Received Thursday, May 31, 2007
I am watching a sluggish looking, overweight, AA nanny respond to her charge's thirst. The child is thirsty. The child's see through sippy cup with the purple lid is empty. Will nanny get up and fill the cup with water? No. nanny will pour 1/3 of her coca cola in to the sippy cup and give it to the child. The child is looking at the cup with her face wrinkled. The child says, "I don't like bubbles." The nanny says, "it's cold, have some and go play, quick." The nanny is content with herself. She chugs the remaining coke from the bottle. She is wearing a tight white t-shirt with a flag on it, I think it's the flag of Puerto Rico. Nanny is also wearing red sneaker style sandals with criss cross straps. The child, who is probably two is now back playing. The nanny is complaining to the nanny next to her about having to work Memorial Day.
Steps of Metropolitan Museum in NYC
Received Thursday, May 31, 2007
This occurred on Wednesday at approximately 4:20 PM in the afternoon. I was sitting on the steps solo reading NY Magazine when a nanny sat down about two steps in front of me. She had with her a child who was about six years old, he may have had some special needs but what they were I am uncertain. He was a white child, light complected with a thick thatch of brown hair and he wore a royal blue Izod shirt, khaki trousers, white leather tennis shoes that had strange, thick curly laces. The nanny was white, no tan with dark, goth style hair. She had her fingernails painted black but otherwise wasn't wearing much make up. She was dressed in cut off denim jeans, red & white flip flops and a Che Guevara tan t-shirt. Within 12 seconds of sitting down, she whipped out a pack of cigarettes. An older woman ten feet away asked her to move away if she was going to smoke and so the nanny put the smokes back in her bag. (small, flat black fabric bag). The boy was sitting on the steps holding the tips of his tennis shoes and saying something like "humm" and then he would move his head in another direction and say it again. He wasn't at all loud. I only heard him because I was right behind him. After about a minute of that, the nanny whacked him, not hard- but definitely whacked him like he was choking and said "stop that". The boy did and he scooted until he was about five feet away from her. The nanny smacks the pavement and says, "get back here, now." The child does not. So she does it again, harder. And says, "You want me to throw your food in the garbage can, I will." He then scoots back over and she gives him a string cheese, which she opened for him and four newton style cookies. I go back to reading my magazine. Then she says, "why do I hear you chewing?" She had the meanest snarl in talking to this child, a child mind you who was not at any time ever verbal except for making noises. To sum up the story, if this is your child, please know that a child with special needs deserves a nanny with more patience and tolerance. On a separate cautionary note, I would never hire a nanny who said she smoked some times-because the one time she wants a cigarette and can't have it- who is going to pay?
This occurred on Wednesday at approximately 4:20 PM in the afternoon. I was sitting on the steps solo reading NY Magazine when a nanny sat down about two steps in front of me. She had with her a child who was about six years old, he may have had some special needs but what they were I am uncertain. He was a white child, light complected with a thick thatch of brown hair and he wore a royal blue Izod shirt, khaki trousers, white leather tennis shoes that had strange, thick curly laces. The nanny was white, no tan with dark, goth style hair. She had her fingernails painted black but otherwise wasn't wearing much make up. She was dressed in cut off denim jeans, red & white flip flops and a Che Guevara tan t-shirt. Within 12 seconds of sitting down, she whipped out a pack of cigarettes. An older woman ten feet away asked her to move away if she was going to smoke and so the nanny put the smokes back in her bag. (small, flat black fabric bag). The boy was sitting on the steps holding the tips of his tennis shoes and saying something like "humm" and then he would move his head in another direction and say it again. He wasn't at all loud. I only heard him because I was right behind him. After about a minute of that, the nanny whacked him, not hard- but definitely whacked him like he was choking and said "stop that". The boy did and he scooted until he was about five feet away from her. The nanny smacks the pavement and says, "get back here, now." The child does not. So she does it again, harder. And says, "You want me to throw your food in the garbage can, I will." He then scoots back over and she gives him a string cheese, which she opened for him and four newton style cookies. I go back to reading my magazine. Then she says, "why do I hear you chewing?" She had the meanest snarl in talking to this child, a child mind you who was not at any time ever verbal except for making noises. To sum up the story, if this is your child, please know that a child with special needs deserves a nanny with more patience and tolerance. On a separate cautionary note, I would never hire a nanny who said she smoked some times-because the one time she wants a cigarette and can't have it- who is going to pay?
Roxbury Park in Beverly Hills, CA
Received Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Your little boy pleading with his nanny to help him on to a springy animal and other equipment. This occurred sometime between 11:00-12:00 PM today. (5/30). Your child white- dark hair, green eyes, and was wearing long, muted orangish cargo shorts with pockets, a khaki colored t-shirt with a silk screened eagle print on it, and uber trendy brown leather sandals. The nanny, Hispanic- had a long ponytail, worn high on her head, long straight dark hair inside, a smock style pinkish top and Capri denims with a thick cuff that was flipped up on both legs. The nanny may have been pregnant. The nanny plopped down and was reading a tattered paperback book that looked like a romance novel. The child did not cry when she refused to respond to him. Rather he sulked at the base of one of the spring animals and started to eat sand. This put me in a precarious position. I was near enough to put the child on to the animal myself, but it didn't feel right to touch another person's child.
Your little boy pleading with his nanny to help him on to a springy animal and other equipment. This occurred sometime between 11:00-12:00 PM today. (5/30). Your child white- dark hair, green eyes, and was wearing long, muted orangish cargo shorts with pockets, a khaki colored t-shirt with a silk screened eagle print on it, and uber trendy brown leather sandals. The nanny, Hispanic- had a long ponytail, worn high on her head, long straight dark hair inside, a smock style pinkish top and Capri denims with a thick cuff that was flipped up on both legs. The nanny may have been pregnant. The nanny plopped down and was reading a tattered paperback book that looked like a romance novel. The child did not cry when she refused to respond to him. Rather he sulked at the base of one of the spring animals and started to eat sand. This put me in a precarious position. I was near enough to put the child on to the animal myself, but it didn't feel right to touch another person's child.
The children love the nanny, but...
Received Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The children love the nanny, but I can't stand to be in the same room with her. Everything about her rubs me the wrong way, from her laugh to the noxious smell of her perfume. I have given this almost two months already, hoping that it would get better. I am a stay at home mother. Wondering if any other mother's have had to manoeuvre this.... disequilibrium.
Perspective & Opinion
The children love the nanny, but I can't stand to be in the same room with her. Everything about her rubs me the wrong way, from her laugh to the noxious smell of her perfume. I have given this almost two months already, hoping that it would get better. I am a stay at home mother. Wondering if any other mother's have had to manoeuvre this.... disequilibrium.
Perspective & Opinion
Gap at 67th & Broadway in NYC
Received Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I went into the GAP at 67th. & Broadway on Monday (5/28) afternoon around 4:15 PM. The nanny was a tall, black woman wearing a crisp white button down shirt (untucked), with black pants. Her hair was pulled back. She was also carrying a shopping bag from Pottery Barn.
The baby was a little girl, white, and looked to be very young - maybe 3-5 months old. It looked like she was wearing a one piece with pink flowers on it? She was in a black stroller, one with her seat facing the nanny. The poor baby cried (hard) for the entirety of her visit to the store. The nanny ignored the child completely. The stroller might as well have been an empty shopping cart, because not once, did the nanny ever soothe, acknowledge, touch, talk to or look at the baby. They were in the store for about 25 minutes, the poor baby crying the entire time. When she went to check out, she placed her wallet on the baby, still ignoring her existence.
It broke my heart to hear the baby cry like that. This was a very young child - you could tell by the cry. I saw other people in the store watching too with worry and concern, so I know I was not alone in my reaction. I tried to follow after the nanny, in order to get more information to share/report but was unable to find her after she walked out of the store. If your child is being cared for every day by this child, it is severely lacking in affection and care and you can find better.
My heart goes out to the little baby girl.
I went into the GAP at 67th. & Broadway on Monday (5/28) afternoon around 4:15 PM. The nanny was a tall, black woman wearing a crisp white button down shirt (untucked), with black pants. Her hair was pulled back. She was also carrying a shopping bag from Pottery Barn.
The baby was a little girl, white, and looked to be very young - maybe 3-5 months old. It looked like she was wearing a one piece with pink flowers on it? She was in a black stroller, one with her seat facing the nanny. The poor baby cried (hard) for the entirety of her visit to the store. The nanny ignored the child completely. The stroller might as well have been an empty shopping cart, because not once, did the nanny ever soothe, acknowledge, touch, talk to or look at the baby. They were in the store for about 25 minutes, the poor baby crying the entire time. When she went to check out, she placed her wallet on the baby, still ignoring her existence.
It broke my heart to hear the baby cry like that. This was a very young child - you could tell by the cry. I saw other people in the store watching too with worry and concern, so I know I was not alone in my reaction. I tried to follow after the nanny, in order to get more information to share/report but was unable to find her after she walked out of the store. If your child is being cared for every day by this child, it is severely lacking in affection and care and you can find better.
My heart goes out to the little baby girl.
14th Street and 6th ave in NYC
Received Monday, May 28, 2007
This took place on Saturday may 26Th at 5pm on west 14Th Street and 6Th ave in NYC. I was standing in front of HSBC. From the way the woman was dressed all in white, it appeared she was a baby nurse to an infant around 3-4 months of age. If I offended anyone I am sorry, but the woman was black and the child white. The stroller was one that the hood was a different color news stand that is in front of HSBC and started looking at the magazines/newspapers etc. The whole time she was there for about 5 minutes her back was turned away from the stroller. The reason I am sending this is anyone could of walked off with the stroller and she wouldn't of known since her back was to the baby the entire time.
This took place on Saturday may 26Th at 5pm on west 14Th Street and 6Th ave in NYC. I was standing in front of HSBC. From the way the woman was dressed all in white, it appeared she was a baby nurse to an infant around 3-4 months of age. If I offended anyone I am sorry, but the woman was black and the child white. The stroller was one that the hood was a different color news stand that is in front of HSBC and started looking at the magazines/newspapers etc. The whole time she was there for about 5 minutes her back was turned away from the stroller. The reason I am sending this is anyone could of walked off with the stroller and she wouldn't of known since her back was to the baby the entire time.
59th Street Big Playground today at Central Park in NYC
Received Monday, May 28, 2007
If your nanny has short hair and wore a striped polo today (Sunday 5/27) and was with two little babies in a Valco twin stroller and was at the 59th. street big playground today in CP, I had a chance to observe her and found her more than lacking. This nanny is not good. She was unable to manage the two children she had with her. She allowed the younger child to play unsupervised. The older child got hurt and started crying and she did nothing to respond or comfort the child. She just continued yapping on her cell phone. Looking straight through the children. I am guessing she was a "weekend nanny". I heard they are expensive. This woman isn't worth $2 an hour to pet sit. Sorry.
If your nanny has short hair and wore a striped polo today (Sunday 5/27) and was with two little babies in a Valco twin stroller and was at the 59th. street big playground today in CP, I had a chance to observe her and found her more than lacking. This nanny is not good. She was unable to manage the two children she had with her. She allowed the younger child to play unsupervised. The older child got hurt and started crying and she did nothing to respond or comfort the child. She just continued yapping on her cell phone. Looking straight through the children. I am guessing she was a "weekend nanny". I heard they are expensive. This woman isn't worth $2 an hour to pet sit. Sorry.
67th & 1st in NYC- Slaphappy
Received Sunday, May 27, 2007
Was anyone else at the Park on 67th. & 1st in NYC, yesterday Saturday (5/26)-mid day. There was a boy of about 4-5 playing alone on the equipment who began crying. A mother with her own children approached the child and asked if the child was okay. The child continued to cry. The mother asked if she could help that child find his mother and he nodded yes through his sobbing. The mother then finds this child's mother who is over by the basketball courts, facing away from the playground. When the mother sees her child coming with another mother, she immediately grows irate. The nice mother starts to explain that the child was crying or needed her or something along those lines when the child's mothers starts screaming at the nice mother and slaps her across the face. There was no way for the nice mother to holler out to the child's mother as she was too far away. I am curious what prompted the child's mother to slap the nice mother across the face and additionally, I am curious why the nice mother didn't do anything in response. She sort of sulked away. I realize the nice mother had a young child of her own, a daughter I believe but I found the whole scene shocking. Maybe I don't need to know if anyone else saw this unbelievable display; I just wanted to say, you did a really nice thing and I am sorry that it turned out so horrifically for you.
Was anyone else at the Park on 67th. & 1st in NYC, yesterday Saturday (5/26)-mid day. There was a boy of about 4-5 playing alone on the equipment who began crying. A mother with her own children approached the child and asked if the child was okay. The child continued to cry. The mother asked if she could help that child find his mother and he nodded yes through his sobbing. The mother then finds this child's mother who is over by the basketball courts, facing away from the playground. When the mother sees her child coming with another mother, she immediately grows irate. The nice mother starts to explain that the child was crying or needed her or something along those lines when the child's mothers starts screaming at the nice mother and slaps her across the face. There was no way for the nice mother to holler out to the child's mother as she was too far away. I am curious what prompted the child's mother to slap the nice mother across the face and additionally, I am curious why the nice mother didn't do anything in response. She sort of sulked away. I realize the nice mother had a young child of her own, a daughter I believe but I found the whole scene shocking. Maybe I don't need to know if anyone else saw this unbelievable display; I just wanted to say, you did a really nice thing and I am sorry that it turned out so horrifically for you.
Hummer Park in Downers Grove, Illinois
Received Sunday, May 27, 2007
I saw a nanny at Hummer Park in Downers Grove on Friday (5/25) morning around 10:00 a.m. with a little girl – 2 years old, but big for her age – I asked the nanny. The nanny had an Eastern European-ish accent. The little girl was black, hair in pigtails, really cute, wearing pants and a short sleeved shirt. I think the pants were jeans. They played for a few minutes together and the first thing I noticed was that the nanny was discouraging the little girl from trying challenging things – not things she couldn’t necessarily do, just things that would have required some supervision. Then a few minutes later, I looked over and the nanny was sitting on a bench reading a book and totally ignoring the little girl. The little girl didn’t have anyone to play with and she was just sitting sort of pathetically on the swing. I felt so bad for her. Then about a ½ hour later, the little girl fell off the jungle gym – a pretty high part of it, and the nanny wasn’t supervising her at the time – still reading her book over on the bench. Of course she got up when the child fell, but she certainly should have been supervising her more closely than she was. At the time I remarked to my friend that I wish I knew the parents, I would tell them. And then I found this site. I just hope they see the posting.
I saw a nanny at Hummer Park in Downers Grove on Friday (5/25) morning around 10:00 a.m. with a little girl – 2 years old, but big for her age – I asked the nanny. The nanny had an Eastern European-ish accent. The little girl was black, hair in pigtails, really cute, wearing pants and a short sleeved shirt. I think the pants were jeans. They played for a few minutes together and the first thing I noticed was that the nanny was discouraging the little girl from trying challenging things – not things she couldn’t necessarily do, just things that would have required some supervision. Then a few minutes later, I looked over and the nanny was sitting on a bench reading a book and totally ignoring the little girl. The little girl didn’t have anyone to play with and she was just sitting sort of pathetically on the swing. I felt so bad for her. Then about a ½ hour later, the little girl fell off the jungle gym – a pretty high part of it, and the nanny wasn’t supervising her at the time – still reading her book over on the bench. Of course she got up when the child fell, but she certainly should have been supervising her more closely than she was. At the time I remarked to my friend that I wish I knew the parents, I would tell them. And then I found this site. I just hope they see the posting.
