Hi there, I have just moved from London to New York and now need to find a job. A nanny job (in case that wasn't obvious posting on a website all about nannies). I live in Manhattan so would like to work in Manhattan too. Please could you tell me the best way to find a job/best agencies to go to in Manhattan? I am 28. Studied Psychology and communications at university and have 6 years childcare experience. Looking for a live out position for a professional/formal family. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Kinds Regards, Nicole
I find it interesting that you wish to work in a formal home. How come? I was raised in a formal home.
No advice on New York, but what is the nanny market like in London? I've been toying with the idea of moving there.
Check out greenhousestaffing.com
They are in NY. Denise one of the placement counselors seems to always have it together. Maybe, she can help you. They seem to have really good jobs
Hi Nicole, welcome to New York.
I advise you to register with a couple of agencies. Get your resume up to date, certification in infant/child CPR (offered by the Red Cross) and letters of recommendation.
I haven't used an agency for several years, but I had a good experience with The Professional Nannies Institute. www.profnannies.com
Others that have been established for some years and have good reputations are;
The Fox Agency
The Frances Stewart Agency www.francesstewartagency.com
With your background you should be able to find a good placement. Good Luck!
I second the agency that Manhattan Nanny suggested but I would also like to add that Care.com posts hundreds of jobs a day in NYC. Some are great and some are not. I have landed numerous jobs in the NYC area through Care.com though, and they have all been fairly awesome. I am registered with an agency, but I do like to keep my Care.com account in my back pocket so to speak just in case a perfect job happens along the way.
Good luck to you in NY! I'll be moving away soon, but it is a great place!
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