On my way to work tonight, MB text'd me to say her and DB had both left for work already and asked me to do the laundry and dishes tonight, no big deal, I usually do a load when I'm there anyways. Well, I get to work this evening (I'm a night nanny) and it was disgusting, there are gnats all over the kitchen and the sink stank of rancid food with dishes piled high on both sides of the sink, in the dishwasher, and on the stove/counters surrounding the sink. There were five loads of laundry on the floor that had to be done, both the washer and dryer were empty, and the play room was a wreck (I made my charges clean that).
I've seen the house really messy before, but one or both of the parents have been off since Sunday morning and it seriously looks like no one has done anything to keep tidy in this house since I left Sunday morning. To top it off, when I got here the kids had a friend over that MB hadn't warned me about being here or asked me if I was ok with watching another kid for an hour (this is like the 3rd time she's done this), and mind you no adults were here for 45 minutes before I arrived. Usually if I do "light" housework MB will pay me $10-$20 extra a night, but I feel like the 5 loads of family laundry, and 3 loads of dishes that I had to do plus the extra kid for an hour, I should write her an invoice or something for more pay. Am I overreacting? This just really aggravated me because little things like this have been happening the last two or so weeks. - N.M.
Yes, you should definitely write them an invoice for more pay and present it to them in a matter-of-fact, unconfrontational, unemotional way. If they balk, re-explain to them what your nanny duties (and limitations) ARE, per your contract or agreement, and state that if they require more service they will pay more. It's as simple as that.
If they don't agree, I would say it's time to begin looking for another job, because it is clear that they view thier needs/your role very differently than you do, and their view isn't likely to change.
This is not overreacting. It sounds like they expect you to be their nanny too, and that is NOT acceptable. I'd go ahead and invoice them for higher than you want, and then when they ask you, feel free to take it to a more reasonable price, and explain how you are NOT doing any of that EVER again.
Do you have a contract? If so, what does it say in terms of housework? I would revert to whatever was written and previously agreed on and nothing more.
On the other hand, if you don't have a contract, then I suggest having a sit-down with the parents about this 'cause its absolutely ridiculous. Hammer down what you will and will not do, write it down, and stick to it.
I think you should ask to be paid a housekeeping rate if that is what you are doing. It sounds like they need more of a housekeeper than an nanny if the kids plus a friend were alone for 45 minutes before you even arrived (if that is what you meant by "no adults were here for 45 mins before I arrived". I would speak to the mom about a change in job description or, if you aren't happy being more of a housekeeper, I'd look for a nanny job with younger kids.
I think submitting an invoice is a (*)(*) brilliant idea.
Uh oh...job creep alert!!
Nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand.
I wouldn't write an invoice..that idea is pretty tacky to me.
Rather have a talk with the parents and let them know that you feel overwhelmed at what they asked you to do and that if you are going to have add'l duties from now on, you all need to re-negotiate a new rate.
This is a huge red flag that this family does not value their nanny and tries to squeeze all they can from her to stretch their almighty dollar. $
First, let me say your employers are completely in the wrong and this speaks poorly of their character too.
But I would find receiving an "invoice" if we had not previously agreed on a rate schedule for additional services, passive-aggressive and presumptuous. I would respond very positively (and with embarrassment at my behavior) if you just approached me honestly and we talked with mutual respect. I would immediately recognize how absurdly I had behaved and apologize verbally and with offers of reimbursement.
I think if you value these people as friends and employers, and believe this behavior is abnormal and not representative of their character, the best approach would be kind, firm honesty and professional requests.
If they are generally poor employers with an approaching expiration date, just get in email or letter either a formal recommendation or a "performance review" where they talk positively about you!
Good Luck.
I don't think this is overreacting at all. That's not "light" housework and if I were you, I would feel taken advantage of, too. Hopefully you can have a discussion with your MB and she'll understand. Let us know how it works out!
I think definitely charge her for the extra work- it's only fair.
Charge her for the extra work! ASAP! Then sit down and write up a contract and a job description and stick to it like glue. Anything that falls outside of your work agreement should be presented as an option for you to earn more money.
Ok so specify light housekeeping as dishes from one meal only excluding pots and pans. And light laundry as 1 load of laudry. Anything else will be considered heavy cleaning and you require an additional x amount of money. Nursing student.
How old are your charges? Just curious since you said there were no adults there for 45 minutes before you arrived.
Thank you all for your input! I haven't been back to work since this all happened since I wasn't scheduled until tomorrow. I plan on talking to her about compensating me extra for everything, explaining what I consider "light" housekeeping, and the fact that I am responsible for an extra child is not okay because if something happens I'm the one that will end up with getting the blame. Plus if you want to live in filth clean it yourself. I also plan on taking a rough outline for a contract with me to have on hand because I do plan on telling her I want to work by contract from this point on.
@adriatic-sea: My charges are 7 & 9 and their friend was 9 as well.
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