Nanny Still On the Job and Napping in Park Slope, Brooklyn
Received Saturday, May 26, 2007
On Friday, April 13, 2007 an incident was posted regarding a nanny who was sleeping on the job. The father contacted your blog and asked that you remove the post. You did. That nanny is still on the job. And, guess what? The nanny was again sleeping on the job. This was on Thursday. The nanny pushes a stroller that is a MacLaren with yellow and black accents. I won't mention or describe the child specifically. I am posting again in hopes that you will take note of this very unsafe situation that continues to go on! I will tell you this- no other nannies were watching your child while your nanny slept. No one. I am reporting it again because I saw it again. In fact I went home to get my digital camera to take a crystal clear picture, but when I returned she was gone. If anyone else sees this habitual offender, please call 911 on her.
On Friday, April 13, 2007 an incident was posted regarding a nanny who was sleeping on the job. The father contacted your blog and asked that you remove the post. You did. That nanny is still on the job. And, guess what? The nanny was again sleeping on the job. This was on Thursday. The nanny pushes a stroller that is a MacLaren with yellow and black accents. I won't mention or describe the child specifically. I am posting again in hopes that you will take note of this very unsafe situation that continues to go on! I will tell you this- no other nannies were watching your child while your nanny slept. No one. I am reporting it again because I saw it again. In fact I went home to get my digital camera to take a crystal clear picture, but when I returned she was gone. If anyone else sees this habitual offender, please call 911 on her.
Inattentive Crossing Guard in Bay Ridge, NY
Received Friday, May 25, 2007
Today I took a walk with my son in the stroller up third ave. We stopped at the corner of Bay Ridge Avenue and 3rd Ave for the light. There was a crossing guard yapping away on her cell phone. There were young children crossing the street against traffic and she was still talking. As she is talking she is also using her hands, a young child, at least of age 9 was crossing the street, behind the crossing guard. The child had just taken a step onto the street as a car came. the crossing guard (still with the phone TO HER EAR) yells at the child to pay attention. She must have heard me say 'excuse me" cause she turned to look at me. As the light turn she finally got of the phone. I am not sure how to report this to her supervisor but I figured to notify anyone that has a child that goes to school in that area, to please be aware of this woman. I'm sure she is very nice and had every reason to be on the phone, but she is getting paid to protect our children.
Today I took a walk with my son in the stroller up third ave. We stopped at the corner of Bay Ridge Avenue and 3rd Ave for the light. There was a crossing guard yapping away on her cell phone. There were young children crossing the street against traffic and she was still talking. As she is talking she is also using her hands, a young child, at least of age 9 was crossing the street, behind the crossing guard. The child had just taken a step onto the street as a car came. the crossing guard (still with the phone TO HER EAR) yells at the child to pay attention. She must have heard me say 'excuse me" cause she turned to look at me. As the light turn she finally got of the phone. I am not sure how to report this to her supervisor but I figured to notify anyone that has a child that goes to school in that area, to please be aware of this woman. I'm sure she is very nice and had every reason to be on the phone, but she is getting paid to protect our children.
Strawberry on Madison Avenue in NYC
Received Friday, May 25, 2007
Wall to wall strollers today at Strawberry in NYC on Madison. Nearly twilight-zonish as the nannies spoke to each other and to their charges. Nannies browsing aisles looking for clothes while teasing, playing, joking and smiling at their content charges. Not a single child was unattended. There was no crying or fussing. No stern looks. Temperature was about 86 outside with high humidity, pretty unbearable. If your nanny was one of the nannies in Strawberry today, I think you are pretty lucky. While it isn't rare to sing a great nanny out and about, it is somewhat rare to see a gathering of nannies all talking in such soothing and cooing voices to their children. Some parked carriages while they held and patted the children on the backs. Really made me happy to see.
Hudson River Park in NY, NY
Received Thursday, May 24, 2007
I never judge but this was over the top. A baby named Jacob was in an orange Bugaboo stroller sitting 5 feet away from me in the park. This was at the Hudson River Park under the trees closer to Chambers; across from the basketball courts. The boy was screaming for 40 minutes straight as though someone poured scalding water on him. Nanny did not once get up from blanket to check on him, she was laying down with her friend. After about 40 minutes other moms approached her and she was very defensive yelling "this was her charge and this is how he goes to sleep." About 6 moms witnessed this and finally someone called the police and the nanny ran off. She yelled "Jacob shut up!" The nanny was of Caribbean descent, had a red, short sleeve top and black capris on. She was heavy with a big mole on her face and wore red patent Birkenstocks. Her jean jacket was covering the bug. The Bug stroller was orange and had a little blue mirror on an orange/red ribbon hanging from it. Poor little Jacob was in a plaid short jumper.
I never judge but this was over the top. A baby named Jacob was in an orange Bugaboo stroller sitting 5 feet away from me in the park. This was at the Hudson River Park under the trees closer to Chambers; across from the basketball courts. The boy was screaming for 40 minutes straight as though someone poured scalding water on him. Nanny did not once get up from blanket to check on him, she was laying down with her friend. After about 40 minutes other moms approached her and she was very defensive yelling "this was her charge and this is how he goes to sleep." About 6 moms witnessed this and finally someone called the police and the nanny ran off. She yelled "Jacob shut up!" The nanny was of Caribbean descent, had a red, short sleeve top and black capris on. She was heavy with a big mole on her face and wore red patent Birkenstocks. Her jean jacket was covering the bug. The Bug stroller was orange and had a little blue mirror on an orange/red ribbon hanging from it. Poor little Jacob was in a plaid short jumper.
Madison Square Park in NYC
Received Thursday, May 24, 2007
I was at Madison Square Park with my son at 12:10 am today (Thurs 5/24). From afar, I noticed a nanny was shaking a stroller EXTREMELY violently as she sat on a bench and chatted away the gorgeous afternoon with another nanny. The infant was clearly annoying her with his crying. When I say violently shaking I mean she using so much strength the stroller was being jammed off the ground and hitting it in its place sharply - nothing resembling a soothing swaying motion. Had the baby not been strapped inside he would have been shaking and hitting the bassinet's sides. I shudder to think of the emotional, not to mention physical repercussions of such neglect and lack of attention. The stroller wont last long at this rate either.
I slowed down and stared as I approached them, and she noticed. She stopped the violent shaking and started swaying the stroller as if that's what she had been doing all along. I continued to look as I walked away, she took note of my disapproval and she finally picked up the crying obviously upset baby.
I got a good look at the stroller and nanny and a so-so look at the infant. Stroller is a black Stokke with a soft top, mauve in the shape of a horseshoe attached. There was a red and white tote hanging on the stroller, but I don't know if it was a diaper bag or the nanny's tote.
The nanny was black, and had her hair in weaves (long)that were tied in a pony tail or something of the sort. She wore glasses, and big gold hoop earrings. She was wearing a purple shirt, jeans (capris I think)and brown platform sandals/slippers.
The infant was probably a boy - Caucasian - was wearing a pale blue romper or onesie with some light patten - stripes in some areas. He also wore a white bib. He is probably between 3-6 months old, but I could be wrong. He had light colored hair.
I was at Madison Square Park with my son at 12:10 am today (Thurs 5/24). From afar, I noticed a nanny was shaking a stroller EXTREMELY violently as she sat on a bench and chatted away the gorgeous afternoon with another nanny. The infant was clearly annoying her with his crying. When I say violently shaking I mean she using so much strength the stroller was being jammed off the ground and hitting it in its place sharply - nothing resembling a soothing swaying motion. Had the baby not been strapped inside he would have been shaking and hitting the bassinet's sides. I shudder to think of the emotional, not to mention physical repercussions of such neglect and lack of attention. The stroller wont last long at this rate either.
I slowed down and stared as I approached them, and she noticed. She stopped the violent shaking and started swaying the stroller as if that's what she had been doing all along. I continued to look as I walked away, she took note of my disapproval and she finally picked up the crying obviously upset baby.
I got a good look at the stroller and nanny and a so-so look at the infant. Stroller is a black Stokke with a soft top, mauve in the shape of a horseshoe attached. There was a red and white tote hanging on the stroller, but I don't know if it was a diaper bag or the nanny's tote.
The nanny was black, and had her hair in weaves (long)that were tied in a pony tail or something of the sort. She wore glasses, and big gold hoop earrings. She was wearing a purple shirt, jeans (capris I think)and brown platform sandals/slippers.
The infant was probably a boy - Caucasian - was wearing a pale blue romper or onesie with some light patten - stripes in some areas. He also wore a white bib. He is probably between 3-6 months old, but I could be wrong. He had light colored hair.
In the News, May 24, 2007
Villanova heiress Susan Tabas Tepper is in police custody and has been charged with simple assault and harassment after allegedly scratching her nanny and pushing the woman and her daughter. The Villanova heiress, who smacked her children's nanny with a bag of carrots last May, was charged yesterday with roughing up another one, along with the woman's 9-year-old daughter... Continue reading Heiress Again Accused of Assaulting a Nanny
Chrisanna Northrup, a married mother of three school-age children, spotted problems soon after hiring the nanny, but ran into legal roadblocks evicting her from their home. Northrup and her family spent a harrowing 30 days as the nanny remained in their home, threatening extortion, wearing Northrup's clothes, throwing parties and even recording pornography on the family television... Continue reading California Mother Sells Real Life Nanny Horror Story for Six Figures.
What is making nannies – and others — stop and gawk is an over sized poster featuring a Brooklyn Heights nanny wheeling her charge down a Brooklyn Heights street, displayed in the window of the St. Francis College Callahan Center... Continue reading Nannies of Brooklyn Heights, On Display
Chrisanna Northrup, a married mother of three school-age children, spotted problems soon after hiring the nanny, but ran into legal roadblocks evicting her from their home. Northrup and her family spent a harrowing 30 days as the nanny remained in their home, threatening extortion, wearing Northrup's clothes, throwing parties and even recording pornography on the family television... Continue reading California Mother Sells Real Life Nanny Horror Story for Six Figures.
What is making nannies – and others — stop and gawk is an over sized poster featuring a Brooklyn Heights nanny wheeling her charge down a Brooklyn Heights street, displayed in the window of the St. Francis College Callahan Center... Continue reading Nannies of Brooklyn Heights, On Display
Received Thursday, May 24, 2007
Has anyone heard of "kuku"? I am not certain of the spelling and looked for it online and found nothing. My nanny has her strengths but communication is not one of them, she seems annoyed when I ask her about the day's events, and was even more closed off when I asked her about this situation. A stay at home mother with whom I am intimately acquainted observed my nanny being handed cash by multiple nannies at the playground. And on more than on occasion. The stay at home mother thought it was suspicious and alerted me. I asked the nanny in the politest way and she explained it as a cultural thing that "you would not know about." She called it a "kuku" and seemed pestered that I inquired. My nanny claims that she is the director of a lotto pot and all of her nanny friends make deposits into it every week. Right now, each nanny is depositing $50. I have no idea how many nannies are participating. Apparently every week she draws one name and that nanny gets all of the money? Does that make sense? Has anyone heard of this? I really don't like the thought of my nanny taking cash in from other nannies and holding it. I wish I would have known about this before I hired her four months ago. She is a live-in so I feel even more connected to the activities she engages in. Am I being neurotic?
Has anyone heard of "kuku"? I am not certain of the spelling and looked for it online and found nothing. My nanny has her strengths but communication is not one of them, she seems annoyed when I ask her about the day's events, and was even more closed off when I asked her about this situation. A stay at home mother with whom I am intimately acquainted observed my nanny being handed cash by multiple nannies at the playground. And on more than on occasion. The stay at home mother thought it was suspicious and alerted me. I asked the nanny in the politest way and she explained it as a cultural thing that "you would not know about." She called it a "kuku" and seemed pestered that I inquired. My nanny claims that she is the director of a lotto pot and all of her nanny friends make deposits into it every week. Right now, each nanny is depositing $50. I have no idea how many nannies are participating. Apparently every week she draws one name and that nanny gets all of the money? Does that make sense? Has anyone heard of this? I really don't like the thought of my nanny taking cash in from other nannies and holding it. I wish I would have known about this before I hired her four months ago. She is a live-in so I feel even more connected to the activities she engages in. Am I being neurotic?
Have a question? Email US.
West 100th Street Playground in Central Park, NYC
Received Thursday, May 24, 2007
Today, I saw a nanny today sitting on a park bench with a kid in a stroller who was around 12 months or so maybe a bit older. The nanny kept the child facing away from her. She was very disconnected from the child as she spoke not just with the nannies around her but also on her cell phone. When the child started to cry, she started to grabbed the stroller bar and started to move it (not getting up) The baby continued to cry. This lasted about twenty minutes. The nanny was shaking the stroller back and fourth as she continued her conversations. Never once did she face the baby towards or say one soothing word. The baby continued to cry and she continued to talk to her friends and take another cell phone call. After another ten minutes or so, she finally and rather abruptly turned the stroller around and slapped a bib on the child and fed him some jarred food. The nanny did this without saying word one to the child or making any eye contact. The child was a Caucasian boy and the nanny was a Hispanic female, approximately 35 and short, with a heavy build. The nanny was wearing a reddish t-shirt with a print design on it that was faint. And the little boy had little hair, brownish and was wearing camouflage crocs. Nothing she did was at all soothing, soft, tender or loving. And she was taking care of a baby!
Today, I saw a nanny today sitting on a park bench with a kid in a stroller who was around 12 months or so maybe a bit older. The nanny kept the child facing away from her. She was very disconnected from the child as she spoke not just with the nannies around her but also on her cell phone. When the child started to cry, she started to grabbed the stroller bar and started to move it (not getting up) The baby continued to cry. This lasted about twenty minutes. The nanny was shaking the stroller back and fourth as she continued her conversations. Never once did she face the baby towards or say one soothing word. The baby continued to cry and she continued to talk to her friends and take another cell phone call. After another ten minutes or so, she finally and rather abruptly turned the stroller around and slapped a bib on the child and fed him some jarred food. The nanny did this without saying word one to the child or making any eye contact. The child was a Caucasian boy and the nanny was a Hispanic female, approximately 35 and short, with a heavy build. The nanny was wearing a reddish t-shirt with a print design on it that was faint. And the little boy had little hair, brownish and was wearing camouflage crocs. Nothing she did was at all soothing, soft, tender or loving. And she was taking care of a baby!
Madison Avenue and 46th Street, NYC
Received Wednesday, May 23, 2007
This is a sighting. Not a particularly bad one, but I just think that the parents should know (if they don't already) what their nanny is doing while she is "on the clock". I saw your nanny walking up Madison Avenue pushing a beige Bugaboo-ish stroller with a 18 - 24 month old blonde girl. Girl was wearing a pink and green striped polo shirt, white pants and sandals with flowers on them. Stroller had a very large baby doll (wearing a purple outfit) perched on the back of it and a small Hello Kitty tote bag on one side. Nanny was AA and was with a male friend. It struck me as odd that they were walking up Madison Avenue, not near a park or anything, in midtown and that the nanny was with her male friend. I wouldn't like it if my nanny were with her male friend during the day when she should be playing with my daughter...
