Plains near Cranberry Lake preserve. This sighting
occur ed between 3:00-3:30. There was a dark haired boy who was a passenger in the back seat of the car. He was probably 4 or five years old and sat behind the empty passenger seat. The woman was screaming at him hysterically, so hysterically she was
herky jerky with her wheel. The real clincher was when she reached down in the passenger side of the car and brought up what looked like a child's party bag, from a birthday. She began throwing the objects from the bag at the child, not tossing, throwing. Still screaming and frantic. This vehicle had New York plates and I am 80 percent sure the first two letters of the plate were "DD". I cannot imagine a mother would ever treat her child like that or behave so psychotically, so I am deducing that this was the nanny. The woman's hair was just below shoulder length, she was white and thin. I cannot offer much more, but I felt for that poor boy. What could he have done to deserve that? And if he gets treated like that in a car going 50MPH, how does he get treated when they are standing still behind closed doors?
wow- leaping to that it was a nanny is beyond strange. You can't believe it? I see people treating their own children badly every single day. Wake up.
Poor kid, but this post will never help him.
You can't believe this could be a mother! Do you ever read a newspaper?
Whom ever it was, nanny or mom, that is a very scary scene you described. Poor child!
I worked for a woman for a few months and quit after I discovered her screaming at her little son (my charge) in her car, parked in the driveway of her home. She had one of the windows slightly open when I walked outside to help him out of the car and I could hear her ranting "Stupid, stupid why are you so blankety-blank stupid?!?!? Mommy hates it when you're so blankety-blank stupid!" and was so infuriated with him she was red in the face and raging...he was weeping and cowering in his car seat, and she stopped as soon as she saw me, so I knew SHE knew she was doing something wrong.
I couldn't stand it. I told her husband everything in private, gave notice and kissed the child goodbye the next week and went on to another job. I told him to always remember what a GOOD little boy he was, and that I loved him but I couldn't stay and I was so very sorry.
So, it CAN be a mother...it's not always a nanny. Don't jump to conclusions ao quickly.
I hate to break this to you OP, but there ARE horrible Mothers out there that would treat their kids like this.
I know ... it's tragic.
I'm offended she just assumed it was a nanny as well. I'm betting on it being a mother!
Right, you naturally deduced it was a nanny because moms never commit child abuse, hit their kids, leave their kids or scream at them. it's only the evil, evil nannies who do that. What a dope you are.
I will have to deduce the person who wrote this is just as crazy as the person driving the car.
You have no idea who it was. To assume it was a nanny is plain stupid. I'd place my bets on a cranky, mean mom.
and how about getting past the part about whether it's a mom or a nanny and moving on to what important here. Hopefully, a reader will recognize her and bring this to someone who can help this child.
thank you, fg...this poor kid is at some MAJOR kind of risk (emotionall/physically) with this crazy woman! SOMEbody, please read this and intervene!
Mothers and Parents DO treat their kids this way. I treat the children of those parents. As children, as teens and as adults. You need to be aware.
wow , this is the responce from mom.
wake up mom, 1) nanny will not be rude in front of you..come on
2) say thank you to person reported it. now you can do something about it like nannycam or have someone you trust follow her
3)why not report it on this website..this its what is is for..."I saw your nanny" should tell you something..
as a mother myself i would feel so bad for the child and not worry so much about defending her...wake up and be a mother...
Well everyone else summed that one up for me...I too am offended that OP would assume it was the nanny.
Crawl out from under your rock.
I would like to know if the O.P. was driving herself. You could have caused an accident by not keeping your eyes on the road. If she was going 50 miles an hour how could you see much of anything???
Wow. If we keep making it difficult for OP's to report bad behavior, they will stop. And the children will suffer.
Who cares if it was the nanny, the mom, the step-mom or even grandma? This "person" should not be allowed around children!
Thank you for the post, OP.
