This morning, at around 10 am, I was at John Jay Park on 77th Street and the River. I watched a nanny, dressed in tightblack capris and a royal blue short sleeved button down shirt with a tank top under it, as she took care of her charges. The children she was with were blonde (almost tow-head) boy/girl twins, about 18 months old. The boy was in a red and white striped shirt and the girl was in a white shirt with some pink embroidery. The nanny also had a very short dreadlocked hairstyle and looked to be in her early/mid 20s. She wore medium size gold hoop earrings.
The nanny was playing with the children on the climbing equipment- following them as they played even though they were physically adept enough to be left to their own devices. Instead, she was joining in the fun and paying them a great deal of attention in a very loving way. This was as countless other nannies of similar age children sat on the benches surrounding the equipment.
Dreadlocks? Ugh.
Also - I think you mean "toe"head rather than tow. Like their head looks like a TOE because their hair is so fair.
HAHAHA. I really hope you are joking, 2:08.
The OP was correct. The phrase is "tow-headed". "Tow" refers to the coarse, short or broken fibres of flax, hemp or jute prepared for spinning into rope. Hence the similar phrase "Flaxen-haired". It certainly has nothing to do with a toe.
Kudos to this nanny and to the OP -- it's nice to hear stories of nannies who seems to enjoy their jobs.
excellent story. no details of her face? what color were her cornrows? Someone might know this awesome nanny.
That is so awesome that you took the time to send in a positive nanny sighting.
What a great way to bring negativity to a postive post 2:08.
Glad to hear there are good nannies out there... :)
It's been awhile!
great nanny..job well done...
go home 2:08 why always make positive into negative.....grow up
see the glass 1/2 full not empty
2:08 You are a PITA
Great post OP.
Hooray! Very nice to hear a positive sighting again!!
(AND I'm sorry, but I did have to chuckle at the snotty tow verses toe's always nice to see the "know it all" types get proven wrong. "Toe head because it looks like a toe" hehe)
Any way, great sighting thanks and thank you for the chuckle 2:08 ;)
I am the OP and in terms of the nanny's hair, it was very very short with a few braids that were black. I wish I had gotten more info, but my son had a meltdown before I was able to get a look at their stroller- she was playing with the chldren for such a long time- it was so great!
WAIT. She was wearing "tight black capris"?!!! Shouldn't we all start a topic here about how inappropriate/slutty/unprofessional/dangerous they are???
black capris tend to be tight
Toe??? I needed that laugh!
"Toe headed". What a visual!
Now, what is a "PITA"?
pain in the ass - PITA
There is a glossary somewhere on here.
chatboard/blog terminology
OK, thanks!
that's a good nanny!?! Please that sounds like a pretty mundane sighting.
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