This is a sighting. Not a particularly bad one, but I just think that the parents should know (if they don't already) what their nanny is doing while she is "on the clock". I saw your nanny walking up Madison Avenue pushing a beige Bugaboo-ish stroller with a 18 - 24 month old blonde girl. Girl was wearing a pink and green striped polo shirt, white pants and sandals with flowers on them. Stroller had a very large baby doll (wearing a purple outfit) perched on the back of it and a small Hello Kitty tote bag on one side. Nanny was AA and was with a male friend. It struck me as odd that they were walking up Madison Avenue, not near a park or anything, in midtown and that the nanny was with her male friend. I wouldn't like it if my nanny were with her male friend during the day when she should be playing with my daughter...
Lexie at Hippo Park in NYC
Received Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Is there anyone that knows a small child (maybe 2 - 3 yrs old) that goes by Lexie, short blonde/brown hair? She seems young but is very verbal. I was with my son in Hippo Park on Tuesday 5/22 around 4:30 PM. I have seen this little girl and her nanny around pretty frequently. The nanny is African American, tall, short curled hair. Please - if you know this child's family - tell them to get a nanny cam or something. I have never heard this woman speak a kind word to this child. The nanny is always on the phone and always sitting on benches. She is rough with the child too - grabs her wrists and pulls her along. The part that always makes me nervous - is that if this is the way she treats the child in public - what in the world is going on in private. And if my son was being treated this way - I'd want to know.
Is there anyone that knows a small child (maybe 2 - 3 yrs old) that goes by Lexie, short blonde/brown hair? She seems young but is very verbal. I was with my son in Hippo Park on Tuesday 5/22 around 4:30 PM. I have seen this little girl and her nanny around pretty frequently. The nanny is African American, tall, short curled hair. Please - if you know this child's family - tell them to get a nanny cam or something. I have never heard this woman speak a kind word to this child. The nanny is always on the phone and always sitting on benches. She is rough with the child too - grabs her wrists and pulls her along. The part that always makes me nervous - is that if this is the way she treats the child in public - what in the world is going on in private. And if my son was being treated this way - I'd want to know.
Mitchell Park in Washington DC
Received Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Mitchell Park, Dupont Circle, Washington DC
This was on Saturday, May 19 @ 4:30pm. Your little girl (about three) was wearing all pink and had curly, shoulder-length blond hair. I think her name was Dora. Her nanny spoke very harshly to her. She was on the phone most of the time. The nanny was a black woman in her 30's or 40's. If Dora were my child, I would not want my nanny treating her like that.
Mitchell Park, Dupont Circle, Washington DC
This was on Saturday, May 19 @ 4:30pm. Your little girl (about three) was wearing all pink and had curly, shoulder-length blond hair. I think her name was Dora. Her nanny spoke very harshly to her. She was on the phone most of the time. The nanny was a black woman in her 30's or 40's. If Dora were my child, I would not want my nanny treating her like that.
Isabelle in Central Park, NYC
Received Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I was at Central Park this afternoon when a nanny, apparently in an attempt to answer repeated phone calls from her boyfriend, turned her back on her child and allowed the child to leave the play area. The child exited the play area by the grassy area nearest the 79Th Street entrance to the park. The nanny gathered her friends and they started walking around and calling out for "Isabelle" and asking any of us if we had seen the TWO YEAR OLD child. The child was found down by the duck pond by a STRANGER. The child's showed up in tears. If you are familiar with this area of the Park, then you realize the distance from the play area and the duck pond is easily a football field and half! I did not get a chance to speak to the mother who showed up at the park in tears. When the child was found, she was grateful, still upset and sobbing. She left holding her little girl. I hope that Isabelle's mother realizes that this was indeed a nanny error. The nanny was in charge of ONE child. One small child. And she could not handle that? I just read the Rite Aid post so I thought I would share this story with you. It happens all of the time. Don't wait for something to happen. Surprise your nanny at the park, drop in on your daycare provider, double back home and see how things are when no one expects you to be around. I am very happy for Isabelle and her mother. I don't want anyone else to have to get a phone call from a negligent nanny saying, "I lost your daughter."
I was at Central Park this afternoon when a nanny, apparently in an attempt to answer repeated phone calls from her boyfriend, turned her back on her child and allowed the child to leave the play area. The child exited the play area by the grassy area nearest the 79Th Street entrance to the park. The nanny gathered her friends and they started walking around and calling out for "Isabelle" and asking any of us if we had seen the TWO YEAR OLD child. The child was found down by the duck pond by a STRANGER. The child's showed up in tears. If you are familiar with this area of the Park, then you realize the distance from the play area and the duck pond is easily a football field and half! I did not get a chance to speak to the mother who showed up at the park in tears. When the child was found, she was grateful, still upset and sobbing. She left holding her little girl. I hope that Isabelle's mother realizes that this was indeed a nanny error. The nanny was in charge of ONE child. One small child. And she could not handle that? I just read the Rite Aid post so I thought I would share this story with you. It happens all of the time. Don't wait for something to happen. Surprise your nanny at the park, drop in on your daycare provider, double back home and see how things are when no one expects you to be around. I am very happy for Isabelle and her mother. I don't want anyone else to have to get a phone call from a negligent nanny saying, "I lost your daughter."
Rite Aid on 70th. & Broadway in NYC
Received Tuesday, May 22, 2007
If you have a 14 month old little boy with brown hair and brown eyes who rides in a Maclaren stroller (grey and orange), your nanny is awful. The little boy was wearing a white Polo shirt and blue Adidas shorts. He was at Rite Aid on the UWS at 70th. and Broadway. The little boy was tired and nanny was nowhere to be found. The nanny had left him in front of the store while she was shopping for herself. The boy kept on crying(he was very tired). This was at 12:15 pm today. The nanny kept on coming back and forth and feeding him M&M candies to get him to shush.
If you have a 14 month old little boy with brown hair and brown eyes who rides in a Maclaren stroller (grey and orange), your nanny is awful. The little boy was wearing a white Polo shirt and blue Adidas shorts. He was at Rite Aid on the UWS at 70th. and Broadway. The little boy was tired and nanny was nowhere to be found. The nanny had left him in front of the store while she was shopping for herself. The boy kept on crying(he was very tired). This was at 12:15 pm today. The nanny kept on coming back and forth and feeding him M&M candies to get him to shush.
Carl Schurz Playground, UES in NYC
Received Tuesday, May 22, 2007
This occurred late afternoon on Monday. A white nanny, with shoulder length hair, wearing a grey hoody with red designs on it and blue jeans was chasing her charge, a little boy around the playground. The nanny was up on the equipment running from one red hut through the next on the ramps. She was climbing up and down the ladders. There were not that many other children at the park at that time. My 7 year old son stopped what he was doing and just looked at her. Although the boy seemed to be having fun; possibly used to the the nanny's behavior. The nanny's behavior was off. The child she was watching did not seem to be special needs. He was about 6 years old, curly brownish hair, green eyes, l/s grey t-shirt style shirt with a print on it and khaki colored cargos. I know I am not putting this in to words correctly, but for my child to stop playing on the playground and stand off to the side just staring- something was off. The nanny was growling and running, which could seem fun, except that she seemed so frenzied, so aggressive that I just got the sense she was either on something or mentally imbalanced.
This occurred late afternoon on Monday. A white nanny, with shoulder length hair, wearing a grey hoody with red designs on it and blue jeans was chasing her charge, a little boy around the playground. The nanny was up on the equipment running from one red hut through the next on the ramps. She was climbing up and down the ladders. There were not that many other children at the park at that time. My 7 year old son stopped what he was doing and just looked at her. Although the boy seemed to be having fun; possibly used to the the nanny's behavior. The nanny's behavior was off. The child she was watching did not seem to be special needs. He was about 6 years old, curly brownish hair, green eyes, l/s grey t-shirt style shirt with a print on it and khaki colored cargos. I know I am not putting this in to words correctly, but for my child to stop playing on the playground and stand off to the side just staring- something was off. The nanny was growling and running, which could seem fun, except that she seemed so frenzied, so aggressive that I just got the sense she was either on something or mentally imbalanced.
A Nanny's Tale
Received Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I should have known, when I went to interview, that it wasn't going to be a good job.
"We've had five different nannies in the last four months, we've had to dismiss each of them, and we're just looking for someone to provide the kids with a little stability in their lives."
It should have been a red flag. I can understand firing one nanny. Or two. But five in four months? This had to be some kind of bad nanny record.
But it was January, it was Wisconsin, and the electric company had just sent a very nasty note to my third-floor, drafty walkup apartment. And I did love kids. Besides, I'd been temping for a year and was "between" horrific office slave temp jobs -- at least being a nanny had its perks. Like not paying income taxes.
Whether I got the job because the interview went well or because they'd exhausted the town's nanny supply, I'll never know. The next week, though, I met my three charges.
One was named after his father, so let's call him "Junior." The middle child, a girl, was named after a borough of New York, and the youngest girl was named a bizarre hillbilly name. Junior was four, Borough was three, and Hillbilly was 18 months old.
I soon learned that the procession of nannies had made the kids holy terrors. They were used to getting what they wanted, when they wanted it, and if I didn't give it to them, they all had strategies. Borough would stand in the middle of the hardwood floors and pee if she got really angry. Hillbilly would let out a wail that could have brought the police department.
But Junior had things down pat. "I want oreos."
"But it's breakfast time."
"We can have oreos after lunch if you want. Lunch is at 12:30. That's not very long! We'll watch The Lion King and play a game, and then it'll be lunch time. Then we can have Oreos."
He'd glare. "I don't like you."
"That's just fine, Junior. You don't have to like me. But I like you, no matter what!"
"No, you DON'T understand. I don't LIKE you. I'm going to tell MY PARENTS that you're a BAD NANNY."
Pretty slick for a four year old, but he didn't get his way and I didn't have to suffer the shame of being bullied by a toddler.
Three weeks later, the parents announced that they were traveling to Whistler, British Columbia, for a vacation. Whistler happens to be my favorite spot in the world, so I hoped they'd take me and the kids with...but no. I was to stay with the kids in Wisconsin for seven days, 24 hours a day. However, the parents promised, there would be a "sizable" bonus upon my return.
All my objections were shoved aside by the prospect of a bonus. How much would it be? $1000? More? I could finally fix my car's radiator! I was giddy with the thought of having dinner out, or seeing a movie, with my newfound fortune.
Once the week began, though, my worst fears were realized. The kids had never been away from Mommy and Daddy for more than a day before -- and they thought that if they were evil enough, Mommy and Daddy would have to come back, if for no other reason than to punish them.
The week is a blur, I've blocked most of it out -- I do have a memory of waking at 4 AM to discover that the three of them had emptied every cosmetic, perfume, and lotion in their mother's bathroom onto the floor. The smell could have knocked out elephants. I remember Junior and Borough destroying their closets and the hallway linen closet, leaving clothing and towels strewn around the house. I remember getting 3 hours of sleep a night as I tried to clean up after them, since they absolutely refused to clean up themselves. On the last day, they were worse than ever. As much as I cleaned, they could make messes twice as fast. They wouldn't let me get near them to dress them or brush their hair, and since I didn't want to get child abuse charges, I couldn't even grab them to hold them still.
Then, the parents got home, and I got my check -- for the EXACT SAME AMOUNT I usually got, every week. "Given the condition of the house when we returned," the dad said, "we didn't feel that a bonus was appropriate."
I went home and cried.
I came back to work the next day. I had nowhere better to go. At 11 AM, the phone rang. I let the machine pick it up. A female voice was on the other end of the line:
"Hey, I was wondering if you'd put the ad in the paper for the new nanny yet? I think it needs to be done A-S-A-P, you know? I mean, I can't BELIEVE she'd leave your beautiful towels unfolded in the linen closet! And you say Borough's hair wasn't even brushed when you got back? How terrible! You've had just the WORST luck with nannies! Give me a call when you get home, ta-ta!"
I stood there, shaking. I had taken care of their children, essentially for free, for an entire week. I had been utterly taken advantage of, and now they wanted to fire me. And I still had nowhere better to go, and nothing better to do than wait for the inevitable.
Two days later, they let me go. "We expected a nurturing, loving home for our children when we're gone. We expected more than just mediocre care," said the dad.
My contract called for severance pay. I never got a dime of it.
The next day, I went to a pawn shop in another town, another county. I got five hundred dollars for a very state-of-the-art, very expensive camera. It was a camera I could never have afforded myself. That night, I went to a movie, and I ate crab legs at a real restaurant. I bought myself a pillow that wouldn't make my neck hurt. I fixed the radiator on my car.
In the end, I got my bonus out of them after all.
I should have known, when I went to interview, that it wasn't going to be a good job.
"We've had five different nannies in the last four months, we've had to dismiss each of them, and we're just looking for someone to provide the kids with a little stability in their lives."
It should have been a red flag. I can understand firing one nanny. Or two. But five in four months? This had to be some kind of bad nanny record.
But it was January, it was Wisconsin, and the electric company had just sent a very nasty note to my third-floor, drafty walkup apartment. And I did love kids. Besides, I'd been temping for a year and was "between" horrific office slave temp jobs -- at least being a nanny had its perks. Like not paying income taxes.
Whether I got the job because the interview went well or because they'd exhausted the town's nanny supply, I'll never know. The next week, though, I met my three charges.
One was named after his father, so let's call him "Junior." The middle child, a girl, was named after a borough of New York, and the youngest girl was named a bizarre hillbilly name. Junior was four, Borough was three, and Hillbilly was 18 months old.
I soon learned that the procession of nannies had made the kids holy terrors. They were used to getting what they wanted, when they wanted it, and if I didn't give it to them, they all had strategies. Borough would stand in the middle of the hardwood floors and pee if she got really angry. Hillbilly would let out a wail that could have brought the police department.
But Junior had things down pat. "I want oreos."
"But it's breakfast time."
"We can have oreos after lunch if you want. Lunch is at 12:30. That's not very long! We'll watch The Lion King and play a game, and then it'll be lunch time. Then we can have Oreos."
He'd glare. "I don't like you."
"That's just fine, Junior. You don't have to like me. But I like you, no matter what!"
"No, you DON'T understand. I don't LIKE you. I'm going to tell MY PARENTS that you're a BAD NANNY."
Pretty slick for a four year old, but he didn't get his way and I didn't have to suffer the shame of being bullied by a toddler.
Three weeks later, the parents announced that they were traveling to Whistler, British Columbia, for a vacation. Whistler happens to be my favorite spot in the world, so I hoped they'd take me and the kids with...but no. I was to stay with the kids in Wisconsin for seven days, 24 hours a day. However, the parents promised, there would be a "sizable" bonus upon my return.
All my objections were shoved aside by the prospect of a bonus. How much would it be? $1000? More? I could finally fix my car's radiator! I was giddy with the thought of having dinner out, or seeing a movie, with my newfound fortune.
Once the week began, though, my worst fears were realized. The kids had never been away from Mommy and Daddy for more than a day before -- and they thought that if they were evil enough, Mommy and Daddy would have to come back, if for no other reason than to punish them.
The week is a blur, I've blocked most of it out -- I do have a memory of waking at 4 AM to discover that the three of them had emptied every cosmetic, perfume, and lotion in their mother's bathroom onto the floor. The smell could have knocked out elephants. I remember Junior and Borough destroying their closets and the hallway linen closet, leaving clothing and towels strewn around the house. I remember getting 3 hours of sleep a night as I tried to clean up after them, since they absolutely refused to clean up themselves. On the last day, they were worse than ever. As much as I cleaned, they could make messes twice as fast. They wouldn't let me get near them to dress them or brush their hair, and since I didn't want to get child abuse charges, I couldn't even grab them to hold them still.
