QUESTION A: Just started reading the blog and I'm looking for advice on strollers and cars for our nanny. I have shared a wonderful nanny for nearly 2 years. She does a great job caring for my son and my friend's daughter that are both 18 months old and 15 months old. In January when we return to work she will also be caring for my son and my friends son who will be 3 months old at the time. I'm looking for suggestions on a 4 passenger stroller as well as an SUV or minivan that will hold 4 carseats. - Anonymous
QUESTION B: This is a question for both myself and my MB. What's your favorite lightweight easy fold stroller, needed for twins, and needs to fit in the back of Honda CRV? - Anonymous
I guess this isn't really an answer ton your question but four little ones who all still need to be in a stroller in my opinion is a lot for one nanny by handle? Maybe you should do a few test days with her having all four and see how she does. I have been a nanny for over ten years and I think I would be very overwhelmed with four all under two. Hope she is getting paid really well
No clue on a four-passenger stroller, but are there a lot of options? I can't imagine she's going to be able to go many places until spring, at which point at least one of the toddlers should (hopefully) be able to walk. At that point, I would wear one of the babies and put the other baby and non-walking toddler in a double stroller. (I'm envisioning very limited and contained outings until the toddlers are fairly reliable and responsible walkers. At that point, I would put the infants in the stroller and bring a carrier in case a toddler needed to ride.) Another option could be an add-on seat to a double stroller (to make it a triple) and a baby carrier. Honestly, I would probably be most inclined to look for a "grandma" or student sort to work as a nanny's helper for a couple of hours per week. The helper could assist with outings and they could use two double strollers or have someone stay home with one or both infants.
I think a vehicle with a bench for the third row and two captain's chairs in the second is your best bet. If possible, get the keyless entry that allows nanny to open the side door of the van with the push of a button. Honda Odyssey is one example, but I am sure that there are others. I don't love that van, but it meets your criteria.
Maclaren makes my favorite lightweight, easy-fold double strollers (e.g., twin triumph) and they fit in the back of my compact car.
4 babies on an outing requires two adults, absolutely.
A 4 passenger stroller?! Oh girl, I have no advice but God bless you! Haha
I wouldn't leave 4 under-18-month-olds with one adult, even the most amazing nanny.
A Honda crv is like ginormous sized in the trunk. There is a built in picnic table in it for goodness sakes, everything fits in mine :)
But a BOB is my favorite stroller. Jog stroller that folds like normal :)
Future nurse
I don't think 4 babies is necessarily too much for the right nanny. I have always taken care of multiples and feel I am actually a better nanny when I care for more than one child. Obviously the nanny will only go on outings to very child/baby friendly areas and will have to be able to think on their feet. As the children get older and become mobile it's actually easier to be out somewhere playing so they aren't climbing the walls and getting hurt at home.
But she isn't talking more just more than one child....she is talking about four babies, two of which will soon be walking and two that will be completely immobile. Unless you keep them strapped in the stroller the entire time it's gonna get crazy. What If one of the walkers goes off somewhere? You can't hold the hands of two children and push a double stroller. Sure many people watch families with multiple children but those are most likely spread out in age groups and including younger and older children. If the op thinks her nanny is capable then fine but to me I see a very stressed and overwhelmed nanny in the future. This nanny better be making upwards of 40 bucks an hour.
There are not many quadruplet stroller options and most of them are expensive. I would recommend looking on Craigslist to see if you can find a used one. I've personally used both the Insignia and Runabout. Both have pros and cons.
I've also hear fairly good things about the Foundations Quad Stroller. It folds down too so may be your best bet.
I have always cared for multiples, as in twins, toddlers, quadruplets. Multiple children of the same age. It is possible to go on outings safely and not have the kids stuck in the stroller the whole time. We just go to play areas that are gated in or only have one way out and I am absolutely "on" the whole time. You can't daydream, text on your phone, take your eyes off of them for one minute but then again any good nanny is going to be fully engaged anyway.
I think the brand of stroller I currently use is Foundations. I don't really have any complaints about it, but then again I know options are limited for strollers so I just take it as it is.
Regarding Question B -- I am a nanny for 2 toddlers, and we use the Contours Options LT Tandem Stroller. It is really easy to use and my charges love it. You can turn the seats so that they both face you, they both face away from you, one faces you and the other faces away, or they face each other! 9 times out of 10 we use it with the girls facing each other, and they think it's so fun.
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