Please people, show some common sense. You should know that it is encouraged, if you are driving and you observe someone whom you suspect of driving under the influence, to call 911 (and perhaps save a life). Now, erratic driving, such as described by the OP, can be caused by other factors, but for whatever reason, reckless driving is equally dangerous and also takes lives. The OP was right to report this and could have called 911. She'd have been taken seriously, so stop dogging her.
As one who's been sniped at for getting "off topic" more than once or twice... how about we all remember the important thing in this sighting: the endangerment of a child. Yes, OP, I wish you had called 911 immediately when obseving the erratic driving. It shouldn't matter if you know, or assumed, it was mom, step-mom, or nanny.
In response to OP's new post above:
you should apologize to all the nannies you offended. Your post was judgemental. You should admit you used a poor choice of words, and also that you were caught not paying attention to the road yourself.
You sound like a drama queen to say the least. How could you tell it was a party bag if the driver in question was speeding? Your post reeks of inaccuracies.
Good grief.
Who pissed in your cornflakes, 3:57?
Leave the OP alone. I'm sure she realizes she made a mistake saying it was def. a nanny.
Take a pill.
OP while I more likely believe it was a mother though it could be anyone, i think we can all agree that thank god she didn't crash the car.
357 am,
My post does not reek of inaccuracies. I never said I was caught not paying attention to the road. I specifically said I tried to commit the plate to memory rather than reaching down to rifle around for a pen and paper. I said that the site of a woman driving down the road, herky jerky if you will, was something that would catch someone's attention. Do you know the road of which I speak? It was a two lane road. I don't know that it was a party bag, I said it looked like a party bag because it was a brightly colored bag and contained several colorful objects. What is wrong with you? What if this was your nephew? Your neighbor? A child from your Temple or Church? Do you not want the person who was treating him so badly to be revealed? Do you not think that perhaps this woman, whoever she is might need some help?
In my experience, I have never known a mother to treat her children like this. I stand by that statement. I made a quick judgement that she was a nanny, why should that offend you so?
If she is a nanny, she isn't a good one, the sooner she is exiled from the nanny pool, the better you nannies will look collectively. And if she is a mother, well God have mercy on that child. I shudder to think the effect that someone that out of control would have had on a child, having access to the child from birth to present day. If that is his mother, the outlook is far worse, isn't it? So perhaps it was hopeful thinking that it was a nanny and even a nanny that had not been with him for long. Say what you will, but the suffering of children, even imagining the suffering of one child, well it upsets me.
God bless you, you freaking cookoo clock! :)
Why is the OP cuckoo? Because she was put in a box and asked to explain and defend her way out of it? All she was trying to do was alert someone to the fact that there is a child who needs some help. Shame on all of you naysayers. Or is it your intent to bully any posters into submission?
you saw a warning sign before something even worse happens.
unbelievable. and you know there were warning signs seen by others for those poor kids too.
drama drama
What reason do you have to be so unkind? OP is trying to do the right thing and is continually being dumped on and now has to defend herself.
I'm sure she was "hoping" it was a Nanny and not a Mom because if it were a Nanny, she could be X'd out of this child's life .... but if it is indeed the Mother, then I fear nothing but a world of heartache for this child.
I know this road. Very dangerous, curves in many places and blind intersections coming into it unexpectedly and too many people drive it way too fast. It's ashame the OP didn't remember the plate number, but I can understand her not wanting to try and write something down while driving on it.
Thank goodness, 7:26 ... finally a post with some common sense.
Hey everyone! It's been so long that I have been on here, I forgot how to leave a comment...*LOL* We don't know who this woman is, and what her relationship to the child is, and we don't know if they (this post and the other one that is similar) is the same person, but I think we can all agree on one thing: this woman is M-E-A-N.
I've missed you guys!
well, we've missed you, too, miss dee. Welcome back.
Long time, no see MissDee!
Welcome back Miss Dee :)
OP, thank you for reporting this.
Whether this woman was a nanny, a mother, or a martian from outer space is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that this child is being mistreated. Abuse is not acceptable regardless of who it comes from. I hope someone can figure out who this poor child is, and get him some help.
Thanks for having a heart OP, I fear a few people on this site are lacking one.
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