Then, the parents got home, and I got my check -- for the EXACT SAME AMOUNT I usually got, every week. "Given the condition of the house when we returned," the dad said, "we didn't feel that a bonus was appropriate."
I went home and cried.
I came back to work the next day. I had nowhere better to go. At 11 AM, the phone rang. I let the machine pick it up. A female voice was on the other end of the line:
"Hey, I was wondering if you'd put the ad in the paper for the new nanny yet? I think it needs to be done A-S-A-P, you know? I mean, I can't BELIEVE she'd leave your beautiful towels unfolded in the linen closet! And you say Borough's hair wasn't even brushed when you got back? How terrible! You've had just the WORST luck with nannies! Give me a call when you get home, ta-ta!"
I stood there, shaking. I had taken care of their children, essentially for free, for an entire week. I had been utterly taken advantage of, and now they wanted to fire me. And I still had nowhere better to go, and nothing better to do than wait for the inevitable.
Two days later, they let me go. "We expected a nurturing, loving home for our children when we're gone. We expected more than just mediocre care," said the dad.
My contract called for severance pay. I never got a dime of it.
The next day, I went to a pawn shop in another town, another county. I got five hundred dollars for a very state-of-the-art, very expensive camera. It was a camera I could never have afforded myself. That night, I went to a movie, and I ate crab legs at a real restaurant. I bought myself a pillow that wouldn't make my neck hurt. I fixed the radiator on my car.
In the end, I got my bonus out of them after all.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
What is it with men and their children’s nannies? Last week we heard how Robert Hastings, 31, had dumped his wife Claire, 36, for Amy Hillier, the 19-year-old nanny the couple had employed to look after their three small daughters. The Hastings marriage was going through a rocky patch – the couple had been together for 12 years and had recently come back to England from Australia, where Hastings’s business had gone belly-up...Read Beware of The Nanny.
Anna Corral started selling her breast milk because she needed the extra cash. Because she produces twice the milk her baby needs, Corral says her freezer is filled with sterile bags of it.By selling her milk for $1.50 an ounce online, the former nanny from Milwaukee made $500 in a month and a half...
Read Buying Human Milk Online Comes With Dangers.
Human Trafficking
Click here to read Ethiopian Nanny Essentially A Prisoner.
Click here to read Couple Charged With Keeping "Slaves" in L.I. Home.
Anna Corral started selling her breast milk because she needed the extra cash. Because she produces twice the milk her baby needs, Corral says her freezer is filled with sterile bags of it.By selling her milk for $1.50 an ounce online, the former nanny from Milwaukee made $500 in a month and a half...
Read Buying Human Milk Online Comes With Dangers.
Human Trafficking
Click here to read Ethiopian Nanny Essentially A Prisoner.
Click here to read Couple Charged With Keeping "Slaves" in L.I. Home.
Applebees in Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Received Sunday, May 20, 2007
Two nannies, both white. One was thin with frizzy hair and was wearing a grey, fuzzy sweater and not much make up. The other was blond, fuller figured, wearing a button up denim shirt over a low cut red shirt. She wore make up and had more styled hair. These nannies were young, maybe 21-24. The blond nanny had a little girl of about 4 with her. The girl had darkest hair, light skin and a pony tail on the top of her head in an old school, two ball pony tail holder. The other nanny had two kids with her. A boy of about 4 with a buzz style haircut who was perhaps 3-4 (in a blue ringer t-shirt with a red 4x4 on it), the little girl was younger, maybe 2 and dressed in yellow. Dishwasher blond hair, squinty face. This was about 5:00 in the afternoon, Fri. I am sending in this story because of the alcohol consumption. Nanny 1 with frizzy hair was drinking beer and nanny 2 with blond hair was drinking margaritas. I wasn't watching their table non stop but did see them get at least a second drink. They weren't there a long time either. It wasn't a leisurely dinner. Nanny 1 with frizzy hair was the driver. They all loaded in to a white Toyota Highlander SUV. You could tell that these were the nannies by the way they talked to the children, they were actually very "in" to the children, drawing with them and more. I just don't think that it is appropriate to drink on the job, any job and especially when you are driving. My two cents.
Two nannies, both white. One was thin with frizzy hair and was wearing a grey, fuzzy sweater and not much make up. The other was blond, fuller figured, wearing a button up denim shirt over a low cut red shirt. She wore make up and had more styled hair. These nannies were young, maybe 21-24. The blond nanny had a little girl of about 4 with her. The girl had darkest hair, light skin and a pony tail on the top of her head in an old school, two ball pony tail holder. The other nanny had two kids with her. A boy of about 4 with a buzz style haircut who was perhaps 3-4 (in a blue ringer t-shirt with a red 4x4 on it), the little girl was younger, maybe 2 and dressed in yellow. Dishwasher blond hair, squinty face. This was about 5:00 in the afternoon, Fri. I am sending in this story because of the alcohol consumption. Nanny 1 with frizzy hair was drinking beer and nanny 2 with blond hair was drinking margaritas. I wasn't watching their table non stop but did see them get at least a second drink. They weren't there a long time either. It wasn't a leisurely dinner. Nanny 1 with frizzy hair was the driver. They all loaded in to a white Toyota Highlander SUV. You could tell that these were the nannies by the way they talked to the children, they were actually very "in" to the children, drawing with them and more. I just don't think that it is appropriate to drink on the job, any job and especially when you are driving. My two cents.
In Case You Missed This Article...
"One sitter, a Caribbean woman living in Bedford-Stuyvesant, asked about the “colored” people in the Boones’ neighborhood, Clinton Hill. A Russian sitter said enthusiastically that although she had never cared for a black child, she could in this case, because little Emerie Boone, now 7 months old, was light-skinned. All sitters expressed surprise that a black couple could afford a four-story brownstone."
Click here to read Jodi Cantor's NYT Article, Nanny Hunt Can Be a ‘Slap in the Face’ for Blacks.
Click here to read Jodi Cantor's NYT Article, Nanny Hunt Can Be a ‘Slap in the Face’ for Blacks.
Greenlake Park Play Area in Seattle, WA
Received Saturday, May 19, 2007
This happened on 5-17-2007.
Nanny: older black woman, unable to place accent (East African?)
Kids: 2 6-month old babies. One girl (Isabelle or Isabella) and one boy. They were being pushed on the swings. The boy clearly did not like it and was hanging on for dear life, very scared and crying. He was very small and sliding down in the seat. Nanny pushing swings hard enough that once or twice, several of us onlookers said "he's going to fall out". We also said "he doesn't like that". Nanny ignored us. Actions showed that she thought she needed to toughen him up. Mentioned that he doesn't drink his milk but the girl does. I stepped in front of the boy's swing (stopping her from pushing it more) and offered my blanket to the Nanny so at least she could tuck him in so he wouldn't fall out. She got a blanket from double-stroller and tucked around him. He was safer but still not happy. She eventually left with both babies.
Perhaps this tough-love style of Nannying is same as the parents' style; I don't know. Pretty disturbing to watch. I probably should've done more but not sure what. Would not tolerate someone treating my own baby in such a way.
This happened on 5-17-2007.
Nanny: older black woman, unable to place accent (East African?)
Kids: 2 6-month old babies. One girl (Isabelle or Isabella) and one boy. They were being pushed on the swings. The boy clearly did not like it and was hanging on for dear life, very scared and crying. He was very small and sliding down in the seat. Nanny pushing swings hard enough that once or twice, several of us onlookers said "he's going to fall out". We also said "he doesn't like that". Nanny ignored us. Actions showed that she thought she needed to toughen him up. Mentioned that he doesn't drink his milk but the girl does. I stepped in front of the boy's swing (stopping her from pushing it more) and offered my blanket to the Nanny so at least she could tuck him in so he wouldn't fall out. She got a blanket from double-stroller and tucked around him. He was safer but still not happy. She eventually left with both babies.
Perhaps this tough-love style of Nannying is same as the parents' style; I don't know. Pretty disturbing to watch. I probably should've done more but not sure what. Would not tolerate someone treating my own baby in such a way.
Your Thoughts?
Friday, May 18, 2007

The parents of missing Madeleine McCann left their three children alone in their apartment every night of their holiday because they did not want a stranger to babysit. Doctors Kate and Gerry McCann decided not to employ a £10-an-hour babysitter to look after Madeleine, three, and two-year-old twins, Sean and Amelie, while they went for dinner, because they "don't like leaving them with strangers", their family said. Mrs McCann's mother, Susan Healy, said the couple had made a mistake in leaving the children alone, but criticism of them was totally unjustified. (source- Daily Mail-UK)
It has been widely reported that the McCanns were only metres from their children and could see their apartment from the dinner table of the resort's tapas restaurant. This is not true. The McCanns' flat was outside the complex and, crucially, outside its security doors. To check on the children, they had to leave the complex by the security doors, turn left up a main road, climb the back stairs of their end-of-row flat, go in through the rear french windows, which they had left unlocked, and walk to the front of the apartment where their children slept. That room overlooks a car park and another main road. (source-Sydney Morning Herald)
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
National Missing Children Center
Missing Children in New York State
Bring Madeleine Home Website
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann left their three children alone in their apartment every night of their holiday because they did not want a stranger to babysit. Doctors Kate and Gerry McCann decided not to employ a £10-an-hour babysitter to look after Madeleine, three, and two-year-old twins, Sean and Amelie, while they went for dinner, because they "don't like leaving them with strangers", their family said. Mrs McCann's mother, Susan Healy, said the couple had made a mistake in leaving the children alone, but criticism of them was totally unjustified. (source- Daily Mail-UK)
It has been widely reported that the McCanns were only metres from their children and could see their apartment from the dinner table of the resort's tapas restaurant. This is not true. The McCanns' flat was outside the complex and, crucially, outside its security doors. To check on the children, they had to leave the complex by the security doors, turn left up a main road, climb the back stairs of their end-of-row flat, go in through the rear french windows, which they had left unlocked, and walk to the front of the apartment where their children slept. That room overlooks a car park and another main road. (source-Sydney Morning Herald)
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
National Missing Children Center
Missing Children in New York State
Bring Madeleine Home Website
Nanny Interview Questions
Received Friday, May 18, 2007
I am currently interviewing for nanny jobs in several neighborhoods of New York City. I've gotten these interviews through two different agencies, both whom have run extensive background checks on me and checked all of my references.
My ideal family is one with two or more children where both parents work, so these are people who have had nannies in the past and (for the most part) are familiar with the process of interviewing a nanny. Because of that fact, I can't help but be totally flabbergasted by what I've experienced so far. There always comes a point in the interview where the parents ask if I have any questions for them (no family has failed to directly ask me that). They seem shocked when they realize that I do in fact have multiple questions for them. I usually ask:
1) What is your discipline style and in what situations do you expect your nanny to adopt your methods and in what situations do you feel there should be different styles between nanny and parent?
2) Was there a time when you were disappointed with the level of communication between yourself and your nanny? How did you handle that?
3) Has there been a conflict in the past between one of your children and the nanny? If so, how did you handle it?
4) What do you like best about your current nanny? What do you like least?
I get the feeling that the parents don't like the fact that I'm interviewing them, but that's the reality. I think that when I get the shocked faces from parents I'm correct to immediately count them out as potential employers, but I thought I'd ask for opinions on here. Don't parents understand that their potential nanny is interviewing and sizing them up in just the same way that their evaluating her?
I am currently interviewing for nanny jobs in several neighborhoods of New York City. I've gotten these interviews through two different agencies, both whom have run extensive background checks on me and checked all of my references.
My ideal family is one with two or more children where both parents work, so these are people who have had nannies in the past and (for the most part) are familiar with the process of interviewing a nanny. Because of that fact, I can't help but be totally flabbergasted by what I've experienced so far. There always comes a point in the interview where the parents ask if I have any questions for them (no family has failed to directly ask me that). They seem shocked when they realize that I do in fact have multiple questions for them. I usually ask:
1) What is your discipline style and in what situations do you expect your nanny to adopt your methods and in what situations do you feel there should be different styles between nanny and parent?
2) Was there a time when you were disappointed with the level of communication between yourself and your nanny? How did you handle that?
3) Has there been a conflict in the past between one of your children and the nanny? If so, how did you handle it?
4) What do you like best about your current nanny? What do you like least?
I get the feeling that the parents don't like the fact that I'm interviewing them, but that's the reality. I think that when I get the shocked faces from parents I'm correct to immediately count them out as potential employers, but I thought I'd ask for opinions on here. Don't parents understand that their potential nanny is interviewing and sizing them up in just the same way that their evaluating her?
Three Crying Infants in A Utility Closet
A Lafayette, Tennessee father is defending a daycare operator accused of hiding children in a closet during a surprise inspection.
Joel Coe said Colter was good to all the kids and that she even built an elaborate playground in her back yard for them. "It was so clean when I went in there that I would eat off the floor," he said. The pictures tell a different story. State inspectors took the images Friday, during a surprise check of Colter's home. Three crying infants were found in a utility closet next to a water heater and electrical box.
Click here for the ISYN reader submitted link to the MSNBC news coverage of this story.
Joel Coe said Colter was good to all the kids and that she even built an elaborate playground in her back yard for them. "It was so clean when I went in there that I would eat off the floor," he said. The pictures tell a different story. State inspectors took the images Friday, during a surprise check of Colter's home. Three crying infants were found in a utility closet next to a water heater and electrical box.
Click here for the ISYN reader submitted link to the MSNBC news coverage of this story.
Main Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library
Received Thursday, May 17, 2007
This is a warning to parents who live by Prospect Park/Grand Army Plaza out there: I have seen many, many nannies with children at the Brooklyn Public Library (main branch), hanging out with other nannies and not even paying attention to their children. Some do pay attention, but many of them don't and the babies and toddlers cry and cry for attention or to get out of their MacClaren strollers. All of these nannies are African American or Caribbean and have heavy Caribbean accents. The babies cry or the kids run around and the nannies just ignore them. The children are mostly blond haired or light haired babies. Please, if you live near Prospect Park or Grand Army Plaza, make sure your nanny is doing what she is being paid to do. Like I said, not all the nannies are like this, some kiss and hug and clearly care for the child. But, unfortunately that is not the majority at this Library Nanny hang-out spot. Many just could care less. One little one, about 6 months old, was crying and screaming to get out of the stroller and all the nanny did was shake the baby and then stuff a paci into his/her mouth. She ignored him for a long time and it made my heart break. Please, your children are being damaged by this, make sure your nanny is playing with your child, and not just carrying them about to ignore them and socialize. Park Slope families-- pay attention please. Ask your child if they went to the library today, and if they did, it was probably for the nanny to socialize with other nannies. All the children & nannies I have seen have Mcclaren stollers. Most of the children are Caucasian, a couple are Asian-appearing. Keep an eye on your nanny please! I am a mom of 3 young children under the age of 5 and would not approve of how these nannies are treating the children.
