Received Friday, March 28, 2008
Physical description of involved child/children: I am not even positive how many children she was actually watching. I know there were 6 children at least. Two approx. 3 year old boys, one was Asian, dark bowl cut hair with a Blue jersey on, the other was white with blonde hair and blue eyes. One toddler girl approx. 2 with a skirt and a yellow shirt on with light brown/dark blonde curly hair. One older boy, around 7 or 8 with a black, white and red shirt. One girl about 4 or 5, very tiny with long brown hair and a pink outfit on. One girl about 6 or 7, brown hair, Caucasian.
Address or venue of observed incident: Centennial Park in Tustin, CA
Date and time of incident: Friday, March 28th at 11:15am-12:20pm
Detailed description of what you witnessed: We arrived at the park at 11:15am today, (3/28) and we saw about 10 children there already, which is pretty crowded for this section of the park. I noticed two “caregiver” sitting on the bench talking with each other. I took the girls over to the swings and pushed them for about 15 minutes. During this time a toddler girl walks up with another girl about 4 or 5, but looked about 3 from her size. She helped the toddler onto the “big kid” swing and began pushing her. The toddler liked this until she fell off, and started crying. Miss Stella looked over and finally got up and walked over with an annoyed look on her face. The girl wasn’t seriously injured but she didn’t know that because she wasn’t even watching when it happened. She then took the toddler and strapped her into a stroller and gave her a snack. The older girl look upset but went to play in the sandbox.
Soon after the girls and I went to play on the slides. Under the slide we noticed a little Asian boy, approx. 3, playing and then he started throwing wood chips at the girls. I quickly went over and told him we do not throw wood chips and asked him where his mother was. He told me she was at work and he was here with his day care and pointed to Miss Stella, who was back on her bench talking away. I told him if he threw wood chips again I would have to go talk with Miss Stella. But, the girls were mad at the boy and wanted to go play in the sandbox.
At the sandbox we noticed an older lady, about 60-65 years old, with wavy gray hair, wearing a sweat suit. I assumed she also worked for the day care and began talking with her while the girls played in the sand with the girl from the swing set, and about 4 other children. The lady told me she was here with her granddaughter and these children just came up and started playing with them and their sand toys. One of the girls, about 6 or 7, with brown hair told Miss Stella she needed to use the bathroom. Miss Stella reluctantly got up and started to take her to the opposite end of the park, about 50 yards away, to use the bathrooms. She leaves the children there with her bench mate, who was about 50-60 years old, with short red hair, gray sweats, and short dark brown Uggs. I assumed this was her helper, but when one of the boys asked for Miss Stella the woman said she had left and the kid started sobbing saying I can’t believe she left us here. When Miss Stella returned she thanked her friend for helping out. It was then I realized this lady was there watching her grandson and Miss Stella had just left all the children with her while she took the one to use the bathroom! After she started talking to her friend again she looked up and did a quick head count, couldn’t find one, and then looked down the walkway about 20 yards and noticed the 4 or 5 year old down there, she yelled for her to come back, but didn’t watch even to make sure she did.
Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: I only know of one cream color double stroller that she put the toddler in. I also believe she had a black bag/backpack with her.
Shame on your Miss Stella!
are you sure you were able to take good care of your charges while keeping such precise notes on this miss stella?
I believe poor child care is epidemic behind the Orange Curtain, after working their for a certain number of years. All those lovely high and mighty young republicans putting their children in questionable child care situations all so that they can have the latest BMW or Mercedes. I was one of the few American nannies employed in the area and at $30k a year in the early nineties, well above the average pay. Ms. Stella is really just one step up from the $3 dollar an hour illegal most families employ in the OC.
This is absolutley absurd. Whoever posted this blog obviously has a grudge against her and has a HUGE stick up her ass. Ms. Stella, a very close friend of mine loves children as her own and would never be so absent minded of the children. So, to write this gargantuan and exaggerated novel about her is something only a bored housewife with nothing better to do than tattle untruthfully about people, would write
Of course, Jane Doe, a pathetic little housewife whos husband cheating on while she takes her little precious ones (charges) to the park. Good doers,uneducated zealots Work harder on your worthwhile plight. Make this country even more uneducated. You have to be stupid to have children in this country where you cannot dicipline or educate them.Jane, Oh Jane show us thy face and do not be fret needlessly.Stop being a coward.
You spread your horsecrap here as though you will receive rewards for beautiful roses afterwards. Truly you are as full of shit as God is full of mercy. Speaking of which, the Torah states that it takes two witnesses to an event to provide evidence of wrongdoing. Your solo account is so full of inaccuracies and farcical blather that only a preening, sanctimonious twit would think worthwhile to libel another person. If this situation you claim to have seen so clearly was so terrible, why did not Miss Jane Doe Supercitizen call the constables to rectify the obvious wrongdoing? You only know the name 'Miss Stella' because her charges call her that, not because you spoke with her to get at any truth. Her pupils are under the age of five, and since you slipped up and admitted you did not know out of some 'ten' children how many were in her care, you just bury yourself in your malicious gossip further and further. Oh, and a three year old throwing wood chips at a public park? Just how many perfect little angels to become FBI informants did you cart over there? Maybe Solomon and James should have elaborated on the evils of the tongue when thinking of you and your ilk by mentioning that your tongue is a sharp instrument fit only for digging the grave of your character in deeper than being merely mistaken. May your misanthropic misbehaviour result in your facing catastrophes with no one to help you so that you drink your own urine and eat your own feces so that you perish knowing what it is like to be around yourself.
