
ISYN Nanny Salaries Across America, #3

Los Angeles, CA
On salary: 47,500 year (just received 5% raise as of today's pay)
Taxes: Yes
Method of payment: $1444.50 (net) direct deposit into bank account every 2 weeks
45-50 Hours per Week
Paid time off multiple times per year when they travel without me or have family visiting.
Two weeks paid vacation and paid federal holidays.
Ten paid sick days per year
Reimbursement for any expenditures (I keep receipts and a record of expenses and log miles driven in my car)Bonuses and thoughtful gifts for Christmas, birthday and Valentine's Day
Length of time at current position: 6 years

Larchmont, NY
Today's pay: 625
On the books or off: Off
Method of payment: personal check
Disposition of payment: left in my cubby in the mudroom
Salary Adjustment: No paid time off, except for three weeks in August. Any other sick time is docked from my pay at $105 per day. I get Christmas, 4th of July, New Year's Day, and Thanksgiving off. I sometimes get a half day on Christmas eve.
Length of time at current position: 14 months
Nanny experience: 10 years

Today's pay: $1325 ($1800 gross) ($46,800 salary - live out, one child 21 months, M-Th 7-7)
Pay period: 2 weeks
Method of payment: Check
Taxes on the books or off: On the books
Disposition of payment: Personal check handed to me at end of day
Adjustments to pay: Employer pays taxes; was originally at $1250 bi-weekly off the books and after a year had asked to go on the books in lieu of a raise (fully expecting the pay cut). Not only did they put me on the books but they pay my taxes in addition to a net raise which brought me up to $1325 take home.
Length of time at current position: Year and a half
Years of nanny experience: Six


NannyinLA said...

Los Angeles Nanny net biweekly pay is actually $1360 (The $1444 number was an error.)

NannyinLA said...

Also, length of time is 1 year not 6...not sure where the 6 years came from.