This is a warning to parents who live by Prospect Park/Grand Army Plaza out there: I have seen many, many nannies with children at the Brooklyn Public Library (main branch), hanging out with other nannies and not even paying attention to their children. Some do pay attention, but many of them don't and the babies and toddlers cry and cry for attention or to get out of their MacClaren strollers. All of these nannies are African American or Caribbean and have heavy Caribbean accents. The babies cry or the kids run around and the nannies just ignore them. The children are mostly blond haired or light haired babies. Please, if you live near Prospect Park or Grand Army Plaza, make sure your nanny is doing what she is being paid to do. Like I said, not all the nannies are like this, some kiss and hug and clearly care for the child. But, unfortunately that is not the majority at this Library Nanny hang-out spot. Many just could care less. One little one, about 6 months old, was crying and screaming to get out of the stroller and all the nanny did was shake the baby and then stuff a paci into his/her mouth. She ignored him for a long time and it made my heart break. Please, your children are being damaged by this, make sure your nanny is playing with your child, and not just carrying them about to ignore them and socialize. Park Slope families-- pay attention please. Ask your child if they went to the library today, and if they did, it was probably for the nanny to socialize with other nannies. All the children & nannies I have seen have Mcclaren stollers. Most of the children are Caucasian, a couple are Asian-appearing. Keep an eye on your nanny please! I am a mom of 3 young children under the age of 5 and would not approve of how these nannies are treating the children.
Hamptons Nanny Advice?
Received Thursday, May 17, 2007 friend and I just got a job nannying in the hamptons this summer. We know about the hamptons but don't really know what to expect. Any stories, advice, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. We are not from New York and need your help!!!!! friend and I just got a job nannying in the hamptons this summer. We know about the hamptons but don't really know what to expect. Any stories, advice, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. We are not from New York and need your help!!!!!
Strange, Little Things
Received Thursday, May 17, 2007
I was a substitute nanny for a family in Framingham, MA. I knew two of their live in nannies over the years. Both girls bewildered by a laundry issue. They would put their laundry in the empty watching machine and start it in the evenings after the parents were home with the kids. Every time they took their laundry out of the machine they would find a pair of the children's father's underwear mixed in with the nanny's things! It happened to both of them over and over again!!! How weird is that??? Have any other nannies experienced anything strange while working in their boss's home???
I was a substitute nanny for a family in Framingham, MA. I knew two of their live in nannies over the years. Both girls bewildered by a laundry issue. They would put their laundry in the empty watching machine and start it in the evenings after the parents were home with the kids. Every time they took their laundry out of the machine they would find a pair of the children's father's underwear mixed in with the nanny's things! It happened to both of them over and over again!!! How weird is that??? Have any other nannies experienced anything strange while working in their boss's home???
Heckscher Playground in NYC
Received Thursday, May 17, 2007
This is more of an overheard sighting. The children were playing, content and their needs were being met. I was within earshot of your nanny. Your white nanny had brownish mid length hair and was wearing a black tank top and snug capris. She had a tattoo on her lower back by her waist band. She had brown eyes and was wearing squarish, gold rimmed shades. She was talking to a nanny or nanny friend of hers about the family she works for. I don't know you, but if someone did know you or your children, I think you would be very upset. The nanny was asking the other nanny why she was never curious and never snooped. The nanny with the tattoo said, "oh that's just not natural, everyone snoops." When the second nanny, a heavier set, multi racial (?) female with corkscrew curled hair asked her what she found, the tattoo nanny listed a bunch of things. Private things. Paper work. Intimate photographs. DVDs. Toys. Jewelry. Cash in coat pockets. The non snooping nanny said she would be worried about getting caught snooping around on a nanny camera.
Then tattoo nanny goes on to say how great the kids are she watches but that the parents are tough to handle. The father "just doesn't get kids". The heavier set nanny said something about being lucky about her job working for a single mom who she got along well with. Then tatoo nanny said something like, "being inside some one's home and having access to their private things is a really powerful thing. you might think some of these employers who treat nannies like s--t would realize this". The tattoo nanny had two children running up to her. I don't know if one was the heavier set multi racial nanny's charge or they were both hers. One of the two was a girl who had dark, dark hair and very pale skin. She was about 4 but very thin for a 4 year old and was wearing a flowered shirt. (little flowers all over it). The other child was a boy of about 3 with thick rusty, brown hair, a dark blue polo shirt, blue jeans and white tennis shoes with white stripes. The nanny with the tattoo was wearing dark rinse jeans and sandals or flip flops. This occured approximately 2 PM yesterday, Wednesday. Worth noting is when the children came within the nannies area to get a drink or say something, the conversation was stopped. So the children didn't hear anything bad being said. A lot was said when the children were playing though. I just can't chronicle it all.
This is more of an overheard sighting. The children were playing, content and their needs were being met. I was within earshot of your nanny. Your white nanny had brownish mid length hair and was wearing a black tank top and snug capris. She had a tattoo on her lower back by her waist band. She had brown eyes and was wearing squarish, gold rimmed shades. She was talking to a nanny or nanny friend of hers about the family she works for. I don't know you, but if someone did know you or your children, I think you would be very upset. The nanny was asking the other nanny why she was never curious and never snooped. The nanny with the tattoo said, "oh that's just not natural, everyone snoops." When the second nanny, a heavier set, multi racial (?) female with corkscrew curled hair asked her what she found, the tattoo nanny listed a bunch of things. Private things. Paper work. Intimate photographs. DVDs. Toys. Jewelry. Cash in coat pockets. The non snooping nanny said she would be worried about getting caught snooping around on a nanny camera.
Then tattoo nanny goes on to say how great the kids are she watches but that the parents are tough to handle. The father "just doesn't get kids". The heavier set nanny said something about being lucky about her job working for a single mom who she got along well with. Then tatoo nanny said something like, "being inside some one's home and having access to their private things is a really powerful thing. you might think some of these employers who treat nannies like s--t would realize this". The tattoo nanny had two children running up to her. I don't know if one was the heavier set multi racial nanny's charge or they were both hers. One of the two was a girl who had dark, dark hair and very pale skin. She was about 4 but very thin for a 4 year old and was wearing a flowered shirt. (little flowers all over it). The other child was a boy of about 3 with thick rusty, brown hair, a dark blue polo shirt, blue jeans and white tennis shoes with white stripes. The nanny with the tattoo was wearing dark rinse jeans and sandals or flip flops. This occured approximately 2 PM yesterday, Wednesday. Worth noting is when the children came within the nannies area to get a drink or say something, the conversation was stopped. So the children didn't hear anything bad being said. A lot was said when the children were playing though. I just can't chronicle it all.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Opening Reception: Nannies of Brooklyn Heights
Tonight, May 17, 2007 from 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Location: St. Francis College, Callahan Center
If the image above is not viewable, please click HERE
Photography Exhibit Reception: “Nannies of Brooklyn Heights” –Photography by John Barnard. Exhibit runs through Saturday, June 2. For more information, click here.
Crave More Things Brooklyn? Visit MCBrooklyn
Playground on Main Street in Huntington Beach, CA
Received Wednesday, May 16, 2007
On May 15 at the park/play ground on Main St in Huntington Beach, CA, I saw your nanny, a portly, middle aged Hispanic woman wearing an Adidas hat named 'Carmen' according to the little girl she was watching. The little girl said her name was Jordan, she was about 4 or 5 yrs old, tall, with light brown hair, a light pink shirt and pink patterned pants, pink socks and sneakers on. The nanny was completely disengaged, was on her cell phone the whole time and most of the time wasn't even in sight. The child asked me to push her on the swing when my child was next to her. The rest of the time, I played with her and my little girl and the nanny did not even seem alerted or watch us together. I could have walked away with the child and the nanny never would have known. When my daughter wanted to leave the swings and go to the slide, so did Jordan. Then the nanny went over and would not let her go. I confronted her about it and she said that Jordan cried over everything and then let her go. About an hour later, Jordan asked me if I had any snacks in my bag because she was hungry and thirsty. I told the nanny that she was hungry and she said, 'no, shes not' and then told her that they should go get snacks in their stroller across the park and pulled her away while on the cell phone. I was appalled. This child was completely ignored and could be endangered. I am a working mom and this broke my heart. When we left, they were not eating, Jordan again was playing by herself on the swings and the nanny was talking to another nanny on a bench out of sight.
On May 15 at the park/play ground on Main St in Huntington Beach, CA, I saw your nanny, a portly, middle aged Hispanic woman wearing an Adidas hat named 'Carmen' according to the little girl she was watching. The little girl said her name was Jordan, she was about 4 or 5 yrs old, tall, with light brown hair, a light pink shirt and pink patterned pants, pink socks and sneakers on. The nanny was completely disengaged, was on her cell phone the whole time and most of the time wasn't even in sight. The child asked me to push her on the swing when my child was next to her. The rest of the time, I played with her and my little girl and the nanny did not even seem alerted or watch us together. I could have walked away with the child and the nanny never would have known. When my daughter wanted to leave the swings and go to the slide, so did Jordan. Then the nanny went over and would not let her go. I confronted her about it and she said that Jordan cried over everything and then let her go. About an hour later, Jordan asked me if I had any snacks in my bag because she was hungry and thirsty. I told the nanny that she was hungry and she said, 'no, shes not' and then told her that they should go get snacks in their stroller across the park and pulled her away while on the cell phone. I was appalled. This child was completely ignored and could be endangered. I am a working mom and this broke my heart. When we left, they were not eating, Jordan again was playing by herself on the swings and the nanny was talking to another nanny on a bench out of sight.
Children's Lawn in Riverside Park, NY
Received Wednesday, May 16, 2007
If you live on the UWS and your son was wearing a My Gym t-shirt mid day Tuesday, your nanny was asleep in the grass while he played in the dirt at Children's Lawn in Riveside Park.
If you live on the UWS and your son was wearing a My Gym t-shirt mid day Tuesday, your nanny was asleep in the grass while he played in the dirt at Children's Lawn in Riveside Park.
Jefferson Street in Huntsville, Alabama
Received Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Physical description of caregiver: Short woman (maybe 5'4) with long blonde hair, sunglasses on, blue jacket, black shirt, green clover, and jeans another girl younger (might've been in teens) brown hair that went to shoulders, green Doors t shirt, jeans, and a third woman, curlish hair in pony tail, green long sleeve shirt, jeans all were heavy.
Physical description of involved child/children: Girl about 8-9, brown hair in pony tail with green ribbon in white writing, green Beatles shirt over white long sleeve, jeans, occasionally wearing extra large (had to be one of the women's it was way too big for her) Calhoun College hoody, she was Caucasian and had green eyes. Girl that looked around the same age, biracial, black curly hair in pony tail, brown eyes, wearing a outfit matching the other girl's (guessing they were sisters) Boy about 7-8, brown hair in a short hair cut, brown eyes, Caucasian, wearing grey jacket, black shirt with green cobra on it, cargo jeans, Boy about 8-9 Caucasian, buzzed orange hair, green or brown eyes (can't remember) wearing blue winter coat, tie-dye green t-shirt with Tanner Rattlers on it, jeans, boy of about 3-4 buzzed brownish hair, brown eyes, green shirt, orange coat, and jeans. Baby Girl maybe 3 months, red hair, wearing green sleeper wrapped in green fluffy blanket, baby boy, wearing long sleeve white shirt with green trimming, red checkered bucket hat, and white pants with words printed all over them, maybe 3 months as well (guessing they were twins)
Address or venue of observed incident: Jefferson St. Huntsville Alabama
Date and time of incident: Around 11-12 am-pm March 17Th, 2007
Detailed description of what you witnessed: This was such a great sighting!! (there's never any good sightings on this sight) Obviously these three women were caretakers of some sort all the children called them by their first names and none of the kids looked like them, kids were most likely siblings, ages varied too much to be a daycare class, and they all seemed very used to each other, also the youngest boy kept saying 'bubba'. This was at a St. Patrick's Day Parade I took my daughter to. All 3 ladies were very alert and aware of the children, they had them decked out in green, necklaces, hats, and other novelty things, when they first arrived they set up camp, with blankets (it was chilly) and the youngest of the nannies passed out bubbles to keep the occupied, she had let the children pick out the colors earlier (as she had the lids of each marked in initials) and none of the children fought over anything, they all watched the parade happily, the youngest nanny was in charge of the older children, and the two old ones each took care of a baby, even feeding the babies at one point. When the parade ended one baby was still eating and the younger nanny played Simon Says with the older kids until they were ready to leave, at that point they all helped pack up, put the prizes they had received during the parade into a large green novelty hat to be divided up later and left, The curly haired nanny took four and the other two nannies took the other three children and they went to two different cars. I later ran into the same group again at MCallister's Deli, they got a corner booth, set the sleeping babies in their car seats on one table, and the two older nannies sat at the joining table, the younger nanny sat with the older kids, they all had a great time all ate their food, and all got cookies at the end, when they were done they all stood up and the young nanny took the kids to the cars, and the other two brought up the end with the car seats. These women were so GREAT!! I would definitely hire them, and wow! at the woman who needs that many nannies for her 7 kids. They were obviously well off, all the kids were dressed nicely. Two of the nannies (The sunglasses and the young one) seemed very well acquainted and if i had to guess i would have to say that these two were the daily nannies and the other one was a friend they asked to help out that day as the children didn't act like they were around her as much as they were the other two. But so refreshing to see GOOD childcare, they're ability to smoothly handle 7 children under 9 made me ashamed of being frazzled with just the one. They were obviously used to keeping everything in order.
Physical description of involved child/children: Girl about 8-9, brown hair in pony tail with green ribbon in white writing, green Beatles shirt over white long sleeve, jeans, occasionally wearing extra large (had to be one of the women's it was way too big for her) Calhoun College hoody, she was Caucasian and had green eyes. Girl that looked around the same age, biracial, black curly hair in pony tail, brown eyes, wearing a outfit matching the other girl's (guessing they were sisters) Boy about 7-8, brown hair in a short hair cut, brown eyes, Caucasian, wearing grey jacket, black shirt with green cobra on it, cargo jeans, Boy about 8-9 Caucasian, buzzed orange hair, green or brown eyes (can't remember) wearing blue winter coat, tie-dye green t-shirt with Tanner Rattlers on it, jeans, boy of about 3-4 buzzed brownish hair, brown eyes, green shirt, orange coat, and jeans. Baby Girl maybe 3 months, red hair, wearing green sleeper wrapped in green fluffy blanket, baby boy, wearing long sleeve white shirt with green trimming, red checkered bucket hat, and white pants with words printed all over them, maybe 3 months as well (guessing they were twins)
Address or venue of observed incident: Jefferson St. Huntsville Alabama
Date and time of incident: Around 11-12 am-pm March 17Th, 2007
Detailed description of what you witnessed: This was such a great sighting!! (there's never any good sightings on this sight) Obviously these three women were caretakers of some sort all the children called them by their first names and none of the kids looked like them, kids were most likely siblings, ages varied too much to be a daycare class, and they all seemed very used to each other, also the youngest boy kept saying 'bubba'. This was at a St. Patrick's Day Parade I took my daughter to. All 3 ladies were very alert and aware of the children, they had them decked out in green, necklaces, hats, and other novelty things, when they first arrived they set up camp, with blankets (it was chilly) and the youngest of the nannies passed out bubbles to keep the occupied, she had let the children pick out the colors earlier (as she had the lids of each marked in initials) and none of the children fought over anything, they all watched the parade happily, the youngest nanny was in charge of the older children, and the two old ones each took care of a baby, even feeding the babies at one point. When the parade ended one baby was still eating and the younger nanny played Simon Says with the older kids until they were ready to leave, at that point they all helped pack up, put the prizes they had received during the parade into a large green novelty hat to be divided up later and left, The curly haired nanny took four and the other two nannies took the other three children and they went to two different cars. I later ran into the same group again at MCallister's Deli, they got a corner booth, set the sleeping babies in their car seats on one table, and the two older nannies sat at the joining table, the younger nanny sat with the older kids, they all had a great time all ate their food, and all got cookies at the end, when they were done they all stood up and the young nanny took the kids to the cars, and the other two brought up the end with the car seats. These women were so GREAT!! I would definitely hire them, and wow! at the woman who needs that many nannies for her 7 kids. They were obviously well off, all the kids were dressed nicely. Two of the nannies (The sunglasses and the young one) seemed very well acquainted and if i had to guess i would have to say that these two were the daily nannies and the other one was a friend they asked to help out that day as the children didn't act like they were around her as much as they were the other two. But so refreshing to see GOOD childcare, they're ability to smoothly handle 7 children under 9 made me ashamed of being frazzled with just the one. They were obviously used to keeping everything in order.
