
From - MB Says Nanny Must Do What She Wants

I am firm on this - we love our nanny, she is wonderful with my son, but of course we worry all day where he is and if he is alright. We give our nanny much leeway in taking him places, we trust her, but we want to be able to know as much as possible about where they are - we both must work but he is our life. We asked her to let us upload a tracking device on her phone so we can just know where he is. This does not mean we do not trust her we just want to see where he is, you never know what could happen, not the nanny's fault. We really want this and she says no, she will not leave the house with him because she will not link to the app. Are we being unreasonable?


Anonymous said...

You are not being reasonable - what you wish is an invasion of your nanny's privacy - she pays for that phone, it's her property - the app would make you aware of all her private addresses etc, where she goes on her private time, this is so unreasonable. Other options would be to provide her with a separate phone to have and take only when on the job. And/or - to provide a device for the diaper/stroller, some other physical item to be carried - but her personal phone? Very invasive - think again

Unknown said...

Hell yes you are being unreasonable. She's a human being with rights, you don't own her or her time just bc she agreed to care for your child for a fee. You say you trust her but clearly you don't. If i were her i would opt not to go anywhere with the child and to stay at home instead of giving you permission to track my phone eveywhere it goes, that is a HUGE VIOLATION. Why should she trust you with that sort of sensitive information,info you can access on her own private time, when you clearly don't trust her even though (I'm assuming) she's already lived up to her end of the deal? I wouldn't trust you with that level of acceas just based on this request. It's very much over the line. If you're afraid, get nanny cams and tell her to stay in view of them all day, you can check them remotely. Of course that means your child will not go on walks anymore or go to classes, etc.... Are you going to put tracker apps on your child when they grow up, too? Will he get any privacy from you? I highly recommend relaxing and respecting your nanny's personal autonomy and basic civil rights or she will find a family that does.

Anonymous said...

I'm a live in nanny and there's a tracking device on my phone. The difference is my bosses pay for my phone. I honestly dont mind having it on there. If anything should happen to us or even to me on my off time it's comforting to know someone will know where I am.

Corina said...

Just like other person mentioned. Get her a work phone with tracking. So it’s not invading on her privacy on days, evenings weekends when she isn’t working

Leigh Raymer said...

UPDATE - heard from the mom ( actually an acquaintance of a friend) - she reconsidered after seeing the responses and is taking the advice - paying for a work phone. She really does love the nanny and so does the NK, her intention was not to upset the nanny she said in an email, I gues all is well if it ends well!

marryann1220 said...

google 3460
google 3461
google 3462
google 3463
google 3464