
"Princess SmellslikePoo"

One of the things I liked about my nanny when I interviewed her is that she smiled alot and seemed fun and funny. She has been with us three months. I have noticed my 7 year old is doing a lot of name calling lately, to his sister and even to me. The names he has been using are like "buttnugget" and "captain slow." The origin of these names (and more) is the nanny. I am such not a fan of shaming children or name calling that this really rubs me the wrong way. My husband says I am being ridiculous. I think it's teaching the children not so nice things. To call someone "Captain Slow" when they aren't moving fast enough is mocking. I sense a whole tone with the kids, especially my seven year old. My 7 year old is impressionable and we deal with quite a bit of sibling rivalry already. For example, last night he said to her, "No Bath and We're Gonna Call You Princess SmellslikePoo" I reminded him we did not talk like that to each other and he said "that's what Jenny says."I am wondering what you think, nannies and parents? I don't see any other problems with the nanny and have been generally pleased with how everything is going. 


CN said...

You should talk to her. Let her know that your child has started name-calling and you don't like it. Ask her not to do it and to correct the children when she hears them doing it. I wouldn't make it accusatory, as many children around that age tend to bend the truth now and then (he may hear this from a friend and doesn't want to not be allowed to play with them). Just tell her how you feel and that this behavior is not acceptable from anyone in your home.

Jessica said...

Not appropriate! She should not name call for any reason! It's a terrible habit and disturbing from a nanny. Kids are little sponges. They shouldn't be exposed to that. Mocking is never nice! And this is coming from a very sarcastic nanny. Tell her it isn't ok.

this_nick said...

Tell her to knock it off.

RBTC said...

agree with the above posters, name calling is not appropriate ever, you can help her learn what's right

Anonymous said...

Omg. Give nanny a raise for putting up with such a tight ass boss.

Unknown said...

No! I would never name call my charges.