Washington Market Park in Tribeca, NY
Received Tuesday, May 15, 2007
This isn't the siting of one specific nanny, but rather a shout-out to all the great nannies, mannies, babysitters, moms and dads who go to Washington Market Park in Tribeca, NY.
I was there just yesterday, thinking about all the NYC parks so frequently mentioned negatively on this site like JJ Byrne and Ancient, and how the posters describe nannies all sitting in a row, chatting with each other and ignoring their charges. If anyone needs to have their faith in childcare providers and parents restored, they should come down to WMP! On a beautiful day like yesterday, the park is filled with happy kids and their caregivers. Those caregivers, probably about half mothers/half nannies and the like, were mostly standing, not sitting on benches. Small groups stood chatting together, but they were actively watching their kids, most of them so close by that all they needed to do was put out their hand at the right moment to catch their little one when he/she needed assistance.
The kids were mostly playing with other kids, which is what I think the park is for, but they were all so well supervised that the little fights that errupt over shared toys or sand throwing were quickly extinguished. The mood was so happy and social that I thought I should write this in for all the people who tend to lose faith too frequently on this site. Good nannies exist! Come down to Tribeca if you don't believe me.
(Of course, this is self-serving, I was one of those nannies at the park yesterday. But I'm not writing this for the parents I work for, or for any of the parents who employ the nannies at WMP. I'm fairly certain they know how competent their caregivers are. I just want to let everyone else know that, at least in one little pocket of the city, things work pretty well between kids, parents and nannies.)
Nanny in New York
This isn't the siting of one specific nanny, but rather a shout-out to all the great nannies, mannies, babysitters, moms and dads who go to Washington Market Park in Tribeca, NY.
I was there just yesterday, thinking about all the NYC parks so frequently mentioned negatively on this site like JJ Byrne and Ancient, and how the posters describe nannies all sitting in a row, chatting with each other and ignoring their charges. If anyone needs to have their faith in childcare providers and parents restored, they should come down to WMP! On a beautiful day like yesterday, the park is filled with happy kids and their caregivers. Those caregivers, probably about half mothers/half nannies and the like, were mostly standing, not sitting on benches. Small groups stood chatting together, but they were actively watching their kids, most of them so close by that all they needed to do was put out their hand at the right moment to catch their little one when he/she needed assistance.
The kids were mostly playing with other kids, which is what I think the park is for, but they were all so well supervised that the little fights that errupt over shared toys or sand throwing were quickly extinguished. The mood was so happy and social that I thought I should write this in for all the people who tend to lose faith too frequently on this site. Good nannies exist! Come down to Tribeca if you don't believe me.
(Of course, this is self-serving, I was one of those nannies at the park yesterday. But I'm not writing this for the parents I work for, or for any of the parents who employ the nannies at WMP. I'm fairly certain they know how competent their caregivers are. I just want to let everyone else know that, at least in one little pocket of the city, things work pretty well between kids, parents and nannies.)
Nanny in New York
Battery Park City's Toddler Park in NY
Received Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I saw a nanny a few days ago in Battery Park City's toddler park who was SLEEPING. This was on Thursday, 5/10. I wanted to wake her up. The nanny was watching a 3 year old (or therabouts) boy with shaggy dark brown hair. He was a real cutie. The nanny was African-American, overweight. She was wearing jeans coat and jeans pants. She had brown dyed hair, frizzy curly and short, bronze lipstick. The boy has dk. brown hair, layered shirts, very cute, was oddly wearing black dress shoes. I was really shocked. The nanny's head kept lolling and then she'd jerk it up with half-lidded eyes, only to flop down again.
I saw a nanny a few days ago in Battery Park City's toddler park who was SLEEPING. This was on Thursday, 5/10. I wanted to wake her up. The nanny was watching a 3 year old (or therabouts) boy with shaggy dark brown hair. He was a real cutie. The nanny was African-American, overweight. She was wearing jeans coat and jeans pants. She had brown dyed hair, frizzy curly and short, bronze lipstick. The boy has dk. brown hair, layered shirts, very cute, was oddly wearing black dress shoes. I was really shocked. The nanny's head kept lolling and then she'd jerk it up with half-lidded eyes, only to flop down again.
Children's Museum in Richmond, Virginia
Received Tuesday, May 15, 2007
This is a wonderful nanny sighting. It has been awhile since I have seen this nanny, but I have seen her off and on at the Children's Museum, Maymont, the Playroom and several other 'child friendly' places around Richmond. I have spoken to her a few times and she is very friendly. She used to frequently travel with another nanny (who is also very attentive and cares for a girl of about 4-5), but the other girl was not present at this particular sighting.
I last saw the first nanny about 3 weeks ago. She is a white female, with tanned skin, in her early/mid twenties. Very pretty girl- a little heavyset, with brown hair and striking blue eyes. She was caring for 3 children- one boy of about 7, brown short hair, blue eyes wearing camo shorts and a white t-shirt; a 6 year old girl (Glory?) with pink pants and a white top; and a girl toddler no older than 2 with blonde hair, whom she called Bella. They were dancing around the children's museum and having a ball together. The nanny took them to story time and afterwards helped the children act out the story they had just heard, it was priceless!
I think she may also nanny a little boy of about 2-3 named Tom or Tuck or something with a T, but I have not seen her with this boy in awhile. I do not see very many nannies out and about in Richmond, so it is great to see nannies that enjoy spending time and interacting with their charges. As a mom, I wish I had found this girl before someone else did. I have actually offered her a job, and I think she thought I was joking, but I would love to have her. If this is your nanny, you are a lucky family. She is definitely a steal. Watch your back! :)
I last saw the first nanny about 3 weeks ago. She is a white female, with tanned skin, in her early/mid twenties. Very pretty girl- a little heavyset, with brown hair and striking blue eyes. She was caring for 3 children- one boy of about 7, brown short hair, blue eyes wearing camo shorts and a white t-shirt; a 6 year old girl (Glory?) with pink pants and a white top; and a girl toddler no older than 2 with blonde hair, whom she called Bella. They were dancing around the children's museum and having a ball together. The nanny took them to story time and afterwards helped the children act out the story they had just heard, it was priceless!
I think she may also nanny a little boy of about 2-3 named Tom or Tuck or something with a T, but I have not seen her with this boy in awhile. I do not see very many nannies out and about in Richmond, so it is great to see nannies that enjoy spending time and interacting with their charges. As a mom, I wish I had found this girl before someone else did. I have actually offered her a job, and I think she thought I was joking, but I would love to have her. If this is your nanny, you are a lucky family. She is definitely a steal. Watch your back! :)
86th and 1st in front of Duane Reade in NYC
Received Monday, May 14, 2007
This occurred around 2:40 on Monday May 14, 2007
I saw your son, blond hair, about 3-4 years old, wearing pants and a long-sleeved bright green shirt, standing outside of Duane Reade with his nanny (slightly heavy, 30s,perhaps Latino or Middle Eastern) You son was crying and asking for his mother which is normal for kids his age. But your nanny's response was cruel. She told your son "if you keep crying your mommy will NEVER come back for you". I would want to know and thought you might too.
The author of this post has provided her email address for this child's parents. Please contact Jane and she will provide you the author's contact information
This occurred around 2:40 on Monday May 14, 2007
I saw your son, blond hair, about 3-4 years old, wearing pants and a long-sleeved bright green shirt, standing outside of Duane Reade with his nanny (slightly heavy, 30s,perhaps Latino or Middle Eastern) You son was crying and asking for his mother which is normal for kids his age. But your nanny's response was cruel. She told your son "if you keep crying your mommy will NEVER come back for you". I would want to know and thought you might too.
The author of this post has provided her email address for this child's parents. Please contact Jane and she will provide you the author's contact information
Barnes & Noble on 86th Street and 2nd Avenue in NYC
Received Monday, May 14, 2007
This is a bad nanny sighting regarding the nanny for "Lucy". Lucy is a toddler with brown hair, bangs and slight freckles on her face. Lucy is between 3-4 yrs old and was wearing a light weight purple hoody with a cartoon cat on it. Lucy was running around with greeting cards that she was fanning and bending. She had a stack of about 20. After seeing Lucy in every area of the store, at times with the greeting cards, other times spinning a bookmark rack, other times in the children's section opening the hard backed books all the way until she bent the cover back and waved the pages like an accordion. Finally, I hear a woman with a Caribbean accent saying "Looooosey, Looooosey". At this point "Lucy" was trying to unwrap a candy in a red wrapper. I pointed my finger in Lucy's general direction and the nanny trotted over to her. The nanny asked Lucy if she was ready to go. Lucy said that she was not and the nanny bribed her by suggesting they would leave and get "some taffys". I don't know where Lucy's nanny was at all other times. Lucy's nanny is a thin woman between 40-60, with a very short cut, natural hair style. She was wearing a white shirt that said Rocca on it in shiny letter. This was Sat 5/12.
This is a bad nanny sighting regarding the nanny for "Lucy". Lucy is a toddler with brown hair, bangs and slight freckles on her face. Lucy is between 3-4 yrs old and was wearing a light weight purple hoody with a cartoon cat on it. Lucy was running around with greeting cards that she was fanning and bending. She had a stack of about 20. After seeing Lucy in every area of the store, at times with the greeting cards, other times spinning a bookmark rack, other times in the children's section opening the hard backed books all the way until she bent the cover back and waved the pages like an accordion. Finally, I hear a woman with a Caribbean accent saying "Looooosey, Looooosey". At this point "Lucy" was trying to unwrap a candy in a red wrapper. I pointed my finger in Lucy's general direction and the nanny trotted over to her. The nanny asked Lucy if she was ready to go. Lucy said that she was not and the nanny bribed her by suggesting they would leave and get "some taffys". I don't know where Lucy's nanny was at all other times. Lucy's nanny is a thin woman between 40-60, with a very short cut, natural hair style. She was wearing a white shirt that said Rocca on it in shiny letter. This was Sat 5/12.
Rochester, New York
Received Monday, May 14, 2007
Description: The nanny's name is Megan. She is blonde, approximately 23 years old, also works at a golf course.
Behavior: I am friends with a man who is married but is having an affair with Megan. They meet during the days at the home of the people whose child Megan is supposed to be nannying for unbeknown to Megan's employers. Aside from carrying on their affair, they also use cocaine together. If I knew the name of the family for whom Megan works I would call them myself. She is behaving negligently and I am afraid harm with come to the child/children in her charge. If anyone knows the family for whom she works, please inform them right away. She works in the Rochester, NY area.
Description: The nanny's name is Megan. She is blonde, approximately 23 years old, also works at a golf course.
Behavior: I am friends with a man who is married but is having an affair with Megan. They meet during the days at the home of the people whose child Megan is supposed to be nannying for unbeknown to Megan's employers. Aside from carrying on their affair, they also use cocaine together. If I knew the name of the family for whom Megan works I would call them myself. She is behaving negligently and I am afraid harm with come to the child/children in her charge. If anyone knows the family for whom she works, please inform them right away. She works in the Rochester, NY area.
Pediatric Office in Arlington, Virginia
Received Sunday, May 13, 2007
This occurred on Tuesday, 5/8/07.
Mom, you made an excellent choice in hiring a nanny for your two year old. I work at this office and your child (Caucasian female, big blue eyes and long blonde hair, wearing a pink dress) came in for her checkup with her nanny (who I assumed was Eastern European from her accent). The nanny was very loving toward the girl, rocked her when she cried after her vaccines. Obviously, this child adores her nanny, because she was staying very close to her. They played for awhile in the waiting room before leaving and the nanny was promising to take the girl home and fix her a favorite lunch after the morning she'd had. I do see nannies and moms being short with kids every day and so this is refreshing, particularly when it's a caregiver.
-Anonymous Nurse
Mom, you made an excellent choice in hiring a nanny for your two year old. I work at this office and your child (Caucasian female, big blue eyes and long blonde hair, wearing a pink dress) came in for her checkup with her nanny (who I assumed was Eastern European from her accent). The nanny was very loving toward the girl, rocked her when she cried after her vaccines. Obviously, this child adores her nanny, because she was staying very close to her. They played for awhile in the waiting room before leaving and the nanny was promising to take the girl home and fix her a favorite lunch after the morning she'd had. I do see nannies and moms being short with kids every day and so this is refreshing, particularly when it's a caregiver.
-Anonymous Nurse
Diablo Vista Park in Danville, California
Received Saturday, May 12, 2007
I noticed your nanny "Fay" or "Faith" showing lack of patience with your boy of about 4. Your nanny was reading People magazine. Your little boy did not come when she called him. Nanny just yelled louder. We look at her as if to say, "get up and deal with it". After waking up a baby with her big mouth, the boy finally came to her side. This is after he called out to her in equally loud voice, "what Fay/Faith?", "What?" What did she tell him? She told him that he had 5 more minutes. The boy ran off after that. The nanny exclaimed, "mother F---er" and hoisted herself off the bench. She then walked at fast rate chasing him around. Next time I saw her I was throwing garbage and she was by the volleyball courts with the boy. She was kneeling down with an angry look on her face saying something with rage on her face. I could not hear it so I don't want to guess what it was. The boy was throwing sand from one of his hands to the other. Sifting. Whether intentional or not, some must have hit nanny in the face because she reached down grabbed a handful and hurled it right in his face. At that point he started crying about his eyes. Nanny looked around to see if anyone was looking and then hugged the boy. Then she started to dab at his eyes while patting his back. Her tone changed very much. I think she was going to play it off as an accident. What it was seems to be another impatient nanny unable to deal with a child. Yes, children misbehave. What is this nanny teaching that boy?
The nanny was Anglo, brown shoulder length hair, a clip keeping some of it up, khaki capris with a cuff and a white t-shirt. The boy was also Anglo; had reddish, thick hair, blue and white striped shirt and cream colored khakis. The nanny and boy left from the volleyball court and never walked past me again. I am quite sure nanny knows she did wrong.
