Although ISYN was originally intended for Parents it has also become a place for Nannies to commiserate. If you are coming in from CL or Google, welcome aboard! Please feel free to send any Questions you may have to ISYN by clicking on one of the links below:
* emailed to
* Left as an ANONYMOUS comment to this post
* Left as an ANONYMOUS comment here
* (Your identity will be respected and withheld)
* Physical description of nanny/caregiver
* Physical description of involved child/children
* Address or venue of observed incident
* Date and time of incident
* Description of what you witnessed
* Description of vehicle, bag, or stroller that may aid in identifying caregiver
* There is ZERO TOLERANCE for personal attacks or flaming.
* You may also send in Questions, Nanny/Employer Horror Stories, Rants/Raves, A Day in the Life, and CL-WTF... but please include the ad in your e-mail as they may be removed by the time I get to them!
* For Submissions that are TIME SENSITIVE, please let me know in the SUBJECT LINE of your e-mail.
* ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED! Please pick a Moniker! (a letter, number, anything!)
The only reason an open thread was allowed was because I so desperately wanted all of the others left alone!
It discourages OP's from sending in Submissions when the threads are clogged with so much garbage.
For those that have been giving me support, thank you... I appreciate it more than you know.
I am so so sorry that you are having to deal with all of the "issues" re: the comments on your blog.
Just wanted to tell you that there are a great number of us that love your blog, and are fully behind you and what you feel you need to do to keep it running. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all the drama.
If there is ever anything I can do to help you... Just let me know, happy to help in any way.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this drama. It's ridiculous and sad that a group of adults can't seem to respect your time and efforts that you put into helping nannies, parents, and most of all, children.
MPP, how sad some of these people can't respect your blog. I know you tried everything you could. Maybe keeping it moderated will allow your blog to serve it's purpose best, for the children. Good luck to you, sweetie!
I'm sorry about you having to moderate. :(
So sorry you had to go through this. There's still many here who respect and support you!
I think the moderation will be a good thing. but i'm still sorry it's gotten to this point.
i agree, it's not easy being a hero! this blog saves lives ! Any sighter , OP is a hero - never mind the bad stuff!
have another thought - i researched this after some of the flaming i went thru here as an OP and as a poster and if you reseach "flaming" re: the net you will see that there are entire websites devoted to flaming, it's somehow a human need to vent and it is related to anger management - the high that comes with anger.
the weird part i have been trying to understand is why some groups/individuals come to a peaceful or helpful place and then - let loose with all this stuff
i have seen it on many groups/blogs and every admin has their own way of scotching it - or not
and always there is the dichotomy between - not moderating or moderating - letting the negative element dominate for periods vs free in real time dialogue between those who care about their fellow man ( and kids )
MPP - i, as so many are sorry you are going thru this - it's weird -- but - many of us are behind you - thank you !
The peace and quiet around here has been super nice, MPP. Hope you and your son are doing well!
I've been here since last night and can't tear my eyes away LOL I love this site! What a great place to get information on nannying, thankyou!
Welcome New Nanny and any other newbs! Love having new people join us!
I have been lurking, came in during this recent period of high drama. I love reading back in the blog, and the new peacefulness. Thanks!
I have received your Questions/Comments and will be Posting them today.
Thank you!
This site is fun.
I like the site this way better.
I heard about isyn on FM107 and then saw it on craigslist a few days ago. I love what you're doing here, keep up the great work!
She drops the baby, but never the phone? Her priorities sure are screwed up!
wow this picture is crazy!!! Liz I was thinking the same. What the heck her call is more important that the poor baby falling out. Accidents happen but its how you react to it as well. Also, looks like the child wasn't even strapped in. If that was my child, she would be fired. Sorry, you don't buckle the child in, then you can't even let go of your phone.
Is that a real baby? I thought it was at first, but now I'm not certain
I saw this on another news site and sadly its real. They really tore this woman up for not letting go of that phone to help the baby.
Dana can you tell us what the other site is?
Baby's mom, not nanny.
I saw this on another site also. In my opinion, it actually makes it worse that its the mom, you'd think her child would mean the world to her and she'd do anything in her power to be careful and protective.
Poor baby. I hope he is ok.
wow, that's bob geldof's daughter!
after she hit the pothole she ranted to the london mayor!
she seems to be a good mom - just young !
I have several new posts that will be going up later this morning.
Thank you for your patience!
I still have more to post! I will try to get the rest up by tonight or early tomorrow morning... thank you!!
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