
Barnes & Noble in Danbury, CT

Where: Danbury Square Barnes & Noble
When: 5/28/15
Description of Nanny: Dark complected AA Nanny, slim, with model bone structure, long, cocoa and blonde colored straight hair (to waist), white jeans, gold tank top, white sandals, white button up thingy over tanktop.
Description of child: White, olive complected girl approcimately 2. In a pink and red plaid sundress with shoulder shrug on it. Wearing white sandals with cherry print.
Incident: Encountered nanny in bookstore. Child was not in stroller. Child was bothering nanny and asking to be picked up. Nanny kept saying, "LET ME, Just let me" and she was looking for something. I paid no mind. Later I come around the corner and the girl has run off, the nanny is holding her hands together roughly, as I saw it and in a low voice threatening her, "Get your ass by my side and stay and we'll leave in one minute and go home and play in the water. Or keep this up and we'll go home and I'll beat that butt". She had just finished spitting out those words and looked up and smiled at me and said, "we're playing". I said, "Doesn't sound like playing" and walked away. She knew she was wrong. She left immediately.


Anonymous said...

I think what bothers me most about these bad nanny sightings is that the author actually has no way of knowing (most of the time) if this actually a nanny or if its a bi-racial family or a mother with an adopted child of a different race. My own mother is as white as freshly fallen snow and I'm half white, half Indian (although I look Hispanic) and people used to give her the rudest looks when she went out with me. Stop assuming.

this_nick said...

That's what bothers you most? Not the mistreatment of the child?

Anonymous said...

This is kind of terrifying.

Anonymous said...

this_nick - I actually was addressing the bad nanny sightings in general, which I pretty clearly stated. But feel free to continue pick and bitch all you want

this_nick said...

It isn't better that what bothers you most about the sightings in general isn't the mistreatment of children. I wasn't asking you just to "pick and bitch," but to give you a chance to clarify, as I was mystified you could be saying the question of whether it's assumed a parent is the nanny is more bothersome than if a child is being mistreated. I'm not sorry that leaves me incredulous.

this_nick said...

I do get what you're saying about it being annoying when people make assumptions, but my larger point here is whether the child's ill treatment is at the hands of a nanny doesn't make a difference. People share it here because it *may* be a nanny and there's the chance the parent could see it here and take action.

The annoyance you sensed it my first comment was because I felt yours was feeding into this societal idea that if it's the parent behaving like this, it's ok (since you seemed to be focused more on whether the adult is these kinds of posts could be the parent.) In my mind, who cares? If it's posted here there's a chance it's not and the situation can be remedied.