National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Alexis Carwile (1yo)
Vehicle: 1985 Brown Nissan Station Wagon - Virginia license plate #XNJ9177
The child was abducted by the suspects pictured below (Eric Eugene Black and Jennifer Dawn Carwile) and is believed to be in extreme danger. They may be traveling in the listed vehicle and heading North. If you have information, please contact Halifax County Sheriff's Office: 434-476-3334
Missing child Alexis Rose Carwile:
Age now: 1
Sex: Female
Skin: Black
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 2'6
Weight: 20lbs
Description: Uncombed hair, last seen wearing an orange shirt, blue jean pants, black/white/pink tennis shoes and a pink jacket.
A bit of an update that just came in: Police found Eric and the car, but Jennifer and Alexis weren't with him. Police have said he may have dropped them off in the DC area. Prayers for the safety of this child. <3
Thank you for the update!
I am the above "anon reader"..sorry I forgot to pick a name!
Is Jennifer Alexis's mother?
Were these people family members? Did they know the child?
I hope she is okay.
Sounds like a parent abduction, no?
Thank you to the blog administrator for the public service announcement. I have seen these on here and have always thought that this is a great way to spread the word.
My prayers that this child is found SAFE. ♥
It's so funny these posts have been showing up on here! I view the missing peoples Facebook daily and I think it is awesome that ISYN is posting these online flyers. My heart breaks for anyone whose family is going through one of these tragedies. My cat went missing over the summer and I thought I would lose my mind- I cannot imagine if it were my child (without paws and fur that is). Thanks ISYN :)
Thank you for all of your help, NoVA Nanny... it is greatly appreciated!
Yeah!!! I love to hear happy endings like this. Glad things ended well for both this little girl and her family.
I echo Amy and Beezus, thank you for putting this up, Admin! I'm so glad this baby was found safe. <3
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