I noticed your nanny "Fay" or "Faith" showing lack of patience with your boy of about 4. Your nanny was reading People magazine. Your little boy did not come when she called him. Nanny just yelled louder. We look at her as if to say, "get up and deal with it". After waking up a baby with her big mouth, the boy finally came to her side. This is after he called out to her in equally loud voice, "what Fay/Faith?", "What?" What did she tell him? She told him that he had 5 more minutes. The boy ran off after that. The nanny exclaimed, "mother F---er" and hoisted herself off the bench. She then walked at fast rate chasing him around. Next time I saw her I was throwing garbage and she was by the volleyball courts with the boy. She was kneeling down with an angry look on her face saying something with rage on her face. I could not hear it so I don't want to guess what it was. The boy was throwing sand from one of his hands to the other. Sifting. Whether intentional or not, some must have hit nanny in the face because she reached down grabbed a handful and hurled it right in his face. At that point he started crying about his eyes. Nanny looked around to see if anyone was looking and then hugged the boy. Then she started to dab at his eyes while patting his back. Her tone changed very much. I think she was going to play it off as an accident. What it was seems to be another impatient nanny unable to deal with a child. Yes, children misbehave. What is this nanny teaching that boy?
The nanny was Anglo, brown shoulder length hair, a clip keeping some of it up, khaki capris with a cuff and a white t-shirt. The boy was also Anglo; had reddish, thick hair, blue and white striped shirt and cream colored khakis. The nanny and boy left from the volleyball court and never walked past me again. I am quite sure nanny knows she did wrong.
Flint Park in Larchmont, NY
Received Saturday, May 12, 2007
This occurred Thursday, 5/10 at 11:30am. This is a good post about two nannies I saw at Flint Park. Both AA one heavy set, pretty, with long wavy hair wearing black stretchy pants and white tank top with black long sleeve shirt over, the other medium build, short hair with a teal green top and black pants. They had 3 children with them one small girl about 18 months or so with brown curly hair and wearing a cute blue and white dress the other children were older (4-5) one a boy with a red t-shirt and black shorts the other a girl wearing a pink shirt and greenish pants.These nannies were running around on the climbing structure with the kids playing a tag type game and the kids were having a great time with them,constantly laughing.And the two of them were talkative and pleasant with people around them as well.I am a nanny, l and see so many so-so caregivers but these two were outstanding. I notice how few good posts are on this site and just wanted to show that some of us are the good ones and do love and care well for the children in our charge.
What can I do to improve my situation?
Received Saturday, May 12, 2007
I've been a nanny with the same family for two years now. I genuinely adore the three children I care for and am always taking them places (parks, museums, zoo, story time, music). The majority of our nice spring, summer and fall days are spent playing outside in the backyard or at a park. We usually come home for lunch (there would be no money provided for buying food out and these kids aren't sandwich eaters). Since the beginning, mom has made numerous insinuations about how time is spent but it has gotten more frequent in recent months. For example, if she comes in right after the children have eaten lunch and I'm in the process of cleaning up, she'll say "Why aren't you guys outside??" in an annoyed manner. This happens any time she comes home and the kids are inside, regardless of the reason. However, if the kids are outside when she comes home, she often makes comments like "Why aren't you guys clean??" when she comes home and the kids aren't bathed yet. The important thing with that is to note that mom is home often and bath time never happens before 7pm, so I'm confused by her implication that I've done the wrong thing when the kids are playing outside at 6pm. Bedtime isn't the issue, as the children go to bed much later in the evening. I've tried to address this before with her, but I feel like it doesn't help. I'm left feeling like no matter what I do with her wonderful children, I've somehow done it wrong. I know I'm a good nanny, but my ability to address these types of passive-aggressive comments seems to be lacking. I always ask her when she's home what she would prefer me to do and 98% of the time the answer is "Whatever" What can I do to improve my situation? Or is it possible that I'm working for someone who is perpetually dissatisfied no matter what? Have any of the nannies who read this site worked for someone like this and how did you handle it?
I've been a nanny with the same family for two years now. I genuinely adore the three children I care for and am always taking them places (parks, museums, zoo, story time, music). The majority of our nice spring, summer and fall days are spent playing outside in the backyard or at a park. We usually come home for lunch (there would be no money provided for buying food out and these kids aren't sandwich eaters). Since the beginning, mom has made numerous insinuations about how time is spent but it has gotten more frequent in recent months. For example, if she comes in right after the children have eaten lunch and I'm in the process of cleaning up, she'll say "Why aren't you guys outside??" in an annoyed manner. This happens any time she comes home and the kids are inside, regardless of the reason. However, if the kids are outside when she comes home, she often makes comments like "Why aren't you guys clean??" when she comes home and the kids aren't bathed yet. The important thing with that is to note that mom is home often and bath time never happens before 7pm, so I'm confused by her implication that I've done the wrong thing when the kids are playing outside at 6pm. Bedtime isn't the issue, as the children go to bed much later in the evening. I've tried to address this before with her, but I feel like it doesn't help. I'm left feeling like no matter what I do with her wonderful children, I've somehow done it wrong. I know I'm a good nanny, but my ability to address these types of passive-aggressive comments seems to be lacking. I always ask her when she's home what she would prefer me to do and 98% of the time the answer is "Whatever" What can I do to improve my situation? Or is it possible that I'm working for someone who is perpetually dissatisfied no matter what? Have any of the nannies who read this site worked for someone like this and how did you handle it?
..."Playground Etiquette"
Received Friday, May 11, 2007
There are three parks I favor with my children. It never fails that as the weather gets warm and I purchase ice cream, water or the like for myself or my child I end up buying the same treat for the child/charge of a nanny. Why am I continually put in this position? If you can't trust your nanny with petty cash, especially on a warm, muggy day- what is she doing caring for your child? It's pretty humiliating for the nanny, I would say. I know some of you parents might not KNOW what happens on a playground, but perhaps you should spend an afternoon with your child and learn the ropes. Learn a little bit about playground etiquette. Treat your nanny with a little bit more respect. Toss her some change so she can buy herself a soda.
There are three parks I favor with my children. It never fails that as the weather gets warm and I purchase ice cream, water or the like for myself or my child I end up buying the same treat for the child/charge of a nanny. Why am I continually put in this position? If you can't trust your nanny with petty cash, especially on a warm, muggy day- what is she doing caring for your child? It's pretty humiliating for the nanny, I would say. I know some of you parents might not KNOW what happens on a playground, but perhaps you should spend an afternoon with your child and learn the ropes. Learn a little bit about playground etiquette. Treat your nanny with a little bit more respect. Toss her some change so she can buy herself a soda.
E. 96th/Central Park playground in NYC
Received Friday, May 11, 2007
Terrible nanny sighting: Yesterday (5/10)
Nanny sounded like she was was from the West Indies by her accent. Light skinned.Wearing a beige Gardening style hat . The little children were both blonde, both somewhere between 2 and 4. The girl was older. The boy had an old school style trike in red. The girl's trike was pink and white. The girl wearing a sleeveless, salmon colored corduroy jumper dress. The boy had blue shiny shorts that came down pretty long, a light blue shirt with a surf scene and teva style sandals. The nanny had a yellow and gold canvas tote bag with colorful faces all over it. This nanny was just mean mean mean. She clearly has utter disdain for the kids. Snaps at them constantly. Belittles them. Talks about them badly in to her nanny buddies while they are in earshot. She literally shoved food in their mouths and yells "hurry, hurry" to make them eat faster. After a very short time, she wadded what was left of lunch up into a brown paper bag and tossed it back in her bag. Doesn't keep an eye on them when they are on the other side of playground. Not one nice word or smile. I can't imagine paying someone to treat my children that way! The little boy's name might have been David-of that I am not 100 percent. The nanny showed up at the park and the children were really excited but she stayed less than 1/2 hour. She kept complaining about the heat and having to be outdoors. I have a feeling the nanny works for a stay at home mother because among the things the nanny was complaining loudly about was the fact that if the mother wanted the children to go the park, then the mother should take them herself. Then she went on to a whole thing about how a child needs their mother. (But wouldn't she be out of a job?). This nanny was just plain and simply mean.
Terrible nanny sighting: Yesterday (5/10)
Nanny sounded like she was was from the West Indies by her accent. Light skinned.Wearing a beige Gardening style hat . The little children were both blonde, both somewhere between 2 and 4. The girl was older. The boy had an old school style trike in red. The girl's trike was pink and white. The girl wearing a sleeveless, salmon colored corduroy jumper dress. The boy had blue shiny shorts that came down pretty long, a light blue shirt with a surf scene and teva style sandals. The nanny had a yellow and gold canvas tote bag with colorful faces all over it. This nanny was just mean mean mean. She clearly has utter disdain for the kids. Snaps at them constantly. Belittles them. Talks about them badly in to her nanny buddies while they are in earshot. She literally shoved food in their mouths and yells "hurry, hurry" to make them eat faster. After a very short time, she wadded what was left of lunch up into a brown paper bag and tossed it back in her bag. Doesn't keep an eye on them when they are on the other side of playground. Not one nice word or smile. I can't imagine paying someone to treat my children that way! The little boy's name might have been David-of that I am not 100 percent. The nanny showed up at the park and the children were really excited but she stayed less than 1/2 hour. She kept complaining about the heat and having to be outdoors. I have a feeling the nanny works for a stay at home mother because among the things the nanny was complaining loudly about was the fact that if the mother wanted the children to go the park, then the mother should take them herself. Then she went on to a whole thing about how a child needs their mother. (But wouldn't she be out of a job?). This nanny was just plain and simply mean.
Friday, May 11, 2007
The National Provider Appreciation Day is a special day to recognize child care practitioners, teachers, and all educators of young children. Provider Appreciation Day is a non-profit corporation created to increase and support recognition and respect for the early education workforce. They also partner with the National Association of Child Care Resources and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) and the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) to celebrate the valuable work of these educators.
Today is a great day to let your nanny know how much she means to you or to share your childcare provider success story with us!
Today is a great day to let your nanny know how much she means to you or to share your childcare provider success story with us!
JJ Byrne Park in Park Slope, NY
Received Thursday, May 10, 2007
Your horrible unprofessional nanny yelling judgmental things at the park yesterday - this time, nanny yelled at another kid (who was with his own nanny) saying "I don't like that kid - he hits". Kid in question was a 22 mo who did hit, but ( his nanny was right there to solve the problem and did not). Bad loud nanny kept yelling "I don't like him" at the poor kid. What I want to know is - who are these parents that hire these totally unprofessional rude nannies who sit on their duffs at JJ Byrne Park. If your nanny takes your child to this park, do your child a favor and pay a surprise visit to JJ Byrne Park. Guaranteed you will see a slew of bench sitting nannies at that park. They do not play with their charges, just sit and gossip with each other. (Probably about you).
Your horrible unprofessional nanny yelling judgmental things at the park yesterday - this time, nanny yelled at another kid (who was with his own nanny) saying "I don't like that kid - he hits". Kid in question was a 22 mo who did hit, but ( his nanny was right there to solve the problem and did not). Bad loud nanny kept yelling "I don't like him" at the poor kid. What I want to know is - who are these parents that hire these totally unprofessional rude nannies who sit on their duffs at JJ Byrne Park. If your nanny takes your child to this park, do your child a favor and pay a surprise visit to JJ Byrne Park. Guaranteed you will see a slew of bench sitting nannies at that park. They do not play with their charges, just sit and gossip with each other. (Probably about you).
Morningside Heights Playground in Manhattan
Received Thursday, May 10, 2007
Physical description of caregiver: White Male, about 5'5",straight brown shoulder length hair.
Physical description of involved child/children: Little boy approx 4yrs old w/brown hair, & little blond girl approx 2 yrs old.
Address or venue of observed incident: Morningside Heights Housing Corporation Playground (80 LaSalle Street), Manhattan, NY.
Date and time of incident: May 9th, 2007 5pm-6pm.
Detailed description of what you witnessed: This guy is either the caregiver or a really young father. He let the 2 year old girl run around the playground naked, completely naked, no diaper, no panties, no clothing! Once in a while he would slip a small polyester easy-off dress on her, and next thing she was naked and running around, bending over, and playing like all was normal. I pointed out what I saw to one of the caregivers, and the caregiver said the little girl is known for running around the playground naked, and the guy who takes care of her does very little about it. One of the caregivers at the playground said she is about to file a complaint with the NYPD because having children run around a playground naked could attract pedophiles to the playground.
If this guy is your nanny, please talk to him. If he is the father of this little girl, please still talk to him because as much as it is nice to see little kids running about "freely", we live in an unsafe world.
Thank you for letting me post this important message.
Physical description of caregiver: White Male, about 5'5",straight brown shoulder length hair.
Physical description of involved child/children: Little boy approx 4yrs old w/brown hair, & little blond girl approx 2 yrs old.
Address or venue of observed incident: Morningside Heights Housing Corporation Playground (80 LaSalle Street), Manhattan, NY.
Date and time of incident: May 9th, 2007 5pm-6pm.
Detailed description of what you witnessed: This guy is either the caregiver or a really young father. He let the 2 year old girl run around the playground naked, completely naked, no diaper, no panties, no clothing! Once in a while he would slip a small polyester easy-off dress on her, and next thing she was naked and running around, bending over, and playing like all was normal. I pointed out what I saw to one of the caregivers, and the caregiver said the little girl is known for running around the playground naked, and the guy who takes care of her does very little about it. One of the caregivers at the playground said she is about to file a complaint with the NYPD because having children run around a playground naked could attract pedophiles to the playground.
If this guy is your nanny, please talk to him. If he is the father of this little girl, please still talk to him because as much as it is nice to see little kids running about "freely", we live in an unsafe world.
Thank you for letting me post this important message.
Click here to read Jessika Auerbach's article: Nannies, The 'Other Mothers,' Overlooked and Undervalued...(USA Today)
Borders Book Store on Broadway in NYC
Received Wednesday, May 9, 2007
This occurred Tues 5/8 at the Borders on Lower Broadway-right near Trinity Church. This happened between 4:30 and 5:15 ish. I was reading to my charge when a little girl of about 30-36 months appeared and was swaying behind my charge listening to the story. She was causing no harm. I looked around for her nanny or parent and saw no one. I continued reading. The little girl started twirling my girl's hair {playing with it between her fingers}. She is semi listening to me read, perhaps 2-4 minutes pass. Then the little girl interrupts and says, "can you take me to the bathroom?". I said, "you have to go to the bathroom?". She answered "yes". I said, "Who are you here with?" The little girl says nothing. I say, "do you need help to find your mommy?". She says, "no, not my mommy". I said, "are you here with your nanny?". She says, "No with mommy but ...{indecipherable}". I am about to offer to help her find her mom when an ashy haired woman, about 5'6 in black pants, with black pumps and a red sweater snatches the girl by the hand harshly. The woman says, "I told you not to move-why did you move?". The little girl says, "I said I have to go to the bathroom". The mother said, "You always have to go the bathroom, don't you? It never ends". The mother is now dragging the little girl away and lamenting her {in a way that is clearly inappropriate for a child so young}. The mother, {cold as ice} doesn't even glance in my direction. Never says word one to me. I felt bad for the little girl, but could do nothing more so I picked up my charge, put her on my lap and continued reading the story. Ten minutes later, we are leaving and what do I see? The same mother in the magazine section {the section with House Beautiful type magazines}. The little girl is standing right next to her not moving at all. She has the saddest look on her face and a big wet spot on the front of her little pink pants and down one thigh. The little girl had a sweet, round face, delicate curls, a white, grey and pink long sleeve shirt on and was very pretty. I hope that the little girl's FATHER or grandparents or NANNY sees this posting so they can take appropriate action. The oblivious mother's ashy hair had white looking highlights and was loosely curled. She was about 5'6" and maybe 125 lbs. The little girl was wearing white tennis shoes with a graffiti design on them.