Sounds like Miss Stella found the blog. Oh boy.
Nah, Kevyn, Miss Stella here is innocent of her crimes against humanity, however, she would LOVE to meet with her accuser that is hiding like a thief in the shadow.
JANE DOE, where the heck are you?
BTW, Miss Stella is way busy to spread the good cheer, that's why she has good friends and parents that adore her. By the way, I am one of the parents and have 2 year old that adores her. Wanna my number anyone?
Ahhh the old personal attacks on some one elses character to take the spot light off the offender.
If anyone tells it like it is , it would be JaneDoe.
Those who are assinating her character need to take personal inventory themselves.
Looks like Jane nailed a crappy nanny this time LOL
Yes, I have read all of these not so smart postings, makes me realize once more, how petty, idiotic, uneducated people are in this country. Those who said that Jane Doe is a coward, i command you, she IS.
THis country is getting more and more impoverished and you stupid idiots do not even realising it. You are too busy wasting time on absurd and small town mentality really getting to you. THis makes me sad, that country that I was born into has so many revolting individuals. JaneDoe, are you a coward , someone is correct about that part!
What is wrong with you jerk-offs? Don't you know this is something an anonymous nanny witnessed, and posted on Jane's blog? How stupid you must be! Jane had nothing to do with this.
OMG LMAO while I reply..dude, I don't normally just come right out and pick on people but you made this too easy!!
"So, General, what is it you are commanding us to do?"
Oh,wait sorry did you mean "commend"? Dee-da-dee!!
What a jerk!
Okay big shot, you want to talk education...well here is my view..
"nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts & comments from jerks like you"
What the hell does "you stupid idiots do not even realising it" mean?
Bro, you need to get your ass back in school, possibly take an Economics course and most certainly take an English as a second Language course and then when you have a little more ammunition come back and try again.
coward =Genius4u..
He was a coward to the strong:
A tyrant to the weak."-Shelley
Oh, you need a new moniker.. cause that don't fit... AND
Stop picking on Jane!
Dear Mr. Jerk!
Don't get upset so much, let's take it the at the park ,you , me and my boys; hopefully we can find there Miss Stella and Mrs. Coward Jane Doe, that spreads crap about people. BTW, I do not even know Miss Stella.
Let me get this clear, sweetie pie.
When you speak so much, your thoughts are leaking out like a diarrhea.
Dude? Bro?
Who talks like that? Perhaps, teenagers or imbeciles? This is definitely not a speech from a man, perhaps a housewife or Trans/gay? No , no I take it back, it only can be a bored housewife or a white drunk American. Trans/Gays are much more sophisticated and cultured, not you white trash of America.
How is that bro?
i say dude and bro. and I'm none of those things.
I don't get why you are so upset. and who is Mr. Jerk? Is that like The Joker?
Hey genius, you are just pissed cause my post kicked your posts as@! Tee-hee
now I "command" you to...............tee-hee-heheheh
BTW, dumb-as@, I was calling you a jerk not signing my name ...OMG I am gonna pee if I keep LMAO at you!You are just so funny though,In a dee-da-dee kinda way, ya know?!
I am done! Bye bro
is this guy really posting seriously? I thought he was rehearsing for a play or something, trying out his law and order fan fiction on us, in which he is playing some crazy drugged-out serial bomber or something.
it actually inspired me but not in the way he wanted to, I don't think. ima go write my own law and order fan fic right now!! see ya! lmao
i really am!
I've never been so impressed by such idiocy!
And you chose the moniker "genius4u"? For who? Spongebob Squarepants?
Will you not get it through your THICK skull that Jane has nothing to do with these posts? All she does is put them up by OTHER people that SEND them in.
I don't think I can make that any clearer, and I certainly don't have a way that I could say it slower.
So, now that you've been properly put in your place, why don't you go get some sleep. You definately need to revitalize some brain cells. What few you have left anyway.
Well, genuis4u, you do have some balls. I can tell that much much about you, if nothing else. Why else would you choose such a moniker?
Your posts are indecipherable, however. Methinks you've been imbibing a bit this evening. For whatever reason, you seem very confused because it's plain to see what kind of person Miss Stella is.
Umass, I really don't know. I think he is rather funny. His understanding of the English language is atrocious.He has no concept how ISYN functions and I love that he is trying so very hard to convince us that he is smarter than he is. Otherwise he is amusing . I agree he is quite the actor.
He did invite me to the park for a pic-nic though to meet his homies. That was nice.
CFG, I agree ..maybe some rest will rejuvenate his cells. poor baby. I am going to show this to my son..good anti-drug tactic! Ya now, this is your brain on drugs!
I don't think I've ever gone off on anybody here before, but this idiot seemed like a good one to start with! LMAO
It's just too ridiculous for words.
BLB, this is just too easy for you! He's good pickin's, LOL.
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