This occurred Tues 5/8 at the Borders on Lower Broadway-right near Trinity Church. This happened between 4:30 and 5:15 ish. I was reading to my charge when a little girl of about 30-36 months appeared and was swaying behind my charge listening to the story. She was causing no harm. I looked around for her nanny or parent and saw no one. I continued reading. The little girl started twirling my girl's hair {playing with it between her fingers}. She is semi listening to me read, perhaps 2-4 minutes pass. Then the little girl interrupts and says, "can you take me to the bathroom?". I said, "you have to go to the bathroom?". She answered "yes". I said, "Who are you here with?" The little girl says nothing. I say, "do you need help to find your mommy?". She says, "no, not my mommy". I said, "are you here with your nanny?". She says, "No with mommy but ...{indecipherable}". I am about to offer to help her find her mom when an ashy haired woman, about 5'6 in black pants, with black pumps and a red sweater snatches the girl by the hand harshly. The woman says, "I told you not to move-why did you move?". The little girl says, "I said I have to go to the bathroom". The mother said, "You always have to go the bathroom, don't you? It never ends". The mother is now dragging the little girl away and lamenting her {in a way that is clearly inappropriate for a child so young}. The mother, {cold as ice} doesn't even glance in my direction. Never says word one to me. I felt bad for the little girl, but could do nothing more so I picked up my charge, put her on my lap and continued reading the story. Ten minutes later, we are leaving and what do I see? The same mother in the magazine section {the section with House Beautiful type magazines}. The little girl is standing right next to her not moving at all. She has the saddest look on her face and a big wet spot on the front of her little pink pants and down one thigh. The little girl had a sweet, round face, delicate curls, a white, grey and pink long sleeve shirt on and was very pretty. I hope that the little girl's FATHER or grandparents or NANNY sees this posting so they can take appropriate action. The oblivious mother's ashy hair had white looking highlights and was loosely curled. She was about 5'6" and maybe 125 lbs. The little girl was wearing white tennis shoes with a graffiti design on them.
Clark Field in Washington Township, New Jersey
Received Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I thought you should know I saw your nanny today at Clark Field, doting on your little boy who was about 2 yrs. of age. A very blonde little boy, with fair skin, white polo and little knee length cargo shorts. The nanny was wearing black cotton Capri's and black cotton sweatshirt, white shirt, honey colored hair that was shoulder length and crimped in style. Nanny was AA. The nanny had packed a lunch in a grocery bag for the two of them and they ate their lunch at the picnic table. This day was very much about your little boy. They left the picnic table to feed their scraps to the birds & ducks. If you are a working mom, you should know what a stellar choice you made in this nanny.
Third Street Playground in Prospect Park, NY
Received Monday, May 7, 2007
Physical description of caregiver: white female, 25-30, shoulder length, kinky brown hair, little or no make up, 3/4 length white shirt with different widths of strips in shades of grey, green handbag with gold link strap.
Physical description of involved child/children: possibly a second child, but at least one child,white, 2.5-3, short dark hair with a pink clip in it, print legging style pants and a navy fleece that buttoned like a pea coat.
Address or venue of observed incident: The 3rd Street Playground/Prospect Park
Date and time of incident: Monday 5/7; approx 10:40 AM
Detailed description of what you witnessed: nanny sitting on bench reading while child was playing. Soon, she removed a can of Red Bull from her handbag, opened it and took a sip. Then she very discreetly brought a small bottle of what I am guessing was travel sized vodka to her side and quickly dumped it in the can of red bull. She quickly dropped the little bottle back in her bag and looked around to see if anyone had seen her.
Summary: If this nanny thought this was okay, she wouldn't have been so sneaky. Is there any data available on the percentage of nannies with alcohol dependency?
Physical description of caregiver: white female, 25-30, shoulder length, kinky brown hair, little or no make up, 3/4 length white shirt with different widths of strips in shades of grey, green handbag with gold link strap.
Physical description of involved child/children: possibly a second child, but at least one child,white, 2.5-3, short dark hair with a pink clip in it, print legging style pants and a navy fleece that buttoned like a pea coat.
Address or venue of observed incident: The 3rd Street Playground/Prospect Park
Date and time of incident: Monday 5/7; approx 10:40 AM
Detailed description of what you witnessed: nanny sitting on bench reading while child was playing. Soon, she removed a can of Red Bull from her handbag, opened it and took a sip. Then she very discreetly brought a small bottle of what I am guessing was travel sized vodka to her side and quickly dumped it in the can of red bull. She quickly dropped the little bottle back in her bag and looked around to see if anyone had seen her.
Summary: If this nanny thought this was okay, she wouldn't have been so sneaky. Is there any data available on the percentage of nannies with alcohol dependency?
Two Nanny Questions
Received Monday, May 7, 2007
1) Hi everyone! I know this is not an i saw your nanny post but I need some advice. I have been with my family for almost a year and we recently talked about my yearly raise that is coming up. The family is wonderful and the 3 children are all under 6 years old. I have more than met their expectations of me by doing extra things that were not originally talked about during the interview. I really love the children and the parents are great people to work for. The dad told me to "come up with a number" for my yearly raise! I don't want to ask for too much, but I would like to be compensated appropriately for my hard work this past year. Any help would be appreciated and as I said before, I know this isn't an I saw your nanny post but I would love any advice!
2) Hi! I am a nanny. I work for a family with two children one is four and the other 18 months. For the most part I only care for the baby but on occasion I do care for their older child too. When I have both children they do not pay me anymore than when I just have the one. Also, mom is often 5-10 minutes late getting home. This, I know, is minor; but when it happens often, is never mentioned and I do not get paid for this time, I start to feel taken advantage of. Also, I have been working for this family for almost one year now and would like to ask for a raise, especially since summer is coming and I will be caring for both children. How do I approach the parents about a raise? It is difficult because I love these two children very much and the parents are kind, I just think they tend to over look things once in a while. Any advice? As parents how would you want to be approached about this? Thanks!
1) Hi everyone! I know this is not an i saw your nanny post but I need some advice. I have been with my family for almost a year and we recently talked about my yearly raise that is coming up. The family is wonderful and the 3 children are all under 6 years old. I have more than met their expectations of me by doing extra things that were not originally talked about during the interview. I really love the children and the parents are great people to work for. The dad told me to "come up with a number" for my yearly raise! I don't want to ask for too much, but I would like to be compensated appropriately for my hard work this past year. Any help would be appreciated and as I said before, I know this isn't an I saw your nanny post but I would love any advice!
2) Hi! I am a nanny. I work for a family with two children one is four and the other 18 months. For the most part I only care for the baby but on occasion I do care for their older child too. When I have both children they do not pay me anymore than when I just have the one. Also, mom is often 5-10 minutes late getting home. This, I know, is minor; but when it happens often, is never mentioned and I do not get paid for this time, I start to feel taken advantage of. Also, I have been working for this family for almost one year now and would like to ask for a raise, especially since summer is coming and I will be caring for both children. How do I approach the parents about a raise? It is difficult because I love these two children very much and the parents are kind, I just think they tend to over look things once in a while. Any advice? As parents how would you want to be approached about this? Thanks!
Nannies & Mother's Day....
Receieved Sunday, May 6, 2007
I am a working mother with two children 7 & 9. We have had the same nanny for 3 years this May. I have never gotten her anything for Mother's Day but it did occur to me that this year, it might be nice. I suggested such to a stay at home mother I am close with and she snapped, "you want to admit in writing that "nanny" is more of a mother than you". I felt as if I had been slapped. Do people really think that is what it connotates? They really should make greeting cards for nannies. My nanny is my right hand, my friend and a part of our family. I love my children and I love that I am able to work. The nanny balances everything out. She doesn't think she is the mother, she spends weeks with the children behind closed doors working on Mother's Day projects for me. (The past two years). I don't have a question. The more I thought about what the stay at home mother thought, the angrier I became.
I am a working mother with two children 7 & 9. We have had the same nanny for 3 years this May. I have never gotten her anything for Mother's Day but it did occur to me that this year, it might be nice. I suggested such to a stay at home mother I am close with and she snapped, "you want to admit in writing that "nanny" is more of a mother than you". I felt as if I had been slapped. Do people really think that is what it connotates? They really should make greeting cards for nannies. My nanny is my right hand, my friend and a part of our family. I love my children and I love that I am able to work. The nanny balances everything out. She doesn't think she is the mother, she spends weeks with the children behind closed doors working on Mother's Day projects for me. (The past two years). I don't have a question. The more I thought about what the stay at home mother thought, the angrier I became.
"Selfish and Snarky"
Received Sunday, May 6, 2007
1) As a mom and a professional daycare provider, I'm very disapointed by this site and the people on it. Many of these stories are so obviously embellished and told in a manner to make the nanny look bad. But in my experience as a caregiver, it's typically the parents who treat the kids the worst in public. I can't tell you how many times I see MOMS ignoring their children at parks, spending an hour or more yapping on their cell as their child begs them to play, or worse. This is ALL behavior moms engage in..........nannys are human too, and we should not be persecuting them for behavior we do.
2) If these stories are remotely true, it's very upsetting to me that people are seeing so many children in danger and say nothing, and instead come home to email and anonnymous website. Where is the personal responsibility here? If you see a child in true danger, it's really your duty to speak up and protect them. Taking it to a website just seems selfish and snarky, and you don't seem to have the childs best interest at heart in any way.
1) As a mom and a professional daycare provider, I'm very disapointed by this site and the people on it. Many of these stories are so obviously embellished and told in a manner to make the nanny look bad. But in my experience as a caregiver, it's typically the parents who treat the kids the worst in public. I can't tell you how many times I see MOMS ignoring their children at parks, spending an hour or more yapping on their cell as their child begs them to play, or worse. This is ALL behavior moms engage in..........nannys are human too, and we should not be persecuting them for behavior we do.
2) If these stories are remotely true, it's very upsetting to me that people are seeing so many children in danger and say nothing, and instead come home to email and anonnymous website. Where is the personal responsibility here? If you see a child in true danger, it's really your duty to speak up and protect them. Taking it to a website just seems selfish and snarky, and you don't seem to have the childs best interest at heart in any way.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
You see the magazine illustration: two women glaring at each other, about to take a swing with their satchels - one a briefcase, the other a diaper bag. And you know what's coming: another "Mommy Wars" story, a juicy tale of mothers who work and moms who stay home, dissing each other on playgrounds and in school parking lots with junior-high-level bile..... Click here to continue reading Don't Believe The Hype About Mommy Wars-MEDIA PROFIT BY FANNING IMAGINARY FLAMES.
Franklin Park Zoo in Dorchester, Mass.
Received Saturday, May 5, 2007
I had a troubling experience at the Franklin Park Zoo on Friday 5/4. This occurred specifically in the restroom near the Outback exhibit. I was taking my child to use the restroom. Walking in the restroom, I witnessed a woman crouching on her knees in front of a little girl who could not have been more than 4. The woman who I suspect was her nanny was squeezing her wrists together and saying, "do you think this is fun for me? do you think I want to be here? Crying because you have to walk a few steps, what you need is something to cry about". (Words to this effect). I came in at the last clip and immediately saw the way she was holding the little girl's hands. The little girl was sniffling, desperately trying not to cry. I don't know what happened before I came in but as anyone knows- it is not unusual for a small child to tire of walking. The nanny looked up at me and stood up. I thought to ask her, "is everything okay" and the nanny made some sort of noise that sounded like "psssssssss" and waved her hand at me (dismissive). The little girl was taking very deep, quick breaths trying not to cry. I smiled at her. My daughter who is 2.8 at that point asked out loud, "mommy was is that woman hurting the girl?" With this the nanny left the restroom, dragging the little girl by one hand and tugging on her floral printed sweatshirt. Additional description of the child would be blond with brown eyes and she had on pinkish "croc" shoes. The nanny was wearing denim jeans in a very light wash and a red pull over with buttons at the top only. Her face was very wide, she wore her hair parted in the middle and wavy and she had a large gap between her two front teeth. She was taller than me (I'm 5'6") and easily over 200 lbs.
For descriptive purposes, please add that the child was Caucasian and the nanny, African American. Thanks.
I had a troubling experience at the Franklin Park Zoo on Friday 5/4. This occurred specifically in the restroom near the Outback exhibit. I was taking my child to use the restroom. Walking in the restroom, I witnessed a woman crouching on her knees in front of a little girl who could not have been more than 4. The woman who I suspect was her nanny was squeezing her wrists together and saying, "do you think this is fun for me? do you think I want to be here? Crying because you have to walk a few steps, what you need is something to cry about". (Words to this effect). I came in at the last clip and immediately saw the way she was holding the little girl's hands. The little girl was sniffling, desperately trying not to cry. I don't know what happened before I came in but as anyone knows- it is not unusual for a small child to tire of walking. The nanny looked up at me and stood up. I thought to ask her, "is everything okay" and the nanny made some sort of noise that sounded like "psssssssss" and waved her hand at me (dismissive). The little girl was taking very deep, quick breaths trying not to cry. I smiled at her. My daughter who is 2.8 at that point asked out loud, "mommy was is that woman hurting the girl?" With this the nanny left the restroom, dragging the little girl by one hand and tugging on her floral printed sweatshirt. Additional description of the child would be blond with brown eyes and she had on pinkish "croc" shoes. The nanny was wearing denim jeans in a very light wash and a red pull over with buttons at the top only. Her face was very wide, she wore her hair parted in the middle and wavy and she had a large gap between her two front teeth. She was taller than me (I'm 5'6") and easily over 200 lbs.
For descriptive purposes, please add that the child was Caucasian and the nanny, African American. Thanks.
Banana Republic at 2360 Broadway and 86th. Street
Received Friday, May 4, 2007
2 little boys, approximately 1.5 yrs of age. The boys had light brown hair, big dark eyes. They were in a double stroller; the front and back kind- not the side to side. The nanny parked double stroller off to the side in the store earlier today and proceeded to browse the entire store. I could have easily walked out of the store with the stroller and both of your little boys. What was this nanny thinking?
Received Sunday, May 6, 2007
Banana Republic on 86th and Broadway in NYC. Nanny parked a Jane Powertwin stroller, with the kids in it, and proceeded to browse the racks. I am fairly certain I could have walked out with the stroller without her noticing. Kids are two boys, maybe twins, with light brown hair and big brown eyes. I would guess around two years old. Nanny is black and is around 45 or 50, medium build. This was on Friday, May 4th at 10:10AM. Oh, looks like someone posted this for me already.
2 little boys, approximately 1.5 yrs of age. The boys had light brown hair, big dark eyes. They were in a double stroller; the front and back kind- not the side to side. The nanny parked double stroller off to the side in the store earlier today and proceeded to browse the entire store. I could have easily walked out of the store with the stroller and both of your little boys. What was this nanny thinking?
Received Sunday, May 6, 2007
Banana Republic on 86th and Broadway in NYC. Nanny parked a Jane Powertwin stroller, with the kids in it, and proceeded to browse the racks. I am fairly certain I could have walked out with the stroller without her noticing. Kids are two boys, maybe twins, with light brown hair and big brown eyes. I would guess around two years old. Nanny is black and is around 45 or 50, medium build. This was on Friday, May 4th at 10:10AM. Oh, looks like someone posted this for me already.
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